
Defines functions print.trait as.trait print.thesaurus as.thesaurus

Documented in as.thesaurus as.trait

#' Create a list of trait definitions (a thesaurus of traits)
#' Create a trait thesaurus object for use as a reference object/lookup table of
#' traits within function `standardize.traits()`.
#' @param ... multiple objects of class 'trait' (produced by function
#'   `as.trait()`) or a data.frame containing columns according to the terms
#'   provided by https://ecologicaltraitdata.github.io/ETS/#terms-for-thesauri.
#' @param replace named character vector, with new names as values, and old names as names.
#' @return a list of formalized objects of class 'trait', as returned by
#'   function as.trait().
#' @details the object class 'trait' comprises necessary information to map a
#'   trait name to a  trait definition, a target unit and a globally unique
#'   identifier. The thesaurus will be used in function 'standardize.traits()'
#'   to apply unit conversion and factor level harmonization.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # provide traitlist by defining individual traits using function `as.trait()`:
#' traitlist <- as.thesaurus(body_length = as.trait("body_length", expectedUnit = "mm", 
#'     valueType = "numeric", 
#'     identifier = "http://t-sita.cesab.org/BETSI_vizInfo.jsp?trait=Body_length"), 
#'   antenna_length = as.trait("antenna_length", expectedUnit = "mm", 
#'     valueType = "numeric", 
#'     identifier = "http://t-sita.cesab.org/BETSI_vizInfo.jsp?trait=Antenna_length"),
#'   metafemur_length = as.trait("metafemur_length", expectedUnit = "mm", 
#'     valueType = "numeric", 
#'     identifier = "http://t-sita.cesab.org/BETSI_vizInfo.jsp?trait=Femur_length")
#' )
#' # provide traitlist from data frame object: 
#' as.thesaurus(data.frame(
#'   trait = c("body_length", "antenna_length", "metafemur_length", "eyewidth_corr"),
#'   expectedUnit = "mm",
#'   valueType = "numeric",
#'   traitDescription = c("body length in mm", "length of antenna in mm", 
#'                               "length of metafemur in mm", "eye width in mm"), 
#'   identifier = c("http://t-sita.cesab.org/BETSI_vizInfo.jsp?trait=Body_length", 
#'     "http://t-sita.cesab.org/BETSI_vizInfo.jsp?trait=Antenna_length", 
#'     "http://t-sita.cesab.org/BETSI_vizInfo.jsp?trait=Femur_length", 
#'     "http://t-sita.cesab.org/BETSI_vizInfo.jsp?trait=Eye_diameter"
#'     )
#' )
#' )
#' # provide traitlist from remote archive with renaming  
#' # (pulls from https://github.com/EcologicalTraitData/TraitDataList)
#' \dontrun{
#' traits1 <- as.thesaurus(read.csv("https://git.io/fpsj5"), 
#'                    replace = c(traitID = "identifier", 
#'                                   traitName = "trait",
#'                                   traitUnit = "expectedUnit",
#'                                   Comments = "comments") 
#' )
#' }

as.thesaurus <- function(...,
                         replace = NULL
                         ) {
  if( "data.frame" %in% class(..1)) {
    input <- ..1
      if(!is.null(replace)) {
      replacement <- replace[names(input)]
      names(input)[!is.na(replacement)] <- replacement[!is.na(replacement)]
    input <- split(input, f = as_factor_clocale(input$trait))
    traitNames <- as_factor_clocale(names(input))
    input <- lapply(input, function(d) {
      lapply(d, function(x) if(is.factor(x)) as.character(x) else x)

    out <- lapply(input, function(y) { do.call(as.trait, y)})
  if("trait" %in% class(..1)) {
    out <- list(...)
  traitNames <- as_factor_clocale(names(out))
  names(out) <- traitNames
  for(i in 1:length(out)) out[[i]]$trait <- traitNames[[i]]
  if(! "trait" %in% class(..1) && ! "data.frame" %in% class(..1)) stop("no valid input for creating a thesaurus")
  class(out) <- c("thesaurus", "list")


#' @export
print.thesaurus <- function(x, ...) {
  lapply(x, print)
  #out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x,data.frame))

#' Create a trait definition
#' Creating an object containing a standardised trait definition according to
#' the Ecological Traitdata Standard. Parameters correspond to the definition at
#' \url{https://ecologicaltraitdata.github.io/ETS/#terms-for-trait-definitions}.
#' @param trait A character string, providing an intuitive, human-readable trait
#'   name.
#' @param identifier Unique identifier for the trait, ideally unique and stable
#'   URI which identify the source of the trait definition.
#' @param broaderTerm One or several terms that enclose the trait definition.
#' @param narrowerTerm One or several terms that are enclosed by the trait
#'   definition.
#' @param relatedTerm One or several terms that are related to this term
#'   (ideally given as URI).
#' @param traitDescription A short, unambiguous definition of the trait. May
#'   refer to a method of measurement.
#' @param comments Details and Examples for clarification of the trait
#'   definition.
#' @param expectedUnit the unit expected for measurement entries.
#' @param maxAllowedValue An upper boundary for accepted numerical values.
#' @param minAllowedValue A lower boundary for accepted numerical values.
#' @param factorLevels A comma separated list of terms comprising the
#'   constrained vocabulary for categorical traits or ordinal binary traits.
#' @param replaceFactorLevels A list or vector containing synonymous factor
#'   levels to be mapped onto the target factor levels provided in
#'   'factorLevels'. Names of the vector or list entries will be superimposed by
#'   entries in 'factorLevels'.
#' @param valueType the type of trait values. Possible entries are 'numeric',
#'   'integer', 'categorical', 'logical', or 'character'.
#' @param source A character string providing a full bibliographic reference to
#'   the trait definition (giving title, author, year and publication).
#' @param version A character string containing the version number of the
#'   referenced definition (e.g. "v1.2"), if applicable.
#' @param author A character string or object of class 'person' (as created by
#'   `as.person()`) attributing the author(s) of the trait definition.
#' @param ... other arguments, passed on to print function.
#' @return A structured data.frame object of class 'trait'. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' body_length <- as.trait("body_length", expectedUnit = "mm", valueType = "numeric",
#'   identifier = "http://t-sita.cesab.org/BETSI_vizInfo.jsp?trait=Body_length",
#'   traitDescription = "The known longest dimension of the physical structure of organisms",
#'   relationSource = "Maggenti and Maggenti, 2005",
#'   broaderTerm = "http://t-sita.cesab.org/BETSI_vizInfo.jsp?trait=Body_dimension"
#'   )
as.trait <- function(
  identifier = NA,
  broaderTerm = NA,
  narrowerTerm = NA,
  relatedTerm = NA,
  valueType = NA,
  expectedUnit = NA,
  factorLevels = NA,
  replaceFactorLevels = NA, 
  maxAllowedValue = NA,
  minAllowedValue = NA,
  traitDescription = NA,
  comments = NA,
  source = NA,
  version = NA,
  author = NA,
) {
  out <- list(trait = trait,
              identifier = identifier,
              broaderTerm = broaderTerm,
              narrowerTerm = narrowerTerm,
              relatedTerm = relatedTerm,
              valueType = valueType,
              expectedUnit = expectedUnit,
              factorLevels = factorLevels,
              replaceFactorLevels = replaceFactorLevels, 
              maxAllowedValue = maxAllowedValue,
              minAllowedValue = minAllowedValue,
              traitDescription = traitDescription,
              comments = comments,
              source = source,
              version = version,
              author = author

  class(out) <- c("trait", "list")

#' @export
print.trait <- function(x, ...) {

  cat("\n", as.character(x$trait), ":\n\n")
  if(!is.na(x$traitDescription)) cat("\tDefined as:", gsub('(.{1,60})(\\s|$)', '\\1\n\t\t\t', x$traitDescription), "\n" )
  if(!all(is.na(x$broaderTerm))) { cat("\tBroader term: "); cat(x$broaderTerm, sep = ";\n\t\t\t"); cat("\n") }
  if(!all(is.na(x$narrowerTerm))) { cat("\tNarrower term: "); cat(x$narrowerTerm, sep = ";\n\t\t\t"); cat("\n") }
  if(!all(is.na(x$relatedTerm))) { cat("\tRelated term: "); cat(x$relatedTerm, sep = ";\n\t\t\t"); cat("\n") }
  if(!is.na(x$valueType)) cat("\tValue type: ", x$valueType, "\n") 
  if(!is.na(x$expectedUnit)) cat("\tExpected unit: ", x$expectedUnit, "\n") 
  if(!all(is.na(x$factorLevels))) {cat("\tExpected categories: "); cat(x$factorLevels, sep = "; "); cat("\n") } 
  if(!is.na(x$comments)) cat("\n\t(", gsub('(.{1,50})(\\s|$)', '\\1\n\t\t\t', x$comments), ")\n") 
  if(!is.na(x$identifier)) cat( "\n\t", x$identifier)
EcologicalTraitData/traitdataform documentation built on June 12, 2022, 5:57 a.m.