
#' @export
linexPredictions <- function(countryAbbrev, energyType, baseHistorical){
  # Takes the LINEX fitted models and creates per-country predictions for them.
  # Returns a data.frame with the predictions.
  # Can't make predictions for any of CN, ZA, SA, IR, TZ, or ZM if we're interested in U
  if (!(haveDataSF(countryAbbrev, energyType))){
    # If we don't have data for this combination of countryAbbrev and energyType, 
    # return a column of NAs if the above conditions have been met.
    nRows <- 21 # All of these countries need 21 rows.
    df <-, ncol = 1, nrow = nRows))
    colnames(df) <- "pred"
  model <- linexModel(countryAbbrev=countryAbbrev, energyType=energyType, baseHistorical=baseHistorical)
  pred <- predict(model) #See
  df <- data.frame(pred)
  # Pad with rows as necessary
  df <- padRows(countryAbbrev=countryAbbrev, df=df, baseHistorical=baseHistorical)

#' @export
linexPredictionsColumn <- function(energyType, baseHistorical){
  # Takes the LINEX fitted models and creates a single column of predicted GDP values
  # that corresponds, row for row, with the AllData.txt file.
  out <-"rbind", lapply(countryAbbrevs, linexPredictions, energyType=energyType, baseHistorical=baseHistorical))
  colnames(out) <- c(paste("predGDP", energyType, sep=""))
EconModels/MacroGrowth documentation built on Dec. 17, 2019, 10:41 p.m.