
Defines functions getMap

Documented in getMap

#' @name getMap
#' @title Get a Map of Appropriate Size
#' @description Return a ggmap object centered on the middle of the positions
#'    data. Will start zoomed in then gradually zoom out until all points fit
#'    unless force is TRUE
#' @param positions data frame containing columns \code{Latitude} and \code{Longitude}
#' @param zoom zoom level used for the map. An integer, see zoom description in
#'    get_map function of ggmap
#' @param force flag whether or not to force a specific zoom level instead of
#'   finding it automatically
#' @param center the location to center the map on. If \code{NULL}, will use the
#'   mean of the range of the data. If not \code{NULL} it must be a named vector
#'   with values \code{lon} and \code{lat}
#' @param quiet \code{FALSE} to report zoom level used
#' @param offline flag whether or not to run in offline mode. Offline mode will use coastline
#'   files from naturalearthdata.com and a mercator projection.
#' @param bounds optional, the boundaries of a box that must be within the output plot.
#'   Used to extend the plotted area, especially useful for the offline mode. Specified as
#'   the lat / long coordinates of the lower left and upper right corners.
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{taiki.sakai@@noaa.gov}
#' @importFrom ggmap get_map ggmap
#' @export
getMap <- function(positions, force=FALSE, zoom=10, center=NULL, quiet=FALSE, offline=FALSE, bounds=NULL) {
  # We cant automatically map near the poles yet, just stop for now.
  poleThresh <- 70
  if(max(abs(positions$Latitude)) > poleThresh) {
    stop('It looks like you are near one of the poles. Automatic mapping not yet supported here. Sorry!')
  # If we tried to zoome out this far something bad happened.
  if(zoom<2) {
    stop('Cannot use Zoom 0 or 1. Check coordinates for errors.')
  # Get our map with smallest bounding box of data, or specified box
  positions <- fixDateline(positions)
  if(is.null(bounds)) {
    boundLong <- range(positions$Longitude)
    boundLat <- range(positions$Latitude)
  } else {
    boundLong <- bounds[c(2,4)]
    boundLat <- bounds[c(1,3)]

  if(is.null(center)) {
    center <- c(lon=mean(boundLong), lat=mean(boundLat))
  # Try downloading up to three times - fails quite often, but will work on second try
  if(!offline) {
    nTries <- 3
    map <- NULL
      for(t in 1:nTries) {
          map <- get_map(location = center, zoom=zoom)
        if(!is.null(map)) break
  # If we're in offline, or if above loop didn't succeed
  if(offline || is.null(map)) {
    coastdata <- readRDS(system.file('coastlines/coastlines.RData', package='PAMsbuoy'))
    basemap <- ggplot() + geom_map(data=coastdata, map=coastdata, aes(map_id=id), fill='#d0e3b4', color='black') +
      theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), panel.background = element_rect(fill='#A3CCFF'))
    # We cant plot directly on this map, coord_map breaks the fill, but we need the aspect ratio.
    coordmap <- basemap + geom_point(data=positions, aes(x=Longitude, y=Latitude)) + coord_map()
    maprange <- ggplot_build(coordmap)$layout$panel_params[[1]]
    aspect <- with(maprange, (y.proj[2]-y.proj[1])/(x.proj[2]-x.proj[1]))
    # If no specific box given, need to extend the x axis a bit or it looks weird later
    if(is.null(bounds)) {
      longRange <- boundLong[2]-boundLong[1]
      boundLong[1] <- boundLong[1] - longRange * .1
      boundLong[2] <- boundLong[2] + longRange * .1
      bnds <- data.frame(lllat = boundLat[1], lllong = boundLong[1],
                         urlat = boundLat[2], urlong = boundLong[2])
    # Add a blank rectangle to extend plotted range
    map <- basemap + theme(aspect.ratio = aspect) +
      geom_rect(data=bnds, aes(xmin=lllong, xmax=urlong, ymin=lllat, ymax=urlat), fill=NA)
      # geom_rect(aes(xmin=boundLong[1], xmax=boundLong[2], ymin=boundLat[1], ymax=boundLat[2]), fill=NA)

  # Checking if all points are within map range. If not, zoom out 1.
  mapRange <- attr(map, 'bb')
  if(!force & (
    boundLong[1] < mapRange[2] |
    boundLong[2] > mapRange[4] |
    boundLat[1] < mapRange[1] |
    boundLat[2] > mapRange[3])) {
    # statement mostly useful for debugging
    # cat('Zoom level', zoom, 'is too close. Trying', zoom-1,'. \n')
    return(getMap(positions, force, zoom-1, quiet=quiet, offline=offline))
  if(!quiet) {
    cat('Zoom level', zoom, 'being used. \n')
EricArcher/PAMsbuoy documentation built on March 3, 2021, 5:56 a.m.