
# This file was generated by
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library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

# Annotator functions for MPOG ASPIRE measurements

# Run Once #

# Setup cache is run once per measure-comparator
#  The top level env will include comparator_id and measure_id
setup_cache <- function(data, spek){
  cache <- list()

  # Id column will always be id
  cache$id_colname      <- 'id'
  cache$id_col_sym      <- rlang::sym(cache$id_colname)

  # Hardcode column names.  Extract from spek in subsequent versions.
  cache$denom_colname   <- 'Denominator'
  cache$numer_colname   <- 'Passed_Count'
  cache$time_colname    <- 'Month'
  cache$measure_colname <- 'Measure_Name'

  # Make a symbol of the numerator and denominator columns
  cache$denom_col_sym   <- rlang::sym(cache$denom_colname)
  cache$numer_col_sym   <- rlang::sym(cache$numer_colname)
  cache$time_col_sym    <- rlang::sym(cache$time_colname)
  cache$measure_col_sym <- rlang::sym(cache$measure_colname)

  # Calculate peer average by measure
  #cache$peer_mean <- calc_peer_measure_means(data, cache)
  cache$measure_id <- measure_id
  cache$comparator_id <- comparator_id
  cache$comparator <- calc_comparator_value(data, spek, measure_id, comparator_id)


calc_comparator_value <- function(data, spek, m_id, c_id){
    comparator <- spekex::lookup_comparator(c_id, spek)

  val <- spekex::comparison_value_of_comparator(comparator)
  # Assume comparators without values are social comparator.
  # TODO: Lookup compartor type
    # TODO: Do symbol lookup and substitution via quasiquotation
    measure <- spekex::lookup_measure(m_id, spek)
    m_name <- spekex::identifier_of_measure(measure)
    val <- data %>%
      dplyr::filter(Measure_Name == m_name) %>%
      summarize(value=mean(Passed_Count / Denominator)) %>%


# Helper Functions #

# Only pass in time points to be evaluated, as this will check for trend across all points given
eval_positive_trend <- function(x){
  len <- length(x)
  if(len < 2){ return(FALSE) }
  is_tail_ascending <- !is.unsorted(x, strictly=T)

eval_negative_trend <- function(x){
  len <- length(x)
  if(len < 2){ return(FALSE) }
  is_tail_descending <- !is.unsorted(rev(x), strictly=T)

# This does not handle a missing most recent time point.  That needs to be accounted for elsewhere.
# Most recent (greatest) timepoint is at or above comparator and all others are below
# All FALSE with single TRUE at end
eval_achievement <- function(x, comp){
  if(length(x) < 2){ return(FALSE)}

  bools <- x >= comp
  return( sum(bools)==1 & dplyr::last(bools) == TRUE)

eval_consec_neg_gap <- function(x, comp){
  if(length(x) < 2){ return(FALSE) }
  bools <- x < comp
  return( sum(bools)==2 )

eval_consec_pos_gap <- function(x, comp){
  if(length(x) < 2){ return(FALSE) }
  bools <- x > comp
  return( sum(bools)==2 )

# Annotation Functions #

annotate_negative_gap <- function(data, spek){
  time <- cache$time_col_sym
  denom <- cache$denom_col_sym
  numer <- cache$numer_col_sym
  id <- cache$id_col_sym

  # DEBUG:Catch bad data
  if(max(data$Month) == -Inf){

  data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!time == max(!!time)) %>%
    mutate(rate = !!numer / !!denom) %>%
    group_by(!!id) %>%
    summarize(negative_gap = rate < cache$comparator)

annotate_positive_gap <- function(data, spek){
  time <- cache$time_col_sym
  denom <- cache$denom_col_sym
  numer <- cache$numer_col_sym
  id <- cache$id_col_sym

  data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!time == max(!!time)) %>%
    mutate(rate = !!numer / !!denom) %>%
    group_by(!!id) %>%
    summarize(positive_gap = (rate > cache$comparator))

annotate_negative_trend <- function(data, spek){
  time <- cache$time_col_sym
  denom <- cache$denom_col_sym
  numer <- cache$numer_col_sym
  id <- cache$id_col_sym

  max_month <- max(data[[time]])
  min_month <- max_month %m-% months(1)

  data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!time >= min_month) %>%
    mutate(rate = !!numer / !!denom) %>%
    group_by(!!id) %>%
    summarize(negative_trend = eval_negative_trend(rate))

annotate_positive_trend <- function(data, spek){
  time <- cache$time_col_sym
  denom <- cache$denom_col_sym
  numer <- cache$numer_col_sym
  id <- cache$id_col_sym

  max_month <- as_date(max(data[[time]]))
  min_month <- max_month %m-% months(1)

  data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!time >= min_month) %>%
    mutate(rate = !!numer / !!denom) %>%
    group_by(!!id) %>%
    summarize(positive_trend = eval_positive_trend(rate))

annotate_performance_gap <- function(data, spek){
  time <- cache$time_col_sym
  denom <- cache$denom_col_sym
  numer <- cache$numer_col_sym
  id <- cache$id_col_sym

  data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!time == max(!!time)) %>%
    mutate(rate = !!numer / !!denom) %>%
    group_by(!!id) %>%
    summarize(performance_gap = (rate != cache$comparator))

annotate_achievement <- function(data, spek){
  time <- cache$time_col_sym
  denom <- cache$denom_col_sym
  numer <- cache$numer_col_sym
  id <- cache$id_col_sym

  data %>%
    mutate(rate = !!numer / !!denom) %>%
    arrange(!!time) %>%
    group_by(!!id) %>%
    summarize( achievement = eval_achievement(rate,cache$comparator))

annotate_comparators <- function(data, spek){
  # comparator_id provided by running environment into cache
  comp_type <- spekex::type_of_comparator( spekex::lookup_comparator(cache$comparator_id, spek))

  is_std <- identical(spekex::SE$STANDARD_COMPARATOR_IRI, comp_type)
  is_soc <- identical(spekex::SE$SOCIAL_COMPARATOR_IRI, comp_type)
  is_gol <- identical(spekex::SE$GOAL_COMPARATOR_IRI, comp_type)

  id <- cache$id_col_sym

  # Do three annotations at once.
  data %>% group_by(!!id) %>% summarize(standard_comparator = is_std,
                                        social_comparator = is_soc,
                                        goal_comparator = is_gol)

# No-op Annotations
annotate_capability_barrier <- function(data, spek){
  id <- cache$id_col_sym
  data %>% group_by(!!id) %>% summarize( capability_barrier = FALSE)

annotate_large_gap <- function(data, spek){
  id <- cache$id_col_sym
  data %>% group_by(!!id) %>% summarize( large_gap = FALSE)

annotate_consec_neg_gap <- function(data, spek){
  id <- cache$id_col_sym
  data %>% group_by(!!id) %>% summarize( consec_neg_gap = FALSE)

annotate_consec_pos_gap <- function(data, spek){
  id <- cache$id_col_sym
  data %>% group_by(!!id) %>% summarize( consec_pos_gap = FALSE)

# Stepping implementation appended below

# The following is the stub to add to aspire annotations

stepping_helper <- function(n, data, spek){
  slowmo_base <- ""
  step_back_data <- data %>% dplyr::filter(Month <= (max(Month) %m-% months(n)))

  results <- list()

  # Handle case where measure or data doesn't go back n months
  if(nrow(step_back_data) == 0){
    return(list(data.frame(id=character(0), stringsAsFactors = F)))
    results[['pg_res']] <- annotate_positive_gap(step_back_data, spek) %>%
      rename_at(vars(-id), ~ paste0(slowmo_base, . , "_",n))
    results[['ng_res']] <- annotate_negative_gap(step_back_data, spek) %>%
      rename_at(vars(-id), ~ paste0(slowmo_base, . , "_",n))
    results[['pt_res']] <- annotate_positive_trend(step_back_data, spek) %>%
      rename_at(vars(-id), ~ paste0(slowmo_base, . , "_",n))
    results[['nt_res']] <- annotate_negative_trend(step_back_data, spek) %>%
      rename_at(vars(-id), ~ paste0(slowmo_base, . , "_",n))
    results[['achiev']] <- annotate_achievement(step_back_data, spek) %>%
      rename_at(vars(-id), ~ paste0(slowmo_base, . , "_",n))

# Stepping annotations back one month at a time.
#  Some super bespoke shit here.
annotate_stepping <- function(data, spek){
  # Drop max month five times and run all annotations
  #  merge the results together.
  #  ship them off as if they were a single annotation set

  # For each month, filter data. Step back through 5 prior months.
  step_results <- unlist( lapply(c(1:5), stepping_helper, data=data, spek=spek), recursive=F)
  # Combine all results by joining them on id.
  joined_results <- Reduce(function(x,y){left_join(x,y,by="id")}, step_results) %>%
    mutate_all( ~ replace(.,, FALSE))

Display-Lab/spekex documentation built on Nov. 23, 2020, 12:32 a.m.