
Defines functions validateDataFileMetaDataDataFileExists validateDataExtractionIDLinked validateMeasurementDataExtraction validateMeasurementMapping validateMeasurementMeasuredFrom validateMeasurementIDsUnique validateTreatmentMapping validateSpeciesNames valitdateSpeciesIDUnique

# Internal validation helper functions ------------------------------------

valitdateSpeciesIDUnique <- function(x) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Test if `speciesID` is unique"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the speciesID is unique in this metadata set.",
    "The functions returns `TRUE` if all speciesID are unique."
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "Returns a named vector, with the following possible values:\n",
    "   TRUE  : the value in `speciesID` is unique\n",
    "   FALSE : the value in `speciesID` is not unique\n",
    "One or more FALSE or a missing value will result in an ERROR."
  result$details <- data.frame(
    speciesID = x$Species$speciesID,
    isOK =  !duplicated(x$Species$speciesID),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error <-  ifelse(
  if (any(is.na(x$Species$speciesID))) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateSpeciesNames <- function(x) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Test if the scientific name is correct"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the scientific name in the column `name` is correct.",
    "This uses the function `taxize::gnr_resolve()`",
    "The functions returns `TRUE` if all species have a score of >= 0.7."
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table as returned from the funcrtion `taxize::gnr_resolve()`.",
    "The columns are:\n",
    "   user_supplied_name : the name as in column `name`\n",
    "   submitted_name     : the actual name passed on to be resolved\n",
    "   matched_name       : the matched named\n",
    "   data_source_title  : the name of the data source which returned the best match\n",
    "   score              : a score from the match\n",
    "**Not matched species are not listed here!**."
  result$details <- taxize::gnr_resolve(x$Species$name, best_match_only = TRUE)
  if (length(attr(result$details, "not_known")) > 0) {
    result$error <- 2
  } else if (min(result$details$score) < 0.7) {
    result$error <- 2
  } else {
    result$error <- 0
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateTreatmentMapping <- function(x) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Test if treatmentID is in mappingColumn"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the `treatmentID` is in the `DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn` column.",
    "The `error` can have the following values apart from `OK`:\n",
    "   error   : If `treatmentID` contains missing values.\n",
    "   warning : If not all `treatmentID` are in the `DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn`.\n",
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique `treatmentID`.",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the value is in `DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the value is not in `DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn`.\n",
    "   NA   : empty cell\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$details <- data.frame(
    treatmentID = unique(x$Treatment$treatmentID),
    isOK =  unique(x$Treatment$treatmentID) %in% x$DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error <- ifelse(
  if (any(is.na(x$Treatment$treatmentID))) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateMeasurementIDsUnique <- function(x) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "names unique"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Check if the names specified in `measurementID` are unique."
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "Returns a named vector, with the following possible values:\n",
    "   TRUE  : the value in `speciesID` is unique\n",
    "   FALSE : the value in `speciesID` is not unique\n",
    "One or more FALSE or a missing value will result in an ERROR."
  result$details <- data.frame(
    measurementID = x$Measurement$measurementID,
    isOK = !duplicated(x$Measurement$measurementID),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error <-  ifelse(
  if (any(is.na(x$Measurement$measurementID))) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateMeasurementMeasuredFrom <- function(x) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "measuredFrom is 'raw', 'NA', NA or in name"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the `measuredFrom` is in the `x$Measurement$measurementID` column, 'raw', 'NA', or `NA`.",
    "The `error` is 'error' if can have the following values apart from `OK`:\n",
    "   error   : If the value is not in in the `x$Measurement$measurementID` column, 'raw', 'NA', or `NA`\n",
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique `result$details",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the value is in `x$Measurement$measurementID` column, 'raw', 'NA', or `NA`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the value is not in `x$Measurement$measurementID` column, 'raw', 'NA', or `NA`.\n",
    "   NA   : empty cell\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$details <- data.frame(
    measurementID = x$Measurement$measurementID,
    isOK = x$Measurement$measuredFrom %in% c(x$Measurement$measurementID, "raw", "NA", NA),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error = ifelse(
  if (any(is.na(x$Measurement$measurementID))) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateMeasurementMapping <- function(x) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Test if `measurementID` is in mappingColumn"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the `measurementID` is in the `DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn` column.",
    "The `error` can have the following values apart from `OK`:\n",
    "   error   : If `measurementID` contains missing values.\n",
    "   warning : If not all `measurementID` are in the `DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn`.\n",
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique `measurementID`",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the value is in `DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the value is not in `DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn.\n",
    "   NA   : empty cell\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$details <- data.frame(
    measurementID = unique(x$Measurement$measurementID),
    isOK = unique(x$Measurement$measurementID) %in% x$DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error <- ifelse(
  if (any(is.na(x$Measurement$measurementID))) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateMeasurementDataExtraction <- function(x) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "dataExtractionID is 'none', 'NA', NA, or in DataExtraction$dataExtractionID"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the `dataExtractionID` is in the `DataExtraction$dataExtractionID` column, 'none', 'NA', or `NA`.",
    "The `error` is 'error' if can have the following values apart from `OK`:\n",
    "   error   : If the value is not in in the `DataExtraction$dataExtractionID` column, 'none', 'NA', or `NA`\n",
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique `result$details",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the value is in `DataExtraction$dataExtractionID` column, 'none', 'NA', or `NA`\n",
    "   FALSE: If the value is not in `DataExtraction$dataExtractionID` column, 'none', 'NA', or `NA`\n",
    "   NA   : empty cell\n",
    "One or more FALSE will result in an ERROR."
  result$details <- data.frame(
    dataExtractionID = x$Measurement$dataExtractionID,
    isOK = x$Measurement$dataExtractionID %in% c(x$DataExtraction$dataExtractionID, "none", "NA", NA),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error <- ifelse(
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateDataExtractionIDLinked <- function(x) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "name is in Measurement$dataExtractionID"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the `dataExtractionID` is in the `Measurement$dataExtractionID` column.",
    "The `error` can have the following values apart from `OK`:\n",
    "   error   : If not all `dataExtractionID` are in `Measurement$dataExtractionID`\n",
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique `variable`",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the value is in `DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the value is not in `DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn.\n",
    "   NA   : empty cell\n",
    "One or more FALSE will result in an ERROR."
  result$details <- data.frame(
    dataExtractionID = x$DataExtraction$dataExtractionID,
    isOK = x$DataExtraction$dataExtractionID %in% x$Measurement$dataExtractionID,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error <- ifelse(
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateDataFileMetaDataDataFileExists <- function(x, path) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "`dataFile` exists in path"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if all `dataFile` exist in the given `path`.",
    "The `error` can have the following values apart from `OK`:\n",
    "   error   : If not all `dataFile` exist in the given `path`\n",
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique `variable`",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If `dataFile` exist in the given `path`\n",
    "   FALSE: If `dataFile` does not exist in the given `path`\n",
    "   NA   : empty cell\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values will result in an ERROR."
  fns <- unique(x$DataFileMetaData$dataFileName)
  result$details <- data.frame(
    dataFileName = fns,
    IsOK = fns %>% file.path(path, .) %>% file.exists(),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error <- ifelse(
  if (any(is.na(fns))) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateDataFileMetaDataDateTimeSpecified <- function(x) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Test if date time format has been specified if required"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if date time format has been specified in the `description` column when `type` is equal to 'datetime'.",
    "The `error` can have the following values apart from `OK`:\n",
    "   error   : If not all `description` contain a date time format when `type` equals 'datetime'\n",
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per 'datetime' format row",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If `description` contains a value\n",
    "   FALSE: If `description` does not contain a value\n",
    "   NA   : empty cell\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values will result in an ERROR."

  result$details <- subset(
    x = x$DataFileMetaData,
    subset = x$DataFileMetaData$type %in% c("date", "time", "datetime"),
    select = c("dataFileName", "columnName", "type", "description")
  class(result$details) <- "data.frame"

  result$details$IsOK <- !is.na(result$details$description)
  result$error <- ifelse(
    all( result$details$IsOK ),
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateDataFileMetaDataMapping <- function(x) {
  ## if columnData == “Measurement”, mappingColumn has to be in Measurement$measurementID and
  ## if columnData == “Treatment”, mappingColumn has to be in Treatment$treatmentID and
  ## if columnData %in% c(ID, other), mapping column has to be "NA" or NA
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "correct values in `mappingColumn`` in dependence on columnData"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if `mappingColumn` is found in the appropriate table.",
    "If `columnData == Species`,  `mappingColumn` has to be `NA` to result in TRUE!",
    "The `error` can have the following values apart from `OK`:\n",
    "   error   : If not all `mappingColumn` are found in the appropriate columns\n",
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per `mappingColumn` value format row",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If `mappingColumn` is found in apropriate table or NA\n",
    "   FALSE: If `mappingColumn` is not found in apropriate table\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values will result in an ERROR."
  result$details <- x$DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn
  result$details[] <- NA
  cd <- x$DataFileMetaData$columnData
  cd[is.na(cd)] <- "NA"
  i <- cd == "Species"
  result$details[i] <- is.na(x$DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn[i])
  i <- cd == "Treatment"
  result$details[i] <- x$DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn[i] %in% x$Treatment$treatmentID
  i <- cd == "Measurement"
  result$details[i] <- x$DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn[i] %in% x$Measurement$measurementID
  i <- cd == "ID"
  result$details[i] <- x$DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn[i] %in% c("NA", NA)
  i <- cd == "other"
  result$details[i] <- x$DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn[i] %in% c("NA", NA)
  i <- cd == "NA"
  result$details[i] <- FALSE

  result$details <- data.frame(
    columnData = x$DataFileMetaData$columnData,
    mappingColumn = x$DataFileMetaData$mappingColumn,
    IsOK = as.logical(result$details),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error <- ifelse(
  if (is.na(result$error)) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

readColumnNamesFromDataFiles <- function(x, path) {
  dfcol <- file.path(path, x$DataFileMetaData$dataFileName) %>%
    unique() %>%
      function(x) {
        if (file.exists(x) & tools::file_ext(x) == "csv") {
          colnames(read.csv(x, nrows = 1))
        } else {
  names(dfcol) <- x$DataFileMetaData$dataFileName %>% unique()

validateDataFileMetaDataColumnNameInDataFile <- function(x, path) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "`columnName` in column names found in column names in `dataFileName`"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if `columnName` is found in the `dataFileName`.",
    "Only comma separated data files (extension `csv`) will be checked!",
    "The `error` can have the following values apart from `OK`:\n",
    "   error   : If not all `columnName` are found in column names in `dataFileName`\n",
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per `columnName` value.",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If `columnName` is found in column names in `dataFileName` or NA\n",
    "   FALSE: If `columnName` is not found in column names in `dataFileName`\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values will result in an ERROR."
  dfcol <- readColumnNamesFromDataFiles(x, path)
  result$details <- x$DataFileMetaData$columnName
  for (i in 1:nrow(x$DataFileMetaData)) {
    # result$details[i] <- x$DataFileMetaData$columnName[[i]] %in% dfcol[[x$DataFileMetaData$dataFileName[i]]]
    cn <- x$DataFileMetaData$columnName[[i]]
    if (grepl("!!!", cn)) {
      cn <- gsub("!!!", "", cn)
      cn <- glob2rx(cn)
    result$details[i] <- any(
    if (is.na(result$details[i])) {
      result$details[i] <- FALSE
    if (is.na(cn) ) {
      result$details[i] <- TRUE

  result$details <- data.frame(
    dataFileName = x$DataFileMetaData$dataFileName,
    columnName = x$DataFileMetaData$columnName,
    IsOK = as.logical(result$details),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error <- ifelse(
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateDataFileMetaDataDataFileColumnDefined <- function(x, path) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "column names in dataFileName in `columnName`"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if column names in `dataFileName` are found in `columnName`.",
    "Only comma separated data files (extension `csv`) will be checked!",
    "The `error` can have the following values apart from `OK`:\n",
    "   error   : If not all column names in `dataFileName` are found in `columnName`\n",
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a list of tables, one per `dataFileName`, ",
    "indicating if the column names in `dataFileName` are found in `columnName`.\n",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If column name in `dataFileName` is found in `columnName`\n",
    "   FALSE: If column name in `dataFileName` is not found in `columnName`\n",
    "One or more FALSE will result in an ERROR."
  dfcol <- readColumnNamesFromDataFiles(x, path)
  result$details <- lapply(
    function(i) {
      # cn <- dplyr::filter(x$DataFileMetaData, .data$dataFileName == names(dfcol[i])) %>%
      #   dplyr::select(.data$columnName) %>%
      #   magrittr::extract2(1)
      cn <- subset(
        x = x$DataFileMetaData,
        subset = x$DataFileMetaData$dataFileName == names(dfcol[i]),
        select = "columnName"
      ) %>%
        unlist() %>%
      cn_exp <- as.vector(
          function(x) {
            if (grepl("!!!", x)) {
              x <- gsub("!!!", "", x)
              x <- glob2rx(x)

      x <- data.frame(
        dataFile = names(dfcol)[i],
        columnNameInDataFileName = dfcol[[i]],
        IsOK = sapply(
          function(x) {
            # cn %in% dfcol[[i]]
              function(n) {
            ) %>% any()
        ) %>% as.vector(),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      if (is.na(x[["columnNameInDataFileName"]]) %>% any()) {
        x[["IsOK"]][is.na(x[["columnNameInDataFileName"]])] <- TRUE
  names(result$details) <- names(dfcol)
  result$error <- ifelse(
        lapply(result$details, "[[", "IsOK")
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

# Internal tab validation -------------------------------------------

validateExperiment <- function(x, xraw, xconv) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Experiment"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the metadata concerning **Experiment** is correct. ",
    "This includes column names, required info, ... "
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique validation.\n",
    "The column `Module` contains the name of the validation,\n",
    "The column `error` contains the actual error of the validation.\n",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the validation was `OK`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the validation was an `error`, `warning` or `note`.\n",
    "   NA   : If at least one v alidation resulted in `NA\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$types <- dmdScheme::validateTypes(xraw$Experiment, xconv$Experiment)
  result$suggestedValues <- dmdScheme::validateSuggestedValues(xraw$Experiment)
  result$details <- valErr_isOK(result)
  result$error <- max(valErr_extract(result), na.rm = FALSE)
  if (is.na(result$error)) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateSpecies <- function(x, xraw, xconv) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Species"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the metadata concerning **Species** is correct. ",
    "This includes column names, required info, ... "
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique validation.\n",
    "The column `Module` contains the name of the validation,\n",
    "The column `error` contains the actual error of the validation.\n",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the validation was `OK`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the validation was an `error`, `warning` or `note`.\n",
    "   NA   : If at least one v alidation resulted in `NA\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$types <- dmdScheme::validateTypes(xraw$Species, xconv$Species)
  result$suggestedValues <- dmdScheme::validateSuggestedValues(xraw$Species)
  result$speciesIDUnique <- valitdateSpeciesIDUnique(xraw)
  result$speciesNames <- validateSpeciesNames(xraw)
  result$details <- valErr_isOK(result)
  result$error <- max(valErr_extract(result), na.rm = FALSE)
  if (is.na(result$error)) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateTreatment <- function(x, xraw, xconv) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Treatment"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the metadata concerning **Treatment** is correct. ",
    "This includes column names, required info, ... "
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique validation.\n",
    "The column `Module` contains the name of the validation,\n",
    "The column `error` contains the actual error of the validation.\n",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the validation was `OK`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the validation was an `error`, `warning` or `note`.\n",
    "   NA   : If at least one v alidation resulted in `NA\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$types <- dmdScheme::validateTypes(xraw$Treatment, xconv$Treatment)
  result$suggestedValues <- dmdScheme::validateSuggestedValues(xraw$Treatment)
  result$parameterInMappinColumn <- validateTreatmentMapping(xraw)
  result$details <- valErr_isOK(result)
  result$error <- max(valErr_extract(result), na.rm = FALSE)
  if (is.na(result$error)) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateMeasurement <- function(x, xraw, xconv) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Measurement"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the metadata concerning **Measurement** is correct. ",
    "This includes column names, required info, ... "
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique validation.\n",
    "The column `Module` contains the name of the validation,\n",
    "The column `error` contains the actual error of the validation.\n",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the validation was `OK`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the validation was an `error`, `warning` or `note`.\n",
    "   NA   : If at least one v alidation resulted in `NA\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$types <- dmdScheme::validateTypes(xraw$Measurement, xconv$Measurement)
  result$suggestedValues <- dmdScheme::validateSuggestedValues(xraw$Measurement)
  result$measurementIDUnique <- validateMeasurementIDsUnique(xraw)
  result$measuredFrom <- validateMeasurementMeasuredFrom(xraw)
  result$variableInMappinColumn <- validateMeasurementMapping(xraw)
  result$dataExtractionIDInDataExtractionID <- validateMeasurementDataExtraction(xraw)
  result$details <- valErr_isOK(result)
  result$error <- max(valErr_extract(result), na.rm = FALSE)
  if (is.na(result$error)) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateDataExtraction <- function(x, xraw, xconv) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "DataExtraction"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the metadata concerning **DataExtraction** is correct. ",
    "This includes column names, required info, ... "
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique validation.\n",
    "The column `Module` contains the name of the validation,\n",
    "The column `error` contains the actual error of the validation.\n",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the validation was `OK`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the validation was an `error`, `warning` or `note`.\n",
    "   NA   : If at least one v alidation resulted in `NA\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$types <- dmdScheme::validateTypes(xraw$DataExtraction, xconv$DataExtraction)
  result$suggestedValues <- dmdScheme::validateSuggestedValues(xraw$DataExtraction)
  result$nameInDataExtractionName <- validateDataExtractionIDLinked(xraw)
  result$details <- valErr_isOK(result)
  result$error <- max(valErr_extract(result), na.rm = FALSE)
  if (is.na(result$error)) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateDataFileMetaData <- function(x, xraw, xconv, path) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "DataFileMetaData"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the metadata concerning **DataExtraction** is correct. ",
    "This includes column names, required info, ... "
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique validation.\n",
    "The column `Module` contains the name of the validation,\n",
    "The column `error` contains the actual error of the validation.\n",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the validation was `OK`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the validation was an `error`, `warning` or `note`.\n",
    "   NA   : If at least one v alidation resulted in `NA\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$types <- dmdScheme::validateTypes(xraw$DataFileMetaData, xconv$DataFileMetaData)
  result$allowedValues <- dmdScheme::validateAllowedValues(xraw$DataFileMetaData)
  result$dataFilesExist <- validateDataFileMetaDataDataFileExists(xraw, path)
  result$datetimeFormatSpecified <- validateDataFileMetaDataDateTimeSpecified(xraw)
  result$mappingColumnInNameOrParameter <- validateDataFileMetaDataMapping(xraw)
  result$columnNameInDataFileColumn <- validateDataFileMetaDataColumnNameInDataFile(xraw, path)
  result$dataFileColumnInColumnNamen <- validateDataFileMetaDataDataFileColumnDefined(xraw, path)
  result$details <- valErr_isOK(result)
  result$error <- max(valErr_extract(result), na.rm = FALSE)
  if (is.na(result$error)) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateDataFiles <- function(x, xraw, xconv, path) {
  result <- new_emeScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Data Files"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the data files as mentioned in `DataFileMetaData$dataFileName` is correct. ",
    "This includes column names, required info, ... "
  result$descriptionDetails <- "No further details available."
  result$error <- NA # max(valErr_extract(result), na.rm = FALSE)
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)
Exp-Micro-Ecol-Hub/emeScheme documentation built on March 22, 2021, 7:57 p.m.