  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Epidemiar Output Dataset - Full Run

The results of run_epidemia() is a named list of the following datasets or objects:

  1. summary_data
  2. epi_summary
  3. modeling_results_data
  4. environ_timeseries
  5. environ_anomalies
  6. params_meta
  7. regression_object


Early detection and early warning alerts levels for each geographic group. Early detection alerts (ed_alert_count) are alerts that are triggered during the early detection period, which was defined by the argument ed_summary_period, the n most recent weeks of known epidemiology data. Similarly, early warning alerts (ew_alert_count) are alerts in the future forecast estimates. “High” level indicates two or more weeks in this period had incidences greater than the alert threshold, “Medium” means that one week was in alert status, and “Low” means no weeks had alerts (ed_sum_level and ew_level, respectively).


Mean disease incidence per geographic group during the early detection period.


These are multiple timeseries values for observed, forecast, and alert thresholds of disease incidence, over the report period, for each geographic unit. These data can be used in creating the individual geographic unit control charts.


These are multiple timeseries for the used environmental variables during the report period for each geographic unit.


These data are the recent (during the early detection period) differences (anomalies) of the environmental variable values from the climatology/reference mean.


This lists dates, settings, and parameters that run_epidemiar() was called with and defaults that were used if the user did not set values for those parameters.


This is the regression object from the general additive model (mgvc::bam()) regression. This is generally only for additional statistical investigation of the model, and is usually not saved (large object).

Epidemiar Output Dataset - Model Only Run

The results of run_epidemiar(..., report_settings$model_run = TRUE) is a cached model: the regression object plus some metadata information about what was used to generate the model. Once a model has been generated, it can be fed back into run_epidemiar(..., report_settings$model_cached = {cached model object}) for faster predictions rather than regenerating the model on each run. Determining the balance on how old of a model is still useful is heavily dependent on the specific dataset.

  1. model_obj
  2. model_info


The output regression object from the mgcv::bam() general additive model regression call, or a list of models per cluster from clusterapply depending on the model settings.


A list of dates, settings, and relevant parameters that run_epidemiar() was called with. Very similar to params_meta of a full run.

EcoGRAPH/epidemiar documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 5:31 p.m.