
# read.csv(system.file("rawdata_scripts/data_files/variable_table_complete_meta.csv",
#            library="pastclim"))
dataset <- "Krapp2021"
version_number <- "1.2.2"
out_dir <- "../../project_temp/past_climate/new_meta"
full_meta <- read.csv("./inst/rawdata_scripts/data_files/variable_table_complete_meta.csv")
data_path <- get_data_path()
sub_meta <- full_meta[full_meta$dataset == dataset, ]
target_files <- unique(sub_meta$file_name)

for (i in target_files) {
  name_components <- unlist(strsplit(i, "_", fixed = TRUE))
  # replace the last component with new version
  name_components <- name_components[-length(name_components)]
  new_name <- paste(paste(name_components, collapse = "_"), paste0("v", version_number, ".nc"), sep = "_")
  new_target_path <- file.path(out_dir, new_name)
  old_target_path <- file.path(get_data_path(), i)
  file.copy(old_target_path, new_target_path)
  nc_in <- ncdf4::nc_open(new_target_path, write = TRUE)
  # update time units
  ncdf4::ncatt_put(nc_in, varid = "time", attname = "units", attval = "years since 1950-01-01 00:00:00.0")
  ncdf4::ncatt_put(nc_in, varid = "time", attname = "long_name", attval = "years BP")
  # update meta units
  this_var_names <- names(nc_in$var)
  for (x in this_var_names) {
      varid = x, attname = "long_name",
      attval = sub_meta$long_name[sub_meta$ncvar == x]
      varid = x, attname = "units",
      attval = sub_meta$units[sub_meta$ncvar == x]
    varid = 0, attname = "pastclim_version",
    attval = version_number

  # now remove the attribute unit if present (it should be units)
  for (x in this_var_names) {
    ncatted(paste0("-a unit,", x, ",d,, -h ", new_target_path))
EvolEcolGroup/pastclim documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 11:11 a.m.