
Defines functions summary.dsm.var

Documented in summary.dsm.var

#' Summarize the variance of a density surface model
#' Gives a brief summary of a fitted \code{dsm} variance object.
#' @aliases summary.dsm.var
#' @param object a `dsm.var` object
#' @param alpha alpha level for confidence intervals (default 0.05 to give a
#' 95\% confidence internal, i.e. we generate `100*c(alpha/2, 1-alpha/2)`
#' confidence intervals)
#' @param boxplot.coef the value of `coef` used to calculate the outliers see
#' [`boxplot`][graphics::boxplot].
#' @param bootstrap.subregions list of vectors of logicals or indices for
#' subregions for which variances need to be calculated (only for bootstraps
#' (see [`dsm.var.prop`][dsm.var.prop] for how to use subregions with variance
#' propagation).
#' @param \dots unused arguments for S3 compatibility
#' @return a summary object
#' @export
#' @seealso [`dsm.var.movblk`][dsm.var.movblk], [`dsm.var.prop`][dsm.var.prop]
#' @author David L. Miller
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
# @importFrom mgcv uniquecombs
summary.dsm.var <- function(object, alpha=0.05, boxplot.coef=1.5,
                            bootstrap.subregions=NULL, ...){

  # storage
  sinfo <- list()
  # save the alpha value for cis
  sinfo$alpha <- alpha

    # grab the predicted values
    #mod1.pred <- dsm.predict(object$dsm.object,
    #                         newdata=object$pred.data,
    #                         off.set=object$off.set)
    #sinfo$pred.est <- sum(mod1.pred,na.rm=TRUE)
    sinfo$pred.est <- object$study.area.total[1]

    sinfo$block.size <- object$block.size
    sinfo$n.boot <- object$n.boot
    sinfo$bootstrap <- TRUE
    sinfo$ds.uncertainty <- object$ds.uncertainty

    # bootstrap abundances
    bootstrap.abund <- object$study.area.total

    # when we don't need to do the delta method
    if(any(class(object$dsm.object$ddf)=="fake_ddf") | object$ds.uncertainty){

      # if we used detection function uncertainty
      # or there was no detection function

      # variance of the bootstrap abundances is the variance
      trimmed.variance <- trim.var(bootstrap.abund[is.finite(bootstrap.abund)],

      sinfo$var <- trimmed.variance
      sinfo$se <- sqrt(trimmed.variance)

      sinfo$cv <- sinfo$se/sinfo$pred.est
      # in this case bootstrap and regular CV are the same
      sinfo$bootstrap.cv <- sinfo$cv
      # delta method, if necessary
      #  - if we didn't incorporate detection function uncertainty in bootstrap
      #  - if there was a detection function

      ddf.summary <- summary(object$dsm.object$ddf)

      # average p standard error
      sinfo$average.p.se <- ddf.summary$average.p.se

      ## calculate the variance via the delta method
      # find the cv squared of the p
      cvp.sq <- (ddf.summary$average.p.se/
      # save that
      sinfo$detfct.cv <- sqrt(cvp.sq)

      # save the s.e. of N from bootstrap
      trimmed.variance <- trim.var(bootstrap.abund[is.finite(bootstrap.abund)],
      sinfo$N.bs.se <- sqrt(trimmed.variance)

      # cv squared of the Ns from the bootstrap
      cvNbs.sq <- (sinfo$N.bs.se/sinfo$pred.est)^2
      # save that
      sinfo$bootstrap.cv <- sqrt(cvNbs.sq)

      # cv of N
      cvN <- sqrt(cvp.sq + cvNbs.sq)
      sinfo$cv <- cvN

      # variance (delta method)
      sinfo$var <- (cvN*sinfo$pred.est)^2
      sinfo$se <- sqrt(sinfo$var)

    ### general bootstrap stuff

    # how many duds did we have?
    sinfo$boxplot.coef <- boxplot.coef
    sinfo$trim.prop <- attr(trimmed.variance, "trim.prop")
    sinfo$trim.ind <- attr(trimmed.variance, "trim.ind")
    sinfo$boot.outliers <- attr(trimmed.variance, "outliers")
    sinfo$boot.infinite <- sum(is.infinite(bootstrap.abund))
    sinfo$boot.finite <- sum(!is.infinite(bootstrap.abund))
    sinfo$boot.NA <- sum(is.na(bootstrap.abund))
    sinfo$boot.NaN <- sum(is.nan(bootstrap.abund))
    sinfo$boot.usable <- sinfo$boot.finite - (sinfo$boot.outliers +
                         sinfo$boot.infinite + sinfo$boot.NA + sinfo$boot.NaN)

    # grab the %ile c.i.s at alpha, 1-alpha and also median
    sinfo$quantiles <- quantile(bootstrap.abund[sinfo$trim.ind],
                                c(alpha, 0.5, 1-alpha),
    attr(sinfo$quantiles, "names")[2] <- "Median"

    ### subregions...
      # to do the subregions, we just recurse back into this routine
      # each time we just restrict the data to those specified by
      # the corresponding entry in bootstrap.subregions

      subregions <- list()

      for(region.ind in bootstrap.subregions){
        # setup the subregion object
        this.object <- object
        this.object$short.var <- NULL
        this.object$study.area.total <- object$study.area.total[region.ind]
        this.object$pred.data <- object$pred.data[region.ind,]

        # summarise and store region i
        subregions[[i]] <- summary(this.object)

  ### analytical variance estimation (varprop and gam results)
    sinfo$varprop <- object$var.prop
    sinfo$saved <- object
    sinfo$bootstrap <- object$bootstrap

    # what if we had multiple areas (ie this is from a CV plot?)
      sinfo$se <- sqrt(object$pred.var)
      # re run the variance calculation, putting everything together
      pd <- c()
      off <- c()
      for(i in seq_len(length(object$pred.data))){
        pd <- rbind(pd, object$pred.data[[i]])
        off <- rbind(off, object$off.set[[i]])
      object$pred.data <- pd
      object$off.set <- as.vector(off)

        var.prop <- dsm_var_prop(object$dsm.obj, object$pred.data,
                                 object$off.set, object$seglen.varname,
        var.prop <- dsm_var_gam(object$dsm.obj, object$pred.data,object$off.set,
                                 object$seglen.varname, object$type.pred)

      sinfo$se <- sqrt(var.prop$pred.var)
    # grab the predicted values
      sinfo$pred.est <- sum(unlist(object$pred), na.rm=TRUE)
      sinfo$pred.est <- object$pred[[1]]

    # if we're using variance propagation or there is no detection
    # function, then the CV is fine
    if(sinfo$varprop | any(class(object$dsm.object$ddf)=="fake_ddf")){
      # calculate the CV
      sinfo$cv <- sinfo$se/sinfo$pred.est
    # if we're just using the GAM variance, then we need to combine using
    # the delta method
      ddf.summary <- summary(object$dsm.object$ddf)

      # setup everything to be multi-ddf compatible
        ddf <- list(object$dsm.object$ddf)
        ddf <- object$dsm.object$ddf

      sinfo$detfct.cv <- c()
      cvp.sq <- 0
      for(i in seq_along(ddf)){

        this_ddf <- ddf[[i]]
          ddf.summary <- summary(this_ddf)

          this_cvp.sq <- (ddf.summary$average.p.se/
          cvp.sq <- cvp.sq + this_cvp.sq
          this_cvp.sq <- NA
        sinfo$detfct.cv <- c(sinfo$detfct.cv, sqrt(this_cvp.sq))

      sinfo$gam.cv <- sinfo$se/sinfo$pred.est

      sinfo$cv <- sqrt(cvp.sq+sinfo$gam.cv^2)

      # total se
      sinfo$se <- sinfo$cv*sinfo$pred.est
      sinfo$model.check <- object$model.check


  class(sinfo) <- "summary.dsm.var"
DistanceDevelopment/dsm documentation built on Dec. 2, 2022, 6:08 a.m.