Man pages for EliLillyCo/surfaltr
Rapid Comparison of Surface Protein Isoform Membrane Topologies Through surfaltr

align_org_prtsGet aligned amino acid sequences for gene transcripts from...
align_prtsGet aligned amino acid sequences for gene transcripts
check_tmhmm_installCheck to make sure TMHMM 2.0 is installed in the file path...
clean_dataRetrieve, Clean, and Format Input Data
Crb1SurfaltR Amino Acid Test Data- Novel Mouse Retina Isoforms
ensembl_db_retrievalRetrieve Transcript Information from Ensembl for all Primary...
format_idsReformat transcripts to facilitate fasta file conversion
get_aasCreate fasta file containing amino acid sequences based on...
get_pairsCreate csv and fasta files containing information about pairs...
get_phobiusQuery Phobius web server.
get_prtsCreate fasta file containing amino acid sequences based on...
get_tmhmmCreate a data frame with the membrane locations of each amino...
graph_from_aasCreate a plot showing membrane locations of each protein...
graph_from_idsCreate a plot showing membrane locations of each protein...
graph_protsCreate a plot showing where each amino acid is located within...
hpa_genesSurfaltR Gene Name and Transcript ID Test Data- Highly...
hpa_mouse_genesSurfaltR Gene Name and Transcript ID Test Data- Highly...
merge_transAssociate Inputted Transcripts with Corresponding Primary...
plot_isoformsCreate a plot showing where each amino acid is located within...
process_tmhmmCreate a data frame with the membrane locations of each amino...
rank_prtsRank the surface proteins by differences in principal and...
run_phobiusCreate a data frame with the membrane locations of each amino...
split_fastaSplit a fasta formatted file.
test_surfaltrTest the functionality of surfaltr
tmhmm_fix_pathRetrieve Data from TMHMM and Fix Functionality of TMHMM R...
EliLillyCo/surfaltr documentation built on May 3, 2022, 10:12 a.m.