
Defines functions get_outcomes_formula get_predictors_formula reattach_factorish_columns remove_factorish_from_formula is_factorish extract_original_factorish_names detect_interactions validate_no_interactions detect_factorish_in_interactions validate_no_factorish_in_interactions detect_factorish_in_functions validate_no_factorish_in_functions flatten_embedded_columns alter_formula_environment validate_is_terms_list_or_null nuke_formula_environment expand_formula_dot_notation alter_terms_environment forge_formula_default_process_outcomes forge_formula_default_process_predictors forge_formula_default_process forge_formula_default_clean get_forge_formula_default_function_set mold_formula_default_process_outcomes mold_formula_default_process_predictors mold_formula_default_process mold_formula_default_clean get_mold_formula_default_function_set refresh_blueprint.default_formula_blueprint new_default_formula_blueprint default_formula_blueprint

Documented in default_formula_blueprint new_default_formula_blueprint

#' Default formula blueprint
#' This pages holds the details for the formula preprocessing blueprint. This
#' is the blueprint used by default from `mold()` if `x` is a formula.
#' @inheritParams new_formula_blueprint
#' @param formula A formula specifying the predictors and the outcomes.
#' @param data A data frame or matrix containing the outcomes and predictors.
#' @param blueprint A preprocessing `blueprint`. If left as `NULL`, then a
#' [default_formula_blueprint()] is used.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return
#' For `default_formula_blueprint()`, a formula blueprint.
#' @details
#' While not different from base R, the behavior of expanding factors into
#' dummy variables when `indicators = "traditional"` and an intercept is _not_
#' present is not always intuitive and should be documented.
#' - When an intercept is present, factors are expanded into `K-1` new columns,
#' where `K` is the number of levels in the factor.
#' - When an intercept is _not_ present, the first factor is expanded into
#' all `K` columns (one-hot encoding), and the remaining factors are expanded
#' into `K-1` columns. This behavior ensures that meaningful predictions can
#' be made for the reference level of the first factor, but is not the exact
#' "no intercept" model that was requested. Without this behavior, predictions
#' for the reference level of the first factor would always be forced to `0`
#' when there is no intercept.
#' Offsets can be included in the formula method through the use of the inline
#' function [stats::offset()]. These are returned as a tibble with 1 column
#' named `".offset"` in the `$extras$offset` slot of the return value.
#' @section Mold:
#' When `mold()` is used with the default formula blueprint:
#' - Predictors
#'    - The RHS of the `formula` is isolated, and converted to its own
#'    1 sided formula: `~ RHS`.
#'    - Runs [stats::model.frame()] on the RHS formula and uses `data`.
#'    - If `indicators = "traditional"`, it then runs [stats::model.matrix()]
#'    on the result.
#'    - If `indicators = "none"`, factors are removed before `model.matrix()`
#'    is run, and then added back afterwards. No interactions or inline
#'    functions involving factors are allowed.
#'    - If `indicators = "one_hot"`, it then runs [stats::model.matrix()] on the
#'    result using a contrast function that creates indicator columns for all
#'    levels of all factors.
#'    - If any offsets are present from using `offset()`, then they are
#'    extracted with [model_offset()].
#'    - If `intercept = TRUE`, adds an intercept column.
#'    - Coerces the result of the above steps to a tibble.
#' - Outcomes
#'    - The LHS of the `formula` is isolated, and converted to its own
#'    1 sided formula: `~ LHS`.
#'    - Runs [stats::model.frame()] on the LHS formula and uses `data`.
#'    - Coerces the result of the above steps to a tibble.
#' @section Forge:
#' When `forge()` is used with the default formula blueprint:
#' - It calls [shrink()] to trim `new_data` to only the required columns and
#' coerce `new_data` to a tibble.
#' - It calls [scream()] to perform validation on the structure of the columns
#' of `new_data`.
#' - Predictors
#'    - It runs [stats::model.frame()] on `new_data` using the stored terms
#'    object corresponding to the _predictors_.
#'    - If, in the original [mold()] call, `indicators = "traditional"` was
#'    set, it then runs [stats::model.matrix()] on the result.
#'    - If, in the original [mold()] call, `indicators = "none"` was set, it
#'    runs [stats::model.matrix()] on the result without the factor columns,
#'    and then adds them on afterwards.
#'    - If, in the original [mold()] call, `indicators = "one_hot"` was set, it
#'    runs [stats::model.matrix()] on the result with a contrast function that
#'    includes indicators for all levels of all factor columns.
#'    - If any offsets are present from using `offset()` in the original call
#'    to [mold()], then they are extracted with [model_offset()].
#'    - If `intercept = TRUE` in the original call to [mold()], then an
#'    intercept column is added.
#'    - It coerces the result of the above steps to a tibble.
#'  - Outcomes
#'    - It runs [stats::model.frame()] on `new_data` using the
#'    stored terms object corresponding to the _outcomes_.
#'    - Coerces the result to a tibble.
#' @section Differences From Base R:
#' There are a number of differences from base R regarding how formulas are
#' processed by `mold()` that require some explanation.
#' Multivariate outcomes can be specified on the LHS using syntax that is
#' similar to the RHS (i.e. `outcome_1 + outcome_2 ~ predictors`).
#' If any complex calculations are done on the LHS and they return matrices
#' (like [stats::poly()]), then those matrices are flattened into multiple
#' columns of the tibble after the call to `model.frame()`. While this is
#' possible, it is not recommended, and if a large amount of preprocessing is
#' required on the outcomes, then you are better off
#' using a [recipes::recipe()].
#' Global variables are _not_ allowed in the formula. An error will be thrown
#' if they are included. All terms in the formula should come from `data`.
#' By default, intercepts are _not_ included in the predictor output from the
#' formula. To include an intercept, set
#' `blueprint = default_formula_blueprint(intercept = TRUE)`. The rationale
#' for this is that many packages either always require or never allow an
#' intercept (for example, the `earth` package), and they do a large amount of
#' extra work to keep the user from supplying one or removing it. This
#' interface standardizes all of that flexibility in one place.
#' @examples
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' data("hardhat-example-data")
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Formula Example
#' # Call mold() with the training data
#' processed <- mold(
#'   log(num_1) ~ num_2 + fac_1,
#'   example_train,
#'   blueprint = default_formula_blueprint(intercept = TRUE)
#' )
#' # Then, call forge() with the blueprint and the test data
#' # to have it preprocess the test data in the same way
#' forge(example_test, processed$blueprint)
#' # Use `outcomes = TRUE` to also extract the preprocessed outcome
#' forge(example_test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Factors without an intercept
#' # No intercept is added by default
#' processed <- mold(num_1 ~ fac_1 + fac_2, example_train)
#' # So, for factor columns, the first factor is completely expanded into all
#' # `K` columns (the number of levels), and the subsequent factors are expanded
#' # into `K - 1` columns.
#' processed$predictors
#' # In the above example, `fac_1` is expanded into all three columns,
#' # `fac_2` is not. This behavior comes from `model.matrix()`, and is somewhat
#' # known in the R community, but can lead to a model that is difficult to
#' # interpret since the corresponding p-values are testing wildly different
#' # hypotheses.
#' # To get all indicators for all columns (irrespective of the intercept),
#' # use the `indicators = "one_hot"` option
#' processed <- mold(
#'   num_1 ~ fac_1 + fac_2,
#'   example_train,
#'   blueprint = default_formula_blueprint(indicators = "one_hot")
#' )
#' processed$predictors
#' # It is not possible to construct a no-intercept model that expands all
#' # factors into `K - 1` columns using the formula method. If required, a
#' # recipe could be used to construct this model.
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Global variables
#' y <- rep(1, times = nrow(example_train))
#' # In base R, global variables are allowed in a model formula
#' frame <- model.frame(fac_1 ~ y + num_2, example_train)
#' head(frame)
#' # mold() does not allow them, and throws an error
#' try(mold(fac_1 ~ y + num_2, example_train))
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Dummy variables and interactions
#' # By default, factor columns are expanded
#' # and interactions are created, both by
#' # calling `model.matrix()`. Some models (like
#' # tree based models) can take factors directly
#' # but still might want to use the formula method.
#' # In those cases, set `indicators = "none"` to not
#' # run `model.matrix()` on factor columns. Interactions
#' # are still allowed and are run on numeric columns.
#' bp_no_indicators <- default_formula_blueprint(indicators = "none")
#' processed <- mold(
#'   ~ fac_1 + num_1:num_2,
#'   example_train,
#'   blueprint = bp_no_indicators
#' )
#' processed$predictors
#' # An informative error is thrown when `indicators = "none"` and
#' # factors are present in interaction terms or in inline functions
#' try(mold(num_1 ~ num_2:fac_1, example_train, blueprint = bp_no_indicators))
#' try(mold(num_1 ~ paste0(fac_1), example_train, blueprint = bp_no_indicators))
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Multivariate outcomes
#' # Multivariate formulas can be specified easily
#' processed <- mold(num_1 + log(num_2) ~ fac_1, example_train)
#' processed$outcomes
#' # Inline functions on the LHS are run, but any matrix
#' # output is flattened (like what happens in `model.matrix()`)
#' # (essentially this means you don't wind up with columns
#' # in the tibble that are matrices)
#' processed <- mold(poly(num_2, degree = 2) ~ fac_1, example_train)
#' processed$outcomes
#' # TRUE
#' ncol(processed$outcomes) == 2
#' # Multivariate formulas specified in mold()
#' # carry over into forge()
#' forge(example_test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Offsets
#' # Offsets are handled specially in base R, so they deserve special
#' # treatment here as well. You can add offsets using the inline function
#' # `offset()`
#' processed <- mold(num_1 ~ offset(num_2) + fac_1, example_train)
#' processed$extras$offset
#' # Multiple offsets can be included, and they get added together
#' processed <- mold(
#'   num_1 ~ offset(num_2) + offset(num_3),
#'   example_train
#' )
#' identical(
#'   processed$extras$offset$.offset,
#'   example_train$num_2 + example_train$num_3
#' )
#' # Forging test data will also require
#' # and include the offset
#' forge(example_test, processed$blueprint)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Intercept only
#' # Because `1` and `0` are intercept modifying terms, they are
#' # not allowed in the formula and are instead controlled by the
#' # `intercept` argument of the blueprint. To use an intercept
#' # only formula, you should supply `NULL` on the RHS of the formula.
#' mold(
#'   ~ NULL,
#'   example_train,
#'   blueprint = default_formula_blueprint(intercept = TRUE)
#' )
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Matrix output for predictors
#' # You can change the `composition` of the predictor data set
#' bp <- default_formula_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix")
#' processed <- mold(log(num_1) ~ num_2 + fac_1, example_train, blueprint = bp)
#' class(processed$predictors)
#' @export
default_formula_blueprint <- function(intercept = FALSE,
                                      allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
                                      indicators = "traditional",
                                      composition = "tibble") {
  mold <- get_mold_formula_default_function_set()
  forge <- get_forge_formula_default_function_set()

    mold = mold,
    forge = forge,
    intercept = intercept,
    allow_novel_levels = allow_novel_levels,
    indicators = indicators,
    composition = composition


#' @param terms A named list of two elements, `predictors` and `outcomes`. Both
#' elements are `terms` objects that describe the terms for the outcomes and
#' predictors separately. This argument is set automatically at [mold()] time.
#' @rdname new-default-blueprint
#' @export
new_default_formula_blueprint <- function(mold,
                                          intercept = FALSE,
                                          allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
                                          ptypes = NULL,
                                          formula = NULL,
                                          indicators = "traditional",
                                          composition = "tibble",
                                          terms = list(
                                            predictors = NULL,
                                            outcomes = NULL
                                          subclass = character()) {


    mold = mold,
    forge = forge,
    intercept = intercept,
    allow_novel_levels = allow_novel_levels,
    ptypes = ptypes,
    formula = formula,
    indicators = indicators,
    composition = composition,
    terms = terms,
    subclass = c(subclass, "default_formula_blueprint")


#' @export
refresh_blueprint.default_formula_blueprint <- function(blueprint) {
  do.call(new_default_formula_blueprint, as.list(blueprint))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

get_mold_formula_default_function_set <- function() {
  blueprint_function_set(mold_formula_default_clean, mold_formula_default_process)

# mold - formula - clean
mold_formula_default_clean <- function(blueprint, data) {

  data <- check_is_data_like(data)

  # validate here, not in the constructor, because we
  # put a non-intercept-containing formula back in

  formula <- remove_formula_intercept(blueprint$formula, blueprint$intercept)
  formula <- alter_formula_environment(formula)

  blueprint <- update_blueprint(blueprint, formula = formula)

  out$mold$clean(blueprint, data)

# mold - formula - process
mold_formula_default_process <- function(blueprint, data) {
  processed <- mold_formula_default_process_predictors(
    blueprint = blueprint,
    data = data

  blueprint <- processed$blueprint
  predictors_lst <- processed$terms_lst

  processed <- mold_formula_default_process_outcomes(
    blueprint = blueprint,
    data = data

  blueprint <- processed$blueprint
  outcomes_lst <- processed$terms_lst

  # nuke formula environment before returning
  formula_empty_env <- nuke_formula_environment(blueprint$formula)
  blueprint <- update_blueprint(blueprint, formula = formula_empty_env)

  ptypes <- out$ptypes$final(predictors_lst$ptype, outcomes_lst$ptype)
  extras <- out$extras$final(predictors_lst$extras, outcomes_lst$extras)

  out$mold$process(blueprint, predictors_lst$data, outcomes_lst$data, ptypes, extras)

mold_formula_default_process_predictors <- function(blueprint, data) {

  formula <- expand_formula_dot_notation(blueprint$formula, data)
  formula <- get_predictors_formula(formula)

  original_names <- get_all_predictors(formula, data)
  original_data <- data[, original_names, drop = FALSE]

  ptype <- extract_ptype(original_data)

  if (identical(blueprint$indicators, "none")) {
    factorish_names <- extract_original_factorish_names(ptype)
    validate_no_factorish_in_functions(formula, factorish_names)
    validate_no_factorish_in_interactions(formula, factorish_names)
    formula <- remove_factorish_from_formula(formula, factorish_names)

  framed <- model_frame(formula, data)
  offset <- extract_offset(framed$terms, framed$data)

  if (identical(blueprint$indicators, "one_hot")) {
    predictors <- model_matrix_one_hot(
      terms = framed$terms,
      data = framed$data
  } else {
    predictors <- model_matrix(
      terms = framed$terms,
      data = framed$data

  if (identical(blueprint$indicators, "none")) {
    predictors <- reattach_factorish_columns(predictors, data, factorish_names)

  terms <- simplify_terms(framed$terms)

  predictors <- recompose(predictors, blueprint$composition)

  blueprint_terms <- blueprint$terms
  blueprint_terms$predictors <- terms
  blueprint <- update_blueprint(blueprint, terms = blueprint_terms)

  predictors_lst <- out$mold$process_terms_lst(
    data = predictors,
    ptype = ptype,
    extras = list(offset = offset)

  out$mold$process_terms(blueprint, predictors_lst)

mold_formula_default_process_outcomes <- function(blueprint, data) {

  formula <- blueprint$formula

  original_names <- get_all_outcomes(formula, data)
  original_data <- data[, original_names, drop = FALSE]

  ptype <- extract_ptype(original_data)

  formula <- get_outcomes_formula(formula)

  # used on the `~ LHS` formula

  framed <- model_frame(formula, data)

  outcomes <- flatten_embedded_columns(framed$data)

  terms <- simplify_terms(framed$terms)

  blueprint_terms <- blueprint$terms
  blueprint_terms$outcomes <- terms
  blueprint <- update_blueprint(blueprint, terms = blueprint_terms)

  outcomes_lst <- out$mold$process_terms_lst(data = outcomes, ptype)

  out$mold$process_terms(blueprint, outcomes_lst)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

get_forge_formula_default_function_set <- function() {
  blueprint_function_set(forge_formula_default_clean, forge_formula_default_process)

forge_formula_default_clean <- function(blueprint, new_data, outcomes) {

  validate_has_unique_column_names(new_data, "new_data")

  predictors <- shrink(new_data, blueprint$ptypes$predictors)

  predictors <- scream(
    allow_novel_levels = blueprint$allow_novel_levels

  if (outcomes) {
    outcomes <- shrink(new_data, blueprint$ptypes$outcomes)
    # Never allow novel levels for outcomes
    outcomes <- scream(outcomes, blueprint$ptypes$outcomes)
  else {
    outcomes <- NULL

  out$forge$clean(blueprint, predictors, outcomes)

forge_formula_default_process <- function(blueprint, predictors, outcomes, extras) {
  processed <- forge_formula_default_process_predictors(
    blueprint = blueprint,
    predictors = predictors

  blueprint <- processed$blueprint
  predictors_lst <- processed$terms_lst

  processed <- forge_formula_default_process_outcomes(
    blueprint = blueprint,
    outcomes = outcomes

  blueprint <- processed$blueprint
  outcomes_lst <- processed$terms_lst

  extras <- c(
    out$extras$final(predictors_lst$extras, outcomes_lst$extras)

  out$forge$process(predictors_lst$data, outcomes_lst$data, extras)

forge_formula_default_process_predictors <- function(blueprint, predictors) {

  terms <- blueprint$terms$predictors
  terms <- alter_terms_environment(terms)

  framed <- model_frame(terms, predictors)

  if (identical(blueprint$indicators, "one_hot")) {
    data <- model_matrix_one_hot(
      terms = framed$terms,
      data = framed$data
  } else {
    data <- model_matrix(
      terms = framed$terms,
      data = framed$data

  if (identical(blueprint$indicators, "none")) {
    factorish_names <- extract_original_factorish_names(blueprint$ptypes$predictors)
    data <- reattach_factorish_columns(data, predictors, factorish_names)

  data <- recompose(data, blueprint$composition)

  .offset <- extract_offset(framed$terms, framed$data)

  predictors_lst <- out$forge$process_terms_lst(
    data = data,
    extras = list(offset = .offset)

  out$forge$process_terms(blueprint, predictors_lst)

forge_formula_default_process_outcomes <- function(blueprint, outcomes) {

  # no outcomes to process
  if (is.null(outcomes)) {
    outcomes_lst <- out$forge$process_terms_lst()
    result <- out$forge$process_terms(blueprint, outcomes_lst)

  terms <- blueprint$terms$outcomes
  terms <- alter_terms_environment(terms)

  framed <- model_frame(terms, outcomes)

  # Because model.matrix() does this for the RHS and we want
  # to be consistent even though we are only going through
  # model.frame()
  data <- flatten_embedded_columns(framed$data)

  outcomes_lst <- out$forge$process_terms_lst(data = data)

  out$forge$process_terms(blueprint, outcomes_lst)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Is this a bad idea? We need it to forge() terms where
# an inline function may have been used like poly(), but there
# is no gurantee that the env above the global env is the same
# as the one that was used in mold()
alter_terms_environment <- function(terms_blueprint) {
  env_above_global_env <- rlang::env_parent(rlang::global_env())
  attr(terms_blueprint, ".Environment") <- env_above_global_env

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

expand_formula_dot_notation <- function(formula, data) {

  # Calling terms() on the formula, and providing
  # data will go ahead and expand the formula
  # if any `.` was present
  .terms <- terms(formula, data = data)

    lhs = rlang::f_lhs(.terms),
    rhs = rlang::f_rhs(.terms),
    env = rlang::f_env(.terms)

nuke_formula_environment <- function(formula) {
    lhs = rlang::f_lhs(formula),
    rhs = rlang::f_rhs(formula),
    env = rlang::empty_env()

validate_is_terms_list_or_null <- function(terms) {

  validate_is(terms, rlang::is_list, "list")

  validate_has_name(terms, "terms", "predictors")
  validate_has_name(terms, "terms", "outcomes")

  if (!is.null(terms$predictors)) {
    validate_is_terms(terms$predictors, glue("terms$predictors"))

  if (!is.null(terms$outcomes)) {
    validate_is_terms(terms$outcomes, glue("terms$outcomes"))


alter_formula_environment <- function(formula) {

  # formula environment is 1 step above global env to avoid
  # global variables but maintain ability to use pkg functions
  # (like stats::poly())
  env_above_global_env <- rlang::env_parent(rlang::global_env())

    lhs = rlang::f_lhs(formula),
    rhs = rlang::f_rhs(formula),
    env = env_above_global_env

# We do this extra flattening because it happens on the RHS
# automatically because of the model.matrix() call. So this
# makes the column types consistent when doing something
# complex on the LHS like poly(, degree = 2) that returns
# a matrix
flatten_embedded_columns <- function(data) {

  has_embedded_2D <- vapply(
    X = data,
    FUN = function(col) dims(col) > 1,
    FUN.VALUE = logical(1)

  has_any_embedded_2D <- any(has_embedded_2D)

  if (has_any_embedded_2D) {

    # Inspired by
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43281803/embedded-data-frame-in-r-what-is-it-what-is-it-called-why-does-it-behave-th
    # This could probably be better?
    # It doesn't work with tibble(!!!x)
    frame_flattener <- rlang::expr(
        check.names = FALSE,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    data <- rlang::eval_bare(frame_flattener)


validate_no_factorish_in_functions <- function(.formula, .factorish_names) {

  .terms <- terms(.formula)

  bad_original_cols <- detect_factorish_in_functions(.terms, .factorish_names)

  ok <- length(bad_original_cols) == 0L

  if (!ok) {

    bad_original_cols <- glue_quote_collapse(bad_original_cols)

      "Functions involving factors or characters have been detected on the ",
      "RHS of `formula`. These are not allowed when `indicators = \"none\"`. ",
      "Functions involving factors were detected for the following columns: ",



# Returns original column names of any factor columns that
# are present in an inline function
# The row.names() of the factors matrix contains all of the
# non-interaction expressions that are used in the formula
detect_factorish_in_functions <- function(.terms, .factorish_names) {

  terms_matrix <- attr(.terms, "factors")

  only_intercept_or_offsets <- length(terms_matrix) == 0L
  if (only_intercept_or_offsets) {

  all_terms_exprs <- row.names(terms_matrix)

  # Remove bare factor / character names
  exprs_no_bare_factors <- all_terms_exprs[!(all_terms_exprs %in% .factorish_names)]

  if (length(exprs_no_bare_factors) == 0L) {

  .factorish_name_is_in_a_fn <- vapply(
    function(nm) {
      any(grepl(nm, exprs_no_bare_factors))

  bad_cols <- .factorish_names[.factorish_name_is_in_a_fn]


validate_no_factorish_in_interactions <- function(.formula, .factorish_names) {

  # Call terms on a standard formula to generate the terms interaction matrix
  .terms <- terms(.formula)

  bad_original_cols <- detect_factorish_in_interactions(.terms, .factorish_names)

  ok <- length(bad_original_cols) == 0L

  if (!ok) {

    bad_original_cols <- glue_quote_collapse(bad_original_cols)

      "Interaction terms involving factors or characters have been detected on the ",
      "RHS of `formula`. These are not allowed when `indicators = \"none\"`. ",
      "Interactions involving factors were detected for the following columns: ",



# Returns the _original_ column names
# of any factor / character columns that are present
# in any interaction terms (from : or * or %in% or ^)
detect_factorish_in_interactions <- function(.terms, .factorish_names) {

  terms_matrix <- attr(.terms, "factors")

  only_intercept_or_offsets <- length(terms_matrix) == 0L
  if (only_intercept_or_offsets) {

  other_cols <- setdiff(colnames(terms_matrix), .factorish_names)

  no_other_cols <- length(other_cols) == 0L
  if (no_other_cols) {

  # Something like Species, rather than paste0(Species)
  indicator_bare_factorish <- .factorish_names %in% row.names(terms_matrix)
  bare_factorish_names <- .factorish_names[indicator_bare_factorish]

  # Something like mold(~ paste0(Species), iris, indicators = "none")
  no_bare_factorish_used <- length(bare_factorish_names) == 0L
  if (no_bare_factorish_used) {

  factorish_rows <- terms_matrix[bare_factorish_names, , drop = FALSE]
  factorish_rows <- factorish_rows[, other_cols, drop = FALSE]

  # In the factor matrix, only `:` is present to represent interactions,
  # even if something like * or ^ or %in% was used to generate it
  where_interactions <- grepl(":", colnames(factorish_rows))

  none_have_interactions <- !any(where_interactions)
  if (none_have_interactions) {

  interaction_cols <- factorish_rows[, where_interactions, drop = FALSE]

  factorish_is_bad_if_gt_0 <- rowSums(interaction_cols)
  bad_factorish_vals <- factorish_is_bad_if_gt_0[factorish_is_bad_if_gt_0 > 0]

  bad_cols <- names(bad_factorish_vals)


validate_no_interactions <- function(.formula) {

  bad_terms <- detect_interactions(.formula)

  no_interactions <- length(bad_terms) == 0L
  if (no_interactions) {

  bad_terms <- glue_quote_collapse(bad_terms)

    "Interaction terms cannot be specified on the LHS of `formula`. ",
    "The following interaction terms were found: {bad_terms}."

# Returns processed names of any interaction terms
# like 'Species:Sepal.Width', or character(0)
detect_interactions <- function(.formula) {

  .terms <- terms(.formula)

  terms_matrix <- attr(.terms, "factors")

  only_intercept_or_offsets <- length(terms_matrix) == 0L
  if (only_intercept_or_offsets) {

  terms_nms <- colnames(terms_matrix)

  # All interactions (*, ^, %in%) will be expanded to `:`
  has_interactions <- grepl(":", terms_nms)

  has_any_interactions <- any(has_interactions)

  if (!has_any_interactions) {

  bad_terms <- terms_nms[has_interactions]


extract_original_factorish_names <- function(ptype) {
  where_factorish <- vapply(ptype, is_factorish, logical(1))

  original_factorish_columns <- colnames(ptype)[where_factorish]


is_factorish <- function(x) {
  is.factor(x) || is.character(x)

remove_factorish_from_formula <- function(.formula, .factorish_names) {

  if (length(.factorish_names) == 0L) {

  .factorish_syms <- rlang::syms(.factorish_names)

  .f_rhs <- rlang::f_rhs(.formula)

  for (.factorish_sym in .factorish_syms) {
    .f_rhs <- rlang::expr(!! .f_rhs - !! .factorish_sym)

    lhs = rlang::f_lhs(.formula),
    rhs = .f_rhs,
    env = rlang::f_env(.formula)

reattach_factorish_columns <- function(predictors, data, factorish_names) {
  data_factorish_cols <- data[, factorish_names, drop = FALSE]
  tibble::add_column(predictors, !!! data_factorish_cols)

get_predictors_formula <- function(formula) {
    lhs = NULL,
    rhs = rlang::f_rhs(formula),
    env = rlang::f_env(formula)

get_outcomes_formula <- function(formula) {

  new_formula <- rlang::new_formula(
    lhs = NULL,
    rhs = rlang::f_lhs(formula),
    env = rlang::f_env(formula)

  remove_formula_intercept(new_formula, intercept = FALSE)
DavisVaughan/hardhat documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 9:53 a.m.