
#' Compare epoch waveform setting to a channel data.
#' @param abf an abf object.
#' @param episode the episodes to compare.
#' @param channel the channel to compare, default assumes voltage clamp.
#' @param epoch the epoch to compare.
#' @param dac  the dac channel to evaluate waveform.
#' @param delta allowed max deviation, default compares to median deviation.
#' @param min_win OPTIONAL, minimum interval window size of the result.
#' @return a list of intervals of which pass comparison.
#' @export
CmpWaveform <- function(abf,
                        episode = GetAllEpisodes(abf),
                        channel = GetFirstVoltageChan(abf),
                        epoch = GetMultiStepEpoch(abf, dac),
                        dac = GetWaveformEnabledDAC(abf),
                        delta = NULL, min_win) {

  if (is.character(epoch)) {
    epoch <- GetEpochId(epoch)
  epoch <- FirstElement(epoch)
  channel <- FirstElement(channel)
  dac <- FirstElement(dac)

  CheckArgs(abf, epi = episode, chan = channel, epo = epoch, dac = dac)

  nepi <- nEpi(abf)
  epoch_intv <- GetEpochIntervals(abf)[, , epoch]

  wf <- GetWaveform(abf, dac = dac)
  wf_delta <- abs(wf - abf[,, channel])
  if (is.null(delta)) {
    if (nepi == 1L) {
      mask <- MaskIntv(epoch_intv)
      delta <- stats::median(wf_delta)
    } else {
      delta <- sapply(seq_len(nepi), function(epi) {
        mask <- MaskIntv(epoch_intv[, epi])
        stats::median(wf_delta[mask, epi])
  wf_cmp <- sweep(wf_delta, 2L, delta, "<=", check.margin = FALSE)

  if (nepi == 1L) {
    dim(epoch_intv) <- c(3L, 1L)
    dim(wf_cmp) <- c(length(wf_cmp), 1L)

  ret <- list()
  for (epi in episode) {

    intv <- epoch_intv[, epi]
    mask <- MaskIntv(intv)

    tmp <- LogiToIntv(wf_cmp[mask, epi])
    if (ncol(tmp)) {
      #shift according to position of win
      tmp[1, ] <- tmp[1, ] + intv[1] - 1L
      tmp[2, ] <- tmp[2, ] + intv[1] - 1L
      #filter length
      if (!is.null(min_win)) {
        tmp <- FilterMinIntervalSize(tmp, min_win)

    ret[[epi]] <- tmp


#' FindSamplingInterval finds a stable interval for sampling current and voltage
#' channel of an abf object.
#' @details This function finds a proper sampling interval to perform further
#' calculations in a multi-step TEVC abf object. The waveform epochs should be
#' aligned, i.e. epoch duration incr is 0. The function finds a proper sampling
#' interval by:
#' 1. Calling CmpWaveform() to find stable VOLTAGE channel, thus minimizing SEM
#' along V axis.
#' 2. Performing a binary search on CURRENT channel to find the most stable interval.
#' 3. Applying a time-dependent penalty function to make the algorithm prefer
#' intervals that are closer to the end of the epoch.
#' @param abf an abf object.
#' @param epoch the epoch to search, defaults to first multi-step epoch.
#' @param dac the dac channel to evaluate waveform.
#' @param current_channel channel id for current data, channel id is 1-based.
#' @param voltage_channel channel id for voltage data, channel id is 1-based.
#' @param target_interval_size OPTIONAL, target size in **points** of the sampling interval.
#' Default is 2x lowpass window.
#' @param allowed_voltage_delta OPTIONAL, allowed max deviation of voltage.
#' @param noisy_opt enable optimisation for noisy data by applying a Butterworth
#' lowpass filter to current channel.
#' @param lp_freq frequency of low-pass filter.
#' @param lp_order order of low-pass filter.
#' @return a named vector of 3 numeric: interval start position, end position, length
#' @export
FindSamplingInterval <- function(abf, epoch = NULL, dac = GetWaveformEnabledDAC(abf),
                                 current_channel = GetFirstCurrentChan(abf),
                                 voltage_channel = GetFirstVoltageChan(abf),
                                 target_interval_size = NULL,
                                 allowed_voltage_delta = NULL,
                                 noisy_opt = FALSE, lp_freq = 75, lp_order = 1L) {

  list_mode <- IsAbfList(abf)
  if (list_mode) {
    nabf <- length(abf)
    abf <- AverageAbf(abf)

  dac <- FirstElement(dac)
  if (is.null(epoch)) {
    epoch <- GetMultiStepEpoch(abf, dac = dac)
  } else {
    if (is.character(epoch)) {
      epoch <- GetEpochId(epoch)
  epoch <- FirstElement(epoch)

  CheckArgs(abf, chan = c(current_channel, voltage_channel), epo = epoch, dac = dac)

  if (noisy_opt) {
    abf <- ApplyLowpass(abf, chan = current_channel, freq = lp_freq, order = lp_order)

  epdac <- GetEpdac(abf, dac)
  if (any(epdac$lEpochDurationInc != 0)) {
  if (is.null(allowed_voltage_delta)) {
    v_settings <- epdac$fEpochInitLevel[epoch] +
                  epdac$fEpochLevelInc[epoch] * (seq_len(nEpi(abf)) - 1L)
    allowed_voltage_delta <- min(max(abs(v_settings)) * 0.10,

  lp_interval_size <- FreqToTick(freq = lp_freq, sampling_rate = abf)
  target_interval_size <- max(3L, ifelse(is.null(target_interval_size),
                                                 2L * lp_interval_size,

  episodes <- GetAvailEpisodes(abf)
  episodic_intv <- CmpWaveform(abf, channel = voltage_channel, epoch = epoch, dac = dac,
                               delta = allowed_voltage_delta, min_win = target_interval_size)

  flagged <- unlist(lapply(episodes, function(i) if (!ncol(episodic_intv[[i]])) i))
  if (!is.null(flagged)) {
    episodic_fallback <- CmpWaveform(abf, episode = flagged, channel = voltage_channel, dac = dac,
                                     epoch = epoch, delta = NULL, min_win = target_interval_size)
    for (epi in flagged) {
      episodic_intv[[epi]] <- episodic_fallback[[epi]]
  flagged <- unlist(lapply(episodes, function(i) if (!ncol(episodic_intv[[i]])) i))
  if (!is.null(flagged)) {
    fmt_str <- "In %s, no stable voltage interval found for episode %s."
    warning(sprintf(fmt_str, GetTitle(abf), paste0(flagged, collapse = ", ")))
    intv <- rep(NA, 3)
    if (list_mode) {
      return(rep(list(intv), nabf))
    } else {

  npts <- nPts(abf)
  ovlp <- FilterMinIntervalSize(OverlapEpisodicIntv(episodic_intv, npts),
  if (!ncol(ovlp)) {
    fmt_str <- "In %s, no common stable voltage interval found for all episodes."
    warning(sprintf(fmt_str, GetTitle(abf)))
    intv <- rep(NA, 3)
    if (list_mode) {
      return(rep(list(intv), nabf))
    } else {

  sr <- max(3L, lp_interval_size %/% 10L)
  channel_var <- rowSums(samplend_col(abf[[current_channel]],
                                      ratio = sr,
                                      colFunc = matrixStats::colSds))
  channel_var <- td_penalty(rep(channel_var, each = sr, length.out = npts),
                            MaskIntv(GetEpochIntervals(abf, dac = dac)[, 1L, epoch]))

  best_score <- Inf
  best_intv <- c(0, 0, 0)
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(ovlp))) {
    search_result <- BinSearchIntv(channel_var, ovlp[, i], target_interval_size)
    if (search_result$score < best_score) {
      best_score <- search_result$score
      best_intv <- search_result$intv

  if (list_mode) {
    rep(list(best_intv), nabf)
  } else {

#' @rdname FindSamplingInterval
#' @export
FindAllSamplingInterval <- function(abf_list, ...) {

  CheckArgs(abf_list, allow_list = TRUE)
  if (IsAbfList(abf_list)) {
    lapply(abf_list, FindSamplingInterval, ...)
  } else {
    FindSamplingInterval(abf_list, ...)

#' Find a step episode.
#' This function compares the DAC level of given epoch to previous epoch, and find
#' the episode with smallest step size.
#' @param abf an abf object.
#' @param epoch epoch id.
#' @param dac DAC channel of waveform.
#' @param eps an epsilon to compare fp values.
#' @return an episode id.
#' @export
FindStepEpisode <- function(abf,
                            epoch = FindMemtestEpoch(abf, dac = dac, type = "step"),
                            dac = GetWaveformEnabledDAC(abf), eps = 1e-8) {

  CheckArgs(abf, epo = epoch, dac = dac)

  hold_epi <- step_epi_level(abf, epoch = epoch - 1L, dac = dac)
  step_epi <- step_epi_level(abf, epoch = epoch, dac = dac)

  delta <- abs(step_epi - hold_epi)
  delta[delta < eps] <- max(delta)
  min_delta <- min(delta)

  which((delta - min_delta) < eps)

#' Find a charging interval of given current channel.
#' @details This function finds an interval of an episode that fits charging/discharging
#' behaviour of an RC circuit.
#' Since abf object records descrete data points, FindChargeInterval() may have
#' numeric stability issues in some extreme cases. Increase peak_window and
#' diff_window usually solves them. The default values of peak_window, diff_window
#' are tested and should work most of the time.
#' You can also provide a pre-calculated 1st derivative using argument dy. Please
#' note that dy should only contains points within the epoch instead of a whole
#' sweep.
#' @param abf an abf object.
#' @param epoch epoch to locate the interval.
#' @param dac DAC channel of waveform.
#' @param episode an episode to locate the interval.
#' @param current_channel current channel.
#' @param peak_window a window to locate peak.
#' @param diff_window a window to calculate slope.
#' @param dy 1st derivatives of current channel within the epoch.
#' @return an interval.
#' @export
FindChargeInterval <- function(abf,
                               epoch = FindMemtestEpoch(abf, dac = dac, type = "step"),
                               dac = GetWaveformEnabledDAC(abf),
                               episode = FindStepEpisode(abf, epoch = epoch, dac = dac),
                               current_channel = GetFirstCurrentChan(abf),
                               peak_window = 3L,
                               diff_window = 5L,
                               dy = NULL) {

  if (is.character(epoch)) {
    epoch <- GetEpochId(epoch)
  epoch <- FirstElement(epoch)
  dac <- FirstElement(dac)
  episode <- FirstElement(episode)
  current_channel <- FirstElement(current_channel)

  CheckArgs(abf, epi = episode, chan = current_channel, epo = epoch, dac = dac)

  epo <- GetEpochIntervals(abf, dac = dac)
  intv <- epo[, episode, epoch]
  mask <- MaskIntv(intv)

  peak_window <- as.integer(peak_window)
  stencil <- seq.int(-1, peak_window - 2L)
  coefs <- stencil_coefs(stencil = stencil, order = 1L)
  y <- abf[, episode, current_channel]
  if (is.null(dy)) {
    dy <- sapply(mask, function(idx) {
      stencil_finite_diff(y, idx, stencil = stencil, order = 1, coefs = coefs)

  n <- length(dy)
  idx_start <- NA
  sign <- dy > 0
  for (i in seq_len(n - 1L)) {
    if (xor(sign[i], sign[i + 1L])) {
      idx_start <- i + 1L
  if (is.na(idx_start)) {
    #no sign change
    stop("Monotonic charging interval.")

  #flat interval
  diff_window <- as.integer(diff_window) * peak_window
  dy <- sample1d_col_rolled(x = dy[seq.int(idx_start + diff_window + 1L, n)],
                                ratio = diff_window,
                                colFunc = colMeans)
  n <- length(dy)
  idx_end <- NA
  sign <- dy > 0
  for (i in seq_len(n - 1L)) {
    if (xor(sign[i], sign[i + 1L])) {
      idx_end <- i + 1L
  if (is.na(idx_end)) {
    #no sign change
    stop("Monotonic charging interval.")
  idx_end <- idx_start + diff_window + idx_end

  Intv(startPos = idx_start + intv[1] - 1L,
       endPos = idx_end + intv[1] - 1L)

#' @rdname FindChargeInterval
#' @export
FindDischargeInterval <- FindChargeInterval
Crystal-YWu/abftools documentation built on May 10, 2019, 8:22 a.m.