

run <- function(recipient, data, spek){
  denom_colname <- 'total_scripts'
  numer_colname <- 'high_dose_scripts'
  recip_data <- filter(data, data$practice == recipient)
  data_denom <- sum(recip_data[denom_colname])
  data_numer <- sum(recip_data[numer_colname])

  df <- data.frame(
    id = recipient,
    numer = data_numer,
    denom = data_denom,
    value = floor(100*data_numer/data_denom)

  # Get the shape frames for the outline and the slices
  outline <- generate_outline()
  slices <- generate_slices()

  # Calculate achievable benchmark percentage
  benchmark_percentage <- 0.85
  counsel_label <- paste(df$numer, df$denom, sep=" / ")
  coords <- st_coordinates(outline)
  min_y <- min(coords[,'Y'])
  max_y <- max(coords[,'Y'])
  min_x <- min(coords[,'X'])
  max_x <- max(coords[,'X'])
  percentage_y <- (max_y - min_y) * benchmark_percentage
  percentage_x <- (max_x - min_x)/2

  # y-axis percentages
  breaks_y <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1)
  labels_y <- paste(breaks_y*100, "%", sep="")

  ### Add some dummy performance results as a status column
  slices[1:df$value, 'status'] <- 'complete'
  slices[df$value + 1:100, 'status'] <- 'incomplete'

  # Plot
  ggplot(df) +
    geom_sf(aes(color=status, fill=status),
            data=slices, lwd=1, show.legend = FALSE) +
    geom_sf(data=outline, fill=NA, lwd=2, color=PT$DL_BLUE) +
    coord_sf(datum=NA) +
    dl_annotate(geom="text", x=120, y=percentage_y, label="GOAL",
             color=PT$DL_BLUE, size=3) +
    dl_annotate(geom="text", x=percentage_x, y=max_y + max_y*.20,
             color=PT$DL_BLUE, size=6) +
    dl_annotate(geom="text", x=percentage_x, y=max_y + max_y*.1,
             label="PATIENTS COUNSELED",
             color=PT$DL_BLUE, size=4) +
    dl_annotate(geom="text", x=percentage_x - 25, y=breaks_y*(max_y-min_y),
             label=labels_y, color=PT$DL_BLUE, size=3) +
    geom_segment(mapping=aes(x=75, y=percentage_y, xend=99, yend=percentage_y),
                 color=PT$DL_GRAY, linetype=2) +
    scale_color_manual(values=c('complete'=PT$DL_BLUE, 'incomplete'=PT$DL_FILL)) +
    scale_fill_manual(values=c('complete'=PT$DL_BLUE, 'incomplete'=PT$DL_FILL)) +


iud_theme <- function(){
  theme_classic() +
          text = element_text(family=PT$DL_FONT))

# Emit a sf object representing the shape outline
generate_outline <- function(){
    gsub("\n","","POLYGON ((92.03515 0, 92.66593 0.0528, 93.29864 0.36044,
      93.90422 0.86767, 94.45361 1.51928, 94.91773 2.26003, 95.26751 3.03469,
      95.4739 3.78804, 95.5078 4.46484, 95.5078 160.9824, 95.53199 161.4737,
      95.54959 161.956, 95.5674 162.4282, 95.5923 162.8892, 95.6311 163.3378,
      95.6907 163.7729, 95.778 164.1936, 95.89979 164.5986, 96.06294 164.9868,
      96.27433 165.3571, 96.54077 165.7085, 96.86916 166.0398, 97.26632
      166.35, 97.73911 166.6378, 98.29442 166.9023, 98.93905 167.1423,
      164.9609 167.1423, 165.5649 167.1793, 166.1708 167.288, 166.7732
      167.4642, 167.3666 167.7035, 167.9453 168.0017, 168.5039 168.3546,
      169.0367 168.7577, 169.5384 169.2069, 170.0032 169.6978, 170.4257
      170.2261, 170.8003 170.7876, 171.1216 171.3781, 171.3838 171.9931,
      171.5816 172.6284, 171.7094 173.2798, 171.7615 173.9429, 171.7092
      175.2089, 171.5151 176.3232, 171.1992 177.2955, 170.7816 178.1354,
      170.2823 178.8525, 169.7213 179.4566, 169.1187 179.9572, 168.4944
      180.3642, 167.8686 180.687, 167.2612 180.9355, 166.6924 181.1192,
      166.182 181.2478, 165.7502 181.3311, 165.4169 181.3786, 165.2023 181.4,
      165.1263 181.405, 6.63523 181.405, 6.55923 181.4, 6.34459 181.3786,
      6.01135 181.3311, 5.57953 181.2478, 5.06916 181.1192, 4.50028 180.9355,
      3.89291 180.687, 3.26709 180.3642, 2.64285 179.9572, 2.04022 179.4566,
      1.47923 178.8525, 0.97991 178.1354, 0.5623 177.2955, 0.24641 176.3232,
      0.0523 175.2089, 0 173.9429, 0.0522 173.2798, 0.17994 172.6284, 0.37773
      171.9931, 0.64 171.3781, 0.96123 170.7876, 1.33587 170.2261, 1.75838
      169.6978, 2.22321 169.2069, 2.72483 168.7577, 3.25769 168.3546, 3.81626
      168.0017, 4.39498 167.7035, 4.98832 167.4642, 5.59074 167.288, 6.1967
      167.1793, 6.80064 167.1423, 72.82253 167.1423, 73.46717 166.9023,
      74.02247 166.6378, 74.49527 166.35, 74.89243 166.0398, 75.2208 165.7085,
      75.48725 165.3571, 75.69863 164.9868, 75.86179 164.5986, 75.98358
      164.1936, 76.07088 163.7729, 76.13048 163.3378, 76.16928 162.8892,
      76.19418 162.4282, 76.21198 161.956, 76.22958 161.4737, 76.25378
      160.9824, 76.25379 4.46484, 76.28769 3.78804, 76.49408 3.03469, 76.84386
      2.26003, 77.30798 1.51928, 77.85737 0.86767, 78.46295 0.36044, 79.09566
      0.0528, 79.72644 0, 92.03515 0))" )

# emit sf object representing the slices of the object.
generate_slices <- function(){
      c("POLYGON ((77.12329 1.81405, 94.63829 1.81405, 94.45361 1.51928, 93.90422 0.86767, 93.29864 0.36044, 92.66593 0.0528, 92.03515 0, 79.72644 0, 79.09566 0.0528, 78.46295 0.36044, 77.85737 0.86767, 77.30798 1.51928, 77.12329 1.81405))",
      "POLYGON ((76.3315 3.628099, 95.43008 3.628099, 95.26751 3.03469, 94.91773 2.26003, 94.63829 1.81405, 77.12329 1.81405, 76.84386 2.26003, 76.49408 3.03469, 76.3315 3.628099))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 5.442149, 95.5078 5.442149, 95.5078 4.46484, 95.4739 3.78804, 95.43008 3.628099, 76.3315 3.628099, 76.28769 3.78804, 76.25379 4.46484, 76.25379 5.442149))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 7.256198, 95.5078 7.256198, 95.5078 5.442149, 76.25379 5.442149, 76.25379 7.256198))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 9.070248, 95.5078 9.070248, 95.5078 7.256198, 76.25379 7.256198, 76.25379 9.070248))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 10.8843, 95.5078 10.8843, 95.5078 9.070248, 76.25379 9.070248, 76.25379 10.8843))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 12.69835, 95.5078 12.69835, 95.5078 10.8843, 76.25379 10.8843, 76.25379 12.69835))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 14.5124, 95.5078 14.5124, 95.5078 12.69835, 76.25379 12.69835, 76.25379 14.5124))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 16.32645, 95.5078 16.32645, 95.5078 14.5124, 76.25379 14.5124, 76.25379 16.32645))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 18.1405, 95.5078 18.1405, 95.5078 16.32645, 76.25379 16.32645, 76.25379 18.1405))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 19.95455, 95.5078 19.95455, 95.5078 18.1405, 76.25379 18.1405, 76.25379 19.95455))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 21.7686, 95.5078 21.7686, 95.5078 19.95455, 76.25379 19.95455, 76.25379 21.7686))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 23.58264, 95.5078 23.58264, 95.5078 21.7686, 76.25379 21.7686, 76.25379 23.58264))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 25.39669, 95.5078 25.39669, 95.5078 23.58264, 76.25379 23.58264, 76.25379 25.39669))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 27.21074, 95.5078 27.21074, 95.5078 25.39669, 76.25379 25.39669, 76.25379 27.21074))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 29.02479, 95.5078 29.02479, 95.5078 27.21074, 76.25379 27.21074, 76.25379 29.02479))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 30.83884, 95.5078 30.83884, 95.5078 29.02479, 76.25379 29.02479, 76.25379 30.83884))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 32.65289, 95.5078 32.65289, 95.5078 30.83884, 76.25379 30.83884, 76.25379 32.65289))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 34.46694, 95.5078 34.46694, 95.5078 32.65289, 76.25379 32.65289, 76.25379 34.46694))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 36.28099, 95.5078 36.28099, 95.5078 34.46694, 76.25379 34.46694, 76.25379 36.28099))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 38.09504, 95.5078 38.09504, 95.5078 36.28099, 76.25379 36.28099, 76.25379 38.09504))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 39.90909, 95.5078 39.90909, 95.5078 38.09504, 76.25379 38.09504, 76.25379 39.90909))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 41.72314, 95.5078 41.72314, 95.5078 39.90909, 76.25379 39.90909, 76.25379 41.72314))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 43.53719, 95.5078 43.53719, 95.5078 41.72314, 76.25379 41.72314, 76.25379 43.53719))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 45.35124, 95.5078 45.35124, 95.5078 43.53719, 76.25379 43.53719, 76.25379 45.35124))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 47.16529, 95.5078 47.16529, 95.5078 45.35124, 76.25379 45.35124, 76.25379 47.16529))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 48.97934, 95.5078 48.97934, 95.5078 47.16529, 76.25379 47.16529, 76.25379 48.97934))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 50.79339, 95.5078 50.79339, 95.5078 48.97934, 76.25379 48.97934, 76.25379 50.79339))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 52.60744, 95.5078 52.60744, 95.5078 50.79339, 76.25379 50.79339, 76.25379 52.60744))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 54.42149, 95.5078 54.42149, 95.5078 52.60744, 76.25379 52.60744, 76.25379 54.42149))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 56.23554, 95.5078 56.23554, 95.5078 54.42149, 76.25379 54.42149, 76.25379 56.23554))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 58.04959, 95.5078 58.04959, 95.5078 56.23554, 76.25379 56.23554, 76.25379 58.04959))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 59.86364, 95.5078 59.86364, 95.5078 58.04959, 76.25379 58.04959, 76.25379 59.86364))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 61.67769, 95.5078 61.67769, 95.5078 59.86364, 76.25379 59.86364, 76.25379 61.67769))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 63.49174, 95.5078 63.49174, 95.5078 61.67769, 76.25379 61.67769, 76.25379 63.49174))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 65.30579, 95.5078 65.30579, 95.5078 63.49174, 76.25379 63.49174, 76.25379 65.30579))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 67.11983, 95.5078 67.11983, 95.5078 65.30579, 76.25379 65.30579, 76.25379 67.11983))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 68.93388, 95.5078 68.93388, 95.5078 67.11983, 76.25379 67.11983, 76.25379 68.93388))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 70.74793, 95.5078 70.74793, 95.5078 68.93388, 76.25379 68.93388, 76.25379 70.74793))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 72.56198, 95.5078 72.56198, 95.5078 70.74793, 76.25379 70.74793, 76.25379 72.56198))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 74.37603, 95.5078 74.37603, 95.5078 72.56198, 76.25379 72.56198, 76.25379 74.37603))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 76.19008, 95.5078 76.19008, 95.5078 74.37603, 76.25379 74.37603, 76.25379 76.19008))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 78.00413, 95.5078 78.00413, 95.5078 76.19008, 76.25379 76.19008, 76.25379 78.00413))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 79.81818, 95.5078 79.81818, 95.5078 78.00413, 76.25379 78.00413, 76.25379 79.81818))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 81.63223, 95.5078 81.63223, 95.5078 79.81818, 76.25379 79.81818, 76.25379 81.63223))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 83.44628, 95.5078 83.44628, 95.5078 81.63223, 76.25379 81.63223, 76.25379 83.44628))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 85.26033, 95.5078 85.26033, 95.5078 83.44628, 76.25379 83.44628, 76.25379 85.26033))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 87.07438, 95.5078 87.07438, 95.5078 85.26033, 76.25379 85.26033, 76.25379 87.07438))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 88.88843, 95.5078 88.88843, 95.5078 87.07438, 76.25379 87.07438, 76.25379 88.88843))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 90.70248, 95.5078 90.70248, 95.5078 88.88843, 76.25379 88.88843, 76.25379 90.70248))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 92.51653, 95.5078 92.51653, 95.5078 90.70248, 76.25379 90.70248, 76.25379 92.51653))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 94.33058, 95.5078 94.33058, 95.5078 92.51653, 76.25379 92.51653, 76.25379 94.33058))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 96.14463, 95.5078 96.14463, 95.5078 94.33058, 76.25379 94.33058, 76.25379 96.14463))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 97.95868, 95.5078 97.95868, 95.5078 96.14463, 76.25379 96.14463, 76.25379 97.95868))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 99.77273, 95.5078 99.77273, 95.5078 97.95868, 76.25379 97.95868, 76.25379 99.77273))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 101.5868, 95.5078 101.5868, 95.5078 99.77273, 76.25379 99.77273, 76.25379 101.5868))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 103.4008, 95.5078 103.4008, 95.5078 101.5868, 76.25379 101.5868, 76.25379 103.4008))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 105.2149, 95.5078 105.2149, 95.5078 103.4008, 76.25379 103.4008, 76.25379 105.2149))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 107.0289, 95.5078 107.0289, 95.5078 105.2149, 76.25379 105.2149, 76.25379 107.0289))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 108.843, 95.5078 108.843, 95.5078 107.0289, 76.25379 107.0289, 76.25379 108.843))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 110.657, 95.5078 110.657, 95.5078 108.843, 76.25379 108.843, 76.25379 110.657))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 112.4711, 95.5078 112.4711, 95.5078 110.657, 76.25379 110.657, 76.25379 112.4711))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 114.2851, 95.5078 114.2851, 95.5078 112.4711, 76.25379 112.4711, 76.25379 114.2851))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 116.0992, 95.5078 116.0992, 95.5078 114.2851, 76.25379 114.2851, 76.25379 116.0992))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 117.9132, 95.5078 117.9132, 95.5078 116.0992, 76.25379 116.0992, 76.25379 117.9132))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 119.7273, 95.5078 119.7273, 95.5078 117.9132, 76.25379 117.9132, 76.25379 119.7273))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25379 121.5413, 95.5078 121.5413, 95.5078 119.7273, 76.25379 119.7273, 76.25379 121.5413))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 123.3554, 95.5078 123.3554, 95.5078 121.5413, 76.25379 121.5413, 76.25378 123.3554))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 125.1694, 95.5078 125.1694, 95.5078 123.3554, 76.25378 123.3554, 76.25378 125.1694))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 126.9835, 95.5078 126.9835, 95.5078 125.1694, 76.25378 125.1694, 76.25378 126.9835))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 128.7975, 95.5078 128.7975, 95.5078 126.9835, 76.25378 126.9835, 76.25378 128.7975))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 130.6116, 95.5078 130.6116, 95.5078 128.7975, 76.25378 128.7975, 76.25378 130.6116))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 132.4256, 95.5078 132.4256, 95.5078 130.6116, 76.25378 130.6116, 76.25378 132.4256))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 134.2397, 95.5078 134.2397, 95.5078 132.4256, 76.25378 132.4256, 76.25378 134.2397))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 136.0537, 95.5078 136.0537, 95.5078 134.2397, 76.25378 134.2397, 76.25378 136.0537))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 137.8678, 95.5078 137.8678, 95.5078 136.0537, 76.25378 136.0537, 76.25378 137.8678))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 139.6818, 95.5078 139.6818, 95.5078 137.8678, 76.25378 137.8678, 76.25378 139.6818))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 141.4959, 95.5078 141.4959, 95.5078 139.6818, 76.25378 139.6818, 76.25378 141.4959))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 143.3099, 95.5078 143.3099, 95.5078 141.4959, 76.25378 141.4959, 76.25378 143.3099))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 145.124, 95.5078 145.124, 95.5078 143.3099, 76.25378 143.3099, 76.25378 145.124))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 146.938, 95.5078 146.938, 95.5078 145.124, 76.25378 145.124, 76.25378 146.938))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 148.7521, 95.5078 148.7521, 95.5078 146.938, 76.25378 146.938, 76.25378 148.7521))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 150.5661, 95.5078 150.5661, 95.5078 148.7521, 76.25378 148.7521, 76.25378 150.5661))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 152.3802, 95.5078 152.3802, 95.5078 150.5661, 76.25378 150.5661, 76.25378 152.3802))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 154.1942, 95.5078 154.1942, 95.5078 152.3802, 76.25378 152.3802, 76.25378 154.1942))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 156.0083, 95.5078 156.0083, 95.5078 154.1942, 76.25378 154.1942, 76.25378 156.0083))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 157.8223, 95.5078 157.8223, 95.5078 156.0083, 76.25378 156.0083, 76.25378 157.8223))",
      "POLYGON ((76.25378 159.6364, 95.5078 159.6364, 95.5078 157.8223, 76.25378 157.8223, 76.25378 159.6364))",
      "POLYGON ((76.23073 161.4504, 95.53085 161.4504, 95.5078 160.9824, 95.5078 159.6364, 76.25378 159.6364, 76.25378 160.9824, 76.23073 161.4504))",
      "POLYGON ((76.13683 163.2645, 95.62475 163.2645, 95.5923 162.8892, 95.5674 162.4282, 95.54959 161.956, 95.53199 161.4737, 95.53085 161.4504, 76.23073 161.4504, 76.22958 161.4737, 76.21198 161.956, 76.19418 162.4282, 76.16928 162.8892, 76.13683 163.2645))",
      "POLYGON ((75.64628 165.0785, 96.1153 165.0785, 96.06294 164.9868, 95.89979 164.5986, 95.778 164.1936, 95.6907 163.7729, 95.6311 163.3378, 95.62475 163.2645, 76.13683 163.2645, 76.13048 163.3378, 76.07088 163.7729, 75.98358 164.1936, 75.86179 164.5986, 75.69863 164.9868, 75.64628 165.0785))",
      "POLYGON ((73.4876 166.8926, 98.27399 166.8926, 97.73911 166.6378, 97.26632 166.35, 96.86916 166.0398, 96.54077 165.7085, 96.27433 165.3571, 96.1153 165.0785, 75.64628 165.0785, 75.48725 165.3571, 75.2208 165.7085, 74.89243 166.0398, 74.49527 166.35, 74.02247 166.6378, 73.4876 166.8926))",
      "POLYGON ((2.792358 168.7066, 168.9692 168.7066, 168.5039 168.3546, 167.9453 168.0017, 167.3666 167.7035, 166.7732 167.4642, 166.1708 167.288, 165.5649 167.1793, 164.9609 167.1423, 98.93905 167.1423, 98.29442 166.9023, 98.27399 166.8926, 73.4876 166.8926, 73.46717 166.9023, 72.82253 167.1423, 6.80064 167.1423, 6.1967 167.1793, 5.59074 167.288, 4.98832 167.4642, 4.39498 167.7035, 3.81626 168.0017, 3.25769 168.3546, 2.792358 168.7066))",
      "POLYGON ((1.139355 170.5207, 170.6222 170.5207, 170.4257 170.2261, 170.0032 169.6978, 169.5384 169.2069, 169.0367 168.7577, 168.9692 168.7066, 2.792358 168.7066, 2.72483 168.7577, 2.22321 169.2069, 1.75838 169.6978, 1.33587 170.2261, 1.139355 170.5207))",
      "POLYGON ((0.2713716 172.3347, 171.4902 172.3347, 171.3838 171.9931, 171.1216 171.3781, 170.8003 170.7876, 170.6222 170.5207, 1.139355 170.5207, 0.96123 170.7876, 0.64 171.3781, 0.37773 171.9931, 0.2713716 172.3347))",
      "POLYGON ((0.008505101 174.1488, 171.753 174.1488, 171.7615 173.9429, 171.7094 173.2798, 171.5816 172.6284, 171.4902 172.3347, 0.2713716 172.3347, 0.17994 172.6284, 0.0522 173.2798, 0 173.9429, 0.008505101 174.1488))",
      "POLYGON ((0.1836236 175.9628, 171.5779 175.9628, 171.7092 175.2089, 171.753 174.1488, 0.008505101 174.1488, 0.0523 175.2089, 0.1836236 175.9628))",
      "POLYGON ((0.8016441 177.7769, 170.9599 177.7769, 171.1992 177.2955, 171.5151 176.3232, 171.5779 175.9628, 0.1836236 175.9628, 0.24641 176.3232, 0.5623 177.2955, 0.8016441 177.7769))",
      "POLYGON ((2.201907 179.5909, 169.5596 179.5909, 169.7213 179.4566, 170.2823 178.8525, 170.7816 178.1354, 170.9599 177.7769, 0.8016441 177.7769, 0.97991 178.1354, 1.47923 178.8525, 2.04022 179.4566, 2.201907 179.5909))",
      "POLYGON ((169.5596 179.5909, 2.201907 179.5909, 2.64285 179.9572, 3.26709 180.3642, 3.89291 180.687, 4.50028 180.9355, 5.06916 181.1192, 5.57953 181.2478, 6.01135 181.3311, 6.34459 181.3786, 6.55923 181.4, 6.63523 181.405, 165.1263 181.405, 165.2023 181.4, 165.4169 181.3786, 165.7502 181.3311, 166.182 181.2478, 166.6924 181.1192, 167.2612 180.9355, 167.8686 180.687, 168.4944 180.3642, 169.1187 179.9572, 169.5596 179.5909))"
Display-Lab/pictoralist documentation built on April 1, 2020, 1:25 a.m.