
# Load Data
# Importing Data in Modern format
#  I started using the MillionBase 2.2 games.
#  I then split the resulting text file into files that could be read into R in manageble peices, 
#  using cygwin's split command, leaving 34 files to read, clean, and compress into a workable R object. 
#  The script below can be used in replication of the cleaning process.

# Load Data
# Importing Data in Modern format. This should read any PGN game, but make sure there are no spaces between periods.
# ie. The first move should read as: 1.e4 e5, not 1. e4 e5

# Begin R Code:

temp_read <- as.vector(read.table(file.choose(), sep = '\n', stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

to_exclude <- c('[Site]', '[Date ??]', '[White ??]', '[Black ??]', '[Round ??]')

for(removed in to_exclude)
{temp_read <- temp_read[temp_read != removed]}


Moves <- vector(mode = "character", length = 2*length(temp_read1))
count = 1
for (i in c(1:length(temp_read1)))
  if (grepl("Event",temp_read1[i]))
  {Moves[count] = paste(temp_read1[i])
   count= count+1}
  {Moves[count] = paste(Moves[count],temp_read1[i])}
  if (grepl("Event",temp_read1[i+1]))
  {count = count+1}

##################### Awkward part
# Find how many moves are in list by hand for now: replace 38014 below by hand searching Moves for the last filled cell,
# And then cut off extra space

# Transform vector to matrix
train_raw <- matrix(Moves, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

#### Clean Data
#### Set N, could be done by hand
## Get Players Elo Scores
 for(i in 1:N){
EloW[i] <-   as.numeric(as.character(sub(".*?[[]WhiteElo (.*?)[]].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2])))
EloB[i] <-   as.numeric(as.character(sub(".*?[[]BlackElo (.*?)[]].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2])))

####################### Get Dates of Games
 for(i in 1:N)
 Date[i]<-as.numeric((substr( sub(".*?Date (.*?). .*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]),1,4)))
for(i in 1:N)

###################### Get Win/Draw/Loss Informations

 for(i in 1:N){
if((( sub(".*?Result (.*?). .*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2])))=="1-0"){
  Win[i]<-1} else{
  if((( sub(".*?Result (.*?). .*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2])))=="1/2-1/2"){
  Win[i]<-2} else{
    if((( sub(".*?Result (.*?). .*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2])))=="0-1"){
  Win[i]<-3} else{

###################### Get Player Name
 for(i in 1:N){
  NameBlack[i]<- sub("\\.", "",sub("\\,", "",gsub("\\s","",sub(".*?[[]Black (.*?)[]].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))))
  NameWhite[i]<- sub("\\.", "",sub("\\,", "",gsub("\\s","",sub(".*?[[]White (.*?)[]].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))))

########################################## Get Matrix of First 5 moves
M<-matrix(NA, ncol=10,nrow=length(Win))
 for(i in 1:N){
M[i,1]<-gsub( " .*$", "", sub(".*?1[.] (.*?) 2[.].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))
M[i,2]<-gsub(".+\\s+", "", sub(".*?1[.] (.*?) 2[.].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))

M[i,3]<-gsub( " .*$", "", sub(".*?2[.] (.*?) 3[.].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))
M[i,4]<-gsub(".+\\s+", "", sub(".*?2[.] (.*?) 3[.].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))

M[i,5]<-gsub( " .*$", "", sub(".*?3[.] (.*?) 4[.].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))
M[i,6]<-gsub(".+\\s+", "", sub(".*?3[.] (.*?) 4[.].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))

M[i,7]<-gsub( " .*$", "", sub(".*?4[.] (.*?) 5[.].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))
M[i,8]<-gsub(".+\\s+", "", sub(".*?4[.] (.*?) 5[.].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))

M[i,9]<-gsub( " .*$", "", sub(".*?5[.] (.*?) 6[.].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))
M[i,10]<-gsub(".+\\s+", "", sub(".*?5[.] (.*?) 6[.].*", "\\1", train_raw[i,2]))
Z<-data.frame(Date,EloW,EloB,NameWhite,NameBlack,Win, M)
Z2[1:100,] # visually check a few cases

########### Set Working Directory and Write the Reorganized Data
# Repeat for each of the split files

# Data is now easier to work with in R, but some things need to be done to clean the data
### Clean second round

# First read all of the processed data files into a fresh R window
R1<-read.csv( "Part1.csv")
R2<-read.csv( "Part2.csv")
R3<-read.csv( "Part3.csv")
R4<-read.csv( "Part4.csv")
R5<-read.csv( "Part5.csv")
R6<-read.csv( "Part6.csv")
R7<-read.csv( "Part7.csv")
R8<-read.csv( "Part8.csv")
R9<-read.csv( "Part9.csv")
R10<-read.csv( "Part10.csv")
R11<-read.csv( "Part11.csv")
R12<-read.csv( "Part12.csv")
R13<-read.csv( "Part13.csv")
R14<-read.csv( "Part14.csv")
R15<-read.csv( "Part15.csv")
R16<-read.csv( "Part16.csv")
R17<-read.csv( "Part17.csv")
R18<-read.csv( "Part18.csv")
R19<-read.csv( "Part19.csv")
R20<-read.csv( "Part20.csv")
R21<-read.csv( "Part21.csv")
R22<-read.csv( "Part22.csv")
R23<-read.csv( "Part23.csv")
R24<-read.csv( "Part24.csv")
R25<-read.csv( "Part25.csv")
R26<-read.csv( "Part26.csv")
R27<-read.csv( "Part27.csv")
R28<-read.csv( "Part28.csv")
R29<-read.csv( "Part29.csv")
R30<-read.csv( "Part30.csv")
R31<-read.csv( "Part31.csv")
R32<-read.csv( "Part32.csv")
R33<-read.csv( "Part33.csv")
R34<-read.csv( "Part34.csv")


############################ Drop Broken Records
# Start with unique(R$X1), and add to the drop-list anything that does make sense
# Similar work should be done for R$X2, and other variables of interest
Drop<- ifelse( R$X1=="" | R$X1==" " |R$X1=="..." | R$X1=="Bh3" | R$X1=="Bh3" | R$X1=="f5" | R$X1=="Nf5" ,1,0)

##### Double check that cleaning is good, and hide old factors that were dropped

#### R now has the data we want!
Ctross/EvoChess documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:53 p.m.