summarizeGroups: Summarize samples to group level estimates

View source: R/summarizeGroups.R

summarizeGroupsR Documentation

Summarize samples to group level estimates


Summarize sample data by group using a specified summary function. The summary function provided must take a data frame with one or more columns corresponding to samples. It must return a data frame with the same number of rows and one column.


summarizeGroups(ftmsObj, summary_functions)



an object of class 'peakData' or 'compoundData' or a ddo of ftmsData objects (e.g. the output of divideByGroup)


vector of summary function names to apply to each row of ftmsObj$e_data for each group. Valid summary function names are given by getGroupSummaryFunctionNames.


If the input is an ftmsData object, the result will be a new ftmsData object where each provided summary function will be applied to each group found in getGroupDF(ftmsObj). If getGroupDF(ftmsObj) == null the function will assume all samples belong to a single group. If the input is a ddo the result will be a ddo where each value is the result of applying summarizeGroups to each value of the input.


Amanda White


summary1 <- summarizeGroups(exampleProcessedPeakData, 
                            summary_functions=c("n_present", "prop_present"))

groupDdo <- divideByGroup(exampleProcessedPeakData)
summary2 <- summarizeGroups(groupDdo, summary_functions=c("n_present", "prop_present"))

EMSL-Computing/fticRanalysis documentation built on Dec. 18, 2024, 9:51 p.m.