# Small functions to evaluate user input for the main functions and
# return meaningful errors.
# Author: Debora Zuanny & Domingos Cardoso
# Check if the threshold input for megaGen is a numeric value
.arg_check_thld <- function(x) {
# Check classes
class_x <- class(x)
if (!"numeric" %in% class_x) {
stop(paste0("The argument thld should be a numeric value, not '",
class_x, "'."),
call. = FALSE)
# Check if the threshold input for topGen is a numeric value
.arg_check_limit <- function(x) {
# Check classes
class_x <- class(x)
if (!"numeric" %in% class_x) {
stop(paste0("The argument limit should be a integer numeric value, not '",
class_x, "'."),
call. = FALSE)
# Check if the dir input is "character" type and if it has a "/" in the end
.arg_check_dir <- function(x) {
# Check classes
class_x <- class(x)
if (!"character" %in% class_x) {
stop(paste0("The argument dir should be a character, not '", class_x, "'."),
call. = FALSE)
if (grepl("[/]$", x)) {
x <- gsub("[/]$", "", x)
# Check if the previously search CSV file is within the correct subfolder so as
# to do a renun search
.arg_check_run <- function(dir, filename, rerun) {
csv_file <- paste0(paste0(dir, "/", format(Sys.time(), "%d%b%Y")),
"/", filename, ".csv")
if (rerun == FALSE) {
if (file.exists(csv_file)) {
stop(paste0("by setting 'rerun = FALSE', you have selected a completely
new search mode to run. However, it appears that a CSV file
with the same name as your current filename has been detected
in the results folder, from a previous search. Please ensure
that the filename argument is different from the CSV
filename from previous search:\n
(i) rename the CSV filename from previous search;\n
(ii) or move the previously saved CSV file from outside the
subfolder named by the today date '",
format(Sys.time(), "%d%b%Y"), "'."),
call. = FALSE)
# Check if the previously search CSV file is within the correct subfolder so as
# to do the renun search
.arg_check_rerun <- function(dir, filename, rerun) {
csv_file <- paste0(paste0(dir, "/", format(Sys.time(), "%d%b%Y")),
"/", filename, ".csv")
if (rerun) {
if (!file.exists(csv_file)) {
stop(paste0("By setting 'rerun = TRUE', you have selected a rerun search
mode. However, the CSV file saved during the previous search
was not found in the results folder. Please ensure that:\n
(i) the filename argument is exactly as the CSV filename from
previous search;\n
(ii) the previously saved CSV file is within a subfolder
named after the today date '",
format(Sys.time(), "%d%b%Y"), "'. If it is not, please rename
the date subfolder accordingly\n
(iii) or set 'rerun = FALSE' for a new run from beginning."),
call. = FALSE)
# Function to check if the input data for powoMap is a dataframe-formatted
# object generated from powoSpecies.
.arg_check_data_map <- function (inputdf, distcol) {
# Change column names if the input dataframe is different from powoSpecies
tf <- is.null(which(grepl(",\\s", inputdf[[distcol]]) == TRUE))
if (any(tf)) {
stop("Make sure the input data has each species as a single row with
its corresponding full distribution in all countries and/or
botanical regions within a single cell of their respective
columns, where the country names or botanical regions are
separated by a comma.")
# Identify the column with the species scientific binomial and rename it to
# "taxon_name".
temp <- lapply(inputdf[1, ],
function(x) grepl("^[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+\\s[[:lower:]]+$|
tf <- unlist(temp)[which(unlist(temp) == TRUE)]
if (any(tf)) {
if(!any(names(tf) %in% "taxon_name")) {
tf <- names(inputdf) %in% names(tf)[1]
names(inputdf)[tf] <- "taxon_name"
# Clean the authorship if they are present within the species binomials
inputdf[[names(inputdf)[tf]]] <- sub("^(\\w+\\s+\\w+).*", "\\1",
} else {
stop("Make sure the input data has the column with species names as
a binomial, i.e. containing both the genus name and specific
epithet. Having or not the taxon authorship within the same
column of species binomials is NOT an issue.")
# Function to check if the format argument for powoMap is any of jpg, pdf, tiff,
# or png
.arg_check_format <- function (format) {
format_supported <- c("jpg", "jpeg", "pdf", "tif", "tiff", "png")
format_supported <- append(format_supported, toupper(format_supported))
tf <- format %in% format_supported
if(any(!tf)) {
stop(paste0("Make sure the format argument has any of the following
format names:\n\n",
paste0(format_supported, collapse = ", ")))
# Function to check if any family name provided is a synonym and does not
# have data available.
.arg_check_family <- function (family) {
rep_str = c("Compositae" = "Asteraceae", "Palmae" = "Arecaceae",
"Leguminosae" = "Fabaceae", "Guttiferae" = "Clusiaceae",
"Cruciferae" = "Brassicaceae", "Umbelliferae" = "Apiaceae",
"Labiatae" = "Lamiaceae", "Graminae" = "Poaceae",
"Capparidaceae" = "Capparaceae", "Avicenniaceae"= "Acanthaceae",
"Ficoidaceae" = "Aizoaceae", "Mesembryanthemaceae" = "Aizoaceae",
"Tetragoniaceae" = "Aizoaceae",
"Limnocharitaceae" = "Alismataceae",
"Chenopodiaceae" = "Amaranthaceae",
"Alliaceae" = "Amaryllidaceae", "Asclepiadaceae" = "Apocynaceae",
"Periplocaceae" = "Apocynaceae", "Lemnaceae" = "Araceae",
"Hydnoraceae" = "Aristolochiaceae",
"Lactoridaceae" = "Aristolochiaceae",
"Agavaceae" = "Asparagaceae", "Dracaenaceae" = "Asparagaceae",
"Eriospermaceae" = "Asparagaceae",
"Hyacinthaceae" = "Asparagaceae", "Aloaceae" = "Asphodelaceae",
"Hemerocallidaceae" = "Asphodelaceae",
"Xanthorrhoeaceae" = "Asphodelaceae",
"Cochlospermaceae" = "Bixaceae",
"Hoplestigmataceae" = "Boraginaceae",
"Hydrophyllaceae" = "Boraginaceae",
"Haptanthaceae" = "Buxaceae", "Lobeliaceae" = "Campanulaceae",
"Dipsacaceae" = "Caprifoliaceae",
"Valerianaceae" = "Caprifoliaceae",
"Illecebraceae" = "Caryophyllaceae",
"Brexiaceae" = "Celastraceae", "Hippocrateaceae" = "Celastraceae",
"Malesherbiaceae" = "Celastraceae",
"Parnassiaceae" = "Celastraceae",
"Cuscutaceae" = "Convolvulaceae", "Alangiaceae" = "Cornaceae",
"Chailletiaceae" = "Dichapetalaceae",
"Taccaceae" = "Dioscoreaceae", "Mimosaceae" = "Fabaceae",
"Melianthaceae" = "Francoaceae", "Vivianiaceae" = "Francoaceae",
"Najadaceae" = "Hydrocharitaceae",
"Pterostemonaceae" = "Iteaceae",
"Barringtoniaceae" = "Lecythidaceae",
"Scytopetalaceae" = "Lecythidaceae",
"Sonneratiaceae" = "Lythraceae", "Trapaceae" = "Lythraceae",
"Bombacaceae" = "Malvaceae", "Byttneriaceae" = "Malvaceae",
"Sterculiaceae" = "Malvaceae", "Tiliaceae" = "Malvaceae",
"Heteropyxidaceae" = "Myrtaceae",
"Octoknemataceae" = "Olacaceae",
"Cyclocheilaceae" = "Orobanchaceae",
"Nesogenaceae" = "Orobanchaceae", "Fumariaceae" = "Papaveraceae",
"Turneraceae" = "Passifloraceae", "Oliniaceae" = "Penaeaceae",
"Medusandraceae" = "Peridiscaceae",
"Hymenocardiaceae" = "Phyllanthaceae",
"Callitrichaceae" = "Plantaginaceae",
"Zannichelliaceae" = "Potamogetonaceae",
"Myrsinaceae" = "Primulaceae",
"Theophrastaceae" = "Primulaceae",
"Anarthriaceae" = "Restionaceae",
"Centrolepidaceae" = "Restionaceae",
"Rhipogonaceae" = "Ripogonaceae",
"Ptaeroxylaceae" = "Rutaceae",
"Flacourtiaceae" = "Salicaceae",
"Samydaceae" = "Salicaceae", "Viscaceae" = "Santalaceae",
"Illiciaceae" = "Schisandraceae",
"Pellicieraceae" = "Tetrameristaceae",
"Cecropiaceae" = "Urticaceae",
"Adoxaceae" = "Viburnaceae", "Ampelidaceae" = "Vitaceae",
"Leeaceae" = "Vitaceae", "Balanitaceae" = "Zygophyllaceae")
tf <- family %in% names(rep_str)
if(any(tf)) {
for (i in seq_along(family[tf])) {
family[tf][i] <- rep_str[names(rep_str) %in% family[tf][i]]}
# Function to check if the input data for accGraph is a dataframe-formatted
# object generated from powoSpecies.
.arg_check_inputdf <- function(inputdf) {
expected_columns <- c("family", "genus", "species", "taxon_name",
"authors", "scientific_name", "status",
"accepted_name", "publication", "native_to_country",
"introduced_to_botanical_countries", "kew_id",
if (is.data.frame(inputdf)) {
if (identical(colnames(inputdf), expected_columns)) {
cat("Column names match the expected sequence.\n")
} else {
cat("Did you use powoSpecies function to create this input dataframe?
Because the column names do not match the expected sequence.\n")
} else {
cat("Input is not a dataframe.\n")
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