# Plotting Functions ##
# The below functions are used for plotting AquaFlux data.
# It is INTERNAL funcitons to display the data graphically.
# It does not direct UI stuff like the shiny::fluidpage
# No qaqc functions.
# Plotting
# plot sub functions
.plot.mod.pick.pstuff = function(have.data,bx,mes,mLDate,pick.bottun){
if (have.data){
pick.bottun = pick.bottun
.plot.mod.pick.delete.p = function(bx){
# # if you have delete points picked
if ( !is.null(bx[1])){
abline(v = bx, col="seagreen",lwd=3)
.plot.flip.var = function(y,is.dT){
if (is.dT==T){
yout = -y
} else {
yout = y
.plot.get.ylim = function(y, extra.var, is.dT, v, Tmax.data.local){
##### Need to find the largest y bounds
# canidate one:
ylim = range(y, na.rm=T)
# canidate two: raw (if applicable):
if ( is.dT==T & sum(extra.var=="raw")>0) {
y.raw.bound = range( v$raw.data[v$cc.time,v$tree.number] , na.rm=T )
if ( is.infinite(y.raw.bound[2])==T){y.raw.bound[1]=NA; y.raw.bound[2]=NA}
possible.low = c(y.raw.bound[1], ylim[1])
possible.high = c(y.raw.bound[2], ylim[2])
ylim[1] = min( possible.low, na.rm=T) # get the lowest
ylim[2] = max( possible.high, na.rm=T) # get the highest
# canidate three: Tmax (if applicable):
if ( is.dT==T & sum(extra.var=="Tmax")>0 &
Tmax.data.local$have.Tmax==T & sum(is.na(Tmax.data.local$points$Tmax))==F ){
# get points
y.Tmax.bound = range( Tmax.data.local$points$Tmax , na.rm=T)
if ( is.infinite(y.Tmax.bound[2])==T){y.Tmax.bound[1]=NA; y.Tmax.bound[2]=NA}
possible.low = c(y.Tmax.bound[1], ylim[1])
possible.high = c(y.Tmax.bound[2], ylim[2])
ylim[1] = min( possible.low, na.rm=T) # get the lowest
ylim[2] = max( possible.high, na.rm=T) # get the highest
# canidate four: 0,1 (if missing all others):
if ( is.infinite(ylim[1])==T | is.na(ylim[1])==T ){
# get points
ylim[1] = 0
ylim[2] = 1
# plot VPD
.draw.VPD.polgyon = function(x.VPD.thres){
# declare polygon borders
y.bot = x.VPD.thres
y.top = 0
y.poly = c(y.top,y.top,y.bot,y.bot,y.top)
x.bot = 0
x.top = 400
x.poly = c(x.bot,x.top,x.top,x.bot,x.bot)
poly.col= "wheat"
.plot.VPD = function(LDate.local, xlim, ylim, extra.var, is.dT, cc.time, VPD.thres, VPD){
if ( sum(extra.var=="VPD")>0) {
not.na = is.na(VPD)==F
sum.na = sum(not.na, na.rm=T)
# if (
if (sum.na>0){
# get data
VPD = VPD[cc.time]
# flip if this is dT
x.VPD = .plot.flip.var(VPD,is.dT)
print("lilo .plot.VPD 3a2")
# print(paste("lilo .plot.VPD ex",exists("VPD.thres")))
# print(paste("lilo .plot.VPD test",is.numeric(VPD.thres)))
# print(paste("lilo .plot.VPD test2", VPD.thres>0 ))
#if ( (VPD.thres<inf ) == T) { print("less than inf!") }else { print("blank") }
print(paste("lilo .plot.VPD VPD.thres",VPD.thres))
print(paste("lilo .plot.VPD is.dT",is.dT))
x.VPD.thres = .plot.flip.var(VPD.thres,is.dT)
print("lilo .plot.VPD 3a3")
print(paste("lilo .plot.VPD x.VPD.thres", x.VPD.thres))
if (is.na(x.VPD.thres)==T){ x.VPD.thres= -0.2 }
print("lilo .plot.VPD 3a4")
print(paste("lilo .plot.VPD is.dT", is.dT))
if( is.dT==T) { VPD.lab = '-VPD (kPa)' } else { VPD.lab = 'VPD (kPa)' }
# plot VPD axis
print("lilo .plot.VPD 3b")
par(new = T)
plot(LDate.local, x.VPD, col=NA, axes=F, xlab=NA, ylab=NA)
axis(side = 4); mtext(side = 4, line = 1.9, VPD.lab)
# draw VPD polygon
print("lilo .plot.VPD 3c")
# VPD lines
lines(LDate.local, x.VPD, lwd=2, col="cornflowerblue")
# back to plotting dT points
par(new = T); plot(NA, NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim ,col=NA,axes=F, xlab=NA, ylab=NA )
print("lilo .plot.VPD 3d")
print("lilo .plot.VPD 4")
# plot AirT
.plot.AirTC = function(LDate.local, xlim, ylim, extra.var, is.dT, cc.time, AirTC){
# did you want to plot AirTC?
if ( sum(extra.var=="AirTC")>0) {
# get data
AirTC.local = AirTC[cc.time]
# baisc plotting
par(new = T)
plot(LDate.local, AirTC.local, lwd=2, col= "red", type='l',
axes=F, xlab=NA, ylab=NA)
# if VPD not plotted, plot the axis
if ( sum(extra.var=="VPD")==0) {
axis(side = 4); mtext(side = 4, line = 1.9, 'Air Temp. (C)')
# back to plotting dT points
par(new = T); plot(NA, NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=NA,axes=F, xlab=NA, ylab=NA )
# plot Tmax #Tmax.data.local
.plot.Tmax = function(LDate.local, extra.var, is.dT, Tmax.data.local){
# did you want to plot AirTC?
if ( sum(extra.var=="Tmax")>0 & is.dT==T & Tmax.data.local$have.Tmax==T) { #
if (sum(is.na(Tmax.data.local$line)==F)>0){
lines(LDate.local, Tmax.data.local$line, lwd=4, col= "green")
points(Tmax.data.local$points$LDate, Tmax.data.local$points$Tmax, cex=3, col="forestgreen", pch=19)
# plot raw dT
.plot.raw.dT = function(LDate.local, extra.var, is.dT, cc.time, tree.number, raw.data){
if ( sum(extra.var=="raw")>0 & is.dT==T) {
raw.local = raw.data[cc.time,tree.number]
# baisc plotting
par(new = T)
plot(LDate.local, raw.local, lwd=1, col= "grey", type='l',
axes=F, xlab=NA, ylab=NA)
# plot raw dT
.plot.suggest.QAQC = function(LDate.local, plotAutoQAQC, y, i.suggest ){
if ( plotAutoQAQC==T & sum(i.suggest)>0 ) {
# get suggest points
LDate.local.sug = LDate.local[ i.suggest]
y.sug = y[ i.suggest]
points(LDate.local.sug, y.sug, col="red", cex=1.5, pch=19)
# plot basic
.plot.basic = function(v, is.dT, mes, y,
xlab,ylab, main.lab){
start.time = Sys.time()
v$time.last.save = .auto.save.check(v)
LDate.local = v$LDate.local
# get colors
if (sum(v$pick.plot.options=="use.time.col")>0 ){ col = v$time.col[v$cc.time]; } else { col=1; }
# do you have data?
have.data = sum(is.na(y)==F)>2 & sum(is.infinite(y)==F)>2
# get Tmax data
Tmax.data.local = .Tmax.get.data(v$tree.name, v$Tmax.data, LDate.local)
# draw basic empty graph
par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 3)+ 0.1 ) # make the right margin wider than default (for second axis)
xlim= range(LDate.local, na.rm=T)
ylim = .plot.get.ylim(y, v$pick.plot.options, is.dT, v, Tmax.data.local)
plot(NA, NA, col=NA, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, type='l', xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, main=main.lab)
# plot extra, if revelant
mLDate = mean(LDate.local)
if ( have.data==T ) {
# plot any extra variables
try( .plot.AirTC(LDate.local, xlim, ylim, v$pick.plot.options, is.dT, v$cc.time, v$met.data$AirTC), silent = T)
try( .plot.VPD(LDate.local, xlim, ylim, v$pick.plot.options, is.dT, v$cc.time, v$VPD.thres, v$met.data$VPD), silent = T)
.plot.raw.dT(LDate.local, v$pick.plot.options, is.dT, v$cc.time, v$tree.number, v$raw.data)
.plot.Tmax(LDate.local, v$pick.plot.options, is.dT, Tmax.data.local)
# add dT
lines(LDate.local, y , col=1, lwd=2)
points(LDate.local, y, col=col, cex=0.5)
.plot.suggest.QAQC(LDate.local, v$plotAutoQAQC, y, v$i.suggest )
# plot buttons stuff
pick.bottun = .plot.mod.pick.pstuff(have.data, v$bx, mes,
mLDate, v$pick.bottun)
} else {
# message for empty
text( x=mLDate, y=0.5,mes)
pick.bottun= "none"
# plot big stuff
.plot.dT = function(v){
# prep
mes = "No dT data for this window"
y = v$dT.local
xlab = "Day of Year"
ylab = "dT (C)"
main.lab = paste("dT",v$tree.name)
# plot
if (is.numeric(v$dT.local)==T){
pick.bottun = .plot.basic(v, is.dT, mes, y,
xlab,ylab, main.lab)
} else {
pick.bottun = v$pick.bottun
.plot.sapflux = function(v){
if (sum(v$pick.plot.options=="flux")>0){
# prep
mes = "No Sap Flux Data for this window"
y = .sapflux.calc.local(v,v$tree.name)
xlab = "Day of Year"
ylab = "Sap Flux (g m-2 s-1)"
main.lab = paste("Sap Flux",v$tree.name)
# plot
pick.bottun = .plot.basic(v, is.dT, mes, y,
xlab,ylab, main.lab)
# move.over
# find window size
window.size.whole = v$max.DOY-v$min.DOY
window.size.slim = window.size.whole * 0.90 # don't move 100% over, but 90% instead (so there's a little overlap)
# actually move
if (v$move.dir=="foward"){
v$move.dir = "none"
if (v$move.dir=="back"){
v$move.dir = "none"
# realistic check to make sure they don't go out of bounds
if (min.DOY<v$min.DOY.global){min.DOY=v$min.DOY.global};
if (max.DOY>v$max.DOY.global){max.DOY=v$max.DOY.global};
if (max.DOY<(v$min.DOY.global+3) ){max.DOY=(v$min.DOY.global+3)};
if (min.DOY>(v$max.DOY.global-3) ){min.DOY=(v$max.DOY.global-3)};
# export
v$min.DOY = min.DOY
v$max.DOY = max.DOY
# AutoQAQC
# Auto QAQC functions
#v = .autoQAQC.accept(v)
#v = .autoQAQC.suggest(v)
# v = .qaqc.excute(v,delete.cc)
# Save or rejct commands #
.autoQAQC.keep = function(v){
v$autoQAQCmes = "No changes made."
v$i.suggest = NA
v$plotAutoQAQC = F
v = .autoQAQC.suggest(v)
.autoQAQC.del = function(v){
v$autoQAQCmes = "Points Deleted."
v = .qaqc.excute(v, delete.cc=v$i.suggest)
v = .autoQAQC.suggest(v)
# The filters themselves #
.autoQAQC.FilterDTBelow = function(g,MinDT){
y = g$dT.local
got.is.na = is.na(y)==F
got.thres= y < MinDT
bad.points = got.is.na==T & got.thres==T
g$LastAutoFilter = "Below"
if (sum(bad.points)>0){
g$mes = "Red points are < min.dT. Delete them?"
g$bad.points = bad.points
g$found.suggestion = T
.autoQAQC.FilterDTAbove = function(g,MaxDT){
y = g$dT.local
got.is.na = is.na(y)==F
got.thres= y > MaxDT
bad.points = got.is.na==T & got.thres==T
g$LastAutoFilter = "Above"
if (sum(bad.points)>0){
g$mes = "Red points are > max.dT. Delete them?"
g$bad.points = bad.points
g$found.suggestion = T
.autoQAQC.FilterDev = function(g,DT.despike.dev, measurements.in.a.day){
k = measurements.in.a.day*4
if (k %% 2 == 0){k = k+1} # make it odd
dT.despiked = oce::despike(g$dT.local, reference = c("smooth"), replace="NA", n=DT.despike.dev, k=)
# find removed points
was.na = is.na(g$dT.local)
now.na = is.na(dT.despiked)
changed.to.na = was.na==F & now.na==T
g$LastAutoFilter = "Dev"
if (sum(changed.to.na)>0){
g$mes = "Red points are suspected spikes. Delete them?"
g$bad.points = changed.to.na
g$found.suggestion = T
# Functions to look in this window #
.autoQAQC.getData = function(tree.name, min.DOY, max.DOY,n.dT.data, LDate, dT.data, LastAutoFilter){
g = list()
g$tree.name = tree.name
g$tree.number = match(tree.name,n.dT.data)
g$min.DOY = min.DOY
g$max.DOY = max.DOY
x.cc.time = LDate>=g$min.DOY & LDate<=g$max.DOY;
g$LDate.local = LDate[x.cc.time]
g$dT.local = dT.data[x.cc.time,g$tree.number]
g$have.data = sum( is.na(g$dT.local)==F )>0
g$found.suggestion = F
g$LastAutoFilter = LastAutoFilter
.autoQAQC.checkForSugInWindow = function(g, MinDT, MaxDT, DT.despike.dev, measurements.in.a.day){
# look for suggestion
if ( g$LastAutoFilter=="none" ) { g = .autoQAQC.FilterDTBelow(g,MinDT) }
if ( g$LastAutoFilter=="Below" & g$found.suggestion == F ) { g = .autoQAQC.FilterDTAbove(g,MaxDT) }
if ( g$LastAutoFilter=="Above" & g$found.suggestion == F ) { g = .autoQAQC.FilterDev(g,DT.despike.dev, measurements.in.a.day) }
if ( g$found.suggestion == F ) {
g$found.suggestion == T;
g$mes = "No current suggestions";
# export
# Functions to get new window #
.autoQAQC.LookThisWindow = function(NewWin,v){
# get data (g)
g = .autoQAQC.getData(NewWin$tree.name, NewWin$min.DOY, NewWin$max.DOY, n.dT.data=names(v$dT.data), v$LDate, v$dT.data, v$LastAutoFilter)
# if you have data, look for suggestion
if ( g$have.data ==T ){
g = .autoQAQC.checkForSugInWindow(g, v$MinDT, v$MaxDT, v$DT.despike.dev, v$measurements.in.a.day)
# export
# Save it #
.autoQAQC.save.suggestion = function(g,v){
v$min.DOY = g$min.DOY
v$max.DOY = g$max.DOY
v$tree.name = g$tree.name
v$i.suggest = g$bad.points
v$autoQAQCmes = g$mes
v$LastAutoFilter = g$LastAutoFilter
v$plotAutoQAQC = T
# Master .autoQAQC.suggest #
.autoQAQC.suggest = function(v){
########## meta changes
# reset other bottons
v$restore.option="none"; # clear other bottons
############ start with this window
# make starting point in list "NewWin"
NewWin = list()
NewWin$tree.name = v$tree.name
NewWin$window.size = 9999
NewWin$min.DOY = v$min.DOY
NewWin$max.DOY = v$max.DOY
NewWin$all.done = F
# actually look
g = .autoQAQC.LookThisWindow(NewWin,v)
# if you have a suggestion, save it
v = .autoQAQC.save.suggestion(g,v)
######## export
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