Man pages for DarwinAwardWinner/rctutils
Utility functions by Ryan C. Thompson

add_bfdrAdd Bayesian FDR values to a limma top table
add_numbered_colnamesAdd numbered colnames with a common prefix.
add_qvalueAdd a q-value column to any table with a p-value column
assign_intoAssign into complex sub-expressions and return the whole...
auto_factorize_columnsIntelligently convert character columns to factors in a data...
aveLogCPMWithOffsetVersion of 'edgeR::aveLogCPM()' that uses offsets by default
bfdrCompute Bayesian FDR values from limma's B-statistics
cairo_pdf_onefileSame as 'cairo_pdf()' but with a default of 'onefile = TRUE'
cleanup_mcolsRemove valueless mcols from an object
code_control_namedVariant of code_control that generates more verbose column...
collapse_to_atomicConvert a list to an atomic vector.
combineFCResultsCombine multiple featureCounts results
cpmWithOffsetVersion of 'edgeR::cpm()' that uses offsets
deparse_onestringDeparse and then concatenate into a single string
dot_mutateEvaluate an arbitrary mutating expression in a magrittr pipe
eBayes_auto_proportionVariant of 'limma::eBayes()' that sets the 'proportion'...
ensure_atomic_columnsEnsure that all columns of a data frame are atomic vectors.
estimateDispByGroupEstimate edgeR dispersions separately for each group
fac2charConvert all factors in a data frame to character vectors
featureCountsParallel(Alternative) parallel version of 'Rsubread::featureCounts()'
featureCountsQuiet'Rsubread::featureCounts()' with output suppressed
first_accessible_pathFind the first accessible file path from a vector of paths.
format_bpFormat a number of base pairs using the most appropriate...
getBCVTableGet a table of genewise BCV values from a DGEList
get_mdsGet a table of MDS values, with proper column names.
get_pval_colnameDetermine the column name of the p-value column in a table
get_tx2gene_from_txdbGenerate a tx2gene table from a TxDb
get_txdbGet a TxDb from either a package name or file name
ggduo_dataXYVariant of 'GGally::ggduo()' with separate arguments for...
ggplotBCVggplot version of 'edgeR::plotBCV()'.
is_valuelessDetermine whether a list or vector has any non-missing...
liftOverLaxLike 'rtracklayer::liftOver()' but "fills in" small gaps.
liftOver_motifMapConvenience function for running liftOver on a MotifMap BED...
load_filteredVariant of 'load()' that allows excluding specific names
load_in_new_envLoad an R data file into a new environment
make_futuresConstruct futures for several expressions
make_futures_Construct futures for a list of expressions
match_argImproved match.arg with better errors and case folding.
mutate_if_presentPerform mutations only if specific column names are present
parse_bpParse a number of base pairs with optional units.
plot_pval_histCreate an annotatied p-value histogram plot
print_var_vectorPrint a readable summary of a list of values.
promote_common_mcolsPromote common mcols from the GRanges inside a GRangesList
quotemetaEscape a string for use in a Perl-compatible regular...
rctutils-packageCommon imports
read_motifmapRead MotifMap-provided BED file into a GRanges object.
read_narrowPeakRead a narrowPeak format BED file.
read_RDS_or_RDARead a single object from an RDS or RDA file
read_regionsRead a GRanges from a variety of possible file types.
read_safRead a SAF file into a GRangesList.
read_single_object_from_rdaRead a single R object from an RDA file.
readsToFragmentMidpointsCompute the midpoints of a collection of read fragments
read_table_generalGeneral function for reading a table from any table-like file
read_tx2gene_from_genemapRead a Salmon "geneMap" file into a data frame
relevel_columnsRelevel many factor columns in a data frame at once
req_nsShortcut for the usual "requireNamespace" dance
save_image_filteredVariant of 'save.image()' that allows excluding specific...
save_RDS_or_RDASave a single object to am RDS or RDA file
selectModelParallelParallelized version of 'limma::selectModel()'
si2fInverse of 'sitools::f2si()'
sprintf_single_valueLike 'sprintf()' but using the same value in each...
strip_design_factor_namesSimplify the column names of a simple design matrix
subtractCoefsAlternative interface to 'limma::removeBatchEffect()'
tsmsgLike 'message' but with a timestamp
voomWithDuplicateCorrelationAlternate 'limma::duplicateCorrelation()' and 'limma::voom()'...
voomWithOffsetImplementation of 'limma::voom()' that uses an offset matrix
voomWithQualityWeightsAndOffsetImplementation of 'limma::voomWithQualityWeights()' that uses...
windowCountsParallelParallel version of 'csaw::windowCounts()'
with_gcEvaluate an expression and then collect garbage.
write_motifmapWrite a MotifMap-type GRanges into a BED file.
write_narrowPeakWrite a narrowPeak format BED file.
DarwinAwardWinner/rctutils documentation built on July 22, 2022, 5:19 a.m.