addAssayToESE | addAssayToESE |
annotateRegions | annotateRegions |
bam2bw | bam2bw: create a coverage bigwig file from an alignment bam... |
bamChrChunkApply | bamChrChunkApply |
breakStrings | breakStrings |
clusterSignalMatrices | clusterSignalMatrices: clusters the regions of a (set of)... |
computeDeviationsFaster | computeDeviationsFaster |
estimateFragSize | estimateFragSize |
exampleDNAme | Example DNAme data on some active gene bodies |
exampleESE | Example EnrichmentSE object |
formatGenomicDist | formatGenomicDist |
frag2bw | frag2bw |
fragSizesDist | fragSizesDist |
getCounts | getCounts |
getCovStats | getCovStats |
getNormFactors | getNormFactors : estimate normalization factors from genomic... |
getSignalMatrices | getSignalMatrices |
importBedlike | importBedlike |
inject | Inject (insert) values at positions in a vector |
meltSignals | meltSignals |
mergeSignalMatrices | mergeSignalMatrices: aggregates two or more signal matrices. |
ml2ESE | Creates an EnrichmentSE from a list of normalizedMatrix... |
motifFootprint | motifFootprint |
plotCorFromCovStats | plotCorFromCovStats |
plotCovStats | plotCovStats |
plotEnrichedHeatmaps | plotEnrichedHeatmaps: Plots heatmaps of signals around a set... |
plotSignalTracks | plotSignalTracks |
reduceWithResplit | Merge regions, re-splitting large merges using local overlap... |
regionCAT | regionCAT |
regionOverlaps | regionOverlaps |
regionUpset | regionUpset |
renormalizeSignalMatrices | renormalizeSignalMatrices |
resizeMatrix | resize a numeric matrix to given dimensions |
showTrackInfo | showTrackInfo |
signal2Matrix | signal2Matrix: reads the signals in/around a set of genomic... |
signalsAcrossSamples | signalsAcrossSamples |
tabixChrApply | tabixChrApply |
tileRle | tileRle |
TSSenrichment | TSSenrichment |
views2Matrix | views2Matrix |
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