
# // Copyright (C) 2017 Simon Müller
# // This file is part of EventStudy
# //
# // EventStudy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# // the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# // (at your option) any later version.
# //
# // EventStudy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# // GNU General Public License for more details.
# //
# // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# // along with EventStudy  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' @name EventStudyAPI
#' @title APE Entry Point
#' @description R interface for performing Event Studies on 
#' \url{https://www.eventstudytools.com}. 
#' For more details see the help vignette:
#' \code{vignette("introduction_eventstudy", package = "EventStudy")}
#' @format \code{\link[R6]{R6Class}} object
#' @section Usage:
#' For usage details see \bold{Methods, Arguments, and Examples} sections.
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new(apiServerUrl)}}{This method is used to create an
#'   object of this class with \code{apiServerUrl} as the url to the 
#'   EventStudyTools server}
#'   \item{\code{authentication(apiKey)}}{This method is used to 
#'   authenticate at \code{apiServerUrl}. A valid \code{APIkey} is 
#'   required. You can download a free key on our website: 
#'   \url{https://www.eventstudytools.com}}
#'   \item{\code{performEventStudy(estParam)}}{This method starts an Event Study. 
#'   This method does all the analysis work for you}
#'   \item{\code{performDefaultEventStudy()}}{This method starts a default 
#'   Event Study. It is a wrapper around \code{performEventStudy}}
#'   \item{\code{processTask()}}{This method starts the Event Study 
#'   calculation on the server (after files are uploaded.}
#'   \item{\code{configureTask(input)}}{This method configures the 
#'   Event Study. \code{input} is an \code{ApplicationInputInterface} 
#'   R6 object, e.g. ARC configuration class}
#'   \item{\code{uploadFile(fileKey, fileName)}}{This method links to the 
#'   file to upload. \code{fileKey} is the key of the file. Valid values 
#'   are: \code{request_file}, \code{firm_data}, and \code{market_data}. 
#'   \code{fileName} file name to upload.}
#'   \item{\code{commitData()}}{This method commits the data to the server}
#'   \item{\code{getTaskStatus()}}{Check if calculation is finished}
#'   \item{\code{getTaskResults(destDir = getwd())}}{Downloads the 
#'   result files of the Event Study to \code{destDir} (Default: current 
#'   working directory).}
#'   }
#' @section Arguments:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{eventstudyapi}{An \code{EventStudyAPI} object}
#'  \item{apiServerUrl}{URL to the API endpoint}
#'  \item{apiKey}{Key for authentication}
#'  \item{input}{An \code{ApplicationInputInterface} object.}
#'  \item{fileKey}{Type of input file: \code{request_file}, \code{firm_data}, 
#'  and \code{market_data}}
#'  \item{fileName}{Data filename}
#'  \item{destDir}{Directory for saving result files}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' apiKey <- "{Please insert your aPI key here}"
#' The URL is already set by default
#' options(EventStudy.KEY = apiKey)
#' # initialize object
#' estSetup <- EventStudyAPI$new()
#' # get S&P500 example data
#' getSP500ExampleFiles()
#' # set Event Study parameters
#' estType <- "arc"
#' dataFiles <- c("request_file" = "01_RequestFile.csv", 
#'                "firm_data"    = "02_firmData.csv", 
#'                "market_data"  = "03_MarketData.csv")
#' resultPath <- "results"
#' # Perform Event Study 
#' estResult <- estSetup$performDefaultEventStudy(estType    = estType,
#'                                                dataFiles  = dataFiles, 
#'                                                destDir    = resultPath)
#' @export
EventStudyAPI <- R6::R6Class(classname = "EventStudyAPI",
                             public = list(
                               #' @field resultFiles list of result files
                               resultFiles = NULL,
                               #' @field dataFiles list of data files
                               dataFiles   = NULL,
                               #' @description Class initialization
                               #' @param apiServerUrl url to API server
                               initialize = function(apiServerUrl = NULL) {
                                 # if API key is null try to fetch it from options
                                 if (is.null(apiServerUrl)) {
                                   apiServerUrl <- getOption("EventStudy.URL")
                                 # Else throw an error
                                 if (is.null(apiServerUrl)) {
                                   stop("An API server url is required!")
                                 private$apiServerUrl <- apiServerUrl
                               #' @param apiKey EST API key
                               authentication = function(apiKey = NULL) {
                                 # if API key is null try to fetch it from options
                                 if (is.null(apiKey)) {
                                   apiKey <- getOption("EventStudy.KEY")
                                 # Else throw an error
                                 if (is.null(apiKey)) {
                                   stop("An API key is required!")
                                 ch <- doHttrRequest(url          = httr::modify_url(private$apiServerUrl, path = "/task/create"), 
                                                     request_type = "POST", 
                                                     config       = httr::add_headers(c("Content-Type"   = "application/json", 
                                                                                        "X-Customer-Key" = apiKey))
                                 # get token & check it
                                 result <- ch$content
                                 if (!is(result, "list") || is.null(result$token)) {
                                   myMessage("Error: authentication failed", level = 1)
                                 private$token <- result$token
                               #' @description Performs an event study with given parameters and files.
                               #' @param estParams A class of type ARCApplicationInput. This class contains the definition of the event study.
                               #' @param dataFiles A named vector for the input files.
                               #' @param destDir Destination dir of event study results.
                               #' @param downloadFiles Boolean parameter for downloading files from server.
                               #' @param checkFiles Check input files.
                               performEventStudy = function(estParams     = NULL,
                                                            dataFiles     = c("request_file" = "01_RequestFile.csv", 
                                                                           "firm_data"   = "02_firmData.csv", 
                                                                           "market_data" = "03_MarketData.csv"), 
                                                            destDir       = "results",
                                                            downloadFiles = T,
                                                            checkFiles    = F) {
                                 self$dataFiles <- dataFiles
                                 # check files
                                 if (checkFiles) {
                                 # Perform Study
                                 self$uploadFile(fileKey  = "request_file", 
                                                 fileName = unname(dataFiles["request_file"]))
                                 self$uploadFile(fileKey  = "firm_data", 
                                                 fileName = unname(dataFiles["firm_data"]))
                                 self$uploadFile(fileKey  = "market_data", 
                                                 fileName = unname(dataFiles["market_data"]))
                                 waiting <- T
                                 iter <- 0
                                 while(iter < getOption("EventStudy.tryAttempts")) {
                                   print(paste0("Check batch process: Step ", iter))
                                   status <- self$getTaskStatus()
                                   if (status) {
                                     message("Calculation successful finished!")
                                   iter <- iter + 1
                                 if (!status) {
                                   myMessage("Calculation is not finished. Please try to get results later.", level = 1)
                                   myMessage("Check status with: .$getTaskStatus()", level = 1)
                                   myMessage("Get results with: .$getTaskResults()", level = 1)
                                 # create result path if not exist
                                 if (downloadFiles && !dir.exists(destDir)) {
                                 return(self$getTaskResults(downloadFiles, destDir))
                               #' @description Performs an event study with default parameters and files.
                               #' @param estType A string (arc, avc, or avyc) that is used to initialize the default parameter set.
                               #' @param dataFiles A named vector for the input files.
                               #' @param destDir Destination dir of event study results.
                               #' @param downloadFiles Boolean parameter for downloading files from server.
                               #' @param checkFiles Check input files.
                               performDefaultEventStudy = function(estType       = "arc", 
                                                                   dataFiles     = c("request_file" = "01_RequestFile.csv", 
                                                                                     "firm_data"    = "02_firmData.csv", 
                                                                                     "market_data"  = "03_MarketData.csv"), 
                                                                   destDir       = "results",
                                                                   downloadFiles = T,
                                                                   checkFiles    = F) {
                                 estType <- match.arg(estType, c("arc", "avc", "avyc"))
                                 defaultParams <- getDefaultApplicationInput(estType)
                                 self$performEventStudy(defaultParams, dataFiles, destDir)
                               #' @description  Process the task. Internal use.
                               processTask = function() {
                                 if (is.null(private$token) || is.null(private$apiServerUrl))
                                   stop("Error in uploadFile: configuration error")
                                 ch <- doHttrRequest(url          = httr::modify_url(private$apiServerUrl, path = "/task/process"), 
                                                     request_type = "POST", 
                                                     config       = httr::add_headers(c("Content-Type" = "application/json", 
                                                                                        "X-Task-Key"   = private$token))
                                 result <- ch$content
                                 self$resultFiles <- tibble::as_tibble(result$results)
                               #' @description Configure the task. Internal usasge.
                               #' @param estParams An object of class EventStudyApplicationInput
                               configureTask = function(estParams = NULL) {

                                 # Setup Standard Parameters
                                 if (is.null(estParams) || !inherits(estParams,"ApplicationInputInterface"))
                                   stop("Parameters are not set. Please set parameter object or run .$performDefaultEventStudy")
                                 if (is.null(private$token)) {
                                   message('Token not set. Try to get value from: EventStudy.KEY')
                                   if (is.null(private$token)) {
                                     stop("Error in configureTask: token is not set")  
                                 json <- estParams$serializeToJson(level = "parameters")
                                 curl::new_handle() %>%
                                   curl::handle_setopt(customrequest = "POST") %>%
                                   curl::handle_setopt(postfields = json) %>%
                                   curl::handle_setheaders("Content-Type" = "application/json",
                                                           "X-Task-Key"   = private$token) -> handle
                                 # fetch result
                                 ch <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(url    = paste0(private$apiServerUrl, "/task/conf"),
                                                               handle = handle)
                                 rawToChar(ch$content) %>%
                                   jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%
                                   private$checkAndNormalizeResponse(httpcode = ch$status_code,
                                                                     method   = "configureTask") -> result
                                 if (!result)
                                   stop(paste0("Error in configureTask: configuration error"))
                               #' @description Upload files to server. Internal usage.
                               #' @param fileKey File key
                               #' @param fileName File name
                               #' @param partNumber PArt number of the file
                               uploadFile = function(fileKey, fileName, partNumber = 0) {

                                 if (is.null(private$token) || is.null(fileKey) || is.null(fileName))
                                   stop("Error in uploadFile: configuration error")

                                 if (!file.exists(fileName))
                                   stop("Error: file do not exist")

                                 message("Uploading: ", fileName)
                                 ch <- doHttrRequest(url          = httr::modify_url(private$apiServerUrl, path = paste0("/task/content/", fileKey, "/0")), 
                                                     request_type = "POST", 
                                                     the_body     = httr::upload_file(path = fileName),
                                                     config       = httr::add_headers(c("Content-Type" = "application/octet-stream", 
                                                                                        "X-Task-Key"   = private$token))
                                 if (!ch$content)
                                   stop(paste0("Error in uploadFile: configuration error"))

                               #' @description Delete files. Internal usage.
                               #' @param parts Parts
                               deleteFileParts = function(parts) {
                                 # TODO
                               #' @description Split files Internal usage.
                               #' @param fileName File name
                               #' @param maxChunkSize Max chunk size.
                               splitFile = function(fileName, maxChunkSize) {
                                 # TODO
                               #' @description Get token. Internal usage.
                               get_token = function() {
                               #' @description Commit data. Internal usage.
                               commitData = function() {

                                 if (is.null(private$token))
                                   stop("Error: Configuration validation error")
                                 # ch <- doHttrRequest(url          = httr::modify_url(private$apiServerUrl, path = "/task/commit"), 
                                 #                     request_type = "VERB", 
                                 #                     config = httr::add_headers(c("Content-Type" = "application/json", 
                                 #                                                  "X-Task-Key"   = private$token))
                                 # )
                                 curl::new_handle() %>%
                                   curl::handle_setopt(customrequest = "POST") %>%
                                   curl::handle_setopt(postfields = "") %>%
                                   curl::handle_setheaders("Content-Type" = "application/json",
                                                           "X-Task-Key"   = private$token) -> handle
                                 ch <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(url    = paste0(private$apiServerUrl, "/task/commit"),
                                                               handle = handle)
                                 rawToChar(ch$content) %>%
                                   jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%
                                   private$checkAndNormalizeResponse(httpcode = ch$status_code,
                                                                     method   = "commitData") -> result  
                                 if (!inherits(ch$content, "list") || is.null(ch$content$log))
                                   myMessage("Error in commitData: response is invalid")


                               #' @description Fetch task status. Internal usage.
                               #' @param exceptionOnError Throw exception on errpr.
                               getTaskStatus = function(exceptionOnError = FALSE) {

                                 if (is.null(private$token))
                                   stop("Error: Configuration validation error")

                                 # check if file exists
                                 # TODO
                                 # curl::new_handle() %>%
                                 #   curl::handle_setheaders("Content-Type" = "application/json",
                                 #                           "X-Task-Key"   = private$token) -> handle
                                 # ch <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(url    = paste0(private$apiServerUrl, "/task/status"),
                                 #                               handle = handle)
                                 # rawToChar(ch$content) %>%
                                 #   jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%
                                 #   private$checkAndNormalizeResponse(httpcode = ch$status_code,
                                 #                                     method   = "getTaskStatus") -> result
                               #' @description Fetch results Internal usage.
                               #' @param downloadFiles Download files
                               #' @param destDir Destination dir
                               getTaskResults = function(downloadFiles = T, destDir = getwd()) {
                                 if (is.null(private$token))
                                   stop("Error: Configuration validation error")

                                 if (is.null(self$resultFiles))
                                   stop("Error: No result files")

                                 # fetch data
                                 if (downloadFiles) {
                                   if (!dir.exists(destDir)) {
                                     cat('Creating directory: ', destDir, "\n")
                                     dir.create(destDir, recursive = T)
                                   # Download result files
                                   self$resultFiles %>% 
                                     dplyr::mutate(id = dplyr::row_number()) %>% 
                                     dplyr::group_by(id) %>% 
                                     tidyr::nest() %>% 
                                     dplyr::mutate(results = purrr::map(data, .f = function(x) {
                                       cat('Downloading: ', x$name, "\n")
                                       curl_download_save <- purrr::safely(curl::curl_download)
                                       dl_ <- curl_download_save(url =  x$url, destfile = file.path(destDir, x$basename), quiet = T)
                                       if (is.null(dl_$error)) {
                                       } else {
                                     })) -> l
                               #' @description Get API version.
                               getApiVersion = function() {
                                 ch <- doHttrRequest(url          = httr::modify_url(private$apiServerUrl, path = "/version"), 
                                                     request_type = "GET"
                                 version <- ch$content
                             private = list(
                               # private members
                               token        = NULL,
                               apiServerUrl = NULL,
                               checkAndNormalizeResponse = function(response, httpcode, method, exceptionOnError = T) {
                                 if ("error" %in% names(response)) {
                                   if (exceptionOnError) {
                                     stop(paste0("Error in ", method, ': ', response$error))
                                   } else {
                                 if (httpcode != 200) {
                                   if (exceptionOnError) {
                                     if (!is(result, "list") && !is.null(response$error)) {
                                       stop(paste0("Error in ", method, ': ', response$error))
                                     } else {
                                       stop(paste0("Error in ", method, ': Application error'))
                                   } else {
EventStudyTools/api-wrapper.r documentation built on April 16, 2023, 1:04 p.m.