# Computational Functions ##
# The below functions are used for internal computations.
# No ui interactions, no import-exports.
# Calculate Sapflux
.calc.sapflux.formula = function(dT,Tmax,v){
# From Lu 2004, equation 7
# actually calc the actual fluxes
flux = v$alpha* ( (Tmax-dT)/(dT) ) ^ (v$beta)
# negative fluxes -- force to zero
flux[ is.na(flux)==F & flux<0] = 0
# flux currently in m3/m2/s, I want to convert to g/m2/s
# conversion:
# 1m3 = (100)^3cm3 = 1g -> 1 100^3 1g -> 100^3 g
# 1 = (1)^3m3 = 1cm3 -> 1 1 1 ->
flux.g.m2.s = flux * 100^3
# export
.sapflux.calc.local = function(v,tree.name){
# get Tmax data
Tmax.data.local = .Tmax.get.data(tree.name, v$Tmax.data, v$LDate.local)
# calc flux
flux = .calc.sapflux.formula(dT = v$dT.local, Tmax = Tmax.data.local$line, v)
not.na = sum(is.na(flux)==F)
flux[flux> 9999 | flux< -9999 ] = NA
# export
# Tmax
# Tmax functions
# the header names(Tmax.data) = c("Name","LDate","Tmax")
.Tmax.get.points = function(tree.name, Tmax.data){
# get Tmax string
cc = Tmax.data$Name==tree.name & is.na(Tmax.data$Name)==F
i.Tmax.points = Tmax.data[ cc,]
.Tmax.calc.line = function(i.Tmax.points, LDate.local, have.Tmax){
# if you have data
if (have.Tmax==T & nrow(i.Tmax.points)>=2){
# get dT and LDate data
Tmax.line = approx( x=i.Tmax.points$LDate , y=i.Tmax.points$Tmax,
Tmax.line = Tmax.line$y
} else {
Tmax.line = NA
# export
.Tmax.get.data = function(tree.name, Tmax.data, LDate.local){
# get points
i.Tmax.points = .Tmax.get.points(tree.name, Tmax.data)
# do you have data
if (nrow(i.Tmax.points)>0){ have.Tmax = T } else { have.Tmax = F }
# get local points
if (have.Tmax==T){
cc = i.Tmax.points$LDate >= min(LDate.local,na.rm=T) &
i.Tmax.points$LDate <= max(LDate.local,na.rm=T)
points.local = i.Tmax.points[ cc, ]
} else {
points.local = data.frame(LDate = NA, Tmax = NA)
# get line
Tmax.line = .Tmax.calc.line(i.Tmax.points, LDate.local,have.Tmax)
# bind
Tmax.data.local = list()
Tmax.data.local$points = points.local
Tmax.data.local$line = Tmax.line
Tmax.data.local$have.Tmax = have.Tmax
# export
.Tmax.pick.manual = function(v,coordinfo){
# resect other bottons
# save the data
Name = v$tree.name
LDate = coordinfo$x
Tmax = coordinfo$y
this.line = data.frame(Name=Name,LDate=LDate,Tmax=Tmax)
# bind
v$Tmax.data = rbind( v$Tmax.data, this.line)
# export
.Tmax.turn.on.plotting = function(v){
# did you pick the Tmax botton?
# if you're not plotting Tmax, plot it now
if ( sum(v$pick.plot.options=="Tmax")==0 ){ v$pick.plot.options = c(v$pick.plot.options,"Tmax") }
# if you're not plotting VPD, plot it now
if ( sum(v$pick.plot.options=="VPD")==0 ){ v$pick.plot.options = c(v$pick.plot.options,"VPD") }
# export
.Tmax.delete= function(v,coordinfo){ #
#### need to find the nearest point
# make a dataframe
Tmax.data.local = .Tmax.get.points(v$tree.name, v$Tmax.data)
df = data.frame(x=Tmax.data.local$LDate,y=Tmax.data.local$Tmax)
nearest.point = shiny::nearPoints(df, coordinfo, addDist =F, threshold = 100, maxpoints=1, xvar="x",yvar="y") # this funciton is restricted to only pick 1point at a time
# get Tmax.data data
Tmax.data = v$Tmax.data
Tmax.data = Tmax.data[is.na(Tmax.data$LDate)==F,]
# get index
cc = Tmax.data$LDate==nearest.point$x & Tmax.data$Name==v$tree.name
# save changes
Tmax.data = Tmax.data[!cc,]
v$Tmax.data = Tmax.data
# export
.Tmax.calc.time.i.needed = function(LDate, VPD.below.thres.for.x.hr){
##### calculate how many indexes I need to look back to satisfy VPD.below.thres.for.x.hr
# what is your averge timestep, in hrs?
time.diff.days = diff(LDate) # get the time diff
time.diff.days = median(time.diff.days,na.rm=T) # get the median
time.diff.hrs = time.diff.days * 24 # convert to hours
# how many indexes is that?
i.need.for.Tmax.auto = VPD.below.thres.for.x.hr / time.diff.hrs
i.need.for.Tmax.auto = round(i.need.for.Tmax.auto)
# export
.Tamx.autopick.crit3 = function(v,VPD,VPD.in.range){
# how many indexes is that?
if ( is.na(v$i.need.for.Tmax.auto)==T){ # if you don't know
v$i.need.for.Tmax.auto = .Tmax.calc.time.i.needed(v$LDate, v$VPD.below.thres.for.x.hr)
# start with zero delay
criteria.3.happy = VPD.in.range # for time lag 0
i.to.go = v$i.need.for.Tmax.auto
previous.VPD = VPD.in.range
while (i.to.go>0){
# what was the VPD one time step ago?
previous.VPD = c(NA,VPD[1:( length(VPD)-1) ] )
# does this satifsy?
previous.VPD.in.range = previous.VPD<=v$VPD.thres & is.na(previous.VPD)==F
# are we still happy?
criteria.3.happy = criteria.3.happy==T & previous.VPD.in.range==T
# keep doing this until you run out of spots
i.to.go = i.to.go - 1
# export
####### which indexes qualify to be in the running. Need 3 criteria:
# criteria 1: hours between 10 PM and 5 AM
hour = v$LDate.local - floor(v$LDate.local)
time.in.range = hour <= (6/24) | hour >= (22/24) # must be at night (between 10 and 5 AM
# criteria 2: VPD <= v$VPD.thres right now
VPD = v$met.data$VPD[v$cc.time]
VPD.in.range = VPD<=v$VPD.thres & is.na(VPD)==F
## criteria 3: VPD <= v$VPD.thres for the last VPD.below.thres.for.x.hr
criteria.3.happy = .Tamx.autopick.crit3(v,VPD,VPD.in.range)
## all 3 happy
all.crit.happy = time.in.range==T & VPD.in.range==T & criteria.3.happy==T
.Tmax.autopick.localmax = function(i.qualify,dT.local,LDate.local,tree.name,auto.Tmax.window.size){
# tree.name
dT.qualify = dT.local[i.qualify]
LDate.qualify = LDate.local[i.qualify]
#LDate.floor = floor(LDate.qualify)
window.size = auto.Tmax.window.size
max.dT.list = c()
max.LDate.list = c()
# doy.seq
start.DOY = seq(min(LDate.local), max(LDate.local), by=window.size)
end.DOY = start.DOY+window.size
# in each window, find the highest date
for (i in 1:length(start.DOY)){
# are you in the window? Find those indexes
in.window = LDate.qualify>=start.DOY[i] & LDate.qualify<=end.DOY[i]
if (sum(in.window)>0){
# get in-window data
x.dT = dT.qualify[in.window] # qualifying dT's in the window
x.LDate = LDate.qualify[in.window] # qualifying LDate's in the window
# find index of the max
i.max = which(max(x.dT)==x.dT,x.dT)
# get the max data
max.dT = x.dT[i.max]
max.LDate = x.LDate[i.max]
# save
max.dT.list = c(max.dT.list, max.dT)
max.LDate.list = c(max.LDate.list, max.LDate)
# export
Tmax.from.auto.pick = data.frame(Name=tree.name,LDate=max.LDate.list,Tmax=max.dT.list)
.Tmax.autopick= function(v){
## which local indexes qualify to be in the running.
i.qualify = .Tmax.autopick.qaulify(v)
# find local max
if (sum(i.qualify)>0){
Tmax.from.auto.pick = .Tmax.autopick.localmax(i.qualify,v$dT.local,v$LDate.local,v$tree.name,v$auto.Tmax.window.size)
v$Tmax.data = rbind(v$Tmax.data, Tmax.from.auto.pick)
# save it
# Broken sensors
# broken sensor functions.
# Uese a lot of the autoQAQC functions
# .BrokenSensors filter #
# NA
# super low
# super spikey
.BrokenSensors.lowAverage = function(dT.local,MinDT_brokensensor){
y.med = median(dT.local, na.rm=T)
if (y.med< MinDT_brokensensor & is.na(y.med)==F ){ sensor.fail = T } else { sensor.fail=F}
.BrokenSensors.na = function(dT.local){
y.na = is.na(dT.local)
if ( sum(y.na) > ( length(dT.local)/2) ) { sensor.fail = T } else { sensor.fail=F}
.BrokenSensors.sd = function(dT.local){
sd.dT.local = sd(dT.local, na.rm=T)
max.sd = 10
if ( sd.dT.local > max.sd & is.na(sd.dT.local)==F) { sensor.fail = T } else { sensor.fail=F}
.BrokenSensors.mes = function(mes){
new.mes = c()
for( i in 1:length(mes)){
new.mes = c(new.mes, '<br/>',mes[i])
# Functions to look in this window #
.autoQAQC.getData = function(tree.name, min.DOY, max.DOY,n.dT.data, LDate, dT.data, LastAutoFilter){
g = list()
g$tree.name = tree.name
g$tree.number = match(tree.name,n.dT.data)
g$min.DOY = min.DOY
g$max.DOY = max.DOY
x.cc.time = LDate>=g$min.DOY & LDate<=g$max.DOY;
g$LDate.local = LDate[x.cc.time]
g$dT.local = dT.data[x.cc.time,g$tree.number]
g$have.data = sum( is.na(g$dT.local)==F )>0
g$found.suggestion = F
g$LastAutoFilter = LastAutoFilter
# Master .BrokenSensors #
.BrokenSensors.detect = function(v){
# get bounds and list
min.DOY = v$max.DOY.global - 5
max.DOY = v$max.DOY.global
list.fail.na = c()
list.fail.low = c()
list.fail.sd = c()
for (tree.name in v$sapflux.names){
# get data
g = .autoQAQC.getData(tree.name, v$min.DOY, v$max.DOY, n.dT.data=names(v$dT.data), v$LDate, v$dT.data, v$LastAutoFilter)
# test it
fail.na = .BrokenSensors.na(g$dT.local)
fail.low = .BrokenSensors.lowAverage(g$dT.local,v$MinDT_brokensensor)
fail.sd = .BrokenSensors.sd(g$dT.local)
# save results
if (fail.na==T){
list.fail.na = c(list.fail.na,tree.name)
} else {
if (fail.low==T){
list.fail.low = c(list.fail.low,tree.name)
} else {
if (fail.sd==T){
list.fail.sd = c(list.fail.sd,tree.name)
# mes them
v$BrokenSensors.mes.na = .BrokenSensors.mes(list.fail.na)
v$BrokenSensors.mes.low = .BrokenSensors.mes(list.fail.low)
v$BrokenSensors.mes.sd = .BrokenSensors.mes(list.fail.sd)
# export
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