
Defines functions isCategoricalMultiVariableSet isVariableSet isMultiVariableSet SplitVectorToList QuestionListToDataFrame asNumericList

Documented in asNumericList QuestionListToDataFrame SplitVectorToList

#' \code{AsNumericList}
#' @description Coerce a list of numeric or factor variables into a list where the elements of the list are numeric.
#' @param x A list containing the variables to combine. The
#'   elements of the list should be of class numeric, factor, or ordered factor.
#' @param binary If \code{TRUE}, unordered factors are represented as dummy variables.
#' Otherwise, they are represented as sequential integers.
#' @param remove.first Remove the first binary variable.
#' @param return.data.frame Returns as a \code{\link{data.frame}}.
#' @return A \code{\link{data.frame}} or \code{\link{list}}.
asNumericList <- function(x, binary = TRUE, remove.first = FALSE, return.data.frame = TRUE)
    result <- NULL
    unclassed <- list()
    nms <- names(x)
    if (!return.data.frame)
        result <- vector("list", length(x))
        names(result) <- names(x)

    is.categorical.multi <- isCategoricalMultiVariableSet(x)
    if (is.categorical.multi && !binary)
        out <- numbersFromCategoricalVariableSets(x)
        if (return.data.frame)
            result <- as.data.frame(out, check.names = FALSE)
            for (i in seq_len(NCOL(out)))
                result[[i]] <- out[, i]
        return(CopyAttributes(result, x))
    for (counter in seq(along = x))
        variable <- x[[counter]]
        if (is.null(attr(variable, "name")))
            attr(variable, "name") <- nms[counter]
        attr(variable, "InLoop") <- TRUE
        if (any(class(variable) %in% c("factor", "character", "POSIXct", "POSIXt", "Date")))
            variable <- AsNumeric(variable, binary = binary, name = attr(variable, "name"),
                                  remove.first = remove.first)
            uc <- attr(variable, "Unclassed")
            if (!is.null(uc))
                unclassed <- c(unclassed, uc)
                attr(result, "Unclassed") <- NULL
        if (is.logical(variable))
            variable <- AsNumeric(variable)
        attr(variable, "InLoop") <- NULL
        if (return.data.frame)
            if (is.null(result))
                result <- as.data.frame(variable)
                result <- cbind(result, as.data.frame(variable))

            if (is.null(ncol(variable))) # Numeric variables (i.e., not exploded factors).
                colnames(result)[ncol(result)] <- names(x)[counter]
            result[[counter]] <- variable
    if (length(unclassed) > 0)
    return (result)

#' \code{QuestionListToDataFrame}
#' @description Combine a list of questions into a data frame.
#' @param list.of.questions A list containing the questions to combine.
#' @param names.to.remove A vector of column names to exclude.
#' @export
QuestionListToDataFrame <- function(list.of.questions, names.to.remove = c("NET", "Total", "SUM"))
    result <- NULL
    for (c in seq(list.of.questions))
        q <- list.of.questions[[c]]
        df <- if (is.data.frame(q))
            question.df <- q[, !(tolower(names(q)) %in% tolower(names.to.remove))]
        else # Single variable questions
            var.df <- as.data.frame(q)
            names(var.df) <- attr(q, "question")

        if (is.null(result))
            result <- df
            result <- cbind(result, df)

#' Split vector by unique values of a factor
#'  Splits a vector \code{values} by unique values of another vector,
#'     \code{groups}.
#' @param values A \code{\link{vector}} to be split.
#' @param groups A \code{\link{vector}} which determines how
#'     \code{values} is split; must have same length as \code{values} and
#'     will be coerced to \code{\link{factor}} using
#'     \code{\link{as.factor}}.
#' @return A \code{\link{list}}.
#' @export
SplitVectorToList <- function(values, groups)
    ## avoid tapply since it returns a ragged array: object of class
    ## array with non-NULL "dim" attribute
    ## tapply(values, groups, c)
    if (length(groups) != length(values))
        stop(gettextf("%s and %s must have the same length.", shQuote("values"),
                      shQuote("groups")), domain = NA)
    groups <- as.factor(groups)
    ## groups <- addNA(groups, ifany = FALSE)
    gnames <- levels(groups)
    non.na.g <- !is.na(groups)
    out <- lapply(levels(groups), function(l) values[non.na.g & groups == l])
    names(out) <- gnames

#' Checks if input is a Multi variable set from Displayr/Q
#' @return logical scalar
#' @noRd
isMultiVariableSet <- function(x)
    all(c("variablesourcevalues", "variablevalues",
          "codeframe") %in% names(attributes(x)))

isVariableSet <- function(x)
    all(c("sourcevalues", "values", "codeframe") %in% names(attributes(x)))

isCategoricalMultiVariableSet <- function(x)
    non.cat.qtypes <- c("PickAnyGrid", "PickAny", "PickAnyCompact", "NumberMulti", "NumberGrid")
    qt <- attr(x, "questiontype")
    if (is.null(qt))
    is.multi.variable.set  <- isMultiVariableSet(x)
    return(is.multi.variable.set && !qt %in% non.cat.qtypes)
Displayr/flipTransformations documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:47 a.m.