
Defines functions day10_identify_all day10_contour_around_station day10_objects_on_contour day10_visible day10_locate_objects day10_part1_solution day10_dec_to_polar day10_identify_all_polar day10_sort_polar day10_vapor_seq day10_part2_solution

Documented in day10_contour_around_station day10_dec_to_polar day10_identify_all day10_identify_all_polar day10_locate_objects day10_objects_on_contour day10_part1_solution day10_part2_solution day10_sort_polar day10_vapor_seq day10_visible

#' Identify all asteroids on a matrix map
#' Map is represented by vectod of strings wirh values # and .
#' @param asteroid_map_text text representation of map
day10_identify_all <- function(asteroid_map_text) {
  text <- asteroid_map_text
  rows <- length(text)
  cols <- nchar(text) %>% min()
  res <- list()

  for (row in 1:rows) {
    for (col in 1:cols) {
      if (substr(text[row], col, col) == "#") {
        res <- c(res, list(c(col, row) - 1))


#' Identify boundaries to scan with station radar
#' This is square around station
#' @param station station coordinates
#' @param radius distance (shortest) from station to boundary
day10_contour_around_station <- function(station, radius) {
  x <- station[1]
  y <- station[2]
  r <- radius
  list(x_min = x-r, y_min = y-r, x_max = x+r, y_max = y+r)

#' Identify all objects that are located on contour line
#' @param objects complete set of asterods
#' @param contour contour boundaries
day10_objects_on_contour <- function(objects, contour) {
  obj_on_contour <- function(obj) {
    x <- obj[1]; y <- obj[2]
    with(contour, {
      if (x == x_min & y >= y_min & y <= y_max) TRUE
      else if (y == y_min & x >= x_min & x <= x_max) TRUE
      else if (x == x_max & y >= y_min & y <= y_max) TRUE
      else if (y == y_max & x >= x_min & x <= x_max) TRUE
      else FALSE
  objects %>%
    Filter(f = obj_on_contour)

#' Identify whether asteroid is visible to station
#' Asteroid where station is installed is visible
#' @param new_object asteriod coordinates that needs to be checked
#' @param for_station station coordinates
#' @param among_others previousy identified asteroids
day10_visible <- function(new_object, for_station, among_others) {

  # if coordinates of new objec and station are equal then visible
  if (all(new_object == for_station)) {

  is_between_station_and_new_object <- function(test_object) {
    x_t <- test_object[1]
    y_t <- test_object[2]
    x_s <- for_station[1]
    y_s <- for_station[2]
    x_n <- new_object[1]
    y_n <- new_object[2]

    # if all both asteroids located on the same x coordinate
    # and on one side from station then object is in between
    if (x_s == x_t & x_s == x_n & sign(y_t - y_s) == sign(y_n - y_s)) {
    if (x_s == x_t & x_s == x_n & sign(y_t - y_s) != sign(y_n - y_s)) {
    # if only 2 asteroids are locared on the same x coordinate
    # then none can be in between others
    if (all(x_s == x_t, x_s != x_n)) {
    if (all(x_s != x_t, x_s == x_n)) {

    # for the rest we will calculate b - slope of the line between
    # station and asteroid and compare to slope
    # between station and new asteriod
    b_t <- (y_t - y_s) / (x_t - x_s)
    b_n <- (y_n - y_s) / (x_n - x_s)

    # if slopes are the same and both objects are located
    # on one side from station then object is in between
    if (all(b_t == b_n, sign(x_t - x_s) == sign(x_n - x_s))) TRUE
    else FALSE

  # find objects between station and asteroid
  objects_between <-
    among_others %>%
    Filter(f = is_between_station_and_new_object)

  # asteroid is visible only when no objects between it and station
  length(objects_between) == 0

#' Locate all asteroids visible to station
#' @param station station coordinates
#' @param objects asteroids coordinates
day10_locate_objects <- function(station, objects) {
  #determine max redius to scan around station
  max_radius <- objects %>%
    Map(f = function(o) {
      max(abs(o[1]-station[1]), abs(o[2]-station[2]))
    }) %>%
    Reduce(f = max)

  contour <- function(radius)
    day10_contour_around_station(station, radius)
  objects_on_contour <- function(contour)
    day10_objects_on_contour(objects, contour)
  is_visible <- function(object, among_others)
    day10_visible(object, station, among_others)

  visible_objects <- 1:max_radius %>%
    Reduce(f = function(closer_objects, radius) {
      obj <-
        radius %>%
        contour() %>%
        objects_on_contour() %>%
        Filter(f = function(object) is_visible(object, closer_objects))
        # add new visible objects to previous
      c(closer_objects, obj)
    init = list())
  #  "station at coordinate:", station[1], station[2],
  #  "visible asteroids:", length(visible_objects)))

#' Day 10 part 1 solution
#' @export
day10_part1_solution <- function() {
  text_map <- aoc19::DATASET$day10
  asteroids <- day10_identify_all(text_map)

  count_max <- asteroids %>%
    Map(f = function(station) day10_locate_objects(station, asteroids)) %>%
    Map(f = length) %>%
    Reduce(f = max)


#' Transform coordinates from decart to polar system
#' @param station station coordinates
#' @param asteroid asteroid coordinates
day10_dec_to_polar <- function(station, asteroid) {
  x_0 <- station[1]
  y_0 <- station[2]
  x_1 <- asteroid[1]
  y_1 <- asteroid[2]

  distance <-
    if (all(station == asteroid)) 0
    else {
      sqrt((x_0 - x_1)^2 + (y_0 - y_1)^2)
  # andge expressed in radians,
  # 0 angle points straight up from 0 point
  # pi/2 angle points to the right
  # pi angle points down
  angle <-
    if (distance == 0) 0
    else {
      # y coordinate flipped to make it feeling more natural
      # (positive values above 0 point)
      unsigned_angle <- asin((y_1 - y_0)/distance)
      # identify 3rd and 4th quarters
      signed_angle <- ifelse(
        x_1 - x_0 < 0,
        pi - unsigned_angle,
      # rotate phase by 90 degrees (pi/2)
      shift_angle <- signed_angle + pi/2
      # represent value of angle between 0 and 2*pi
      angle <- (shift_angle + 2*pi) %% (2*pi)
  # return combination of angle and distance
  c(angle, distance)

#' Identify all polar coordinates of asteroids
#' @export
#' @param station position of station
#' @param objects positions of objects represented as list
day10_identify_all_polar <- function(station, objects) {

  format_number <- function(number) {
    number %>%
      format(nsmall = 9, width = 12)

  nest <- function(l, ortho) {
    polar <- day10_dec_to_polar(station, ortho)
    a <- format_number(polar[1])
    d <- format_number(polar[2])
    new_el <- c(list(), l[[a]])
    new_el[[d]] <- ortho
    l[[a]] <- new_el[sort(names(new_el))]
  Reduce(f = nest, x = objects, init = list())

#' Sort all polar coordinates
#' First by angle and then by distance
#' @param polar coordinates
day10_sort_polar <- function(polar) {
  # function that sorts list
  isort <- function(x) {n <- names(x); x[sort(n)]}
  # sort list of lists (first nested and then nesting)
  polar %>% Map(f = isort) %>% isort()

#' asteroid vaporization sequence
#' @param station starion
#' @param asteroids asteroids
day10_vapor_seq <- function(station, asteroids) {

  # remove asteroid with station from the list
  asteroids <- asteroids %>%
    Filter(f = function(x) all(x == station) != TRUE)

  # get polar coordinates
  polars <- station %>%
    day10_identify_all_polar(asteroids) %>%

  # flatten list with sublists
  flattened <- names(polars) %>%
    Reduce(f = function(z, x) {
      nested_el <- polars[[x]]
      nested_len <- length(nested_el)
      names(nested_el) <- format(1:nested_len, width = 3) %>% paste0(".", x)
      c(z, nested_el)
    }, init = list())

  # sort flattened list


#' Day 10 part 2 solution
#' @export
day10_part2_solution <- function() {
  text_map <- aoc19::DATASET$day10
  asteroids <- day10_identify_all(text_map)
  #counts <- asteroids %>%
  #  Map(f = function(station) day10_locate_objects(station, asteroids)) %>%
  #  Map(f = length)
  #station <- asteroids[[which.max(counts)]]
  station <- c(25, 31)

  winner <- day10_vapor_seq(station, asteroids)[[200]]

EvgenyPetrovsky/aoc2019 documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 2:40 a.m.