
context("Mouse interactions")

xmat <- matrix(rpois(60, 4), 20, 3, dimnames = list(letters[1:20], c("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma")))
xx <- c(a = 0.001, b = 3, c = 4, d = 5, e = 6, f = 7, g = 8, h = 9,  i = 10)
x2d <- cbind(Cat = (1:9) + 5, Dog = xx)

test_that("Tooltips shown for small values",
    pp <- Bar(xx)
    expect_true(TestWidget(pp, "hover-smallvals-bar", mouse.xpos = 0.09, mouse.ypos = 0.1))
    pp <- Bar(xx[1:4])
    expect_true(TestWidget(pp, "hover-wide-bar", mouse.xpos = 0.1, mouse.ypos = 0.15))
    pp <- Bar(x2d, type = "Stacked", data.label.show = TRUE)
    expect_true(TestWidget(pp, "hover-smallvals-stackedbar", mouse.xpos = 0.28, mouse.ypos = 0.1))
    pp <- Column(xx)
    expect_true(TestWidget(pp, "hover-smallvals-column", mouse.xpos = 0.1, mouse.ypos = 0.95))
    pp <- Pyramid(xx, data.label.show = TRUE)
    expect_true(TestWidget(pp, "hover-smallvals-pyramid", mouse.xpos = 0.531, mouse.ypos = 0.1))
    pp <- SmallMultiples(x2d, "Pyramid", data.label.show = TRUE)
    expect_true(TestWidget(pp, "hover-smallvals-pyramid-smallmult", mouse.xpos = 0.5, mouse.ypos = 0.54))

test_that("Legend toggle",
    # Check legend toggling works properly for stacked charts
    for (chart in c("Area", "Bar", "Column"))
        filestem <- paste0("legendtoggle-stacked-", tolower(chart))
        cmd <- paste0(chart, "(xmat, type = 'Stacked', data.label.show = TRUE)")
        expect_error(pp <- eval(parse(text=cmd)), NA)
        expect_true(TestWidget(pp, paste0(filestem, ".png"), mouse.doubleclick = TRUE,
            mouse.xpos = 0.97, mouse.ypos = 0.08, delay = 2))
    # Check legend toggling works properly for unstacked charts
    for (chart in c("Area", "Bar", "Column", "Line", "Radar"))
        filestem <- paste0("legendtoggle-", tolower(chart))
        cmd <- paste0(chart, "(xmat, data.label.show = TRUE)")
        expect_error(pp <- eval(parse(text=cmd)), NA)
        expect_true(TestWidget(pp, paste0(filestem, ".png"), mouse.doubleclick = TRUE,
            mouse.xpos = 0.97, mouse.ypos = 0.08, delay = 2))

# We can't directly simulate the dragging motion to trigger zoom
# but we can see allowed interactions from the modebar
cfunc <- c("Area", "Bar", "Column", "Line", "Radar", "Scatter")
for (cc in cfunc)
        ff <- paste0("zoom-enabled-", tolower(cc))
        cmd <- paste0("pp <-", cc, "(xmat, data.label.show = TRUE, modebar.show = TRUE, zoom.enable = TRUE)")
        expect_error(suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text=cmd))), NA)
        expect_true(TestWidget(pp, ff))

        ff <- paste0("zoom-disabled-", tolower(cc))
        cmd <- paste0("pp <-", cc, "(xmat, data.label.show = TRUE, modebar.show = TRUE, zoom.enable = FALSE)")
        expect_error(suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text=cmd))), NA)
        expect_true(TestWidget(pp, ff))
Displayr/flipChartTests documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 9:36 p.m.