
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# furrr_options(globals =)

test_that("can export globals using a named list", {
  plan(multisession, workers = 2)
  on.exit(plan(sequential), add = TRUE)

  opts <- furrr_options(globals = list(y = 1))

  fn <- function(x) {

  expect_identical(future_map_lgl(1:2, fn, .options = opts), c(TRUE, TRUE))

test_that("can detect globals from the caller environment (HenrikBengtsson/future.apply#62)", {
  plan(multisession, workers = 2)
  on.exit(plan(sequential), add = TRUE)

  fn <- function(x) {

  wrapper <- function(options = furrr_options()) {
    y <- 1
    future_map_lgl(1, fn, .options = options)

  expect_identical(wrapper(), FALSE)

  options <- furrr_options(globals = "y")
  expect_identical(wrapper(options), TRUE)

test_that("can export globals with sequential futures", {

  fn <- function(x) {
  environment(fn) <- .GlobalEnv

  # With named list
  opts <- furrr_options(globals = list(y = 1))
  expect_identical(future_map_lgl(1:2, fn, .options = opts), c(TRUE, TRUE))

  # With character lookup in caller env
  wrapper <- function(fn) {
    y <- 1
    future_map_lgl(1, fn, .options = furrr_options(globals = "y"))
  environment(wrapper) <- .GlobalEnv

  expect_identical(wrapper(fn), TRUE)

test_that("validates `globals`", {
  expect_error(furrr_options(globals = 1))
  expect_error(furrr_options(globals = c(TRUE, TRUE)))
  expect_error(furrr_options(globals = list(a = 1, 2)))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# furrr_options(packages =)

test_that("can selectively export packages on multisession", {
  plan(multisession, workers = 2)
  on.exit(plan(sequential), add = TRUE)

  opts <- furrr_options(packages = "dplyr")

    future_map(1:2, ~tibble(x = .x))

    future_map(1:2, ~tibble(x = .x), .options = opts),
    list(dplyr::tibble(x = 1L), dplyr::tibble(x = 2L))

test_that("validates `packages`", {
  expect_error(furrr_options(packages = 1))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# furrr_options(stdout =)

furrr_test_that("can use `stdout = FALSE`", {
  opts <- furrr_options(stdout = FALSE)

  fn <- function(x) {
    con <- stdout()
    write("hello", con)

  expect_silent(future_map(1:5, fn, .options = opts))

test_that("can use `stdout = NA` to not intercept at all", {
  opts <- furrr_options(stdout = NA)

  fn <- function(x) {
    con <- stdout()
    write("hello", con)

  # Output is likely shown for sequential backends
  expect_snapshot(future_map(1:2, fn, .options = opts))

  # Output is likely not passed back from the other R session
  # (because it isn't handled or captured at all)
  plan(multisession, workers = supported_max_cores("multisession"))
  on.exit(plan(sequential), add = TRUE)
  expect_snapshot(future_map(1:2, fn, .options = opts))

test_that("validates `stdout`", {
    (expect_error(furrr_options(stdout = "x")))
    (expect_error(furrr_options(stdout = c(TRUE, TRUE))))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# furrr_options(conditions =)

furrr_test_that("can capture no conditions", {
  fn <- function(x) {

  opts <- furrr_options(conditions = character())
  expect_warning(future_map(1:5, fn, .options = opts), NA)

test_that("can avoid handling conditions altogether", {
  fn <- function(x) {

  opts <- furrr_options(conditions = NULL)

  # Warning is likely shown for sequential backends
  expect_snapshot(future_map(1:5, fn, .options = opts))

  # Warning is likely not passed back from the other R session
  # (because it isn't handled or captured at all)
  plan(multisession, workers = supported_max_cores("multisession"))
  on.exit(plan(sequential), add = TRUE)
  expect_snapshot(future_map(1:5, fn, .options = opts))

furrr_test_that("can selectively avoid conditions", {
  fn <- function(x) {
    rlang::warn("classed warning", class = "ignore_me")
    rlang::warn("unclassed warning", class = "dont_ignore_me")

  # Both warnings are shown
  expect_warning(expect_warning(future_map(1, fn), class = "ignore_me"), class = "dont_ignore_me")

  # Only dont_ignore_me is shown
  opts <- furrr_options(conditions = structure("condition", exclude = "ignore_me"))
  expect_warning(future_map(1, fn, .options = opts), class = "dont_ignore_me")

test_that("validates `conditions`", {
    (expect_error(furrr_options(conditions = 1)))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# furrr_options(seed =)

furrr_test_that("can use integer `seed` of size 1", {
  old_seed <- get_random_seed()

  opts <- furrr_options(seed = 123)

  x <- future_map(5, runif, .options = opts)

  expect_false(identical(old_seed, get_random_seed()))

  y <- future_map(5, runif, .options = opts)

  expect_identical(x, y)

furrr_test_that("can use integer `seed` of size 7", {
  old_rngkind <- RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
  lecuyer_seed <- get_random_seed()

  # Reset
  old_seed <- get_random_seed()

  opts <- furrr_options(seed = lecuyer_seed)

  x <- future_map(5, runif, .options = opts)

  expect_false(identical(old_seed, get_random_seed()))

  y <- future_map(5, runif, .options = opts)

  expect_identical(x, y)

furrr_test_that("`TRUE` advances `.Random.seed` but `FALSE` doesn't", {
  old_seed <- get_random_seed()

  opts <- furrr_options(seed = FALSE)
  future_map(1:5, ~.x, .options = opts)

  expect_identical(old_seed, get_random_seed())

  opts <- furrr_options(seed = TRUE)
  future_map(1:5, ~.x, .options = opts)

  expect_false(identical(old_seed, get_random_seed()))

furrr_test_that("`NULL` seed doesn't advance `.Random.seed`", {
  old_seed <- get_random_seed()

  opts <- furrr_options(seed = NULL)
  future_map(1:5, ~.x, .options = opts)

  expect_identical(old_seed, get_random_seed())

test_that("must use valid L'Ecuyer-CMRG seed", {
  opts <- furrr_options(seed = 1:7)
  expect_error(future_map(1:5, ~.x, .options = opts), "must be")

test_that("validates `seed`", {
  expect_error(furrr_options(seed = "x"))
  expect_error(furrr_options(seed = c(1, 2)))
  expect_error(furrr_options(seed = c(TRUE, FALSE)))
  expect_error(furrr_options(seed = 1.5))
  expect_error(furrr_options(seed = NA))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# furrr_options(scheduling =)

test_that("validates `scheduling`", {
  expect_error(furrr_options(scheduling = c(1, 2)))
  expect_error(furrr_options(scheduling = "x"))
  expect_error(furrr_options(scheduling = 1.5))
  expect_error(furrr_options(scheduling = NA))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# furrr_options(chunk_size =)

test_that("can specify `chunk_size`", {
  x <- furrr_options(chunk_size = 2)
  expect_identical(x$chunk_size, 2L)

test_that("validates `chunk_size`", {
  expect_error(furrr_options(chunk_size = c(1, 2)))
  expect_error(furrr_options(chunk_size = "x"))
  expect_error(furrr_options(chunk_size = 1.5))
  expect_error(furrr_options(chunk_size = NA))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# furrr_options(prefix =)

furrr_test_that("labels can be passed through without erroring", {
  opts <- furrr_options(prefix = "foo")
  expect_error(future_map(1:5, ~.x, .options = opts), NA)

test_that("validates `prefix`", {
  expect_error(furrr_options(prefix = 1))
  expect_error(furrr_options(prefix = c("x", "y")))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# validation

test_that("option object is validated", {
  expect_error(future_map(1:5, ~.x, .options = 1))
  expect_error(future_map2(1:5, 1:5, ~.x, .options = 1))
  expect_error(future_pmap(list(1:5), ~.x, .options = 1))
DavisVaughan/furrr documentation built on Aug. 17, 2022, 7:16 p.m.