
platform <- c('debian-gcc-devel', "debian-gcc-release",
              "fedora-clang-devel", "fedora-gcc-devel",
              "ubuntu-gcc-devel", "ubuntu-gcc-release",
              "windows-x86_64-devel", "windows-x86_64-release")

rhub_check <- rhub::check(platform = platform,
                          valgrind = FALSE,
                          check_args = "--as-cran",
                          env_vars = c(`_R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_` = "true"),
                          show_status = FALSE)

rhub:::check_shortcut_platforms $sanitizers

u <- cranlogs::cran_downloads('Meiosis', from = '2017-04-01', to = 'last-day')
plot(x = u$date, y = u$count)

set.seed(123L) ## Seed R's rng
Meiosis::seed_rng(seed = 123L) ## Seed rng used by Meiosis

n_chr <- 10L  ## number of chromosomes
L <- runif(n = n_chr, min = 100, max = 300)  ## sample length of chromosomes in cM
xoparam <- create_xoparam(L)  ## no interference, no obligate chiasma

n_loci <- round(runif(n = n_chr, min = 1000L, max = 1000L))  ## sample number of loci
## sample positions of loci on the chromosome
positions <- lapply(seq_len(n_chr), function(i) sort(runif(n_loci[i], min = 0, max = L[i])))

f_alleles <- c(21L, 65L) ## 21 and 65 are arbitrary integers
f <- Meiosis::create_xo_founder(alleles = f_alleles, L = L)
p_xo <- Meiosis::cross_xo(father = f, mother = f, xoparam = xoparam)

ind <- replicate(2L, lapply(n_loci, function(n) sample(c(0L, 1L), n, replace = TRUE)),
                 simplify = FALSE) ## simulate some genotypic data

# add names
positions <- lapply(positions, function(x) {
  names(x) <- replicate(n = length(x), paste(sample(x = letters, size = 10L, replace = TRUE),
                                             collapse = ''))

conv <- new(Meiosis::Converter, positions, T) ## create a new converter object
conv$insert_founder(f_alleles, ind) ## insert the (one and only) founder
str(conv$convert(p_xo)) ## convert the progeny

## ind <- replicate(2L, lapply(n_loci, function(n) sample(c(0L, 1L), n, replace = TRUE)),
##                  simplify = FALSE) ## simulate some genotypic data
## str(ind)

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1e4,
u1 <- cross_geno(ind, ind, positions, xoparam),
u2 <- cross_geno(ind, ind, positions, xoparam, use_names = TRUE)

Meiosis:::.meiosis_geno(ind, positions, xoparam)
Meiosis::meiosis_geno(ind, positions, xoparam, T, T)
.Call('Meiosis_meiosis_geno', PACKAGE = 'Meiosis', ind, positions, xoparam, FALSE)
Meiosis:::meiosis_geno(ind, positions, xoparam)

Meiosis:::.meiosis_geno_(patalle = ind[[1]][[1]], matalle = ind[[1]][[1]], c(1, 100),
                         pos = positions[[1]], T)

Meiosis::meiosis_geno(ind, positions = positions, xoparam = xoparam, TRUE)

names(ind[[1]][[1]]) <- letters[1:9]
p_geno <- Meiosis::cross_geno(father = ind, mother = ind, positions = positions,
                              xoparam = xoparam, TRUE, TRUE)

data(exdat, package = 'Meiosis')

Meiosis::crossover(L = 100, m = 0L, p = 1, obligate_chiasma = FALSE, Lstar = 100)

patalle <- exdat$ind$paternal[[1L]]
matalle <- exdat$ind$maternal[[1L]]
pos <- exdat$positions[[1L]]
xlocations <- sort(runif(n = 5L, min = min(pos), max = max(pos)))
Meiosis:::meiosis_geno_(patalle, matalle, xlocations, pos, FALSE)

.Call('Meiosis_meiosis_geno_', PACKAGE = 'Meiosis', patalle, matalle, xlocations, pos, FALSE)

Meiosis::realized_coancestry(Meiosis::dh_xo(exdat$founder, exdat$xoparam),
                             Meiosis::dh_xo(exdat$founder, exdat$xoparam))

## The C++ routines use an independent random number generator. For seeding it, do e.g.
Meiosis::seed_rng(seed = 123L)

## Example: Create crossover-parameters
n_chr <- 20L  ## number of chromosomes
L <- runif(n = n_chr, min = 100, max = 300)  ## sample length of chromosomes in cM
xoparam <- create_xoparam(L)  ## no interference, no obligate chiasma
str(create_xoparam(L) )

## Genotypic data: number of loci per chromosome and positions.
n_loci <- round(runif(n = n_chr, min = 1000L, max = 1000L))  ## sample number of loci per chromosome
## sample positions of loci on the chromosome
positions <- lapply(seq_len(n_chr), function(i) sort(runif(n_loci[i], min = 0, max = L[i])))

## Example 1: Simulate meiosis with genotypes.
sim_geno <- function(n_loci) {
  replicate(2L, lapply(n_loci, function(n) sample(c(0L, 1L), n, replace = TRUE)),
            simplify = FALSE)

ind <-  sim_geno(n_loci) ## simulate some genotypic data

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1000 ,
dh_geno(ind, positions = positions, xoparam = xoparam),
dh_geno(ind, positions = positions, xoparam = xoparam, check = TRUE)

## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1000 ,
##  cross_geno(father = ind, mother = ind, positions = positions, xoparam = xoparam),
##  dh_geno(ind, positions = positions, xoparam = xoparam)
## )

## p_geno <- Meiosis::cross_geno(father = ind, mother = ind, positions = positions,
##                               xoparam = xoparam)

## str(p_geno)

## ## Example 2: Simulate meiosis with segmental representation.
## f_alleles <- c(21L, 65L)
## f <- Meiosis::create_xo_founder(alleles = f_alleles, L = L)

## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1000 ,
## cross_xo(father = f, mother = f, xoparam = xoparam),
## dh_xo(f, xoparam = xoparam)
## )

## p_xo <- Meiosis::cross_xo(father = f, mother = f, xoparam = xoparam)
## str(p_xo)

## ## Create a converter for converting segmental data to genotypic data.
## conv <- new(Meiosis::Converter, positions)
## conv$insert_founder(f_alleles, ind)
## conv$convert(f)
## conv$convert(f)

## ## Example 3: Derive n inbred lines from a bi-parental cross.
## n_self <- 10L  ## number of generations of selfing
## n <- 30L ## number of progeny

## ## Genotypic representation

## ## Second individual as parent.
## ind2 <- replicate(2L, lapply(n_loci, function(n) sample(c(0L, 1L), n, replace = TRUE)),
##                   simplify = FALSE) ## simulate some genotypic data

## pop <- replicate(n, Meiosis::cross_geno(ind, ind2, positions, xoparam), simplify = FALSE)
## for (i in seq_len(n))
##   for (j in seq_len(n))
##     pop[[i]] <- Meiosis::cross_geno(pop[[i]], pop[[i]], positions, xoparam)

## ## Segmental representation
## f2 <- create_xo_founder(alleles = c(55L, 77L), L = L)
## pop_xo <- replicate(n, Meiosis::cross_xo(f, f2, xoparam), simplify = FALSE)
## for (i in seq_len(n))
##   for (j in seq_len(n))
##     pop_xo[[i]] <- Meiosis::cross_xo(pop_xo[[i]], pop_xo[[i]], xoparam)

## ## conv$convert(pop[[1]]) ## error, because genotypic data of second founder not present
## conv$insert_founder(c(55L, 77L), ind2)  ## insert second founder first
## pop_geno <- lapply(pop_xo, conv$convert) ## convert whole population

## ## Example 4: Create a synthetic population

## make_synthetic <- function(founder, n_ind, n_gen) {

##   ## Cross parents
##   n_founder <- length(founder)
##   tmp <- combn(x = seq_len(n_founder), m = 2L)
##   combinations <- split(tmp, col(tmp))
##   pop_xo <- replicate(n = n_ind, simplify = FALSE, {
##     pair <- unlist(sample(combinations, size = 1L))
##     cross_xo(founder[[pair[1L]]], founder[[pair[2L]]], xoparam)
##   })

##   ## Random mating
##   for (i in seq_len(n_gen)) {
##     pop_xo_new <- pop_xo ## copy
##     for (j in seq_len(n_ind)) {
##       pair <- sample(n_ind, size = 2L, replace = TRUE)  ## selfing possible
##       pop_xo_new[[j]] <- cross_xo(pop_xo[[pair[1L]]], pop_xo[[pair[2L]]], xoparam)
##     }
##     pop_xo <- pop_xo_new ## swap
##   }
##   pop_xo
## }

## n_founder <- 5L
## n_ind <- 100L
## n_gen <- 10L
## alleles <- lapply(seq_len(n_founder), function(i) c(2L * i - 1L, 2L * i))
## founder <- lapply(alleles, create_xo_founder, L = L)

## ## Create synthetic
## system.time(syn <- make_synthetic(founder, n_ind, n_gen))

## ## Compute realized co-ancestry matrix
## C <- matrix(data = NA_real_, nrow = n_ind, ncol = n_ind)
## for (i in seq_len(n_ind))
##   for (j in i:n_ind)
##     C[i, j] <- C[j, i] <- 2 * realized_coancestry(syn[[i]], syn[[j]])
## C

## ## ## Simulate some founder genotypes and use the to convert the synthetic
## ## sim_geno <- function(n_loci) {
## ##   tmp <- lapply(n_loci, function(n) sample(c(0L, 1L), n, replace = TRUE))
## ##   list(tmp, tmp)
## ## }
## ## ## a <- list(replicate(n_chr, 1L, simplify = FALSE), replicate(n_chr, 1L, simplify = FALSE))
## ## ## b <- list(replicate(n_chr, 0L, simplify = FALSE), replicate(n_chr, 0L, simplify = FALSE))
## ## ## founder_geno <- list(a,b)

## ## syn_conv <- new(Converter, positions)
## ## founder_geno <- replicate(n_founder, sim_geno(n_loci), simplify = FALSE)
## ## for (i in seq_len(n_founder)) syn_conv$insert_founder(alleles[[i]], founder_geno[[i]])
## ## syn_geno <- lapply(syn, syn_conv$convert)

## ## Construct a marker-based relationship matrix

## ## ## Going to a single matrix for all genotypes is a one-liner.
## ## transf <- function(x) do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(i) Reduce(`+`, lapply(i, unlist))))
## ## p <- colMeans(transf(founder_geno)) / 2
## ## poly <- p * (1 - p) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
## ## x <- transf(syn_geno)
## ## x[,1:5]
## ## p <- rep(0,length(p))
## ## x <- scale(x, center = 2 * p, scale = FALSE)
## ## G <- tcrossprod(x) / sum(2 * p * (1 - p))
## ## ## x <- scale(x[,poly], center = 2 * p[poly], scale = sqrt(2 * p[poly] * (1 - p[poly])))
## ## ## G <- tcrossprod(x) / sum(poly)

## ## cor(as.vector(G), as.vector(C)); plot(as.vector(G), as.vector(C)); abline(a = 0, b = 1)

## ## Example 5: Comparison between expected and realized coefficient of co-ancestry.

## library('pedigree')

## ## Create a simple pedigree
## id <- 1:6
## dam <- c(0,0,1,1,4,4)
## sire <- c(0,0,2,2,3,5)
## ped <- data.frame(id,dam,sire)

## ## Compute the additive genetic relationship matrix
## cwd <- getwd()
## tpdir <- tempdir()
## setwd(tpdir)
## makeA(ped, which = rep(TRUE, length(id)))
## coanc <- read.table("A.txt")
## setwd(cwd)

## A <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(id), ncol = length(id))
## A[as.matrix(coanc[1:2])] <- A[as.matrix(coanc[2:1])] <- coanc[[3]]
## eCoc <- A / 2  ## realized coefficient of co-ancestry
## eCoc

## ## Helper function for simulating pedigree and computing realized coefficients of co-ancestry.
## sim_ped <- function() {
##   f1 <- create_xo_founder(c(1L, 2L), L)
##   f2 <- create_xo_founder(c(3L, 4L), L)
##   i1 <- cross_xo(f1, f2, xoparam)
##   i2 <- cross_xo(f1, f2, xoparam)
##   i3 <- cross_xo(i1, i2, xoparam)
##   i4 <- cross_xo(i2, i3, xoparam)

##   tmp <- list(f1, f2, i1, i2, i3, i4)
##   C <- matrix(data = NA_real_, nrow = length(id), ncol = length(id))
##   for (i in seq_along(id))
##     for (j in i:length(id))
##       C[i, j] <- C[j, i] <- realized_coancestry(tmp[[i]], tmp[[j]])
##   C
## }

## ##

## ## Verify that, on average, the realized coefficients are equal to the expected coefficients.
## n <- 1000L
## rCoc_avg <- Reduce(f = `+`, x = replicate(n, sim_ped(), simplify = FALSE)) / n
## rCoc <- sim_ped()
## plot(as.vector(rCoc_avg), as.vector(eCoc)); abline(0, 1)

## str(u, m  = 2)
## u[[1]]
## str(u[[1]])
## str(syn_geno, m=1)

## u <- list(1:5, 1:5)
## Reduce(`+`, u)
## as.vector(u)

## length(syn)

## library(itertools)
## ?itertools2::quantify

## ## Further examples

## ## Simulate a doubled haploid individual.
## Meiosis::dh_geno(ind, positions, xoparam)
## conv$convert(Meiosis::dh_xo(f, xoparam))

## ## Calculate realized coefficients of co-ancestry.
## Meiosis::realized_coancestry(f)
## Meiosis::realized_coancestry(p_xo) ## selfing progeny, expected coefficient of coancestry is 0.75.
## Meiosis::realized_coancestry(pop_xo[[1L]], pop_xo[[2L]]) ## realized CoC of two full-sibs.
## mean(replicate(10000L, realized_heter(self_xo(self_xo(x, xoparam), xoparam))))

## nn <- c('paternal', 'maternal')
## x <- exdat$ind2
## names(x) <- nn
## exdat$ind2 <- x
## devtools::use_data(exdat, overwrite = TRUE)

## library('Meiosis')

## library('simcross')

## x <- rnorm(10)
## x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 4)
## Meiosis::is_sorted(x, T, T)
## Meiosis::check_positions(x)

## positions <- list(1:10, 1:40)
## conv <- new("Converter", positions)
## ?conv$convert
## str(conv)
## conv$.CppClassDef@docstring

## methods::promptClass('Converter')
## conv$insert_founder(c(5, 10), list(list(1:10, 1:39), list(1:10, 1:40)))

## conv$size()
## conv$test("bla")

## conv$getRefClass()

## conv$more

## conv$.CppObject$size()

## cv <- Meiosis::Converter$new()
## cv$more
## cv$doner
## cv$size()
##   cv
## new(Meiosis::Converter)
## Meiosis::Converter()
## set.seed(123L)

## Meiosis::seed_rng(55)
## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1e4L,
##      crossover(100, 100, 0.9, F, 100),
##      sim_crossovers(100, 100, 0.9, F, 100)
##                                )
## u <- Meiosis::Converter()
## u$initialize()
## u$size()
## u$insert_founder()

## Meiosis::Converter
## Meiosis::.__C__Rcpp_Converter
## wtf <- Meiosis::genConverter()
## wtf$doner
## wtf$initialize()
## wtf
## new(wtf, positions)

## new(Meiosis::Converter)
## new(Meiosis::.__C__Converter)
## new(Meiosis::.__C__Rcpp_Converter)

## n_chr <- 10L
## L_ <- 300.0
## m <- 0L
## p <- 0.0
## obligate_chiasma <- FALSE
## L <- rep(x = L_, times = n_chr)
## ## Lstar <- purrr::map_dbl(.x = L, .f = ~Meiosis::calc_Lstar(.x, m, p, 1e-6))

## n_loci <- rep(x = 10000L, times = n_chr)

## ## n_loci <- 10000L
## ## L <- 500.0
## ## n_iter <- 1e2L

## ## pred <- vector('list', n_iter)
## ## for (i in seq_len(n_iter)) {
## ##   pred[[i]]$patalle <- sample(c(0L, 1L, 2L), size = n_loci, replace = TRUE)
## ##   pred[[i]]$matalle <- sample(c(5L, 8L, 9L), size = n_loci, replace = TRUE)
## ##   pred[[i]]$patloc <- c(sort(runif(n_loci - 1, max = L)), L)
## ##   pred[[i]]$matloc <- c(sort(runif(n_loci - 1, max = L)), L)
## ## }

## ## i <- pred[[1]]
## ## meiosis_xodat_test_R(i$patalle, i$patloc, i$matalle, i$matloc,L,0L,0.0,F, L)

## ## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 100L,
## ## a = {for(i in pred) meiosis_xodat_test_R(i$patalle, i$patloc, i$matalle, i$matloc,L,0L,0.0,F,L)},
## ## b = {for(i in pred) meiosis_xodat_test_R2(i$patalle, i$patloc, i$matalle, i$matloc,L,0L,0.0,F, L)}
## ## )

## ## library('microbenchmark')
## ## bn <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark
## ## ls.str(as.environment("package:Meiosis"))
## sim_geno_individual <- function(n_loci, alleles) {
##   purrr::rerun(2L, purrr::map(n_loci, ~sample(x = alleles, size = .x, replace = TRUE)))
## }

## library("Meiosis")

## n_chr <- 10L
## L_ <- 300.0
## m <- 0L
## p <- 0.0
## obligate_chiasma <- FALSE
## L <- rep(x = L_, times = n_chr)
## ## Lstar <- purrr::map_dbl(.x = L, .f = ~Meiosis::calc_Lstar(.x, m, p, 1e-6))
## xodat_param <- create_xodat_param(L = L, m = m, p = p, obligate_chiasma = obligate_chiasma)

## n_loci <- rep(x = 10000L, times = n_chr)
## alleles_geno <- c(-1L, 1L)
## positions <- purrr::map2(n_loci, L, ~sort(runif(.x, min = 0.0, max = .y)))

## n_f <- 10L
## f <- lapply(seq_len(n_f), function(i)create_xodat_founder(c(2L*i-1L, 2L*i), L))
## ## f1 <- create_xodat_founder(alleles = c(0L, 1L), L)
## ## f2 <- create_xodat_founder(alleles = c(2L, 3L), L)
## fg <- replicate(n_f, sim_geno_individual(n_loci, alleles_geno), FALSE)
## ## f1 <- create_xodat_founder(alleles = c(0L, 1L), L)

## ## f1g <- sim_geno_individual(n_loci, alleles_geno)
## ## f2g <- sim_geno_individual(n_loci, alleles_geno)

## cv <- new(Meiosis::Converter, positions)
## for (i in seq_len(n_f)) cv$insert_founder(c(2L*i-1L, 2L*i), fg[[i]])

## ## cv$insert_founder(c(0L, 1L), f1g)
## ## cv$insert_founder(c(2L, 3L), f2g)

## cv2 <- new(Meiosis::Converter2, positions)
## for (i in seq_len(n_f)) cv2$insert_founder(c(2L*i-1L, 2L*i), fg[[i]])
## ## cv2$insert_founder(c(0L, 1L), f1g)
## ## cv2$insert_founder(c(2L, 3L), f2g)

## cv3 <- new(Meiosis::Converter3, positions)
## for (i in seq_len(n_f)) cv3$insert_founder(c(2L*i-1L, 2L*i), fg[[i]])

## x <- cross_xodat(f[[1]], f[[2]], xodat_param)

## x[[1]][[1]][[1]] <- c(1,2,1,2,1)
## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1000,
##                                cv$convert(x, TRUE),
##                                cv$convert(x, FALSE),
##                                )
## str(u, m =2)

## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1000,
## cv$convert(x),
## cv2$convert(x),
## cv3$convert(x),
## )

## all(cv3$convert(x)[[1]][[10]] == cv2$convert(x)[[1]][[10]])

## u <- cv2$convert(x)
## str(u, m =2)

## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 100,
## for (i in 1:50) y <- cross_geno(f1g, f2g, positions, xodat_param),
## dh_geno(f1g, positions, xodat_param)
## )

## n_gam <- 5L
## individual <- f1g
## locus_effects <- purrr::map(n_loci, .f = rnorm)
## min_rep <- 10L
## max_rep <- 100000L
## se_level <- 0.1

## Meiosis::bcgv(f1g, positions, locus_effects,
##               n_gam, se_level, min_rep, max_rep,
##               0L, 0.0)

## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1,

## bcgv_r(f1g, positions, xodat_param, locus_effects,
##        n_gam, se_level, min_rep, max_rep),

## Meiosis::bcgv(f1g, positions, locus_effects,
##               n_gam, se_level, min_rep, max_rep)
## )

## Meiosis::bcgv(f1g, positions, locus_effects,
##               n_gam, se_level = 0.8, min_rep = 10, max_rep = 100)

## cross_geno(f1g, f2g, pos, xodat_param)
## cross_geno(f1g, f1g, pos, xodat_param)
## dh_geno(f1g, pos, xodat_param)
## self_geno(f2g, pos, xodat_param)
## Meiosis::

## ind <- sim_xodat_individual(rep(20L, length(L)), c(1L, 2L), L)

## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
##   Meiosis::meiosis_xodat(ind, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar),
##   Meiosis::test(ind, xo_param)
## )

## ind <- sim_geno_individual(n_loci, alleles_geno)
## bn(times = 1e2,
##    Meiosis:::meiosis_geno(ind, pos, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar),
##    Meiosis:::meiosis_geno_std(ind, pos, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)
## )

## patalle <- ind[[1]][[1]]
## matalle <- ind[[2]][[1]]
## pos_ <- pos[[1]]
## L_ <- Lstar_ <- L[[1]]

## bn(times = 1e3,
## Meiosis:::.meiosis_geno_std(patalle, matalle, pos_, L_, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar_),
## Meiosis:::.meiosis_geno(patalle, matalle, pos_, L_, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar_)
## )

## ## bn(times = 1e4,
## ##    meiosis_geno(ind, pos, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar),
## ##    dh_geno(ind, pos, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar),
## ##    cross_geno(ind, ind, pos, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)
## ## )

## ## l <- purrr::rerun(1000L, dh_geno(ind, pos, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar))
## ## x <- do.call(rbind, at_depth(at_depth(l, 2L, unlist), 1L, ~do.call(rbind, .x)))

## ######################################################

## sim_xodat_individual <- function(n_loci, alleles, L)
## {
##   purrr::rerun(2L,
##     purrr::map2(n_loci, L, .f = function(.x, .y) {
##       list(alleles = sample(x = alleles, size = .x, replace = TRUE),
##            locations = c(sort(runif(.x - 1L, min = 0.0, max = .y)), max(.y))
##            )
##     })
##   )
## }

## alleles_xodat <- c(1L, 2L)
## ind <- sim_xodat_individual(rep(20L, length(L)), alleles_xodat, L)
## patalle <- ind[[1]][[1]][["alleles"]]
## patloc <- ind[[1]][[1]][["locations"]]
## matalle <- ind[[2]][[1]][["alleles"]]
## matloc <- ind[[2]][[1]][["locations"]]

## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
## Meiosis::realized_ibd(ind,ind),
## Meiosis::realized_f(ind)
## )

## ind2 <- sim_xodat_individual(n_loci, alleles_xodat, L)

## attr(ind[[1]], 'ped') <- c('1' = 0.5, '3' = 0.5)
## attr(ind[[2]], 'ped') <- c('1' = 0.25, '2' = 0.75)

## Meiosis::meiosis_xodat(ind, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)

## Meiosis::meiosis_xodat(ind, L, m, p, FALSE, L)
## ind

## attr(ind2[[1]], 'ped') <- list('b' = 1.0)
## attr(ind2[[2]], 'ped') <- list('b' = 1.0)

## ind1

## pat_ped <- list('1' = 0.5, '3' = 0.5)
## mat_ped <- list('1' = 0.25, '2' = 0.75)

## alleles <- union(names(pat_ped), names(mat_ped))
## ped <- list()
## for (a in alleles) {
##   tmp <- 0.0
##   if (a %in% names(pat_ped))
##     tmp <- tmp +pat_ped[[a]]

##   if (a %in% names(mat_ped))
##     tmp <- tmp + mat_ped[[a]]
##   ped[[a]] <- tmp / 2
## }

## pat_ped['4'] + 8

## bn(times = 1000,
##   Meiosis:::.meiosis_xodat(patalle,patloc,matalle,matloc,L_,m,p,obligate_chiasma,L_),
##   Meiosis:::.meiosis_xodat_std(patalle,patloc,matalle,matloc,L_,m,p,obligate_chiasma,L_)
## )

## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 10,
##                                Meiosis::realized_ibd(ind, ind2)
## )

## ind

## f1g <- purrr::map(n_loci, ~sample(x = c(0L, 1L), size = .x, replace = TRUE))
## f2g <- purrr::map(n_loci, ~sample(x = c(0L, 1L), size = .x, replace = TRUE))
## f <- new(Founders)
## f$insert(1, f1g)
## f$insert(2, f2g)
## f$size()

## str(u)

## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1000,
## Meiosis::convert_xodat(ind, pos, f)
## )

## n <- 1000L
## L <- 200.0
## m <- 0L
## p <- 0.0
## obligate_chiasma <- FALSE
## Lstar <- Meiosis::calc_Lstar(L, m, p, 1e-6)

## f1 <- list('alleles' = 1L, 'locations' = L)
## f2 <- list('alleles' = 2L, 'locations' = L)

## p <- Meiosis::meiosis_xodat(f1$alleles, f1$locations, f2$alleles, f2$locations,
##                             L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)

## f1g <- sample(x = c(0L, 1L), size = n, replace = TRUE)
## f2g <- sample(x = c(0L, 1L), size = n, replace = TRUE)
## pos <- sort(runif(n = n, min = 0, max = L))

## f <- new(Founders)
## f$insert(1, f1g)
## f$insert(2, f2g)
## f$size()

## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1000,
## Meiosis::convert(p$alleles, p$locations, pos, f)
## )

## find <- list(fgam1, fgam2)

## f <- new(Founders)
## u <- new(Foo, f)
## u$bar(f)

## geno_ind <- sim_geno_individual(n_loci, alleles_geno)
## xodat_ind <- sim_xodat_individual(n_loci, alleles_xodat, L)
## str(xodat_ind)

## ## patalle <- xodat_ind[[1]][[1]][["alleles"]]
## ## patloc <- xodat_ind[[1]][[1]][["locations"]]
## ## matalle <- xodat_ind[[1]][[2]][["alleles"]]
## ## matloc <- xodat_ind[[1]][[2]][["locations"]]
## ## xlocations <- Meiosis::crossover(L[1], m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar[1])

## factory <- function(L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)
## {
##   function(individual) {
##     Meiosis::meiosis_xodat_ind(individual, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)
##   }
## }

## mxiw <- factory(L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)

## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 1e4L, 
## Meiosis::meiosis_xodat_ind(xodat_ind, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar),
## Meiosis::meiosis_geno_ind(geno_ind, pos, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar),
## mxiw(xodat_ind)
## )

## Meiosis::meiosis_geno_ind(geno_ind[1], pos, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)

## Meiosis::meiosis_xodat_ind(xodat_ind[1], L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)

## g2 <- Meiosis::meiosis_xodat_ind(xodat_ind, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)
## g3 <- Meiosis::meiosis_xodat_ind(list(g1,g2), L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)

## g1 ms
## str()
## str(geno_ind)
## str(gam)

## n_xo <- 100L
## L <- 200
## m <- 0L
## p <- 0.0
## obligate_chiasma <- FALSE
## epsilon <- 1e-6
## alleles <- c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L)

## patalle <- sample(x = alleles, size = n_xo, replace = TRUE)
## matalle <- sample(x = alleles, size = n_xo, replace = TRUE)
## patloc <- c(sort(runif(n = n_xo - 1L, min = 0, max = L)), L)
## matloc <- c(sort(runif(n = n_xo - 1L, min = 0, max = L)), L)
## xo <- Meiosis::crossover(L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, L)
## Meiosis::meiosis_xodat(patalle, patloc, matalle, matloc, xo)

## paternal <- purrr::rerun(n_chr, list(patalle, patloc))
## maternal <- purrr::rerun(n_chr, list(matalle, patloc))
## individual <- list(paternal, maternal)

## pos <- purrr::rerun(n_chr, sort(runif(n = n_loci, min = 0, max = L)))

## gam1 <- meiosis_individual(individual, Lvec, m = 0L, p = 1.0,  FALSE, Lvec)
## gam2 <- meiosis_individual(individual, Lvec, m = 0L, p = 1.0,  FALSE, Lvec)
## ind <- list(gam1, gam2)

## microbenchmark(times = 1e4L, 
## meiosis_individual(ind, Lvec, m = 0L, p = 1.0,  FALSE, Lvec),
## test(individual =ind, L = Lvec, m = 0L, p = 1.0,  FALSE, Lvec)
## )

## test <- function(individual, L, m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar)
## {
##   n_chr <- length(L)
##   gamete <- vector('list', n_chr)
##   paternal <- individual[[1]]
##   maternal <- individual[[2]]
##   for (i in seq_len(n_chr)) {
##     pat <- paternal[[i]]
##     mat <- maternal[[i]]
##     gamete[[i]] <- Meiosis::meiosis_xodat_R(pat[[1]], pat[[2]], mat[[1]], mat[[2]],
##                       Meiosis::crossover(L[[i]], m, p, obligate_chiasma, Lstar[[i]]))
##   }
##   gamete
## }

## patalle_ <- sample(x = alleles, size = n_loci, replace = TRUE)
## matalle_ <- sample(x = alleles, size = n_loci, replace = TRUE)

## xo <- Meiosis::crossover(L = L[1], m = 0L, p = 1.0, obligate_chiasma = FALSE, Lstar = L[1])
## Meiosis::meiosis_xodat_R(patalle, patloc, matalle, matloc, xo)

## founder <- purrr::rerun(.n = length(alleles), sample(x = c(0L, 1L), size = n_loci, replace = TRUE))
## names(founder) <- alleles

## pos <- sort(runif(n = n_loci, min = 0, max = L))

## microbenchmark(times = 1e4L, 
## a = {
##   xo <- Meiosis::crossover(L = L, m = 0L, p = 1.0, obligate_chiasma = FALSE, Lstar = L)
##   xodat <- Meiosis::meiosis_xodat(patalle, patloc, matalle, matloc, xo)
##   Meiosis::convert(xodat$alleles, xodat$locations, pos, founder)
## },
## b = {
##   xo <- Meiosis::crossover(L = L, m = 0L, p = 1.0, obligate_chiasma = FALSE, Lstar = L)
##   Meiosis::meiosis_geno(patalle_, matalle_, xo, pos)
## }
## )

## patalle_ <- sample(x = alleles, size = n_loci, replace = TRUE)
## matalle_ <- sample(x = alleles, size = n_loci, replace = TRUE)

## microbenchmark(times = 1e4L, 
##                xo <- Meiosis::crossover(L = L, m = 0L, p = 1.0, obligate_chiasma = FALSE, Lstar = L),
##                Meiosis::meiosis_xodat(patalle, patloc, matalle, matloc, xo),
##                Meiosis::meiosis_geno(patalle_, matalle_, xo, pos)
## )
DominikMueller64/Meiosis documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:52 p.m.