
#' dbConnection class
#' connect using DBI or pool
#' @title dbConnection class
#' @description connect to database using either DBI or pool
#' @field DBIconn - connection using DBI (NULL if not connected)
#' @field poolconn - connection using pool (NULL is not connected)
#' @field conn() - connection using whichever connection is available
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\strong{connect}}{connect to database}
#' \item{\strong{close}}{close connection to database}
#' \item{\strong{dbSendQuery}}{send query (statement) to connection}
#' \item{\strong{dbGetQuery}}{send query to connection}
#' }
#' @import pipeR
#' @examples
#' dbConnection$new() # creates new object
#' dbConnection$connect(
#'   drv = RSQLite::SQLite(),
#'   dbname = "mydatabase.sqlite",
#'   usepool = FALSE
#' )
#' # sets $DBIconn or $poolcon to connection
#' # both set to NULL if fail/warn
#' # by default 'usepool' is TRUE and attempts
#' # to use 'pool' package (if available)
#' # if 'usepool' is FALSE, then do not use
#' # the 'pool' package, so use 'DBI' instead
#' dbConnection$close() # closes all connections
#' query <- "UPDATE Users SET Name = ? WHERE id = ?"
#' data_for_sql <- list(c("John"), id)
#' dbConnection$dbSendQuery(query, data_for_sql)
#' # send parametized 'SQL query'
#' # with 'data_for_sql'
#' @export
dbConnection <-
    public = list(
      DBIconn = NULL, # connection using DBI
      poolconn = NULL, # connection using pool
      connect = function(drv, ..., usepool = TRUE) {
        # connect to database, using 'pool' package if available and desired
        # accepts standard database opening parameters (drv, ...)
        # and 'usepool', whether to try to open the pool
        # by default, try to open using pool (TRUE)
        if (usepool & requireNamespace("pool", quietly = TRUE)) {
          # if use of pool is requested, and 'pool' package is available
          tryCatch(self$poolconn <- pool::dbPool(drv, ...),
            error = function(e) {
            warning = function(w) {
          # warning might result if not a valid database
            error = function(e) {
              self$poolconn <- NULL
          # testing for tables will result in an error if not a valid database
        } else {
          tryCatch(self$DBIconn <- DBI::dbConnect(drv, ...),
            error = function(e) {
            warning = function(w) {
          # warning might result if not a valid database
            error = function(e) {
              self$DBIconn <- NULL
          # testing for tables will result in an error if not a valid database
      close = function() {
        # close any open connections
        if (!is.null(self$DBIconn)) {
          self$DBIconn <- NULL
        if (!is.null(self$poolconn)) {
          self$poolconn <- NULL
      is_open = function() {
        # is any connection open?
        # returns TRUE or FALSE
        return(!is.null(self$DBIconn) | !is.null(self$poolconn))
      finalize = function() {
        # object being destroyed/removed
        # close all open connections
      conn = function(value) {
        # return open connection
        if (missing(value)) {
          # called without argument, which is the default
          if (!is.null(self$DBIconn)) {
          if (!is.null(self$poolconn)) {
          return(NULL) # no open connections
        } else {
          stop("Can't set `$conn`, use $connect to open a database", call. = FALSE)
      dbSendQuery = function(query, data_for_sql) {
        # send SQL statement/query to active connection,
        # either DBI or pool
        # @param query - the SQL query
        # @data_for_sql - the data
        # returns result 'rs'

        rs <- NULL # by default, there is no result

        if (self$keep_log) {
          start_time <- Sys.time()
          random_id <- stringi::stri_rand_strings(1, 15) # random string

            "INSERT INTO logs (Time, ID, Tag, Query, Data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
              as.character(start_time), random_id,
              paste(sQuote(data_for_sql), collapse = ", ")

        if (!is.null(self$DBIconn)) {
          q <- DBI::dbSendQuery(self$DBIconn, query)
          # parameterized query can handle apostrophes etc.
          DBI::dbBind(q, data_for_sql)
          tryCatch(rs <- DBI::dbFetch(q),
            warning = function(w) {}
          # for statements, rather than queries, we don't need to dbFetch(q)
          # update database
          # the tryCatch suppresses the warning:
          # Warning message:
          #  In result_fetch(res@ptr, n = n) :
          #   Don't need to call dbFetch() for statements, only for queries
        if (!is.null(self$poolconn)) {
          temp_connection <- pool::poolCheckout(self$poolconn)
          # can't write with the pool
          q <- DBI::dbSendQuery(temp_connection, query)
          # parameterized query can handle apostrophes etc.
          DBI::dbBind(q, data_for_sql)
          tryCatch(rs <- DBI::dbFetch(q),
            warning = function(w) {}
          # for statements, rather than queries, we don't need to dbFetch(q)
          # update database
          # the tryCatch suppresses the warning:
          # Warning message:
          #  In result_fetch(res@ptr, n = n) :

        if (self$keep_log) {
            "UPDATE logs SET Duration = ? WHERE Time = ? AND ID = ? AND Tag = ?",
              as.character(Sys.time() - start_time),
              as.character(start_time), random_id, self$log_tag

      dbSendGlueQuery = function(query, ...) {
        # send SQL statement/query to active connection,
        # either DBI or pool
        # uses 'glue::glue_sql, which allows multiple values,
        # to be collapsed with commas
        # https://db.rstudio.com/best-practices/run-queries-safely/
        # If you place an astersk * at the end of a glue expression the values will be
        # collapsed with commas. This is useful for the SQL IN Operator for instance.
        # rs <- dbSendGlueQuery("SELECT * FROM airports WHERE faa in ({airports*})",
        #                       airports = c("GPT", "MSY"))
        # @param query - the SQL query
        # @data - the data
        # returns result 'rs'

        rs <- NULL # by default, there is no result

        if (self$keep_log) {
          start_time <- Sys.time()
          random_id <- stringi::stri_rand_strings(1, 15) # random string

            "INSERT INTO logs (Time, ID, Tag, Query, Data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
              as.character(start_time), random_id,
              paste(sQuote(c(names(list(...)), list(...))),
                collapse = ", "

        if (!is.null(self$DBIconn)) {
          sql <- glue::glue_data_sql(
            .x = list(...), query,
            .con = self$DBIconn
          # quite complex, and not really very well documented!
          # https://glue.tidyverse.org/reference/glue_sql.html
          # the '...' needs to be converted to a list,
          # and then passed onto the glue_data_sql

          q <- DBI::dbSendQuery(self$DBIconn, sql)
          tryCatch(rs <- DBI::dbFetch(q),
            warning = function(w) {}
        if (!is.null(self$poolconn)) {
          temp_connection <- pool::poolCheckout(self$poolconn)
          # can't write with the pool
          sql <- glue::glue_data_sql(
            .x = list(...), query,
            .con = temp_connection
          # quite complex, and not really very well documented!
          # https://glue.tidyverse.org/reference/glue_sql.html
          # the '...' needs to be converted to a list,
          # and then passed onto the glue_data_sql

          q <- DBI::dbSendQuery(temp_connection, sql)
          tryCatch(rs <- DBI::dbFetch(q),
            warning = function(w) {}

        if (self$keep_log) {
            "UPDATE logs SET Duration = ? WHERE Time = ? AND ID = ? AND Tag = ?",
              as.character(Sys.time() - start_time),
              as.character(start_time), random_id, self$log_tag

      dbGetQuery = function(query) {
        # send SQL query statement to active connection,
        # either DBI or pool.
        # dbGetQuery is a combination of
        #  dbSendQuery, dbFetch and dbClearResult
        # @param query - the SQL query

        if (self$keep_log) {
          start_time <- Sys.time()
          random_id <- stringi::stri_rand_strings(1, 15) # random string

            "INSERT INTO logs (Time, ID, Tag, Query) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
              as.character(start_time), random_id,

        if (!is.null(self$DBIconn)) {
          rs <- DBI::dbGetQuery(self$DBIconn, query)
        if (!is.null(self$poolconn)) {
          rs <- DBI::dbGetQuery(self$poolconn, query)

        if (self$keep_log) {
            "UPDATE logs SET Duration = ? WHERE Time = ? AND ID = ? AND Tag = ?",
              as.character(Sys.time() - start_time),
              as.character(start_time), random_id, self$log_tag

      keep_log = FALSE, # by default, don't keep logs
      log_db = NULL, # another dbConnection object!
      # requirements - has TABLE logs
      #   which has fields Time, ID, Tag, Query, Data and Duration
      log_tag = "", # later, will be a tag for this connection's logs
      open_log_db = function(filename, tag) {
        # create or open a new log database file (a SQLite file)
        # and start logging
        # @param filename - filename of SQLite database
        #  will create SQLite database if filename doesn't exist
        # @param tag - string tag to attach to this connection's logs
        # @return nothing
        self$keep_log <- TRUE
        self$log_tag <- tag

        self$log_db <- dbConnection::dbConnection$new()
        # self-referential!

        if (file.exists(filename)) {
          # open config database file
            dbname = filename
          # potentially returns NULL if file is not a database
        } else {
          # if the config database doesn't exist,
          # then create it (note create = TRUE option)
            dbname = filename
          # create = TRUE not a valid option?
          # always tries to create file if it doesn't exist
          # could potentially return NULL if invalid filename
        initialize_data_table <- function(db, tablename, variable_list) {
          # make sure the table in the database has all the right variable headings
          # allows 'update' of old databases
          # input - db : R6 object of configuration database
          # input - tablename : name of table
          # input - variable_list : list of variable headings, with variable type
          #   e.g. list(c("id", "integer"), c("Name", "character"))
          # alters table in database directly
          # returns - nothing

          tablenames <- db$conn() %>>% DBI::dbListTables()

          if (tablename %in% tablenames) {
            # if table exists in db database
            columns <- db$conn() %>>% dplyr::tbl(tablename) %>>% colnames()
            # list of column (variable) names
            data <- db$conn() %>>% dplyr::tbl(tablename) %>>% dplyr::collect()
            # get a copy of the table's data
          } else {
            # table does not exist, needs to be created
            columns <- NULL
            data <- data.frame(NULL)

          changed <- FALSE
          # haven't changed anything yet

          for (a in variable_list) {
            if (!(a[[1]] %in% columns)) {
              # if a required variable name is not in the table
              data <- data %>>%
                dplyr::mutate(!!a[[1]] := vector(a[[2]], nrow(data)))
              # use of !! and := to dynamically specify a[[1]] as a column name
              # potentially could use data[,a[[1]]] <- ...
              changed <- TRUE
          if (changed == TRUE) {
            DBI::dbWriteTable(db$conn(), tablename, data, overwrite = TRUE)

        if (!is.null(self$log_db$conn())) {
          # check that tables exist in the config file
          # also create new columns (variables) as necessary
            self$log_db, "logs",
              c("Time", "character"),
              c("ID", "character"),
              c("Tag", "character"),
              c("Query", "character"),
              c("Data", "character"),
              c("Duration", "character")
          # initialize_data_table will create table and/or
          # ADD 'missing' columns to existing table

          set.seed(Sys.time()) # set 'random' seed to random number generate
      write_log_db = function(query = "", data = "") {
        # write arbitrary data/message to log file
        # returns some defining characteristics of this log entry
        # which can be used in method $duration_log_db
        if (self$log_db$is_open()) {
          # test if the log database is actually open!
          start_time <- Sys.time()
          start_time_char <- as.character(start_time)
          random_id <- stringi::stri_rand_strings(1, 15) # random string
            "INSERT INTO logs (Time, ID, Tag, Query, Data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
              start_time_char, random_id,
              paste(sQuote(data), collapse = ", ")
            id = random_id,
            start_time = start_time,
            start_time_char = start_time_char
      duration_log_db = function(log_detail) {
        # add duration information to log written by write_log_db
        # uses return values from write_log_db
        # returns the written string
        if (self$log_db$is_open()) {
          # test if the log database is actually open!
          duration <- as.character(Sys.time() - log_detail$start_time)

            "UPDATE logs SET Duration = ? WHERE Time = ? AND ID = ? AND Tag = ?",

      close_log_db = function() {
        # turns off logging
        # and closes the open log database connection
        self$keep_log <- FALSE
DavidPatShuiFong/dbConnection documentation built on July 10, 2020, 2:40 p.m.