
Defines functions plot_cond

Documented in plot_cond

#' Plot conditional detection function from distance sampling model
#' Plot proportion of observations detected within distance intervals (for
#' conditional detection functions) to compare visually the fitted model and
#' data. Internal function called by \code{plot} methods.
#' @aliases plot_cond
#' @param obs observer code
#' @param xmat processed data
#' @param gxvalues detection function values for each observation
#' @param model fitted model from \code{ddf}
#' @param nc number of equal-width bins for histogram
#' @param breaks user define breakpoints
#' @param finebr fine break values over which line is averaged
#' @param showpoints logical variable; if \code{TRUE} plots predicted value
#'   for each observation
#' @param showlines logical variable; if \code{TRUE} plots average predicted
#'   value line
#' @param maintitle main title line for each plot
#' @param ylim range of y axis (default \code{c(0,1)})
#' @param angle shading angle for hatching
#' @param density shading density for hatching
#' @param col plotting colour
#' @param jitter scaling option for plotting points.  Jitter is applied to
#'   points by multiplying the fitted value by a random draw from a normal
#'   distribution with mean 1 and sd jitter.
#' @param xlab label for x-axis
#' @param ylab label for y-axis
#' @param subtitle if TRUE, shows plot type as sub-title
#' @param \dots other graphical parameters, passed to the plotting functions
#'   (\code{plot}, \code{hist}, \code{lines}, \code{points}, etc)
#' @return NULL
#' @author Jeff Laake, Jon Bishop, David Borchers
#' @keywords plot
plot_cond <- function(obs, xmat, gxvalues, model, nc, breaks, finebr,
                      showpoints, showlines, maintitle, ylim, angle=-45,
                      density=20, col="black", jitter=NULL, xlab="Distance",
                      ylab="Detection probability", subtitle=TRUE, ...){

  # build and plot the histogram
  selection <- xmat$detected[xmat$observer!=obs]==1
  selmat <- (xmat[xmat$observer==obs,])[selection,]

  # only use distances within breaks
  inside_breaks <- selmat$distance >= min(breaks) &
                   selmat$distance <= max(breaks)
  selmat <- selmat[inside_breaks, ]
  gxvalues <- gxvalues[inside_breaks]

  shist <- hist(xmat$distance[xmat$observer!= obs & xmat$detected==1],
                breaks=breaks, plot = FALSE)
  mhist <- hist(xmat$distance[xmat$timesdetected== 2 & xmat$observer==obs],
                breaks=breaks, plot = FALSE)
  if(length(mhist$counts) < length(shist$counts)){
    prop <- c(mhist$counts/shist$counts[1:length(mhist$counts)],
              rep(0, (length(shist$counts) - length(mhist$counts))))
    prop <- mhist$counts/shist$counts

  mhist$density <- prop
  mhist$equidist <- FALSE
  mhist$intensities <- mhist$density
  histline(mhist$density, breaks=breaks, lineonly=FALSE, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
           ylim=ylim, angle=angle, density=density, col=col, det.plot=TRUE,

  # plot the detection function
    line <- average.line.cond(finebr, obs, model)
    linevalues <- line$values
    xgrid <- line$xgrid
    lines(xgrid, linevalues, ...)

  # plot points
           jitter.p <- 1,
           jitter.p <- rnorm(length(gxvalues),1,jitter))
    points(selmat$distance, gxvalues*jitter.p, ...)

  # add the usual titles as subtitles if that's what the user asked for
                  "\nConditional detection probability\nObserver=",
                  obs ," | Observer = ",3-obs),...)
      title(paste("Conditional detection probability\nObserver=",
                  obs ," | Observer = ",3-obs),...)
DistanceDevelopment/mrds documentation built on Feb. 15, 2024, 9:25 a.m.