
Defines functions icp

#' @name icp
#' @export
#' @title  Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
#' @description performs iterative closest point algoritm on two mesh objects
#' @author Stefan Schlager
#' @param mesh1 the mesh object of a shoe from the data set
#' @param mesh2 the mesh object of a shoe from the data set
#' @param iteration the number of iterations to perform
#' @param maxdist maximum distance for closest points to be included for matching.
#' @param minclost integer: only valid if maxdist is specified. If less than maxdist closest points are found, maxdist is increased by distinc (see below) until the specified number is reached.
#' @param k integer: number of closest triangles on target that will be searched for hits.
#' @param subsample integer use a subsample (using kmeans clustering) to find closest points for - subsample specifies the size of this subsample.
#' @param getTransform logical: if TRUE, a list containing the transformed mesh and the 4x4 transformation matrix.
#' @param pcAlign if TRUE, surfaces are prealigned by principal axis. Overrides intial landmark based alignment.
#' @param pcOptim	 if TRUE, all posible alignments to the PC-Axes are evaluated and the one with the lowest LSE will be used. Can be time consuming for large meshes.
#' @param threads integer: threads to use in closest point search.
#' @param weights vector containing weights for inital landmark transform
#' @return if \code{getTransform=FALSE}, the tranformed mesh1 is returned and otherwise a list containing
#' @return list of alligned mesh object and distance metric
icp <- function(mesh1, mesh2, iterations=3, maxdist=NULL, minclost=50, k=50,subsample=NULL,getTransform=FALSE,pcAlign=FALSE,pcOptim=TRUE,threads=0,weights=NULL) {


  meshorig <- mesh1 <- vcgUpdateNormals(mesh1,silent=silent)
  mesh2 <- vcgUpdateNormals(mesh2)
  if (pcAlign) {
    mesh1 <- pcAlign(mesh1,mesh2,optim=pcOptim)
    if (!is.null(lm1))
      lm1 <- applyTransform(lm1,computeTransform(mesh2,mesh1))
  mysample <- NULL

  KDtree <- vcgCreateKDtreeFromBarycenters(mesh2)
  starticks <- 10

  type <- match.arg(type,c("rigid","similarity","affine"))
  if (!is.null(lm1) && !pcAlign){## perform initial rough registration
    trafo <- computeTransform(lm2,lm1,type=type,reflection=reflection,weights=weights)
    mesh1 <- applyTransform(mesh1,trafo)
  ## create subsample to speed up registration
  if (!is.null(subsample)) {
    subsampletype <- match.arg(subsampletype[1],c("pd","km"))
    if (subsampletype == "pd")
      mysample <- Rvcg::vcgSample(mesh1,type=subsampletype,SampleNum=subsample,MCsamp = 20)
      mysample <- fastKmeans(mesh1,k=subsample,threads=threads)$centers
    mysample <- vcgClostKD(mysample,mesh1,threads=threads)
  origsample <- mysample
  if (!silent)
    cat(paste0("\n performing ",type," registration\n\n") )
  count <- 0
  while (count < iterations) {
    if (!silent) {
      if ((count %% starticks)  == 0 && count != 0)
        cat(paste0(" ",count," "))
      if ((count %% 50)  == 0 && count != 0)
    copymesh <- mesh1
    if (!is.null(subsample) ) {
      minclost <- min(minclost,subsample)
      copymesh <- mysample

    proMesh <- vcgClostOnKDtreeFromBarycenters(KDtree,copymesh,sign=F,k=k,threads=threads) ## project mesh1 onto mesh2
    x1 <- vert2points(copymesh)
    x2 <- vert2points(proMesh)
    dists <- abs(proMesh$quality)
    good <- 1:nrow(x1)

    ## check if normals angles are below rhotol
    if (rhotol < pi) {
      normchk <- normcheck(copymesh,proMesh,threads)
      goodnorm <- which(normchk < rhotol)
      x1 <- x1[goodnorm,]
      x2 <- x2[goodnorm,]
      dists <- dists[goodnorm]
      good <- 1:nrow(x1)
    if (!is.null(maxdist) || uprange < 1) {
      ## check distances of remaining points and select points
      if (is.null(maxdist)) {
        qud <- quantile(dists,probs=uprange)
        good <- which(dists <= qud)
      } else {
        qud <- maxdist
        good <- which(dists <= qud)
        increase <- distinc
        while (length(good) < minclost) {
          good <- which(dists <= (qud+increase))
          if (!silent)
            cat(paste("distance increased to",qud+increase,"\n"))
          increase <- increase+distinc

    #if reverse is true apply the switch of the transform to get the reversal
    ## get transform for current iteration
    trafo <- computeTransform(x1[good,],x2[good,],type=type) #applying mesh 2 to mesh 1 (the fixed mesh object) and giving the transformation:

    ## apply transformation to mesh1 if no subsampling
    if (is.null(subsample)) {
      mesh2 <- applyTransform(mesh2,trafo)
    if (!is.null(subsample)) { #right now we are not working with this, so it can be changed later
      ## hack until changes from Morpho::applyTransform are published
      ntrafo <- trafo
      ntrafo[1:3,4] <- 0
      orignorms <- mysample$normals
      orignorms[1:3,] <- t(applyTransform(t(orignorms[1:3,]),ntrafo))
      mysample <- applyTransform(mysample,trafo)
      mysample$normals <- orignorms
    count <- count+1
  if (!is.null(subsample)) {
    trafo <- computeTransform(mysample,origsample)
    mesh2 <- applyTransform(mesh2,trafo)
  if (!silent) {
    if ((count %% 50)  == 0 && count != 0)
      cat(paste0(" ",count," \n"))
  if (getTransform) {
    trafo <- computeTransform(vert2points(mesh1),vert2points(meshorig),type=type)
    if (!is.null(lm1))
      lm1 <- applyTransform(lm1,trafo)
    return(list(mesh=mesh1,transform=trafo,landmarks=lm1, distance=distinc)) #also add get distance to return from the last iteration
  } else {
EBlagg/Align3d documentation built on Dec. 9, 2020, 7:54 p.m.