shiftAnchor: Define helper function for flexibly shifting an anchor

View source: R/util-binBedpe.R

shiftAnchorR Documentation

Define helper function for flexibly shifting an anchor


Define helper function for flexibly shifting an anchor


shiftAnchor(a, p)



GRanges object


Position within anchors to resize the bin. Can be a character or integer vector of length 1 or length(a) designating the position for each element in bedpe. Character options are "start", "end" and "center". Integers are referenced from the start position for '+' and '*' strands and from the end position for the '-' strand.


GRanges object with a single position range that has been shifted appropriately.



## Create example GRanges
gr1 <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr1",
               ranges = IRanges(start = rep(5000,3), end = rep(6000,3)),
               strand = c('+', '-', '*'))

gr2 <- gr1 |> promoters(upstream = 2000, downstream = 200)

## Shifting anchors by keyword
shiftAnchor(gr1, 'start')
shiftAnchor(gr1, 'end')
shiftAnchor(gr1, 'center')
# shiftAnchor(gr1, 'blah') error

## Shifting anchors by position
shiftAnchor(gr1, 100)
shiftAnchor(gr1, c(100, 200, 300))
# shiftAnchor(gr1, c(100, 200, 300, 400)) error
# shiftAnchor(gr1, c(100, 200)) error

## Shifting back to TSS
shiftAnchor(gr2, 2000)

EricSDavis/hictoolsr documentation built on Sept. 4, 2022, 12:36 a.m.