
Defines functions AccumulationPlothelper autoplot.Accumulation plot.Accumulation Mixing DivAccum EntAccum

Documented in autoplot.Accumulation DivAccum EntAccum Mixing plot.Accumulation

#' Entropy Accumulation
#' @param spCommunity A spatialized community (A [wmppp.object] with `PointType` values as species names.)
#' @param divCorrection A string containing one of the possible corrections to calculate diversity, see [Tsallis] for all possible values. 
#' `"None"` uses the plugin estimator. 
#' It is the default value.
#' @param q.seq A numeric vector: the sequence of diversity orders to address. Default is from 0 to 2.
#' @param n.seq A vector of integers. Entropy will be accumulated along this number of neighbors around each individual. 
#' Default is 10% of the individuals.
#' @param r.seq A vector of distances. 
#' If `NULL` accumulation is along `n`, else neighbors are accumulated in circles of radius `r`.
#' @param spCorrection The edge-effect correction to apply when estimating the entropy of a neighborhood community that does not fit in the window. 
#' Does not apply if neighborhoods are defined by the number of neighbors. 
#' Default is "None".
#' "Extrapolation" extrapolates the observed diversity up to the number of individuals estimated in the full area of the neighborhood, which is slow.
#' @param RCorrection The correction to apply when estimating the asymptotic richness to extrapolate local entropy in edge effect correction.
#' A string containing a correction recognized by [Richness] to evaluate the total number of species. 
#' "Jackknife" is the default value. 
#' An alternative is "Rarefy" to estimate the number of species such that the entropy of order $q$ of the asymptotic distribution rarefied to the observed sample size equals the actual entropy of the data.
#' @param Individual If `TRUE`, individual neighborhood entropies are returned.
#' @param ShowProgressBar If `TRUE` (default), a progress bar is shown.
#' @param CheckArguments If `TRUE` (default), the function arguments are verified. 
#' Should be set to `FALSE` to save time in simulations for example, when the arguments have been checked elsewhere.
#' @return An "Accumulation" object that is a list. 
#' - Its first item, named "spCommunity", is `spCommunity`. 
#' - Its second item, named "Accumulation", is a 3-D array containing average entropy.
#' The third dimension of the array is only of length 1: it contains observed entropy.
#' The first two dimensions are respectively for $q$ values and the number of points 
#' of the neighborhood, starting from 1 (the point itself, with no neighbor), or the distances starting from 0.
#' - Its third item, named "Neighborhoods" has the same structure as the second one 
#' but its third dimension contains the local values accumulated in the neighborhood of each point. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate a random community
#' spCommunity <- rSpCommunity(1, size=50, S=3)
#' # Calculate the accumulation of Shannon entropy 
#' accum <- EntAccum(spCommunity, q.seq=1)
#' plot(accum, q=1)
#' # along distance
#' accumR <- EntAccum(spCommunity, q.seq=1, r.seq=seq(0, .5, .05))
#' plot(accumR, q=1)
EntAccum <-
function(spCommunity, q.seq = seq(0,2,by=0.1), divCorrection = "None", 
         n.seq = 1:ceiling(spCommunity$n/2), 
         r.seq = NULL, spCorrection = "None", RCorrection = "Jackknife",
         Individual = FALSE, ShowProgressBar = interactive(), CheckArguments = TRUE)
  if (CheckArguments)

  if (is.null(r.seq)) {
    # n nearest neighbors. Find them.
    nNeighbors <- spatstat.geom::nnwhich(spCommunity, k=n.seq)
    # Add the reference point to get a table: center points in line, neighbors in columns, 
    # including the point itself in the first column
    nNeighbors <- cbind(Reference=1:spCommunity$n, nNeighbors)

    # Prepare a progress bar and the result arrays
    if (ShowProgressBar & interactive())
      ProgressBar <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(n.seq))
    qEntropies <- array(0.0, dim=c(length(q.seq), 1+length(n.seq), 1), 
                        dimnames = list(q=q.seq, n=c(1, 1+n.seq), Values="Observed"))
    # Individual values
    if (Individual) 
      qNeighborhoodEntropies <- array(0.0, dim=c(length(q.seq), 1+length(n.seq), spCommunity$n), 
                                      dimnames = list(q=q.seq, n=c(1, 1+n.seq), 
      qNeighborhoodEntropies <- NA

    # At each number of neighbors, calculate the entropy of all points' neighborhood for each q
    for (k in 1:length(n.seq)) {
      # Neighbor communities: 1 community per column
      NeighborCommunities <- apply(nNeighbors[, 1:(k+1)], 1, 
                                   function(Neighbors) spCommunity$marks$PointType[Neighbors])
      # Calculate entropy of each neighborhood and all q values
      qNbEntropies <-  apply(NeighborCommunities, 2, 
                               sapply(q.seq, function(q) Tsallis(Community, q=q, Correction=divCorrection)))
      # Keep individual neighborhood values
      if (Individual) 
        qNeighborhoodEntropies[, k+1, ] <- qNbEntropies
      # Mean entropy. 
      # If qNbEntropies is a vector (i.e. a single value of q is provided), transpose it to get a 1-row matrix.
      if (is.null(dim(qNbEntropies))) 
        qNbEntropies <- t(qNbEntropies)
      qEntropies[, k+1, 1] <- apply(t(t(qNbEntropies)), 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
      if (ShowProgressBar & interactive()) 
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(ProgressBar, k)
    if (ShowProgressBar & interactive())
    # Entropy of a single individual is 0. This is the default value of the arrays so don't run.
    #  qEntropies[, 1, 1] <- 0
    #  if (Individual) qNeighborhoodEntropies[, 1, ] <- 0

  } else {
    # neighbors up to distance r. Distances are in r.seq. The first distance is 0 (verified by CheckArguments)

    # The max value of the factors is needed
    NbSpecies <- max(as.integer(spCommunity$marks$PointType))
    # Run C++ routine to fill a 3D array. 
    # Rows are points, columns are r, the 3rd dimension has a z-value per species. 
    # Values are the number (weights) of neighbors of each point, up to ditance r, of species z.
    rNeighbors <- parallelCountNbd(r=r.seq, NbSpecies=NbSpecies,
                         x=spCommunity$x, y=spCommunity$y,
    # The array of neighbor communities is built from the vector returned.
    dim(rNeighbors) <- c(spCommunity$n, length(r.seq), NbSpecies)

    # Prepare a progress bar and the result arrays
    if (ShowProgressBar & interactive())
      ProgressBar <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=1, max=length(r.seq))
    qEntropies <- array(0.0, dim=c(length(q.seq), length(r.seq), 1), 
                        dimnames = list(q=q.seq, r=r.seq, Values="Observed"))
    # Individual values
    if (Individual) 
      qNeighborhoodEntropies <- array(0.0, dim=c(length(q.seq), length(r.seq), spCommunity$n), 
                                      dimnames = list(q=q.seq, r=r.seq, Point=row.names(spCommunity$marks)))
      qNeighborhoodEntropies <- NA

    # At each distance, calculate the entropy of all points' neighborhood for each q
    for (r in 2:length(r.seq)) {
      # Neighbor communities of each point at distance r: 1 community per column
      NeighborCommunities <- sapply(1:NbSpecies, function(i) rowSums(rNeighbors[, 1:r, i]))
      # Calculate entropy of each community and all q values
      if (spCorrection == "None") {
        # No edge-effect correction
        qNbEntropies <-  apply(
          NeighborCommunities, 1, function(Community) 
            vapply(q.seq, function(q) 
                Community, q=q, Correction=divCorrection, CheckArguments=FALSE),
      } else {
         if (spCorrection == "Extrapolation") {
           # Number of neighbors of each point
           nNeighbors <- rowSums(NeighborCommunities)
           # Edge effects
           Extrapolation <- integer(spCommunity$n)
           for (i in 1:spCommunity$n) {
             # Intersection between the point's neighborhood and the window
             Intersection <- spatstat.geom::area(
                 spatstat.geom::disc(radius=r.seq[r], centre=c(spCommunity$x[i], spCommunity$y[i]))
             # Extrapolation ratio is that of the whole disc to the part of the disc inside the window
             Extrapolation[i] <- as.integer(nNeighbors[i] * pi * r.seq[r]^2 /Intersection)
           # Prepare an array to store the results
           qNbEntropies <- array(0.0, dim=c(length(q.seq), nrow(NeighborCommunities)))
           for (Community in 1:nrow(NeighborCommunities)) {
             for (q in 1:length(q.seq)) {
               # Suppress the warnings for Coverage=0 every time neighbors are singletons only.
               suppressWarnings(qNbEntropies[q, Community] <- Tsallis(
                 NeighborCommunities[Community, ], q=q.seq[q], 
         } else {
           stop("The edge-effect correction argument spCorrection has not been recognized.")
      # Keep individual neighborhood values
      if (Individual) 
        qNeighborhoodEntropies[, r, ] <- qNbEntropies
      # Mean entropy. 
      # If qNbEntropies is a vector (i.e. a single value of q is provided), transpose it to get a 1-row matrix.
      if (is.null(dim(qNbEntropies))) 
        qNbEntropies <- t(qNbEntropies)
      qEntropies[, r, 1] <- apply(t(t(qNbEntropies)), 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
      if (ShowProgressBar & interactive()) 
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(ProgressBar, r)
    if (ShowProgressBar & interactive())
    # Entropy at r=0 is 0. This is the default value of the arrays so don't run.
    #  qEntropies[, 1, 1] <- 0
    #  if (Individual) qNeighborhoodEntropies[, 1, ] <- 0

  entAccum <- list(
  class(entAccum) <- c("EntAccum", "Accumulation")

#' Diversity Accumulation
#' @inheritParams EntAccum
#' @param H0 The null hypothesis to compare the distribution of `spCommunity` to. 
#' If "none", the default value, no null hypothesis is tested.
#' "Multinomial" means the community will be rarefied down to the number of neighbors of `n.seq`.
#' "RandomLocation" means the points will we randomly permuted accross their actual locations.
#' "Binomial" means the points will we uniformly and independently drawn in the window (a binomial point process is a Poisson point process conditionally to the number of points).
#' @param Alpha The risk level of the envelope of the null hypothesis. Default is 5%.
#' @param NumberOfSimulations The number of bootstraps to build confidence intervals. Default is 100.
#' @return An "Accumulation" object that is a list. 
#' - Its first item, named "spCommunity", is `spCommunity`. 
#' - Its second item, named "Accumulation", is a 3-D array containing average diversity.
#' The third dimension of the array is only of length 1: it contains observed diversity.
#' The first two dimensions are respectively for $q$ values and the number of points 
#' of the neighborhood, starting from 1 (the point itself, with no neighbor), or the distances starting from 0.
#' - Its third item, named "Neighborhoods" has the same structure as the second one 
#' but its third dimension contains the local values accumulated in the neighborhood of each point. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate a random community
#' spCommunity <- rSpCommunity(1, size=50, S=3)
#' # Calculate the species accumulation curve and accumulation of Simpson diversity
#' accum <- DivAccum(spCommunity, q.seq=c(0,2))
#' plot(accum, q=0)
#' plot(accum, q=2)
DivAccum <-
function(spCommunity, q.seq = seq(0,2,by=0.1), divCorrection = "None", 
         n.seq = 1:ceiling(spCommunity$n/2), 
         r.seq = NULL, spCorrection = "None", RCorrection = "Jackknife",
         H0 = "None", Alpha = 0.05, NumberOfSimulations = 100,
         Individual = FALSE, ShowProgressBar = interactive(), CheckArguments = TRUE)
  if (CheckArguments)
  # Flag to verify that H0 has been found
  H0found <- TRUE

  # Prepare an array to store data
  if (is.null(r.seq)) {
    # Neighborhoods defined as the number of neighbors + a column for no neighbor.
    nCols <- 1+length(n.seq)
    seq <- c(1, n.seq+1)
  } else {
    # Neighborhoods defined by distances. The first distance in r.seq is 0.
    nCols <- length(r.seq)
    seq <- r.seq
  # Get entropy
  divAccum <- EntAccum(
    spCommunity=spCommunity, q.seq=q.seq, divCorrection=divCorrection, 
    n.seq=n.seq, r.seq=r.seq, spCorrection=spCorrection, RCorrection=RCorrection,
    ShowProgressBar=(ShowProgressBar & (H0 == "None" | H0 == "Multinomial")), 
  if (H0 == "None") {
    H0found <- TRUE
  } else {
    # H0 will have to be found
    H0found <- FALSE
    # Rename Accumulation
    names(divAccum)[2] <- "Entropy"
    # Put the entropy into a 4-D array. 4 z-values: observed, expected under H0, lower and upper bounds of H0.
    divAccum$Accumulation <- rep(divAccum$Entropy, 4)
    dim(divAccum$Accumulation) <- c(length(q.seq), nCols, 4)
    dimnames(divAccum$Accumulation) <- list(
      q=q.seq, n=seq, c("Observed", "Theoretical", "Lower bound", "Upper bound")
    # if accumulation is along r, change the name
    if (!is.null(r.seq)) names(dimnames(divAccum$Accumulation))[2] <- "r"
    divAccum$Entropy <- NULL

  # Calculate Hill Numbers, by row
  for (i in 1:length(q.seq)) {
    # Transform entropy to diversity, by row (where q does not change)
    divAccum$Accumulation[i, , 1] <- entropart::expq(divAccum$Accumulation[i, , 1], q.seq[i])
    if (Individual) divAccum$Neighborhoods[i, , ] <- entropart::expq(divAccum$Neighborhoods[i, , ], q.seq[i])
  # Null distribution
  if (H0 == "Multinomial") {
    # Rarefy the community
    if (!is.null(r.seq)) stop("The 'Multinomial' null hypothesis only applies to accumulation by number of neighbors.")
    H0found <- TRUE
    # Prepare a progress bar 
    if (ShowProgressBar & interactive())
      ProgressBar <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(q.seq))
    # Prepare the distribution of the abundances of species.
    Ns <- as.AbdVector(spCommunity)
    for (i in 1:length(q.seq)) {
      # Rarefy the community to the sizes of neighborhoods
      H0Values <- entropart::DivAC(Ns, q=as.numeric(q.seq[i]), n.seq=seq, NumberOfSimulations=NumberOfSimulations, Alpha=Alpha, ShowProgressBar=FALSE, CheckArguments=FALSE)
      # Extract the results from the object returned
      divAccum$Accumulation[i, , 2] <- H0Values$y
      divAccum$Accumulation[i, , 3] <- H0Values$low
      divAccum$Accumulation[i, , 4] <- H0Values$high
      if (ShowProgressBar & interactive())
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(ProgressBar, i)
    if (ShowProgressBar & interactive())
  if (H0 == "RandomLocation" | H0 == "Binomial") {
    H0found <- TRUE
    # Prepare a progress bar 
    if (ShowProgressBar & interactive())
      ProgressBar <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0, max=NumberOfSimulations)
    # Prepare a 3-D array to store results. Rows are q, columns are r or n, z-values are for each simulation.
    H0qDiversities <- array(0.0, dim=c(length(q.seq), nCols, NumberOfSimulations))
    # Simulate communities according to H0
    for (i in (1:NumberOfSimulations)) {
      # Random community
      if (H0 == "RandomLocation") 
        H0spCommunity <- dbmss::rRandomLocation(spCommunity, CheckArguments=FALSE)
      if (H0 == "Binomial") 
        H0spCommunity <- dbmss::rRandomPositionK(spCommunity, CheckArguments=FALSE)
      # Calculate its accumulated diversity
      H0qDiversities[, , i] <- DivAccum(
        H0spCommunity, q.seq=q.seq, divCorrection=divCorrection, 
        n.seq=n.seq, r.seq=r.seq, 
        spCorrection=spCorrection, RCorrection=RCorrection, 
        H0="None", Individual=FALSE, 
        ShowProgressBar=FALSE, CheckArguments=FALSE
        )$Accumulation[, , 1]
      if (ShowProgressBar & interactive())
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(ProgressBar, i)
    if (ShowProgressBar & interactive())
    # Calculate quantiles
    for (q in 1:length(q.seq)) {
      for (r in 1:length(r.seq)) {
        divAccum$Accumulation[q, r, 3:4] <- stats::quantile(
          H0qDiversities[q, r, ], c(Alpha, 1-Alpha), na.rm=TRUE
        divAccum$Accumulation[q, r, 2] <- mean(
          H0qDiversities[q, r, ], na.rm=TRUE

  if (!H0found) stop("The value of 'H0' does not correspond to a valid null hypothesis.")
  class(divAccum) <- c("DivAccum", "Accumulation")

#' Mixing index
#' The mixing index is the ratio of observed diversity (effective number of species) to its theoretical, null-hypothesis value.
#' @inheritParams DivAccum
#' @return An "Accumulation" object that is a list. 
#' - Its first item, named "spCommunity", is `spCommunity`. 
#' - Its second item, named "Accumulation", is a 3-D array containing average mixing index.
#' The third dimension of the array is only of length 1: it contains observed mixing index.
#' The first two dimensions are respectively for $q$ values and the number of points 
#' of the neighborhood, starting from 1 (the point itself, with no neighbor), or the distances starting from 0.
#' - Its third item, named "Neighborhoods" has the same structure as the second one 
#' but its third dimension contains the local values accumulated in the neighborhood of each point. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate a random community
#' spCommunity <- rSpCommunity(1, size=50, S=3)
#' # Calculate mixing indices of order 0 and 1
#' accum <- Mixing(spCommunity, q.seq=c(0,1))
#' plot(accum, q=0)
#' plot(accum, q=1)
Mixing <-
  function(spCommunity, q.seq = seq(0,2,by=0.1), divCorrection = "None", 
           n.seq = 1:ceiling(spCommunity$n/2), 
           r.seq = NULL, spCorrection = "None", RCorrection = "Jackknife", 
           H0 = ifelse(is.null(r.seq), "Multinomial", "Binomial"), 
           Alpha = 0.05, NumberOfSimulations = 100,
           Individual = FALSE, ShowProgressBar = interactive(), CheckArguments = TRUE)
  if (CheckArguments)

  # Get the diversity accumulation
  qMixing <- DivAccum(
    spCommunity=spCommunity, q.seq=q.seq, divCorrection=divCorrection, 
    n.seq=n.seq, r.seq=r.seq, spCorrection=spCorrection, RCorrection=RCorrection, 
    H0=H0, Alpha=Alpha, NumberOfSimulations=NumberOfSimulations, 
    Individual=Individual, ShowProgressBar=ShowProgressBar, CheckArguments=FALSE

  # Normalize it
  qMixing$Accumulation[, , 1] <- qMixing$Accumulation[, , 1] / qMixing$Accumulation[, , 2]
  qMixing$Accumulation[, , 3] <- qMixing$Accumulation[, , 3] / qMixing$Accumulation[, , 2]
  qMixing$Accumulation[, , 4] <- qMixing$Accumulation[, , 4] / qMixing$Accumulation[, , 2]
  # Normalize individual values
  if (Individual)
    for (i in 1:spCommunity$n)
      qMixing$Neighborhoods[, , i] <- qMixing$Neighborhoods[, , i] / qMixing$Accumulation[, , 2]
  qMixing$Accumulation[, , 2] <- 1

  class(qMixing) <- c("Mixing", "Accumulation")

#' Plot Diversity Accumulation
#' @param x An "Accumulation" object that can be accumulation of diversity (\code{\link{DivAccum}}), entropy (\code{\link{EntAccum}}) or the Mixing index (\code{\link{Mixing}}).
#' @param ... Further plotting arguments.
#' @param q The order of Diversity. By default, the first value found in the "Accumulation" object is used.
#' @param type Plotting parameter. Default is "l".
#' @param main Main title of the plot.
#' @param xlab X-axis label.
#' @param ylab Y-axis label.
#' @param ylim Limits of the Y-axis, as a vector of two numeric values.
#' @param lineH0 if `TRUE`, the values of the null hypothesis are plotted.
#' @param LineWidth Width of the Diversity Accumulation Curve line.
#' @param ShadeColor The color of the shaded confidence envelope.
#' @param BorderColor The color of the borders of the confidence envelope.
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate a random community
#' spCommunity <- rSpCommunity(1, size=50, S=3)
#' # Calculate mixing indices of order 0 and 1
#' accum <- Mixing(spCommunity, q.seq=c(0,1))
#' plot(accum, q=0)
plot.Accumulation <-
function(x, ..., q = dimnames(x$Accumulation)$q[1], type = "l",  
         main = "Accumulation of ...", xlab = "Sample size...", ylab = "Diversity...", 
         ylim = NULL,
         lineH0 = TRUE, LineWidth = 2, ShadeColor = "grey75", BorderColor = "red")
  # Prepare the parameters
  h <- AccumulationPlothelper(x, q, main, xlab, ylab, ylim)
  # Prepare the plot
                 y=x$Accumulation[h$Whichq, , 1], ylim=c(h$ymin, h$ymax),
                 type=h$type, main=h$main, xlab=h$xlab, ylab=h$ylab)

  if (dim(x$Accumulation)[3] == 4) {
    # Confidence envelope is available
      c(rev(dimnames(x$Accumulation)[[2]]), dimnames(x$Accumulation)[[2]]), 
      c(rev(x$Accumulation[h$Whichq, , 4]), x$Accumulation[h$Whichq, , 3]), 
      col=ShadeColor, border=FALSE
    # Add red lines on borders of polygon
      dimnames(x$Accumulation)[[2]], x$Accumulation[h$Whichq, , 4], 
      col=BorderColor, lty=2
      dimnames(x$Accumulation)[[2]], x$Accumulation[h$Whichq, , 3], 
      col=BorderColor, lty=2
    # Redraw the SAC
      x=dimnames(x$Accumulation)[[2]], y=x$Accumulation[h$Whichq, , 1], 
      lwd=LineWidth, ...
    # H0
    if (lineH0) 
        x=dimnames(x$Accumulation)[[2]], y=x$Accumulation[h$Whichq, , 2], 
#' @export

#' Plot Diversity Accumulation
#' @param object An "Accumulation" object that cat be accumulation of diversity ([DivAccum]), entropy ([EntAccum]) or the Mixing index ([Mixing]).
#' @inheritParams plot.Accumulation
#' @importFrom ggplot2 autoplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate a random community
#' spCommunity <- rSpCommunity(1, size=50, S=3)
#' # Calculate mixing indices of order 0 and 1
#' accum <- Mixing(spCommunity, q.seq=c(0,1))
#' autoplot(accum, q=0)
autoplot.Accumulation <-
function(object, ..., q = dimnames(object$Accumulation)$q[1],
         main = "Accumulation of ...", xlab = "Sample size...", ylab = "Diversity...", 
         ylim = NULL,
         lineH0 = TRUE, ShadeColor = "grey75", BorderColor = "red")
  # Prepare the parameters
  h <- AccumulationPlothelper(object, q, main, xlab, ylab, ylim)
  # Prepare the data
  df <- data.frame(
    y=object$Accumulation[h$Whichq, , 1]
  if (dim(object$Accumulation)[3] == 4) {
    # Confidence envelope is available
    df$low <- object$Accumulation[h$Whichq, , 3]
    df$high <- object$Accumulation[h$Whichq, , 4]
    if (lineH0) df$H0 <- object$Accumulation[h$Whichq, , 2]
  # Prepare the plot
  thePlot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=df, ggplot2::aes_(x=~x, y=~y)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line() +
    ggplot2::labs(title=h$main, x=h$xlab, y=h$ylab)
  if (dim(object$Accumulation)[3] == 4) {
    thePlot <- thePlot +
      ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes_(ymin=~low, ymax=~high), fill=ShadeColor, alpha=0.5) +
      # Add red lines on borders of polygon
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_(y=~low), colour=BorderColor, linetype=2) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_(y=~high), colour=BorderColor, linetype=2)
    # H0
    if (lineH0) {
      thePlot <- thePlot +
        ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_(y=~H0), linetype=2)
#' @export

# Helper to prepare parameters for plot and autoplot. Internal, not documented.
AccumulationPlothelper <- 
function(x, q, main, xlab, ylab, ylim)
  # Find the row in the accumulation table
  Whichq <- which(dimnames(x$Accumulation)$q==q)
  if (length(Whichq) != 1)
    stop("The value of q does not correspond to any accumulation curve.")
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    # Evaluate ylim if not set by an argument
    ymin <- min(x$Accumulation[Whichq, , ])
    ymax <- max(x$Accumulation[Whichq, , ])
  } else {
    ymin <- ylim[1]
    ymax <- ylim[2]
  if (main == "Accumulation of ...") {
    # Prepare the main title
    if (inherits(x, "EntAccum")) main <- paste("Accumulation of Entropy of order", q)
    if (inherits(x, "DivAccum")) {
      if (q == 0) {
        main <- "Species Accumulation Curve"
      } else {
        main <- paste("Accumulation of Diversity of order", q)
    if (inherits(x, "Mixing")) main <- paste("Mixing index of order", q)
  if (xlab == "Sample size...") {
    if (names(dimnames(x$Accumulation)[2]) == "n") {
      xlab <- "Number of individuals"
    } else {
      xlab <- "Distance from the central individual"
  if (ylab == "Diversity...") {
    # Prepare Y-axis
    if (inherits(x, "EntAccum")) ylab <-"Diversity"
    if (inherits(x, "DivAccum")) {
      if (q == 0)
        ylab <- "Richness"
        ylab <- "Diversity"
    if (inherits(x, "Mixing")) ylab <- "Mixing index"
  return(list(Whichq=Whichq, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab))
EricMarcon/SpatDiv documentation built on May 25, 2023, 12:54 p.m.