
#' Draw random variables with fixed intra-correlation cluster
#' Data is generated according to the following algorithm, where \eqn{i} is
#' the index of a cluster and \eqn{j} is the index of a unit:
#' \deqn{z_i ~ Bernoulli(p_i) \cr
#' y_{ij} ~ Bernoulli(p_{ij}) \cr
#' u_{ij} ~ Bernoulli(sqrt(\rho)) \cr
#' x_{ij} = (u_{ij) z_i + (1 - u_{ij}) y_{ij}}
#' This system of equations ensures inter-cluster correlation 0, intra-cluster
#' correlation in expectation \eqn{\rho}. Algorithm from Hossein, Akhtar.
#' "ICCbin: An R Package Facilitating Clustered Binary Data Generation, and
#' Estimation of Intracluster Correlation Coefficient (ICC) for Binary Data".
#' We rederived the analytical properties of this data and did a simulation
#' study to confirm that the data generated ensured the ICC we mentioned.
#' @param x A number or vector of numbers, one probability per cluster.
#' @param cluster_ids A vector of factors or items that can be coerced to
#' clusters; the length will determine the length of the generated data.
#' @param rho A number indicating the desired RCC.
#' @return A vector of binary numbers corresponding to the observations from
#' the supplied cluster IDs.
#' @examples
#' cluster_ids = rep(1:5, 10)
#' draw_icc(cluster_ids = cluster_ids)
#' draw_icc(prob = 0.7, cluster_ids = cluster_ids, rho = 0.5)
draw_icc = function(x = 0.5, cluster_ids, rho = 0.7) {
  # Let's not worry about how cluster_ids are provided
    cluster_ids = as.numeric(as.factor(cluster_ids))
  }, error=function(e) {
    stop("Error coercing cluster IDs to factor levels.")
  number_of_clusters = length(unique(cluster_ids))

  # Sanity check x
  if(!length(x) %in% c(1, number_of_clusters)) {
    stop("x must be either one number or one number per cluster.")
  if(!is.vector(x)) {
    stop("x must be a number or vector of numbers.")
  if(any(!is.numeric(x))) {
    stop("x must be a number or vector of numbers.")
  if(any(x > 1 | x < 0)) {
    stop("x must be numeric probabilities between 0 and 1 inclusive.")

  # Sanity check rho
  if(length(rho) > 1) {
    stop("rho must be a single number.")
  if(!is.numeric(rho)) {
    stop("rho must be a number.")
  if(rho > 1 | rho < 0) {
    stop("rho must be a number between 0 and 1.")

  # Generate cluster and individual probabilities
  if(length(x) == 1) {
    cluster_prob = rep(x, number_of_clusters)
  } else {
    cluster_prob = x
  # Individual probabilities: subset operator maps cluster probs to units.
  individual_prob = cluster_prob[cluster_ids]

  # Draw the z_ijs
  cluster_draw = rbinom(n = number_of_clusters,
                        size = 1,
                        prob = cluster_prob)[cluster_ids]

  # Draw the y_ijs
  individual_draw = rbinom(n = length(cluster_ids),
                           size = 1,
                           prob = individual_prob)

  # Draw the u_ijs -- sqrt(rho) because the actual ICC for this data will be
  # rho^2 -- sqrt(rho^2) = rho, to ensure users can enter in the terms they feel
  # most comfortable in
  switch_draw = rbinom(n = length(cluster_ids),
                       size = 1,
                       prob = sqrt(rho))

  # Return either the cluster outcome or individual outcome depending on the
  # switch
  ifelse(switch_draw, cluster_draw, individual_draw)

# Simulation study

resample_icc_gen = function(n_replicates = 5000,
                            prob = 0.5,
                            rho = 0.7) {
  est_icc = replicate(n_replicates, {
    # Generate cluster labels
    n_clust = 5
    n_in_clust = round(rnorm(n_clust, mean = 100, sd = 10))
    cluster_id = as.factor(sample(rep(letters[1:n_clust],

    # Draw ICC binary data
    results = draw_icc(x= prob,
                       cluster_ids = cluster_id,
                       rho = rho)

    # Estimate ICC
    ICCbare(cluster_id, results)

  est_icc = na.omit(est_icc)
  abline(v = mean(est_icc))
  abline(v = rho, col = "red")

DeclareDesign/DDtools documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:25 p.m.