
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot_loading-methods
setGeneric(name = "plot_loading",
           def = function(Object, type = "n", pc = 1, 
                          thresh, ...) {
#' @title  Plot two-dimensional MPCA loadings
#' @rdname plot_loading-methods
#' @aliases plot_loading,MPCA-method
#' @description `plot_loading` plot the loading of the a MPCA object.
#' @details  This function takes the loadings of MPCA and eval if a certain
#'   variable was removed previous compute de MPCA and it fills the removed
#'   variables with zero. Then, the loadings are plotted considering one
#'   principle component at a time as a two-dimensional chromatogram.
#' @param Object a MPCA object
#' @param type the value type of loadings, \emph{p} for positive, 
#'  \emph{n} for negative, and \emph{b} for negative and positive 
#'  loading values.
#' @param pc the principal component to plot.
#' @param thresh numerical value. A threshold to remove low loading values.
#' @param ... Other parameters passes to \code{\link[graphics]{filled.contour}}
#'  function.
#' @importFrom colorRamps matlab.like matlab.like2
#' @importFrom graphics filled.contour
#' @exportMethod plot_loading
#' @examples 
#' library(colorRamps)
#' data(MTBLS579)
#' # MPCA with mean-centered and scaled data
#' MTBLS579_mpca <- m_prcomp(MTBLS579)
#' # Negative loadings of the first principal component
#' \donttest{
#' plot_loading(MTBLS579_mpca, type = "n", pc = 1,
#'              color.palette = matlab.like)
#' # Positive loadings of the first principal component
#' plot_loading(MTBLS579_mpca, type = "p", pc = 1,
#'              color.palette = matlab.like)
#' }
setMethod(f = "plot_loading", signature = "projected",
          definition = function(Object, type = "b", pc = 1,
                                thresh, ...){
            if (length(pc) > 1)
              stop("Only on principal component has to be provided")
            if (is(Object, "MPCA")){ 
              npcs <- length(Object@loadings$loadings)
              if (pc > npcs)
                stop(paste("There are just", npcs, "PCs"))
            } else if( is(Object, "PLSDA") ){
              npcs <- length(Object@loadings)
              if (pc > npcs)
                stop(paste("There are just", npcs, "PCs"))
            } else {
              stop("The provided object is not MPCA or PLSDA object")
            if (!(type %in% c("n", "p", "b")))
              stop("Only negative (n), positive (p), or both (b) loadings
                   types are available")
            # Procedure only for MPCA object
            if (is(Object, "MPCA")) {
              loading <- Object@loadings$loadings[[pc]]
              if (type %in% "n"){
                loading[loading > 0] <- 0
              } else if(type %in% "p"){
                loading[loading < 0] <- 0
              if (!missing(thresh)){
                if (type %in% "p"){ 
                  if (thresh < 0)
                    stop("Please provide a positive threshold")
                  loading[loading < thresh] <- 0
                if (type %in% "n")
                  if (thresh > 0)
                    stop("Please provide a negative threshold")
                loading[loading > thresh] <- 0
              D1 <- Object@loadings$dimension[1]
              D2 <- Object@loadings$dimension[2]
              if (length(!Object@loadings$var_col) > 1){
                filled_loading <- vector(length = D1 * D2, "numeric")
                load_it <- 1
                for (i in seq_along(filled_loading)) {
                  if (all(i != Object@loadings$var_col)) {
                    filled_loading[i] <- loading[load_it]
                    load_it <- load_it + 1
                  mloading <- matrix(filled_loading, byrow = T,
                                     nrow = D1, ncol = D2)
                  mloading <- t(mloading)
              } else {
                mloading <- matrix(loading, nrow = D1,
                                   ncol = D2, byrow = T)
                mloading <- t(mloading)
            } else { # Procedure only for PLSDA
              mloading <- Object@loadings[[pc]]
              if (type %in% "n"){
                mloading[mloading > 0] <- 0
              } else if(type %in% "p"){
                mloading[mloading < 0] <- 0
              if (!missing(thresh)){
                if (type %in% "p"){ 
                  if (thresh < 0)
                    stop("Please provide a positive threshold")
                  mloading[mloading < thresh] <- 0
                if (type %in% "n")
                  if (thresh > 0)
                    stop("Please provide a negative threshold")
                mloading[mloading > thresh] <- 0
            labx <- round(seq(Object@time[1], Object@time[2],
                              length.out = 5), 2)
            laby <- round(seq( Object@mod_time[1], Object@mod_time[2],
                               length.out = 5), 2)
            filled.contour(mloading, ...,
                           plot.axes = {
                             axis(1, at = seq(0, 1, length.out = 5),
                                  labels = labx)
                             axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, length.out = 5),
                                  labels = laby)
                           }, xlab = "1D min", ylab = "2D sec")
          } )
DanielQuiroz97/RGCxGC documentation built on March 12, 2023, 9:07 a.m.