
Defines functions kml_width kml_size kml_alpha .includeAlphaInColourRamp kml_shape kml_colour .getColourScale kml_aes .length_sp_sf .data_sp_sf_sfc .parse_call_for_aes

Documented in kml_aes kml_alpha kml_colour kml_shape kml_size kml_width

.all_kml_aesthetics <- list(
  colour = "black",
  fill = "white",
  shape = paste(get("home_url", envir = plotKML.opts), get("icon", envir = plotKML.opts), sep=""), 
  whitening = "",
  alpha = 1,
  size = get("LabelScale", envir = plotKML.opts),
  width = 1,
  labels = "",
  altitude = 0,
  altitudeMode = "",  
  balloon = FALSE

# Parsing a call
.parse_call_for_aes <- function(call) {
  called_options <- names(call)
  ind_aes <- charmatch(called_options, names(.all_kml_aesthetics))


# Applying aesthetics
# AG: kml_aes function should be used to process both sf, sfc and sp objects, so
# I defined two new functions (called .data_sp_sf_sfc and .length_sp_sf) that
# are use to extract the data component and the length/nrow of obj.

# AG: eval obj@data for sf and sp objects. The problem is that obj@data works
# only for sp objects while, for sf/sfc objects, I simpy need to return obj.
.data_sp_sf_sfc <- function(obj) {
  if (inherits(obj, c("sf", "sfc"))) {
  } else if (isS4(obj)) {
  } else {
    stop("Error, obj is neither sf object or sp object with data")
# AG: length() for sp/sfc objects should be nrow() for sf objects
.length_sp_sf <- function(obj) {
  if (inherits(obj, "sf")) {
  } else if (isS4(obj) || inherits(obj, "sfc")) {
  } else {
    stop("Error, obj is neither sf object or sp object with data")
kml_aes <- function(obj, ...) {

  # Getting parent call
  parent_call <- substitute(list(...))
  parent_call <- as.list(parent_call)[-1]

  # Parse the current call
  called_aes <- .parse_call_for_aes(parent_call)
  aes <- list()

  # Names
  if ("labels" %in% called_aes) {
    # If labels defined using a column of data
    if (is.name(parent_call[['labels']])) {
      aes[['labels']] <- as.character(obj[[as.character(parent_call[['labels']])]])
    # if labels given as a vector
    else {
      labels <- eval(parent_call[['labels']])
      if (length(labels) == .length_sp_sf(obj)) {
        aes[['labels']] <- as.character(labels)
      else {
        aes[['labels']] <- rep(as.character(labels), length.out = length(obj))
  else {
    # AG: I had to modify the following code since sf objects are not S4 so that
    # check doesn't work
    if (
      (isS4(obj) && "data" %in% slotNames(obj)) ||
      inherits(obj, "sf")
      ) {
      # If only one data column is represented, we use its values as labels
      if (length(called_aes) == 1L) {
        # If its the name of a column
        if (is.name(parent_call[[called_aes]])) {
          # If the column is numeric
          if (is.numeric(obj[[as.character(parent_call[[called_aes]])]])) {
            aes[['labels']] <- as.character(round(
              digits = 3
          # Otherwise
          else {
            aes[['labels']] <- as.character(obj[[as.character(parent_call[[called_aes]])]])
        # If its a call we have to evaluate it first
        else if (is.call(parent_call[[called_aes]])) {
          aes[['labels']] <- as.character(format(
            eval(parent_call[[called_aes]], .data_sp_sf_sfc(obj)), 
            digits = 3
        # default behaviour is just numbering using the N first integers
        else {
          aes[['labels']] <- as.character(seq_len(.length_sp_sf(obj)))
      else {
        aes[['labels']] <- rownames(.data_sp_sf_sfc(obj)) 
    else {
      # default behaviour is just numbering using the N first integers
      aes[['labels']] <- as.character(seq_len(.length_sp_sf(obj)))

  # Colour
  if ("colour" %in% called_aes) {

    # If a column name as been used
    if (
      is.name(parent_call[['colour']]) | 
      is.call(parent_call[['colour']]) & 
      # AG: I had to modify the following code since sf objects are not S4 so that
      # check doesn't work
        (isS4(obj) && "data" %in% slotNames(obj)) || 
        inherits(obj, "sf")
    ) {

      # Trying to get the colour ramp
      if ("colour_scale" %in% names(parent_call)) {
        if ("z.lim" %in% names(parent_call)) {
          aes[['colour']] <- kml_colour(
            colour = parent_call[['colour']], 
            colour_scale = parent_call[['colour_scale']], 
            z.lim = eval(parent_call[['z.lim']])
        } else {
          aes[['colour']] <- kml_colour(
            colour = parent_call[['colour']], 
            colour_scale = parent_call[['colour_scale']]
      # Otherwise use the default colour ramp
      else {
        if ("z.lim" %in% names(parent_call)) {
          aes[['colour']] <- kml_colour(
            colour = parent_call[['colour']], 
            z.lim = eval(parent_call[['z.lim']])
        } else {
          aes[['colour']] <- kml_colour(
            colour = parent_call[['colour']]

    # Otherwise it is interpreted as a colour to use
    else {
      aes[['colour']] <- rep(col2kml(parent_call[['colour']]), length.out = .length_sp_sf(obj))
  # using the default value
  else {
    aes[['colour']] <- rep(col2kml(.all_kml_aesthetics[["colour"]]), length.out = .length_sp_sf(obj))

  # Alpha
  if ("alpha" %in% called_aes) {
    aes[['colour']] <- kml_alpha(
      alpha  = eval(parent_call[['alpha']], .data_sp_sf_sfc(obj)), 
      colours = aes[['colour']]
#   else {
#     aes[['alpha']] <- rep(.all_kml_aesthetics[["alpha"]], length.out = length(obj))
#   }

  # Whitening
#     if ("whitening" %in% called_aes) {
#       aes[['colour']] <- kml_whitening(obj, whitening, aes[['colour']], ...)
#     }

  # Shape
  if ("shape" %in% called_aes) {
    aes[["shape"]] <- kml_shape(obj, ...)
  else {
    aes[["shape"]] <- rep(
      length.out = .length_sp_sf(obj)

  # Size
  if ("size" %in% called_aes) {
    # If a column name has been used
    if (is.name(parent_call[['size']])) {
      aes[['size']] <- kml_size(obj, size = as.character(parent_call[['size']]))
    # Otherwise it is interpreted as a vector
    else {
      aes[['size']] <- rep(parent_call[['size']], length.out = .length_sp_sf(obj))
  else {
    aes[['size']] <- rep(.all_kml_aesthetics[["size"]], length.out = .length_sp_sf(obj))

  # Width
  if ("width" %in% called_aes) {
   # If a column name has been used
   if (is.call(parent_call[['width']])) {
      aes[['width']] <- eval(parent_call[['width']])    
    } else {
      if (is.name(parent_call[['width']])) {
        aes[['width']] <- kml_width(
          width = as.character(parent_call[['width']])
      # Otherwise it is interpreted as a vector 
      else {
        aes[['width']] <- rep(parent_call[['width']], length.out = .length_sp_sf(obj))
  else {
    aes[['width']] <- rep(.all_kml_aesthetics[["width"]], length.out = .length_sp_sf(obj))
  # Altitude
  if ("altitude" %in% called_aes) {
    aes[['altitude']] <- kml_altitude(
      altitude = eval(parent_call[['altitude']], .data_sp_sf_sfc(obj))
  else {
    aes[['altitude']] <- kml_altitude(obj)

  # AltitudeMode
  if ("altitudeMode" %in% called_aes) {
      aes[["altitudeMode"]] <- parent_call[['altitudeMode']]
  else {
      aes[["altitudeMode"]] <- kml_altitude_mode(aes[['altitude']]) 

  # Balloon (pop ups)
  if ("balloon" %in% called_aes) {
    aes[['balloon']] <- eval(parent_call[['balloon']])
  else {
    aes[['balloon']] <- .all_kml_aesthetics[["balloon"]]


.getColourScale <- function(data, z.lim, colour_scale = NULL) {

  ## default colour palettes
  .colour_scale_numeric = get("colour_scale_numeric", envir = plotKML.opts)
  .colour_scale_factor = get("colour_scale_factor", envir = plotKML.opts)

  if (is.null(colour_scale)) {
    # If data is numeric
    if (is.numeric(data)) {
      colour_scale <- .colour_scale_numeric
    # If data is a factor
    else {
      colour_scale <- .colour_scale_factor
  else {
    colour_scale <- eval(colour_scale)

  # creates pal function
  pal <- colorRamp(colour_scale, space = "rgb", interpolate = "linear")

  if (is.numeric(data)) {
    if(missing(z.lim)) { z.lim <- range(data, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE) }
    data <- scales::rescale(data, from=z.lim)
    data <- ifelse(data<0, 0, ifelse(data>1, 1, data))
    cols <- rep("#FFFFFF", length(data))
    cols[!(is.na(data)|is.nan(data))] <- rgb(pal(data[!(is.na(data)|is.nan(data))]) / 255)
  # factor variable:
  else {
    # if it is not numeric, it must be a factor:
    data <- as.factor(data)
    values <- 1:length(levels(data))
    cols <- rep("#FFFFFF", length(values))    
    values <- scales::rescale(values) # putting values between 0 and 1
    cols[!(is.na(values)|is.nan(values))] <- rgb(pal(values[!(is.na(values)|is.nan(values))]) / 255)
    # In case of a factor variable, reclassify each level by its corresponding colour:
    levels(data) <- cols
    cols <- as.character(data)


# Colour (points, polygons, lines, raster)
kml_colour <- function(obj, colour, colour_scale = NULL, ...) {

  # Getting the vector of values to scale
  # AG: I had to modify the following code to take into account that obj is not
  # necessary sp
  x <- eval(colour, envir = .data_sp_sf_sfc(obj)) 

  # Retrieving colour scale
  cols <- .getColourScale(data = x, colour_scale = colour_scale, ...)
  cols <- col2kml(cols)


## Shape (points)
kml_shape <- function(obj, shape, ...) {
  # Simple implementation if a URL is given
  # AG: I had to modify the following code since obj could be sf
  rep(shape, length.out = .length_sp_sf(obj))

# modification of the colours using that alpha value
.includeAlphaInColourRamp <- function(colours, alpha, RGBA = FALSE) {
  # colours is a vector of characters describing the colour ramp values
  # alpha is a value between 0 and 255
  # RGBA is set to flase if for kml colour, true for RGBA colours

  # Conversion to hex mode
  alpha <- sprintf("%X", alpha)

  colours <- str_sub(colours, 2, str_length(colours))

  if (RGBA)
    b <- cbind("#", colours, alpha)
    b <- cbind('#', alpha, aaply(colours, 1, function(x) str_sub(x, 3, 9)))

  res <-  apply(b, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ""))

  if (RGBA)
    res <- toupper(res)
    res <- tolower(res)


# Opacity (points, polygons, lines, raster)
# This function modifies the vector of KML colours
kml_alpha <- function(obj, alpha, colours, RGBA = FALSE, ...) {

  # Alpha is constant or continuous
  if (is.numeric(alpha)) {
    # rescaling data if continuous case
    if (length(alpha) > 1)
      alpha <- scales::rescale(alpha)

    alpha <- round(255*alpha, digits = 0)
    cols <- .includeAlphaInColourRamp(colours, alpha, RGBA)

#     # Constant transparency
#     if (length(alpha) == 1) {
#       # modification of the KML colours using that alpha value
#       if (RGBA) {
#         # Conversion to hex mode
#         alpha <- sprintf("%X", alpha)
#         # Adding hex A (alpha) to a RGB hex string
#         cols <- aaply(colours, 1, function(x) paste(x, alpha, sep = ""))
#       }
#       else {
#         # Conversion to hex mode
#         alpha <- sprintf("%x", alpha)
#         cols <- aaply(colours, 1, function(x)  paste("#", alpha, str_sub(x, 4, 9), sep = ""))
#       }
#     }
#     # transparency as an aesthetic
#     else {

#     }
  # Categorical data
  else {

    if (is.numeric(obj)) {
      limits <- range(obj, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
      brks <- seq(limits[1], limits[2], length.out = length(colours))
      grps <- cut(obj, breaks = brks, include.lowest = TRUE)
      stop("Transparency is only available for numeric data.")


# Whitening of a given coloured layer (update of the colour vector)
# kml_whitening <- function(obj, whitening, col.vect){
# }

# Size (points)
kml_size <- function(
  size.min = get("size_range", envir = plotKML.opts)[1], 
  size.max = get("size_range", envir = plotKML.opts)[2], 
  size.default = 1
) {
  if (
    !is.na(size) & 
    # AG: I modified the following call to take into account that obj may be sf
    (inherits(obj, "sf") || (isS4(obj) && "data" %in% slotNames(obj)))
  ) {
    ## If data is numeric
    if (is.numeric(obj[[size]])) {
      max.value <- max(obj[[size]], na.rm = TRUE)
      # AG: I'm not 100% sure but I think the following call should be 
      # size.min + (size.max - size.min) * rescale
      size.values <- size.min + size.max * scales::rescale(
        from = range(obj[[size]], na.rm = TRUE)
      ## fix the missing values:
      size.values[is.na(size.values)] <- size.default
    # Otherwise: factor, character, logical, ...
    else {
      if (!is.factor(obj[[size]])) {
        obj[[size]] <- factor(obj[[size]])

      ## compute number of levels
      nl <- nlevels(obj[[size]])
      ## compute the different size values
      sizes.levels <- seq(size.min, size.max, length.out = nl)
      ## assign them to different classes:
      sizes.values <- cut(
        breaks = seq(1, nl + 1, by = 1), 
        labels = sizes.levels, 
        include.lowest = TRUE
      size.values <- as.numeric(levels(sizes.values))[sizes.values]
      ## fix the missing values:
      size.values[is.na(size.values)] <- size.default
  } else {
    ## If no size aesthetic is asked, or if no data slot
    size.values <- rep(size.default, length.out = .length_sp_sf(obj))


# Width (lines)
kml_width <- function(
  width.min = 1, 
  width.max = 6, 
  width.default = 1
) {
  if (
    !is.na(width) & 
    # AG: I modified the following call to take into account that obj may be sf
    (inherits(obj, "sf") || (isS4(obj) && "data" %in% slotNames(obj)))
  ) {
    # If data is numeric
    if (is.numeric(obj[[width]])) {
      max.value <- max(obj[[width]], na.rm = TRUE)
      # AG: I'm not 100 % sure but I think the following call should be 
      # width.min + (width.max - width.min) * rescale
      width.values <- round(width.min + scales::rescale(obj[[width]]) * width.max, 0)
    # Otherwise: factor, character, logical, ...
    else {
      if (!is.factor(obj[[width]])) {
        obj[[width]] <- factor(obj[[width]])

      # compute number of levels
      nl <- nlevels(obj[[width]])
      # compute the different size values
      width.levels <- seq(width.min, width.max, length.out = nl)
      # affect them to the factor
      width.values <- cut(
        breaks = quantile(obj[[width]], probs=seq(0, 1, length.out = nl + 1)), 
        labels = width.levels, 
        include.lowest = TRUE
      width.values <- as.numeric(as.character(width.values))
  # If no size aesthetic is asked, or if no data slot
  else {
    width.values <- rep(width.default, length.out = .length_sp_sf(obj))


# end of script;
Envirometrix/plotKML documentation built on June 13, 2022, 11:21 p.m.