
#' Vector of set names and vector of set values into list of set values
#' @description Function transforms dataframe columns (Set name and Set value)
#'   into list of set values. Sets may be accessed by list element names. The
#'   output of function can be used as and input for data generation functions
#'   (like \link{processTable} or \link{processAttr}).
#' @param set_names vector of set names
#' @param set_values vector of set values
makeSetsFromDF <- function(set_names, set_values) {

  filterBySetName <- function(set_name) {
    x <- set_names == set_name

  sets <- unique(set_names)

  result <- Map(f = function(x) {set_values[set_names == x]}, unique(set_names))


#' Break data frasme into list of data-frasmes with data grouped by provided
#' column
#' @param df data frame
#' @param column column name within data frame that should be used for groupping
nest_df <- function(df, column) {
  columns <- names(df)
  rest <- columns[columns != column]
  if (!column %in% columns) {stop(paste("dataframe has no column", column))}
  col_vals <- unique(df[[column]])
  mapfun <- function(x) {
    subset(x = df, subset = df[[column]] == x, select = rest)

  Map(f = mapfun, col_vals)

#' Process rules for attribute generation
#' @param rules_for_attr dataframe with rules for attributes
#' @param lovs lists of values
#' @param count number of records to generate
#' @param data data frame with earlier prepared results is useful for evaluation
#'   conditions and evaluation expressions
processAttr <- function(rules_for_attr, lovs, count, data) {
  r <- rules_for_attr
  if(r$Value.Type == "LOV" && (!r$List.Of.Values %in% names(lovs))) {
    stop(paste("List of values <", r$List.Of.Values, "> is not in the list", sep = ""))
    count = count, attr_type = r$Attribute.Type,
    attr_len = r$Attribute.Length, attr_num_dec = r$Number.Decimals,
    eval_cond = eval(r$Evaluation.Condition),
    value_type = r$Value.Type, fix_offset_value = r$Fixed.Value...Offset,
    lov = lovs[[r$List.Of.Values]],
    rand_dist_name = r$Random.Distribution, rand_dist_mean = r$Mean, rand_dist_sd = r$Standard.Dev,
    sign_type = r$Sign,
    expression = r$Evaluation.Expression,
    data = data,
    seed = if (is.na(r$Seed)) NULL else r$Seed

#' Process rules for specific table
#' @export
#' @param rules_for_table data frame with rules to generate attributes for one
#'   table
#' @param lovs list of vectors with possible values for Value Type = "LOV" list
#'   names should be the same as they are  mentioned in rules "Lit.Of.Values"
#'   attribute
#' @param count number of records to be generated
processTable <- function(rules_for_table, lovs, count) {

  rls <-
    rules_for_table %>%
      value = ifelse(is.na(.$Evaluation.Sequence), 0, .$Evaluation.Sequence)
    ) %>%
    ) %>%
    nest_df(df = ., column = "Attribute")

  result <-
      f = function(z, x) {
        print(paste("process attr", x))
        vals <- processAttr(rules_for_attr = rls[[x]], lovs = lovs, count = count, data = z)
        z[[x]] <- vals
      x = names(rls),
      init = data.frame(n = 1:count, stringsAsFactors = F)
    ) %>%
    subset(select = -n)


#' Process all rules
#' @export
#' @param rules_df data frame with rules for tables and attributes generation
#' @param lovs_df data frame with lists of values (lov name and lov value pairs)
#' @param count number of records to be generated
processRules <- function(rules_df, lovs_df, count) {
  lovs <- makeSetsFromDF(lovs_df$Set, lovs_df$Value)

  rules_col_diff <- base::setdiff(names(emptyRules()), names(rules_df))
  if (length(rules_col_diff) > 0) {
    cols <- paste(rules_col_diff, sep = ", ")
      "Following mandatory columns are not in Rules dataframe: ",
      rules_col_diff, sep = ""

  nest_df(rules_df, "Table") %>%
      f = function(x) processTable(x, lovs, count)

#' Empty rules
#' Empty dataframe with minimum required set of columns
emptyRules <- function() {
    Table = character(),
    Attribute = character(),
    Attribute.Type = character(),
    Attribute.Length = integer(),
    Number.Decimals = character(),
    Evaluation.Sequence = integer(),
    Evaluation.Condition = character(),
    Value.Type = character(),
    Fixed.Value...Offset = character(),
    List.Of.Values = character(),
    Random.Distribution = character(),
    Mean = numeric(),
    Standard.Dev = numeric(),
    Sign = character(),
    Evaluation.Expression = character(),
    Seed = integer(),
    stringsAsFactors = F
EvgenyPetrovsky/synthezator documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:17 a.m.