#' SelSpace3D
#' @param data pField object
#' @param lat1 vector length 1
#' @param lon1 vector legnth 1
#' @param SBOX vector length 1, defaults to 5
#' @param tolLon vector length 1, defaults to 10
#' @param bNN logical, defaults to FALSE
#' @param timeindexNA at which timestep should the Next Neighbour algorithm
#' search for missing values
#' @description Function to interpolate a field to a given point specified by
#' latitude and longitude. It uses the nearest neighbour if the adjancents
#' points are missing, if not it uses bilinear interpolation
#' @return \code{\link{pTs}} object
#' @export SelSpace3D selspace.3D
#' @aliases SelSpace3D selspace.3D
#' @author Thomas Laepple
SelSpace3D <- function(data, lat1, lon1, SBOX = 5, tolLon = 10,
bNN = FALSE, timeindexNA = 1) {
warning("'SelSpace3D()' is experimental and in development; use with care.")
choice.lat <- lat1
choice.lon <- lon1
temp <- attributes(data)
if (prod(dim(data)) != length(temp$lon) * length(temp$lat) *
stop("N(data) != N(lat)*N(lon)*N(time)")
# make a 2D array [lon,lat] containing the orginal indices
pointer3d.raw <- array(1:dim(data)[2], c(1, length(temp$lon),
# arrange to get a continous field
nlon <- length(temp$lon)
nTime <- length(stats::time(data))
d <- diff(temp$lon)
if (max(d) > (min(d) + 0.01)) {
edgelon <- which(d == max(d))
pointer3d <- array(NA, c(1, length(temp$lon), length(temp$lat)))
pointer3d[, (edgelon + 1):nlon, ] <- pointer3d.raw[,
(edgelon + 1):nlon, ]
pointer3d[, 1:edgelon, ] <- data3d.raw[, 1:edgelon, ]
temp$lon <- c(temp$lon[(edgelon + 1):nlon], temp$lon[1:edgelon] +
} else pointer3d <- pointer3d.raw
# longitude jump by wrapping
wrap.dLon <- utils::head(temp$lon, 1) - (utils::tail(temp$lon, 1) - 360)
if ((wrap.dLon > 0) & (wrap.dLon < tolLon)) {
### Check if we the data is global on the longitudes, than Copy
### the data 3 times.... to avoid breaks in the longitude
pointer3d.3c <- array(NA, c(1, 3 * length(temp$lon),
pointer3d.3c[, 1:nlon, ] <- pointer3d[, 1:nlon, ]
pointer3d.3c[, (nlon + 1):(2 * nlon), ] <- pointer3d[,
1:nlon, ]
pointer3d.3c[, (2 * nlon + 1):(3 * nlon), ] <- pointer3d[,
1:nlon, ]
lon.3c <- c(temp$lon[1:nlon] - 360, temp$lon[1:nlon],
temp$lon[1:nlon] + 360)
} else {
# Do wrap the longitudes at the longitudes could not be
# connected
lon.3c <- temp$lon
pointer3d.3c <- pointer3d
if (temp$lat[2] < temp$lat[1])
# if the latitudes are from + to -, reverse them
temp$lat <- rev(temp$lat)
pointer3d.3c <- pointer3d.3c[, , rev(seq(temp$lat))]
# attention... midpoints are given...
if ((lat1 > utils::tail(temp$lat, 1)) | (lat1 < utils::head(temp$lat, 1))) {
warning("Latitude outside field")
if ((lon1 > utils::tail(lon.3c, 1)) | (lon1 < utils::head(lon.3c, 1))) {
warning("Longitude outside field")
indexLat <- rev(which(temp$lat <= lat1))[1]:which(temp$lat >=
indexLon <- rev(which(lon.3c <= lon1))[1]:which(lon.3c >=
# First check if we have any missing data
pointer.select <- pointer3d.3c[, indexLon, indexLat]
if (is.null(dim(pointer.select))) {
dim(pointer.select) <- c(1, length(pointer.select))
} else {
dim(pointer.select) <- c(1, dim(pointer.select))
# data.select<-(as.matrix(data)[,pointer.select]) if
# (is.null(dim(data.select)) nData<-sum(!is.na(data.select))
# else nData<-colSums(!is.na(data.select))
# if (min(colSums(!is.na(data)[,pointer.select]==0) {
# warning('One neighbour point only contains missing values;
# therefore Next Neighbour is used') bNN=TRUE }
if (bNN) {
# Create an area around the point
tempindexLat <- ((indexLat[1] - SBOX):(indexLat[1] +
tempindexLon <- ((indexLon[1] - SBOX):(indexLon[1] +
# remove areas outside the boundaries
tempindexLat <- tempindexLat[tempindexLat > 0]
tempindexLon <- tempindexLon[tempindexLon > 0]
tempindexLat <- tempindexLat[tempindexLat <= length(temp$lat)]
tempindexLon <- tempindexLon[tempindexLon <= length(lon.3c)]
# Get the nearest neighbours
res <- expand.grid(tempindexLon, tempindexLat)
# only retain the nearest nonmissing neighbours
IndexRegion <- diag(pointer3d.3c[1, res[, 1], res[, 2]])
indexV <- !is.na(data[timeindexNA, IndexRegion])
if (sum(indexV) == 0)
x <- res[indexV, 1]
y <- res[indexV, 2]
# Distances to the points in the area
D2i <- (lon.3c[x] - lon1)^2 + (temp$lat[y] - lat1)^2
# nearest neighbour is the one with the smallest distance
neighbour <- order(D2i)[1]
# Switch to real data
intpoldata <- data[, pointer3d.3c[, x[neighbour], y[neighbour]]]
choice.lat <- temp$lat[y[neighbour]]
choice.lon <- lon.3c[x[neighbour]]
} else {
# here the interpolation starts
if (length(indexLat) == 1)
ey = NA else ey <- (lat1 - temp$lat[indexLat[1]])/(temp$lat[indexLat[2]] -
if (length(indexLon) == 1)
ex = NA else ex <- (lon1 - lon.3c[indexLon[1]])/(lon.3c[indexLon[2]] -
if ((!is.finite(ex)) & (!is.finite(ey)))
intpoldata <- data[, pointer.select] else # we are on the point, no interpolation
if (!is.finite(ex)) {
intpoldata <- data[, pointer.select[, 1]] + (data[,
pointer.select[, 2]] - data[, pointer.select[,
1]]) * ey
# only latitudonal interpolation
} else {
if (!is.finite(ey)) {
intpoldata <- data[, pointer.select[, 1]] + (data[,
pointer.select[, 2]] - data[, pointer.select[,
1]]) * ex
# only longitudonal interpolation #Switch to real data
} else intpoldata <- (1 - ex) * (1 - ey) * data[, pointer.select[,
1, 1]] + (1 - ex) * (ey) * data[, pointer.select[,
1, 2]] + (ex) * (1 - ey) * data[, pointer.select[,
2, 1]] + (ex * ey) * data[, pointer.select[,
2, 2]]
# create time series
result <- pTs(intpoldata, stats::time(data), choice.lat, choice.lon,
GetName(data), GetHistory(data), date = FALSE)
hist <- paste("selspace: lat=", lat1, " lon=", lon1, sep = "")
return(AddHistory(result, hist))
selspace.3D <- function(...) {
warning("selspace.3D is deprecated and replaced with SelSpace3D
to comply with ECUS R style guide")
##' Select nearest point
##' Select the timeseries from a \code{"pField"} object at the grid point
##' nearest to a given pair of latitude and longitude values.
##' This is a function in development; the current method to find the nearest
##' grid point is to minimise the root mean square deviation between the
##' position vectors in spherical coordinates of the requested point and all
##' observation points in the \code{"pField"} object, which is done by calling
##' \code{\link[geostools]{MinimizeSpherical}}. In the future, a different
##' method may be implemented for this. Note that requested lat/lon values
##' outside the range of grid points in \code{data} will be processed with a
##' warning.
##' @param data a \code{"pField"} object.
##' @param lat the latitude of the requested point.
##' @param lon the longitude of the requested point.
##' @param simplify logical; if \code{TRUE} (the default) the result will be
##' simplified to a \code{"pTs"} object, otherwise it will be a \code{"pField"}
##' object with only one spatial dimension.
##' @param verbose if \code{TRUE}, print a message with the requested and
##' nearest found coordinates. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
##' @return a \code{"pTs"} or \code{"pField"} (if \code{simplify = FALSE})
##' object with the time series at the grid point nearest to the requested
##' point.
##' @author Thomas Münch
##' @examples
##' # Create some empty pField object
##' lat <- seq(-75, -80, -5)
##' lon <- c(0, 135, 215)
##' time <- 1 : 4
##' x <- pField(lat = lat, lon = lon, time = time)
##' # Extract grid point nearest to lat = -80, lon = 200:
##' SelPoint(x, lat = -80, lon = 200, verbose = TRUE)
##' SelPoint(x, lat = -80, lon = 200, simplify = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
##' @export
SelPoint <- function(data, lat, lon, simplify = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
# 2D fields of data latitudes and longitudes
field.coord <- GetLatLonField(data, simplify = TRUE)
# Warn if target latitude or longitude is outside coordinate range in data
if (lat < min(field.coord[1, ]) | lat > max(field.coord[1, ])) {
warning("Requested latitude is outside range of data.")
if (lon < min(field.coord[2, ]) | lon > max(field.coord[2, ])) {
warning("Requested longitude is outside range of data.")
# Select data at the point of minimum deviation from requested target
i <- geostools::MinimizeSpherical(lat0 = lat, lon0 = lon,
lat = field.coord[1, ],
lon = field.coord[2, ])
lat.nn <- unname(field.coord[1, i])
lon.nn <- unname(field.coord[2, i])
if (verbose) {
sprintf("requested: lat = %f, lon = %f;\nfound: lat = %f, lon = %f",
lat, lon, lat.nn, lon.nn))
if (simplify) {
res <- pTs(data = data[, i], time = stats::time(data),
lat = lat.nn, lon = lon.nn,
name = GetName(data), history = GetHistory(data),
date = FALSE)
} else {
res <- pField(data = data[, i], time = stats::time(data),
lat = lat.nn, lon = lon.nn,
name = GetName(data), history = GetHistory(data),
date = FALSE)
res <- AddHistory(res, paste0("SelPoint: lat = ", lat,", lon = ", lon))
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