
#' @title Title
#' @description Description
#' @param x A number.
#' @param y A number.
#' @return return value here.
#' @details
#' Additional details here
#' @examples
#' example function call here
#3) apportion.lr
#4) annual_prob_conversion
#5) annual_mortality_conversion


### apportion.lr: apportion a vector with the least-remainder method
#from steve g's mardham code, is based on "Hare quota" framework
#for apportioning parliamentary seats based on vote totals

#note: it doesn't actually work well, as it distributes remainders identically
# each iteration: eg, 3 categories, 5 objects will always be distributed:
# cat1=2 objects, cat2=2 objects, cat3 = 1 object

#' @export
utilities_apportion.lr <- function(vector.length,values,proportions,shuffled=F) {
  # lr = "largest remainder" method
  if (vector.length != round(vector.length)) 
    stop ("argument vector.length must be a positive integer")
  if (vector.length <= 0) 
    stop ("argument vector.length must be a positive integer")
  if (is.vector(values) == FALSE) 
    stop ("argument values must be a vector")
  if (!(length(proportions)==length(values) && sum(proportions)==1)  &&
        (!(length(proportions)==length(values)-1 && sum(proportions)<=1 && sum(proportions)>=0)))
    stop ("error in proportions length or proportions sum")
  if (length(proportions)==length(values)-1) proportions <- c(proportions, 1-sum(proportions))
  result <- rep(NA,vector.length)
  exp.nums <- proportions * vector.length
  counts <- floor(exp.nums)
  remainders <- exp.nums - counts
  leftovers <- vector.length - sum(counts)
  if (leftovers > 0) {
    additions <- order(remainders,decreasing=T)[1:leftovers]
    counts[additions]   <- counts[additions]+1
  result <- c(rep(values,counts))
  if (shuffled==T) result <- sample(result,length(result))


#' @export
utilities_annual_prob_conversion <- function(annual_probs,timesteps_per_year) {


#this is called in "parameter_list.R" to convert user inputted ASMRs to 
#mortality per timestep
#' @export
utilities_annual_mortality_conversion <- function(.annual_probs,age_range,.timesteps_per_year)

    if( length(.annual_probs)!=length(age_range) )
  {stop("user-inputted mortality rates not same length as age rage (extra or missing values")}
  utilities_annual_prob_conversion(.annual_probs, .timesteps_per_year)

# #' @export
# vital_asmr_setup<- function(minage=18, maxage=70,
#                             min_age_asmr=0.004, asmr_interval=0.003075,
#                             params,interp_method="linear", user_annual_asmr = NULL)
# {
#   age_range <- minage : maxage
#   if(is.null(user_annual_asmr)){
#     if(interp_methid=="linear"){
#       asmr_annual <- ((0:(length(age_range))-1) * asmr_interval) + min_age_asmr
#       asmr_timestep <- utilities_annual_prob_conversion(annual_probs =  asmr_annual ,
#                                                         timesteps_per_year = params$timesteps_per_year)       
#     }
#   }
#   if(!is.null(user_annual_asmr)){
#     if(length(age_range)!= length(user_annual_asmr)){
#       stop("age range is different length than user's asmr vector")
#     }
#     asmr_annual <- user_vec
#     asmr_timestep <- utilities_annual_prob_conversion(annual_probs =  user_annual_asmr ,
#                                                       timesteps_per_year = params$timesteps_per_year)
#   } 
#   params$min_age <- min_age
#   params$max_age <- max_age
#   params$ASMR    <- asmr_annual
#   params$mort_per_timestep    <- asmr_timestep
#   return(params)  
# }
EvoNetHIV/RoleSPVL documentation built on May 9, 2019, 6:01 p.m.