Man pages for EricSDavis/hictoolsr
An R Package for Hi-C Data Analysis

binAnchorDefine helper function for binning an anchor
binBedpeDefine function to flexibly bin bedpe data by hic resolution
calcApaExtract BEDPE interactions from a Hi-C matrix
calcBedpeCalculates all potential paired interactions from a BED file
calcPairsDefine function to calculate all paired interactions within a...
check_binnedHelper function to check that a GInteractions object has been...
extractCountsExtract counts from .hic file(s)
filterBedpeFilters out short BEDPE interactions
hictoolsr-packagehictoolsr: a set of tools for Hi-C data analysis
loopApaFsHicAggregate peak analysis of differential loop results from FS...
loopApaWtHicAggregate peak analysis of differential loop results from WT...
loopCountsMerged loop calls with contact frequency from replicate Hi-C...
makeGInteractionsFromDataFrameConvert DataFrames to GInteraction objects
mergeBedpeRead-in and merge BEDPE Interactions by Genomic distance with...
plotApaPlots Aggregate Peak Analysis Matrix
shiftAnchorDefine helper function for flexibly shifting an anchor
EricSDavis/hictoolsr documentation built on Sept. 4, 2022, 12:36 a.m.