
Defines functions make.ragged_event_record make.formal_event_record event_record_show_helper next_event_helper reset_event_helper get_event_helper trim_event_record_helper

Documented in make.formal_event_record

#### Event record ####

#' \code{event_record} class
#' When a simulation is run in the \code{CAB} package, events, such as the time of a response, can be stored in an \code{event_record} object. The \code{event_record} is a virtual class with two children classes: the \code{ragged_event_record} class and the \code{formal_event_record} class.
#' The \code{ragged_event_record} class holds the data in a list where each element in the list is a vector of response times for a given type of event. This is called "ragged" because it is a ragged matrix. In contrast, the \code{formal_event_record} is an \eqn{ n x 2 } matrix, where the first column is a vector of times and the second column is a vector of events at the corresponding times.
#' The construction of an \code{event_record} object requires the specification of the names of the events to be recorded. An \code{event_record} object has two slots.
#' The first slot, called \code{events} is an environment that contains two lists. The first list is a list of vectors, where each vector contains the times of the associated events. For example, if we wished to record the response times and the reinforcement times, this could be a list containing a vector named "response_times" and a vector named "reinforcement_times". The second list is a list of counts for how many of each type of recorded event has occurred. It follows then instead of the typical time-event format for data, we have the times of each event with different vectors for each event.
#' The second slot, \code{variables} is a vector that contains the names of the variables to be recorded. This is just for easy access.
#' @section The \code{ragged_event_record} class:{
#'     The \code{ragged_event_record} can be used for recording events that occur during a simulation. This is preferred because it is typically faster to calculate descriptive statistics with the \code{ragged_event_record} than with a \code{formal_event_record}.
#'     \subsection{Slots}{
#'         \describe{
#'             \item{\code{events}}{An environment that contains \eqn{n+1} elements, where \eqn{n} is the number of variables that are to be recorded. One element in the \code{environment} will be \code{counts}, which is a list where each element contains the number of events of each type. The other elements are vectors that store the time at which the events associated with a specific variable occurred.}
#'             \item{\code{variables}}{A character vector containing the types of events to be recorded.}
#'             \item{\code{lengths}}{A named vector containing the base lengths of the vectors for containing the events associated with each variable.}
#'         }
#'     }
#' }
#' @section \code{make.event_record}:{
#'     For making a \code{event_record} object.
#'     \subsection{Usage}{
#'         \code{make.event_record( variables, len ) }
#'     }
#'     \subsection{Arguments}{
#'         \describe{
#'             \item{\code{variables}}{A character vector containing the types of events to be recorded.}
#'             \item{\code{len}}{A numeric vector containing the length of the vectors for storing each variable type. \code{len} is recycled if the length of \code{len} is smaller than the number of variables specified.}
#'         }
#'     }
#'     \subsection{Value}{
#'         Returns a \code{event_record} object.
#'     }
#' }
#' @section \code{e_set}:{
#'     For changing events and counts in an \code{event_record}.
#'     \subsection{Usage}{
#'         \code{e_set( event_record, variable, index, values, counts )}
#'     }
#'     \subsection{Arguments}{
#'         \describe{
#'             \item{\code{event_record}}{A object of class \code{event_record}.}
#'             \item{\code{variable}}{A character string specifying the variable to change.}
#'             \item{\code{index}}{A numeric vector of indices for the events to change for the specified variable. May also be "next" for which events at indices after the index specified by the counts are changed. Defaults to \code{NULL} and no values are changed. See example.}
#'             \item{\code{values}}{Values of the new events. Defaults to \code{NULL} and no values are changed.}
#'             \item{\code{counts}}{New counts for the variable events being changed.}
#'         }
#'     }
#'     \subsection{Value}{
#'         Modifies the \code{event_record} object in place.
#'     }
#' }
#' @section \code{get_event}:{
#'     Extract event values.
#'     \subsection{Usage}{
#'         \code{get_event{ event_record, variable, index, counts }}
#'     }
#'     \subsection{Arguments}{
#'         \describe{
#'             \item{\code{event_record}}{An object of class \code{event_record}.}
#'             \item{\code{variable}}{A character string specifying the variable to change.}
#'             \item{\code{index}}{A numeric vector of indices. Defaults to \code{NULL} for which no events are returned.}
#'             \item{\code{counts}}{A logical indicating whether or not to return the counts for the variable. Defaults to \code{FALSE}}
#'         }
#'     }
#'     \subsection{Value}{
#'         Returns the counts for the specified variable if \code{counts} is TRUE. Returns the event values if \code{counts} is \code{FALSE} and \code{index} is not \code{NULL}
#'     }
#' }
#' @section \code{reset_event}:{
#'     Reset all variables in an \code{event_record}.
#'     \subsection{Usage}{
#'         \code{reset_event{ event_record } }
#'     }
#'     \subsection{Arguments}{
#'         \describe{
#'             \item{\code{event_record}}{A object of class \code{event_record}.}
#'         }
#'      }
#'     \subsection{Value}{
#'         Modifies the \code{event_record} object in place. All values for each variable are reset to \code{NaN}.
#'     }
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Create an "event_record" for storing the variables: "resp_time" and "rft_time"
#' # Record a maximum of 100 of each type of event
#' my_record = make.ragged_event_record( variables = c( "resp_time", "rft_time" ), len = 100 )
#' my_record
#' # Imagine an organism that emits responses every 1 time unit. Suppose that the experiment ran for 90 seconds
#' # The "resp_time" in "my_record" should contain 1:90, so there should be 90 counts
#' e_set( event_record = my_record, variable = "resp_time", index = 1:90, values = 1:90, counts = 90 )
#' my_record
#' # Suppose the organism took a break for 2 time units and then made 3 responses. The next response times should then be 93:95.
#' e_set( event_record = my_record, variable = "resp_time", index = "next", values = 93:95 )
#' my_record
#' # Get the value of an event at a given index:
#' get_event( event_record = my_record, variable = "resp_time", index = 1 )
#' get_event( event_record = my_record, variable = "resp_time", index = 1:10 )
#' # get the counts for a variable:
#' get_event( event_record = my_record, variable = "resp_time", counts = T )
#' # Reset "my_record"
#' reset_event( my_record )
#' @seealso \code{\link{convert_event_record}}
#' @rdname class.event_record
#' @aliases event_record
#' @export make.ragged_event_record

class.event_record = setClass( "event_record" )

class.ragged_event_record = setClass( "ragged_event_record",
    slots = list( events = "environment", variables = "character", lengths = "numeric" ), contains = "event_record" )

class.formal_event_record = setClass( "formal_event_record",
    slots = list( events = "data.table", variables = "character", lengths = "numeric" ), contains = "event_record" )

make.ragged_event_record = function( variables, len ){
    if ( length(len) > length(variables ) ) stop( "the length of 'len' is longer than the number of variables" )
    dummy_list = mapply( function(x,y) rep(NaN, x), y = variables, x = len, SIMPLIFY = F )
    dummy_list$counts = as.list( rep(0, length(variables) ) )
    names( dummy_list$counts ) = variables
    length_vector = len
    names( length_vector ) = variables
    methods::new( "ragged_event_record", events = list2env( dummy_list, parent = emptyenv() ), variables = variables, lengths = length_vector )

#' @rdname class.event_record
#' @export make.formal_event_record

make.formal_event_record = function( variables, len ){
    event_record = data.table::data.table( time = rep( NaN, len ), event = rep( "", len ) )
    methods::new( "formal_event_record", events = event_record, variables = variables, lengths = len )

#' @rdname class.event_record
#' @exportMethod show

setMethod( "show", signature( object = "ragged_event_record" ),
    function( object ){
        variables = object@variables
        cat( "Event record: \n" )
        lapply( variables, event_record_show_helper, object = object )
    } )

event_record_show_helper = function(x, object ){
    cat( x, ":", object@events$counts[[x]] ,"\n" )
    print( object@events[[x ]] )
    cat( "\n" )

#' @rdname class.event_record
#' @exportMethod show

setMethod( "show", signature( object = "formal_event_record" ),
    function( object ){
        show( object@events )

#' @rdname class.event_record
#' @exportMethod e_set

setGeneric( "e_set", function( event_record, variable, index = NULL, values = NULL, counts = NULL ) standardGeneric( "e_set" ) )

setMethod( "e_set", signature( event_record = "ragged_event_record" , variable = "character", index = "numeric", values = "numeric" ,counts = "numeric" ),
    function( event_record, variable, index, values, counts ){
#        if ( length( variable ) > 1 ) stop( "Only change one variable at a time" )
        reference = event_record@events
        env[[variable]][index] = values
        env$counts[[variable]] = counts
    } )

setMethod( "e_set", signature( event_record = "ragged_event_record", variable = "character", index = "missing", values = "missing", counts = "numeric" ),
    function( event_record, variable, counts ){
        reference = event_record@events
        reference$counts[[variable]] = counts

setMethod( "e_set", signature( event_record = "ragged_event_record", variable = "character", index = "numeric", values = "numeric" ),
    function( event_record, variable, index, values ){
        reference = event_record@events
        reference[[variable]][index] = values

setMethod( "e_set", signature( event_record = "ragged_event_record", variable = "character", index = "character", values = "numeric" ),
    function( event_record, variable, index, values ){
        # if ( index != "next" ) stop( "if 'index' is character, it must be 'next'" )
        reference = event_record@events
        len_values = length(values)
        count = reference$counts[[variable]]
        reference[[variable]][ (count+1):(len_values+count) ] = values
        reference$counts[[ variable ]] = count + len_values
    } )

next_event_helper = function( env, variable, values ){
    len_values = length(values)
    count = env$counts[[ variable ]]
    env[[ variable ]][(count+1):(count+len_values)] <- values
    env$counts[[ variable ]] <- count + len_values

#' @rdname class.event_record
#' @exportMethod reset_event

setGeneric( "reset_event", function( event_record ) standardGeneric( "reset_event" ) )

setMethod( "reset_event", signature( event_record = "ragged_event_record" ),
    function( event_record ){
        reset_event_helper( event_record )

reset_event_helper = function( event_record ){
    env = event_record@events
    variables = event_record@variables
    dims = event_record@lengths
    for ( i in variables ){
        env[[i]] = rep( NaN, dims[i] )
        env$counts[[i]] = 0

#' @rdname class.event_record
#' @exportMethod get_event

setGeneric( "get_event", function( event_record, variable, index = NULL, counts = F ) standardGeneric( "get_event" ) )

setMethod( "get_event", signature( event_record = "ragged_event_record" ),
    function( event_record, variable, index, counts ){
        get_event_helper( event_record, variable, index, counts )

get_event_helper = function( event_record, variable, index, counts ){
    if ( !counts ){
        return( event_record@events[[ variable ]][index] )
    if ( counts ){
        return( event_record@events$counts[[ variable ]] )

#' @rdname class.event_record
#' @exportMethod trim_event_record

setGeneric( "trim_event_record", function( event_record ) standardGeneric( "trim_event_record" ) )

setMethod( "trim_event_record", signature( event_record = "ragged_event_record" ),
    function( event_record ){
        trim_event_record_helper( event_record )

trim_event_record_helper = function( event_record ){
    env = event_record@events
    variable_counts = event_record@events$counts
    variables = event_record@variables
    for ( i in variables ){
        env[[ i ]] <- env[[ i ]][1:variable_counts[[i]]]
Don-Li/CAB documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:52 p.m.