Man pages for DavisLaboratory/standR
Spatial transcriptome analyses of Nanostring's DSP data in R

addPerROIQCAdd QC statistics to the Spatial Experiment object
computeClusterEvalStatsCalculate statistics for evaluating batch correction
dkd_spe_subsetDescription of the standR example datasets
drawPCACompute and plot the results of a PCA analysis on gene...
findBestKTesting multiple K for RUV4 batch correction to find the best...
findNCGsGet negative control genes from each batch of the data
geomxBatchCorrectionBatch correction for GeoMX data
geomxNormPerform normalization to GeoMX data
plotClusterEvalStatsCompare and evaluate different batch corrected data with...
plotDRCompute and plot the results of any dimension reduction...
plotGeneQCPlot gene-wise QC plot
plotMDSCompute and plot the results of a MDS analysis on gene...
plotPairPCAPlot pair-wise PCA plots for multiple dimensions
plotPCAbiplotPlot PCA bi plot
plotRLExprCompute and plot relative log expression (RLE) values of gene...
plotROIQCPlot Sample-wise QC plot
plotSampleInfoPlot the user-defined meta data using alluvium plot
plotScreePCAPlot the PCA scree plot.
prepareSpatialDeconPreparing the inputs for SpatialDecon for doing deconvolution...
readGeoMxImport GeoMX DSP data into a saptial experiment object from...
readGeoMxFromDGEImport GeoMX DSP data into a spatial experiment object from...
spe2dgeTransfer SpatialExperiment object into DGEList object for DE...
standR-packageTools for analyzing NanoString's GeoMX spatial...
DavisLaboratory/standR documentation built on Feb. 10, 2025, 10:03 p.m.