
Defines functions discount2yield estimate_yield calc_hhat_num calc_dbar prep_windows

Documented in estimate_yield

prep_windows <- function(data, xgrid, hx, rgrid, hr,
                         tau, ht, tau_p, htp,
                         interest, units, interest_grid){
  # kernel weights on qdatetime
  mat_weights_qdatetime <- get_weights(xgrid, hx, len = length(unique(data$qdate)))
  day_idx <- range_idx_nonzero(mat_weights_qdatetime, threshold = 0)
  nday <- length(xgrid)

  # kernel weights on interest
  joint_window <-  NULL
  day_grid <- NULL
    r_window <- calc_r_window(interest, rgrid, hr)
    day_grid <- expand.grid(ug = xgrid, rg = rgrid)
    nday <- nrow(day_grid)
    joint_window <- matrix(0, nrow(mat_weights_qdatetime), nday)
    for(j in seq_along(rgrid)){
      for(i in seq_along(xgrid)){
        joint_window[, (j-1)*length(xgrid) + i] <- mat_weights_qdatetime[,i] * r_window[,j]
    apply(joint_window, 2, function(y) {
      if(all(y == 0)){
        day_idx <- c(0, 0)
      } else {
        window_idx <- which(y != 0)
        day_idx <- c(window_idx[1], window_idx[length(window_idx)])
    }) %>% t() -> day_idx
    obs <- which(day_idx[,1] != 0)
    day_grid <- day_grid[obs, ]
    joint_window <- joint_window[,obs]
    day_idx <- day_idx[obs, ]
    nday <- length(obs)
    if(nday == 1){
      joint_window <- matrix(joint_window, ncol = 1)
      day_idx <- matrix(day_idx, nrow = 1)


  # kernel weights on time to maturity
  mat_weights_tau <- get_weights(tau, ht,
                                 len = as.integer(max(data$tupq)),
                                 units = units)
  tupq_idx_tau <- range_idx_nonzero(mat_weights_tau, threshold = 0.01)
  ntupq_tau <- length(tau)

  mat_weights_tau_p <- get_weights(tau_p, htp,
                                   len = as.integer(max(data$tupq)),
                                   units = units)
  tupq_idx_tau_p <- range_idx_nonzero(mat_weights_tau_p, threshold = 0.01)
  ntupq_tau_p <- length(tau_p)

    # qdatetime
    mat_weights_qdatetime = mat_weights_qdatetime,
    day_idx = day_idx,
    nday = nday,
    # interest
    joint_window = joint_window,
    # tau
    mat_weights_tau = mat_weights_tau,
    tupq_idx_tau = tupq_idx_tau,
    ntupq_tau = ntupq_tau,
    mat_weights_tau_p = mat_weights_tau_p,
    tupq_idx_tau_p = tupq_idx_tau_p,
    ntupq_tau_p = ntupq_tau_p,
    day_grid = day_grid

# A component of the \code{estimate_yield} function that calculates \eqn{dbar}
# Internal function that estimates the discount function without taking into account
# cross products of coupon payments. Not to be used independently. Exported for documentation purpose.
# @param data A data frame; bond data to estimate discount curve from. See \code{?USbonds} for an example bond data structure.
# @param xgrid A length T numeric vector; the times at which the discount curve will be estimated.
# @param hx A length T numeric vector, bandwidth parameter determining the size of the window
# that corresponds to each time at which the discount curve is estimated,
# @param rgrid (Optional) A length K numeric vector of interest rate grid values
# @param hr (Optional) A length K numeric vector of interest rate grid bandwidths
# @param tau A length m numeric vector, or either a 1 x x or T x x numeric matrix. If a T x x matrix, each row represents the time-to-maturity grid
# that each time-to-maturity in the discount function is compared against. Otherwise the same time-to-maturity grid is repeated for each of the T xgrid values
# @param ht An numeric vector of length T, or if tau is a matrix, a numeric matrix of the same dimensions as tau.
# A vector ht for a T x m matrix tau repeats values for each row of tau_p.
# bandwidth parameter determining the size of the window that corresponds to each time-to-maturity.
# @param price_slist (Optional) A list of matrices, generated by calc_price_slist.
# @param cf_slist (Optional) A list of matrices, generated by calc_cf_slist.
# @param interest (Optional) A vector of daily short term interest rates
# @param units (Optional) number of tupq per tau (e.g. 365 for daily data with annual grid values). Defaults to 365
# @param unit (Optional) Smallest interval between quotation date time. Class Period. Needs to be by which 365 (days) is divided exactly.
# @return Data frame with the following variables
# \describe{
#   \item{ug}{Same as input \code{xgrid}}
#   \item{dbar_numer}{Numerator in dbar. See \code{Source}}
#   \item{dbar_denom}{Denominator in dbar. See \code{Source}}
#   \item{xg}{Same as input \code{tau}}
# }
# @source Koo, B., La Vecchia, D., & Linton, O. B. (2019). Estimation of a Nonparametric model for Bond Prices from Cross-section and Time series Information. Available at SSRN3341344.
# @author Nathaniel Tomasetti
calc_dbar <- function(data, xgrid,
                      price_slist, cf_slist,
                      interest_grid, windows_ls) {
  day_idx <- windows_ls$day_idx
  tupq_idx <- windows_ls$tupq_idx_tau
  mat_weights_tau <- windows_ls$mat_weights_tau
  mat_weights_qdatetime <- windows_ls$mat_weights_qdatetime
  joint_window <- windows_ls$joint_window
  ntupq <- windows_ls$ntupq_tau
  nday <- windows_ls$nday
  day_grid <- windows_ls$day_grid

    dbar <- calc_dbar_c(ntupq, day_idx, tupq_idx, mat_weights_tau, joint_window, price_slist, cf_slist)
    day_grid <- day_grid[rep(1:nday, each=ntupq),]
    dbar <- tibble(ug = day_grid$ug, rg = day_grid$rg, dbar_numer = dbar[,1], dbar_denom = dbar[,2])
  } else {
    dbar <- calc_dbar_c(ntupq, day_idx, tupq_idx, mat_weights_tau, mat_weights_qdatetime, price_slist, cf_slist)
    dbar <- tibble(ug = rep(xgrid, rep(ntupq, nday)), dbar_numer = dbar[,1], dbar_denom = dbar[,2])
  dbar$xg <- rep(tau, nday)

# A component of the \code{estimate_yield} function that calculates \eqn{hhat}
# Internal function that calculates coupon payment cross products.
# Not to be used independently. Exported for documentation purpose.
# @param data A data frame; bond data to estimate discount curve from. See \code{?USbonds} for an example bond data structure.
# @param xgrid A length T numeric vector; the times at which the discount curve will be estimated.
# @param hx A length T numeric vector, bandwidth parameter determining the size of the window
# that corresponds to each time at which the discount curve is estimated,
# @param rgrid (Optional) A length K numeric vector of interest rate grid values
# @param hr (Optional) A length K numeric vector of interest rate grid bandwidths
# @param tau A length m numeric vector, or either a 1 x m or T x m numeric matrix. If a T x m matrix, each row represents the time-to-maturity grid
# for the discount function at the corresponding time. Otherwise the same time-to-maturity grid is repeated for each of the T xgrid values
# @param ht An numeric vector of length T, or if tau is a matrix, a numeric matrix of the same dimensions as tau.
# A vector ht for a T x m matrix tau_p repeats values for each row of tau.
# bandwidth parameter determining the size of the window that corresponds to each time-to-maturity.
# @param tau_p (Optional), A length m numeric vector, or either a 1 x m or T x m numeric matrix, matching tau input with m allowed to be different to M.
# If a T x m matrix, each row represents the time-to-maturity grid that each time-to-maturity in the discount function is compared against.
# Otherwise the same time-to-maturity grid is repeated for each of the T xgrid values.
# If m = M, and each entry of tau_p is identical to tau, estimation is performed without interpolaton of the h-hat matrix.
# If the entries are not identical each entry of each row of tau_p must be within the range from the smallest to largest value of the corresponding row of tau,
# and linear interpolation of the h-hat matrix is performed.
# If omitted, tau_p is set equal to tau.
# @param htp (Optional) An numeric vector of length T, or if tau_p is a matrix, a numeric matrix of the same dimensions as tau_p.
# A vector htp for a T x M matrix tau_p repeats values for each row of tau_p.
# bandwidth parameter determining the size of the window that corresponds to each time-to-maturity.
# If omitted, htp is set equal to ht
# @param cf_slist (Optional) A list of matrices, generated by calc_cf_slist.
# @param interest (Optional) A vector of daily short term interest rates
# @param units (Optional) number of tupq per tau (e.g. 365 for daily data with annual grid values). Defaults to 365
# @return Data frame with the following variables
# \describe{
#   \item{hhat_numer}{Numerator in H hat. See \code{Source}}
#   \item{ug}{Same as input \code{xgrid}}
#   \item{xg}{Same as input \code{tau}}
#   \item{qg}{Same as input \code{tau_p}}
# }
# @author Nathaniel Tomasetti
# @source Koo, B., La Vecchia, D., & Linton, O. B. (2019). Estimation of a Nonparametric model for Bond Prices from Cross-section and Time series Information. Available at SSRN3341344.
calc_hhat_num <- function(data, xgrid,
                          tau_p = tau,
                          cf_slist = NULL,
                          interest_grid, windows_ls) {
  day_idx <- windows_ls$day_idx
  tupq_idx_tau <- windows_ls$tupq_idx_tau
  tupq_idx_tau_p <- windows_ls$tupq_idx_tau_p
  mat_weights_tau <- windows_ls$mat_weights_tau
  mat_weights_qdatetime <- windows_ls$mat_weights_qdatetime
  mat_weights_tau_p <- windows_ls$mat_weights_tau_p
  joint_window <- windows_ls$joint_window
  ntupq_tau <- windows_ls$ntupq_tau
  ntupq_tau_p <- windows_ls$ntupq_tau_p
  nday <- windows_ls$nday
  day_grid <- windows_ls$day_grid
  same_tau <- isTRUE(all.equal(tau, tau_p))

    hhat_mat <- calc_hhat_num_c(ntupq_tau, ntupq_tau_p, day_idx, tupq_idx_tau, tupq_idx_tau_p,
                                mat_weights_tau, mat_weights_tau_p, joint_window, cf_slist,
                                same_tau = same_tau)
    if(same_tau) hhat_mat <- hhat_mat + `diag<-`(t(hhat_mat), 0)
    day_grid <- day_grid[rep(1:nday, each=ntupq_tau_p*ntupq_tau),]
    hhat <- tibble(hhat_numer = c(hhat_mat), ug = day_grid$ug, rg = day_grid$rg)
  } else {
    hhat_mat <- calc_hhat_num_c(ntupq_tau, ntupq_tau_p, day_idx, tupq_idx_tau, tupq_idx_tau_p,
                                mat_weights_tau, mat_weights_tau_p, mat_weights_qdatetime, cf_slist,
                                same_tau = same_tau)
    if(same_tau) hhat_mat <- hhat_mat + `diag<-`(t(hhat_mat), 0)
    hhat <- tibble(hhat_numer = c(hhat_mat), ug = rep(xgrid, rep(ntupq_tau_p * ntupq_tau, nday)))

  hhat$xg <- rep(tau, nday*ntupq_tau_p)
  hhat$qg <- rep(tau_p, rep(ntupq_tau, ntupq_tau_p))


#' @param xgrid Numeric vector of values between 0 and 1. Time grids over the
#'   entire time horizon (percentile) of the data at which the discount function is
#'   evaluated.
#' @param rgrid (Optional) Numeric vector of interest rate grids in percentage
#'   at which the discount curve is evaluated, e.g. 4.03 means at interest rate
#'   of 4.03\%.
#' @param hr (Optional) Numeric vector of bandwidth parameter in percentage
#'   determining the size of the window in the kernel function that corresponds
#'   to each interest rate grid (`rgrid`).
#' @param interest (Optional) Numeric vector of daily short term interest rates.
#'   The length is the same as the number of quotation dates included in the
#'   data, i.e. one interest rate per day.
#' @param cfp_slist (Internal) Experienced users only. A list of matrices,
#'   generated by the internal function `get_cfp_slist`.
#' @describeIn ycevo Experienced users only. Yield estimation with interest rate
#'   and manually selected bandwidth parameters. Returns a data frame of the
#'   yield and discount rate at each combination of the provided grids.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{discount}{Estimated discount rate}
#'   \item{xgrid}{Same as input `xgrid`}
#'   \item{tau}{Same as input `tau`}
#'   \item{yield}{Estimated yield}
#' }
#' @export
estimate_yield <- function(data, xgrid, hx,
                           tau, ht,
                           tau_p = tau, htp = ht,
                           rgrid = NULL, hr = NULL,
                           interest = NULL,
                           cfp_slist = NULL){
  units <- 365
  if(min(tau)>min(tau_p) || max(tau) < max(tau_p)){
    stop('tau_p entries must lie inside tau')

  if(!is.null(rgrid) & !is.null(hr) & !is.null(interest)){
    interest_grid <- TRUE
  } else {
    interest_grid <- FALSE

  # Check inputs
  stopifnot(length(xgrid) == 1)
  stopifnot(length(hx) == 1)
  stopifnot(length(xgrid) == length(hx))
  stopifnot(length(tau) == length(ht))
  stopifnot(all(c('qdate', 'id', 'price', 'pdint', 'tupq') %in% colnames(data)))

    cfp_slist <- get_cfp_slist(data)
    cf_slist <- cfp_slist$cf_slist
    price_slist <- cfp_slist$price_slist

  windows_ls <- prep_windows(data = data,
                             xgrid = xgrid,
                             hx = hx,
                             rgrid = rgrid,
                             hr = hr,
                             tau = tau,
                             ht = ht,
                             tau_p = tau_p,
                             htp = htp,
                             interest = interest,
                             units = units,
                             interest_grid = interest_grid)
  # Estimate dbar & the numerator of the h-hat matrix
  dbar <- calc_dbar(data = data,
                    xgrid = xgrid,
                    tau = tau,
                    price_slist = price_slist,
                    cf_slist = cf_slist,
                    interest_grid = interest_grid,
                    windows_ls = windows_ls)

  hhat_num <- calc_hhat_num(data = data,
                            xgrid = xgrid,
                            tau = tau,
                            tau_p = tau_p,
                            cf_slist = cf_slist,
                            interest_grid = interest_grid,
                            windows_ls = windows_ls)

  if(any(dbar$dbar_denom == 0)) {
    problem_tau <- filter(dbar, .data$dbar_denom == 0)$xg
    if(!identical(tau_p, tau)) {
      if(!(max(tau_p)<=min(problem_tau) || min(tau_p) >= max(problem_tau)))
        stop("tau values at ", paste(problem_tau, collapse = ", "),
             " does not have enough obs to estimate yield. ",
             "Modified tau and tau_p." )
    warning("tau values at ", paste(problem_tau, collapse = ", "),
            " does not have enough obs to estimate yield")
    output <- estimate_yield(
      data = data,
      xgrid = xgrid,
      hx = hx,
      tau = tau[!tau %in% problem_tau],
      ht = ht[!tau %in% problem_tau],
      tau_p = tau_p[!tau_p %in% problem_tau],
      htp = htp[!tau_p %in% problem_tau],
      rgrid = rgrid,
      hr = hr)

  # The denominator of h-hat entries are estimated as part of dbar
  dbar <- mutate(dbar, dbar = .data$dbar_numer/.data$dbar_denom)
  if(any(is.na(dbar$dbar))) {
    stop("Missing value in dbar")

  hhat <- dbar %>%
    select(any_of(c("ug", "xg", "rg", "dbar_denom"))) %>%
      by = intersect(c("ug", "rg", "xg"), colnames(dbar))) %>%
    mutate(hhat = .data$hhat_numer/.data$dbar_denom)

  # Create a matrix of interpolation weights
  interpol_weights <- matrix(0,
                             nrow = length(tau),
                             ncol = length(tau_p))

  # Iterate over the values of tau_p
  for(j in 1:length(tau_p)){
    # If tau_p is contained in tau then the weight will be one
    if(any(tau == tau_p[j])){
      interpol_weights[which(tau == tau_p[j]), j] <- 1
    } else {
      # Otherwise find the tau immediately above and below this tau
      lower <- max(which(tau < tau_p[j]))
      upper <- min(which(tau > tau_p[j]))
      # Find interpolation weights as ratio between the two tau values lying above and below this tau_p
      dist <- tau[upper] - tau[lower]
      interpol_weights[lower, j] <- (tau_p[j] - tau[lower]) / dist
      interpol_weights[upper, j] <- (tau[upper] - tau_p[j]) / dist

  db <- dbar %>%
    select(any_of(c("ug", "rg", "dbar", "xg"))) %>%
    group_by(across(any_of(c("ug", "rg")))) %>%
    tidyr::nest(.key = "db") %>%

  hh <- hhat %>%
    select(any_of(c("ug", "rg", "hhat", "qg", "xg"))) %>%
    group_by(across(any_of(c("ug", "rg")))) %>%
    tidyr::nest(.key = "hh") %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(hh = lapply(hh, function(x) {
      x %>%
        arrange(.data$qg, .data$xg) %>%
        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "qg", values_from = "hhat") %>%
        select(-"xg") %>%
        as.matrix() %>%

  dhat <- left_join(db, hh, by = intersect(c("ug", "rg"), colnames(db))) %>%
    mutate(discount = mapply(function(hh, db) {
      # Construct the length(tau) x length(tau) matrix of the interpolated hhat
      hh_interpol <- hh %*% t(interpol_weights)
      X <- diag(1, length(tau)) + hh_interpol
      mutate(db, discount = as.vector(solve(X) %*% dbar), .keep = "unused")
    }, hh = hh, db = db, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) %>%
    select(any_of(c("ug", "rg", "discount"))) %>%

  dhat <- dhat %>%
    mutate(yield = discount2yield(.data$discount, .data$xg)) %>%
    dplyr::rename(xgrid = "ug",
           tau = "xg") %>%
    rename_with(function(x) rep("rgrid", length(x)), any_of("rg"))


discount2yield <- function(discount, tau) -log(discount) / tau
FinYang/ycevo documentation built on April 10, 2024, 8:17 a.m.