
Defines functions ano

Documented in ano

#' Generate output for ANOVA
#'This function will generate output for Analysis of Variance. Homogeneity of Variance (HOV) assumption is tested.  If AOV is assumed aov() is performed and Tukey's HSD are used for post hoc analysis. If HOV cannot be assumed robust ANOVA t1way() from WRS2 is used to perform analysis and linear constraints are used for post hoc analysis.
#' @param x A formula dependent variable ~ dependent variable.
#' @param y Optional A data frame, necessary if data frame is not referenced in formula or piped in.
#' @param tr Optional, a double indicating percentage of means to trim for robust ANOVA, default value is 0.1
#' @return A list of output for reporting $analysis_type, $results, $descriptive_statistics, $post_hoc_analysis
#' @export
#' @examples ano_results <- ano_data %>% ano(sleeptime ~ light)
#' ano_results <- ano(sleeptime ~ light, ano_data)
#' ano_results <- ano(sleeptime ~ light, ano_data)
#' ano_results <- ano(ano_data$sleeptime ~ ano_data$light)
ano <- function(x, y = NULL, tr = .1) {

  fd <- is.formula(x) * is.data.frame(y)
  df <- is.data.frame(x) * is.formula(y)
  fn <- is.formula(x) * missing(y)

  if (fd) {
    formula <- x
    data <- y
    mf <- model.frame(formula,data)
  else if (df) {
    formula <- y
    data <- x
    mf <- model.frame(formula,data)
  else if (fn) {
    formula = x
    mf <- model.frame(formula)

  if(!missing(tr) &&
     (length(tr) != 1 || !is.finite(tr) ||
      tr < 0 || tr > 1))
    stop("'tr' must be a single number between 0 and 1")

  levene <- (invisible(car::leveneTest(formula, data = data)))
  levene_p <- levene$`Pr(>F)`[1]

  #if levene's test fails do not assume HOV
  if(!missing(levene_p) &&
     (length(levene_p) != 1 || !is.finite(levene_p) ||
      levene_p < 0 || levene_p > 1))
  {levene_p = .01}

  if (levene_p < .05) {
    aov <- WRS2::t1way(mf, tr = tr)
    ph <- WRS2::lincon(mf, tr = tr)
    Dfm <- aov$df1
    Dfr <- aov$df2
    Fv <- aov$test
    p <- aov$p.value
    w <- aov$effsize
    an <- paste('Homogeneity of Variance is not assumed, Robust One Way ANOVA for medians, ', as.character(tr), ' trimmed means, Post Hocs using linear equality constraints')
    pd <- data.frame(ph[[1]])
    lab <- pd[,1:2]
    colnames(lab) <- c('G1','G2')
    lab$G1 <- factor(lab$G1, levels = c(1:length(ph[[2]])), labels = ph[[2]])
    lab$G2 <- factor(lab$G2, levels = c(1:length(ph[[2]])), labels = ph[[2]])
    rownames(pd) <- paste(as.character(lab$G1),as.character(lab$G2),sep = '-')
    ph <- pd[,c('psihat','p.value')]
    colnames(ph) <- c('Difference','P.Value')
    ph$P.Value <- signif(ph$P.Value,3)

  } else {
    aov <- aov(mf)
    ph <- TukeyHSD(aov)
    df <- data.frame(summary(aov)[[1]])
    Dfm <- df[1,1]
    Dfr <- df[2,1]
    SSm <- df[1,2]
    SSr <- df[2,2]
    MSm <- df[1,3]
    MSr <- df[2,3]
    SSt <- SSm + SSr
    Fv <- df[1,4]
    p <- df[1,5]
    w2 <- (SSm - (Dfm * MSr))/(SSt + MSr)
    w <- sqrt(abs(w2))
    an <- 'Homogeneity of Variance is assumed, One Way ANOVA, Post Hocs using Tukeys Honest Significance Difference'
    ph <- data.frame(ph[[1]])
    ph <- ph[,c('diff','p.adj')]
    colnames(ph) <- c('Difference','P.Value')
    ph$P.Value <- signif(ph$P.Value,3)
  res <- paste(c('F(', round(Dfm,2), ',', round(Dfr,2), ') = ', round(Fv,3),', p = ', round(p,3),', w = ',round(w,3)), collapse = '')
  dsc <- desc_e(x = formula, y = data, 'ano',deparse(substitute(formula)),deparse(substitute(data)))
  list('analysis_type' = an,'results' = res,'descriptive_statistics' = dsc,'post_hoc_analysis' = ph)
ECO230/eco230r documentation built on May 12, 2020, 2:10 a.m.