
Defines functions catch_curve

#' Run catch curve
#' @param LengthDat numbers at age data
#' @param CatchCurveWeight weight assigned to MPA based catch curve for natural mortaliry
#' @param WeightedRegression 1 or 0 to use weighted regression
#' @param ReserveYr year MPA goes in place
#' @param OutsideBoundYr year of management change outside
#' @param ManualM manually supplied natural mortality
#' @param GroupMPA 1 or 0 to aggregate MPAs
#' @param Iterations number of iterations to run
#' @param BootStrap 1 or 0 to run boostrapping
#' @param LifeError 1 or 0 to run life history error
#' @param HistInterval binwidth of age histograms
#' @return
#' @export
catch_curve <- function(LengthDat,
                        CatchCurveWeight = 0,
                        WeightedRegression = 0,
                        ReserveYr = NA
                        OutsideBoundYr = NA,
                        ManualM = 0.2,
                        GroupMPA = F,
                        Iterations = 1,
                        BootStrap = 0,
                        LifeError = 1,
                        HistInterval = 20,
                        MinSampleSize = 200)
  SampleSize <- NA

  #### Process Data ####

  FindPeaks <- function(Freqs, Fish, PeakTol = 0.001)
    MaxPeak <- max(Freqs)

    TopThree <- sort(Freqs, decreasing = T)[1:3]

    DeltaMax <- (MaxPeak - TopThree) / MaxPeak

    Peaks <- TopThree[DeltaMax < PeakTol]

    ReverseFrequency <-   (Freqs)

    Peak <- ReverseFrequency[which(ReverseFrequency %in% Peaks)[1]]

    WherePeak <- which(Freqs == Peak)[1]

  if (GroupMPA == T) {
    LengthDat$MPA <- 0

  CCWeight <- CatchCurveWeight

  SampleSizeSummary <- LengthDat %>%
    group_by(year) %>%
    summarize(SampleSize = sum(total_numbers))

  SufficientSamples <- SampleSizeSummary$SampleSize > MinSampleSize

  if (sum(SufficientSamples) == 0)
    stop('No years have enough length data to run')

  AvailableYears <- SampleSizeSummary$year[SufficientSamples]

  WhereAvailableYears <- LengthDat$year %in% AvailableYears

  LengthDat <- LengthDat[WhereAvailableYears, ]

  Years <- sort(unique(LengthDat$year))

  MCOutput <-
    as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(Years) * Iterations, ncol = 7))

  colnames(MCOutput) <-

  MCDetails <-
    as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(Years) * Iterations, ncol = 6))

  colnames(MCDetails) <-

  Output <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(Years), ncol = 9))

  colnames(Output) <-

  Details <-
    as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(Years) * Iterations, ncol = 9))

  colnames(Details) <-

  BaseFish <- Fish

  c <- 0

  LengthDat$MPA <- 0

  it_results <- list()

  for (i in 1:Iterations)
    #Loop over Monte Carlo run
    if (i > 1 & LifeError == 1)
      #Apply life history errors
      Fish <- BaseFish

      Fish <- ApplyLifeHistoryError(Fish)

    if (sum(LengthDat$MPA) > 0)
      AllAgeHist <-
        pmax(.01, AgeAtLength(subset(LengthDat, MPA == 1)$Length, Fish, Fish$AgeSD)) #Calculate age at length

      AgeHist <- hist(AllAgeHist, plot = F)

      MaxSelectedAge <- max(AgeHist$counts)[1]
      FullySelectedAge <-
        ceiling(AgeHist$mids[AgeHist$counts == MaxSelectedAge])


    if (sum(LengthDat$MPA) == 0)
      LengthDat$age <-
            VBErrorSlope = .1,
            Linf = Fish$Linf,
            vbk = Fish$vbk,
            t0 = Fish$t0,
            Error = 0
      AgeHist <- LengthDat %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        group_by(year, age) %>%
        summarise(counts = round(sum(total_numbers, na.rm = T))) %>%
        mutate(log_counts = log(counts))

      MaxSelectedAge <- which.max(AgeHist$counts)[1]

      FullySelectedAge <- floor(AgeHist$age[MaxSelectedAge])


    reg_results <- list()
    for (y in 1:length(Years))
      #Loop over years
      Flag <- 'None'

      TempAgeHist <- AgeHist[AgeHist$year == Years[y], ] %>%
        filter(counts > 0)
      c <- c + 1

      if (i > 1 &
          BootStrap == 1)
        #Resample length data inside and outside of MPAs
        FishedDat <- TempAgeHist[TempAgeHist$MPA == 0, ]

        NumPoints <- 1:dim(FishedDat)[1]

        BootSample <- sample(NumPoints, length(NumPoints), replace = T)

        TempFishedDat <- FishedDat[BootSample, ]

        MPADat <- TempAgeHist[TempAgeHist$MPA == 1, ]

        NumPoints <- 1:dim(MPADat)[1]

        BootSample <- sample(NumPoints, length(NumPoints), replace = T)

        TempMPADat <- MPADat[BootSample, ]

        TempAgeDat <- rbind(TempFishedDat, TempMPADat)


      TotalPeak <- which.max(TempAgeHist$counts)[1]
      AgeDistFished <- TempAgeHist
      AgeDistFished$MPA <- 'Fished Area'
      FishedPeak <- FindPeaks(AgeDistFished$counts, Fish)
      FishedAllObserved <- (which(AgeDistFished$counts > 0))

      if (length(FishedAllObserved) > 1)
        # & is.na(AgeDistFished$LogFrequency[FishedPeak])==F) #If you've got any real histogram to work with

        if (ManualM == 1)
          #| sum(TempLengthDat$MPA,na.rm=T)==0 | (is.na(ReserveYr)==F & (Years[y]-ReserveYr)<2)) #Use lit or LHI based M if set that way, if there is no MPA, or if the MPA is less than 2 years old
          MortalityWeight <- c(1, 1)

          MortalityWeight <- MortalityWeight / sum(MortalityWeight)

          NaturalMortality <-  sum(MortalityWeight *
                                     c((Fish$MvK * Fish$vbk), (4.899 * Fish$MaxAge ^
                                                                 -.916)), na.rm = T) / sum(MortalityWeight)
          Flag <-
            'No MPA based M possible - derived from LHI and Lit'

        FishedLastObserved <-
          FishedAllObserved[length(FishedAllObserved) - 1]

        if (WeightedRegression == 1)
          FishedLastObserved <-  FishedLastObserved + 1


        if (is.na(OutsideBoundYr) == F &
            Years[y] > OutsideBoundYr)
          # Allows bounding if there was a selectivity intervention outside the MPA
          BoundedLastObserved <- FishedPeak + (Years[y] - OutsideBoundYr)

          if (BoundedLastObserved < FishedLastObserved)
            FishedLastObserved <- BoundedLastObserved

        FishedNumPoints <- length(FishedPeak:FishedLastObserved)

        if (FishedPeak == FishedLastObserved &
            length(FishedAllObserved) != 1)
          Flag <-
            'Catch Curve cannot run, no righthand side of age distribution'

        if (length(FishedAllObserved) == 1)
          Flag <- 'Catch Curve cannot run - Only 1 Age group observed'

        if (FishedPeak < FishedLastObserved)
          FishedNumPoints <- length(FishedPeak:FishedLastObserved)

          FishedCatchCurve <-
            lm(AgeDistFished$log_counts[FishedPeak:FishedLastObserved] ~ AgeDistFished$age [FishedPeak:FishedLastObserved],
               na.action = na.exclude)#Fit catch curve between peak and final point

          PredictedFishedValues <- predict(FishedCatchCurve)

          if (WeightedRegression == 1)
            RegWeights <-
              pmax(0, PredictedFishedValues) / sum(pmax(0, PredictedFishedValues))

            FishedCatchCurve <-
                AgeDistFished$log_counts[FishedPeak:FishedLastObserved] ~ AgeDistFished$age [FishedPeak:FishedLastObserved],
                na.action = 'na.omit',
                weights = RegWeights
              )#Fit catch curve between peak and final point
          predicted_log_count <- predict(FishedCatchCurve)
          PredictedFishedValues <-
            data_frame(age = AgeDistFished$age [FishedPeak:FishedLastObserved],
                       predicted_log_count = predicted_log_count)

          CatchCurveTotalMortality <-

          reg_results[[y]] <-
              year = Years[y],
              age = AgeDistFished$age,
              log_counts = AgeDistFished$log_counts
            ) %>%
            left_join(PredictedFishedValues, by = 'age') %>%
            mutate(z = CatchCurveTotalMortality,
                   f =  CatchCurveTotalMortality - NaturalMortality,
                   m = NaturalMortality)
          CatchCurveTotalMortality <- NA

        TotalMortality <- CatchCurveTotalMortality

        FishingMortality <- TotalMortality - NaturalMortality

        if (FishingMortality < 0 & is.na(FishingMortality) == F)
          Flag <- 'Catch-Curve not working-Negative Fishing Mortality'

        AgeDist <- rbind(AgeDistFished)

        MCOutput$Iteration[c] <- i
        MCOutput$Year[c] <- Years[y]
        MCOutput$Method[c] <- 'CatchCurve'
        MCOutput$Metric[c] <- 'FvM'
        MCOutput$Flag[c] <- Flag
        MCOutput$SampleSize[c] <- SampleSize[y]
        MCDetails$Iteration[c] <- i
        MCDetails$Year[c] <- Years[y]
        MCDetails$TotalMortality[c] <- TotalMortality
        MCDetails$FishingMortality[c] <- FishingMortality
        MCDetails$NaturalMortality[c] <- NaturalMortality
        MCDetails$SampleSize[c] <-  sum(AgeDist$counts, na.rm = T)
      MCOutput$Iteration[c] <- i

      #Close Minimum Sample Size Loop
    } #Close Years loop

    it_results[[i]] <- bind_rows(reg_results)

    # it_results[[i]] <- ldply(reg_results)

  } #Close monte carlo loop
  if (sum(is.na(MCDetails$Iteration) == F) > 0)
    MCDetails$WeightedYear <-
      Fish$Alpha * (((
        MCDetails$Year - min(MCDetails$Year, na.rm = T)
      ) + 1) / length(unique(MCDetails$Year)))

    MCDetails$WeightedSample <-
      (1 - Fish$Alpha) * MCDetails$SampleSize / max(MCDetails$SampleSize, na.rm =

    MeanNaturalMort <- MCDetails %>%
      group_by(Iteration) %>%
        MeanNaturalMort = sum(NaturalMortality * (WeightedYear + WeightedSample), na.rm =
                                T) / sum(WeightedYear + WeightedSample, na.rm = T)

    MCDetails <- left_join(MCDetails, MeanNaturalMort, by = 'Iteration')

    MCDetails$FishingMortality <-
      MCDetails$TotalMortality - MCDetails$MeanNaturalMort

    MCDetails$FvM <-
      MCDetails$FishingMortality / MCDetails$MeanNaturalMort

    MCOutput$Value <- MCDetails$FvM

    MCOutput$Flag[MCOutput$Flag == 'Catch-Curve not working-Negative Fishing Mortality'] <-

    MCOutput$Flag[MCOutput$Value < 0] <-
      'warning-MPA slope steeper than fished slope'


  ##### Proces Monte Carlo Data #######

  TrueIteration <- MCOutput$Iteration == 1

  TrueOutput <- MCOutput[TrueIteration, ]

  TrueDetails <- MCDetails[TrueIteration, ]

  MCOutput <- MCOutput[TrueIteration == F, ]

  Output$Year <- Years

  Output$Method <- 'CatchCurve'

  Output$Value <- TrueOutput$Value

  Output$LowerCI <- NA

  Output$UpperCI <- NA

  Output$SD <- NA

  Output$Metric <- 'FvM'

  Output$Flag <- TrueOutput$Flag

  Output$SampleSize <- SampleSize

  if (Iterations > 1)
    for (y in 1:length(Years))
      Where <- MCOutput$Year == Years[y]

      Temp <- MCOutput[Where, ]

      if (sum(Temp$Value, na.rm = T) > 0)
        TempValue <- sort(as.numeric(Temp$Value))

        Bottom <- ceiling(.025 * length(TempValue))

        Top <- ceiling(.975 * length(TempValue))

        MeanMetric <- mean(as.numeric(Temp$Value), na.rm = T)

        LowerCI <- TempValue[Bottom]

        UpperCI <- TempValue[Top]

        SD <- sd(TempValue[Bottom:Top], na.rm = T)

        Output$Year[y] <- Years[y]

        Output$Method[y] <- 'CatchCurve'

        Output$Value[y] <- TrueOutput$Value[y]

        Output$LowerCI[y] <- LowerCI

        Output$UpperCI[y] <- UpperCI

        Output$SD[y] <- SD

        Output$Metric[y] <- 'FvM'

        Output$Flag[y] <- TrueOutput$Flag[y]


  ##### Plot outputs #######

  Fish <- BaseFish

      Output = Output,
      Details = MCDetails,
      MonteCarlo = MCOutput,
      it_results = bind_rows(it_results)
DanOvando/simfish_package documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:22 p.m.