
Defines functions new_ycevo find_bindwidth_from_tau seq_tau check_hx ycevo

Documented in ycevo

#' Estimate yield function
#' @md
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge('experimental')`
#'   Nonparametric estimation of discount functions and yield curves at given
#'   dates, time-to-maturities, and one additional covariate, usually interest
#'   rate.
#' @details Suppose that a bond \eqn{i} has a price \eqn{p_i} at time t with a
#'   set of cash payments, say \eqn{c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_m} with a set of
#'   corresponding discount values \eqn{d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_m}. In the bond
#'   pricing literature, the market price of a bond should reflect the
#'   discounted value of cash payments. Thus, we want to minimise
#' \deqn{(p_i-\sum^m_{j=1}c_j\times d_j)^2.} For the estimation of \eqn{d_k(k=1,
#' \ldots, m)}, solving the first order condition yields
#' \deqn{(p_i-\sum^m_{j=1}c_j \times d_j)c_k = 0, } and \deqn{\hat{d}_k =
#' \frac{p_i c_k}{c_k^2} - \frac{\sum^m_{j=1,k\neq k}c_k c_j d_j}{c_k^2}.}
#'   There are challenges: \eqn{\hat{d}_k} depends on all the relevant discount
#'   values for the cash payments of the bond. Our model contains random errors
#'   and our interest lies in expected value of \eqn{d(.)} where the expected
#'   value of errors is zero. \eqn{d(.)} is an infinite-dimensional function not
#'   a discrete finite-dimensional vector. Generally, cash payments are made
#'   biannually, not dense at all. Moreover, cash payment schedules vary over
#'   different bonds.
#'   Let \eqn{d(\tau, X_t)} be the discount function at given covariates
#'   \eqn{X_t} (dates `x` and interest rates `rgrid`), and given
#'   time-to-maturities \eqn{\tau} (`tau`). \eqn{y(\tau, X_t)} is the yield
#'   curve at given covariates \eqn{X_t} (dates `xg` and interest rates
#'   `rgrid`), and given time-to-maturities \eqn{\tau} (`tau`).
#'   We pursue the minimum of the following smoothed sample least squares
#' objective function for any smooth function \eqn{d(.)}: \deqn{Q(d) =
#' \sum^T_{t=1}\sum^n_{i=1}\int\{p_{it}-\sum^{m_{it}}_{j=1}c_{it}(\tau_{ij})d(s_{ij},
#' x)\}^2 \sum^{m_{it}}_{k=1}\{K_h(s_{ik}-\tau_{ik})ds_{ik}\}K_h(x-X_t)dx,}
#'   where a bond \eqn{i} has a price \eqn{p_i} at time t with a set of cash
#'   payments \eqn{c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_m} with a set of corresponding discount
#'   values \eqn{d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_m}, \eqn{K_h(.) = K(./h)} is the kernel
#'   function with a bandwidth parameter \eqn{h}, the first kernel function is
#'   the kernel in space with bonds whose maturities \eqn{s_{ik}} are close to
#'   the sequence \eqn{\tau_{ik}}, the second kernel function is the kernel in
#'   time and in interest rates with \eqn{x}, which are close to the sequence
#'   \eqn{X_t}. This means that bonds with similar cash flows, and traded in
#'   contiguous days, where the short term interest rates in the market are
#'   similar, are combined for the estimation of the discount function at a
#'   point in space, in time, and in "interest rates".
#'   The estimator for the discount function over time to maturity and time is
#'   \deqn{\hat{d}=\arg\min_d Q(d).} This function provides a data frame of the
#'   estimated yield and discount rate at each combination of the provided
#'   grids. The estimated yield is transformed from the estimated discount rate.
#'   An alternative specification of bandwidth `hx` is `span_x`, which provides
#'   kernel coverage invariant to the length of `data`. `span_x` takes an
#'   absolute measure of time depending on the unit of `x`. The default value is
#'   60. If the data is daily on trading days, i.e., the interval between every
#'   two consecutive `qdate` is one trading day, then the window of the kernel
#'   function allows the estimation at each point `x` to contain information
#'   from 60 trading days prior to and after the time point `x`.
#'   For more information on the estimation method, please refer to
#'   `References`.
#' @param data Data frame; bond data to estimate discount curve from. See
#'   [ycevo_data()] for an example bond data structure. Minimum required columns
#'   are `qdate`, `id`, `price`, `tupq`, and `pdint`. The columns can be named
#'   differently: see `cols`.
#' @param x Time grids at which the discount curve is evaluated. Should be
#'   specified using the same class of object as the quotation date (`qdate`)
#'   column in `data`.
#' @param span_x Half of the window size, or the distance from the centre `x` to
#'   the maximum (or the minimum) `qdate` with non-zero weight using the kernel
#'   function, measured by the number of regular interval between two
#'   consecutive `qdate`. Ignored if `hx` is specified. See `Details`.
#' @param hx Numeric vector of the bandwidth parameter corresponds to each time
#'   point `x`.
#' @param tau Numeric vector that represents time-to-maturities in years where
#'   discount function and yield curve will be found for each time point `x`.
#'   See `Details`.
#' @param ht Numeric vector of the bandwidth parameter corresponding to each
#'   time-to-maturities `tau`. See `Details`.
#' @param tau_p Numeric vector that represents  auxiliary time-to-maturities in
#'   years. See `Details`.
#' @param htp Numeric vector of the bandwidth parameter corresponding to each
#'   auxiliary time-to-maturities `tau_p`. See `Details`.
#' @param cols <[`tidy-select`][dplyr_tidy_select]> A named list or vector of
#'   alternative names of required variables, following the `new_name =
#'   old_name` syntax of the [dplyr::rename()], where the `new_nam` takes one of
#'   the five column names required in `data`. This enables the user to provide
#'   `data` with columns named differently from required.
#' @param ... Specification of an additional covariate, taking the form of `var
#'   = list(grid, bandwidth)`, where `var` is the name of the covariate in
#'   `data`, `grid` is the values at which the yield curve is estimated,
#'   similar to `x`, and `bandwidth` is the bandwidth parameter corresponding to
#'   each of the `grid` values, similar to `hx`.
#' @returns A [tibble::tibble] object of class `ycevo` with the following
#'   columns.
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{qdate}{The time point that user-specified as `x`. The name of this
#'       column will be consistent with the name of the time index column in the
#'       `data` input, if the user choose to provide a data frame with the time
#'       index column named differently from `qdate` with the `cols` argument.}
#'     \item{.est}{A nested columns of estimation results containing a
#'       [tibble::tibble] for each `qdate`. Each `tibble` contains three columns:
#'       `tau` for the time-to-maturity specified by the user in the `tau` argument,
#'       `.disount` for the estimated discount function at this time and this
#'       time-to-maturity, and `.yield` for the estimated yield curve.}
#'   }
#' @seealso [augment.ycevo()], [autoplot.ycevo()]
#' @examples
#' # Simulating bond data
#' bonds <- ycevo_data(n = 10)
#' \donttest{
#' # Estimation can take up to 30 seconds
#' ycevo(bonds, x = lubridate::ymd("2023-03-01"))
#' }
#' @references Koo, B., La Vecchia, D., & Linton, O. (2021). Estimation of a
#'   nonparametric model for bond prices from cross-section and time series
#'   information. Journal of Econometrics, 220(2), 562-588.
#' @order 1
#' @export
ycevo <- function(data,
                  span_x = 60,
                  hx = NULL,
                  tau = NULL,
                  ht = NULL,
                  tau_p = tau,
                  htp = NULL,
                  cols = NULL,
  assert_class(data, "data.frame")

  # Now use id, not crspid
  if(any(colnames(data) == "crspid"))
    warning('Column name "crspid" is deprecated. Column "id" is now used as asset identifier.')

  # The minimum required columns
  d_col <- c("qdate", "id", "price", "pdint", "tupq")
  qdate_label <- "qdate"

  # Handle cols renaming
  handled_cols <- handle_cols(data, enexpr(cols), d_col, qdate_label)
  data <- handled_cols$data
  qdate_label <- handled_cols$qdate_label

  # Handle interest rate
  covar_ls <- handle_covariates(data, ...)
  interest <- covar_ls$interest
  rgrid <- covar_ls$rgrid
  hr <- covar_ls$hr
  dot_name <- covar_ls$dots_name

  # Minimal data
  data <- select(data, all_of(d_col))

  xgrid <- stats::ecdf(data$qdate)(x)

  # Handle grids
  assert_length(span_x, len = c(1, length(x)))
  # xgrid and hx
  if(is.null(hx)) hx <- vapply(
    function(span_x) span2h(span_x, length(unique(data$qdate))),
    FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
  assert_length(hx, len = c(1, length(x)))
  hx <- check_hx(xgrid, hx, data)

  if(length(hx) == 1) {
    hx <- rep(hx, length(xgrid))

  # tau
  if(is.null(tau)) {
    max_tupq <- max(data$tupq)
    tau <- seq_tau(max_tupq/365)
  # ht
    ht <- find_bindwidth_from_tau(tau)
  # ht
    htp <- find_bindwidth_from_tau(tau_p)

  assert_length(ht, len = c(1, length(tau)))
  assert_length(htp, len = c(1, length(tau_p)))

    ht <- matrix(ht, nrow = length(ht), ncol = length(xgrid))
    htp <- matrix(htp, nrow = length(htp), ncol = length(xgrid))

  # sort grids
  # in case the user don't specify them in sorted order
  # xgrid
  order_xgrid <- order(xgrid)
  xgrid <- xgrid[order_xgrid]
  hx <- hx[order_xgrid]
  # tau
  order_tau <- order(tau)
  tau <- tau[order_tau]
  ht <- as.matrix(ht)[order_tau, order_xgrid, drop = FALSE]
  # tau_p
  order_tau_p <- order(tau_p)
  tau_p <- tau[order_tau_p]
  htp <- as.matrix(htp)[order_tau_p, order_xgrid, drop = FALSE]
  # rgrid
  if(!is.null(rgrid)) {
    rgrid_order <- order(rgrid)
    rgrid <- rgrid[rgrid_order]
    hr <- hr[rgrid_order]

  # Handle tau and tau_p again
  # based on number of bonds in each window
  tau_adjusted <- mapply(create_tau_ht,
                         xgrid = xgrid,
                         hx = hx,
                         ht = asplit(ht, 2),
                         htp = asplit(htp, 2),
                         MoreArgs = list(
                           data = data, tau = tau, tau_p = tau_p,
                           rgrid = rgrid, hr = hr, interest = interest),
                         SIMPLIFY = FALSE

  pb <- progressr::progressor(length(xgrid))
  output <- future.apply::future_lapply(
    function(i) {
        data = data ,
        xgrid = xgrid[[i]],
        hx = hx[[i]],
        tau = tau_adjusted[[i]]$tau,
        ht = tau_adjusted[[i]]$ht,
        tau_p = tau_adjusted[[i]]$tau_p,
        htp = tau_adjusted[[i]]$htp,
        rgrid = rgrid[[i]],
        hr = hr[[i]],
        interest = interest),
        .discount = "discount", .yield = "yield")
    future.seed = TRUE

  res <- output %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
    dplyr::relocate(any_of(c("xgrid", "rgrid", "tau", ".discount", ".yield"))) %>%
    tidyr::nest(.est = c("tau", ".discount", ".yield")) %>%
    rename_with(function(x) rep(dot_name %||% character(0), length(x)), any_of("rgrid")) %>%
    mutate(!!sym(qdate_label) := x, .before = 1) %>%

  attr(res, "cols") <- cols
  attr(res, "qdate_label") <- qdate_label

check_hx <- function(xgrid, hx, data){

  if(isTRUE(all.equal(hx, 1/length(xgrid)))) {
    num_qdate <- length(unique(data$qdate))
    mat_weights_qdatetime <- get_weights(xgrid, hx, len = num_qdate)
    if(any(colSums(mat_weights_qdatetime) == 0)) {
      recommend <- seq_along(xgrid)/length(xgrid)
      stop("Inappropriate xgrid. Recommend to choose value(s) from: ", paste(recommend, collapse = ", "))


seq_tau <- function(max_tau) {
  tau <-  c(seq(30, 6 * 30, 30),  # Monthly up to six months
            seq(240, 2 * 365, 60),  # Two months up to two years
            seq(720 + 90, 6 * 365, 90),  # Three months up to six years
            seq(2160 + 120, 20 * 365, 120),  # Four months up to 20 years
            #               seq(20 * 365 + 182, 30 * 365, 182)) / 365 # Six months up to 30 years
            seq(20 * 365 + 182, 30.6 * 365, 182)) / 365
  tau[tau < max_tau]

find_bindwidth_from_tau <- function(tau){
  laggap <- tau - dplyr::lag(tau)
  leadgap <- dplyr::lead(tau) - tau
    function(x) max(laggap[x], leadgap[x], na.rm = TRUE),

new_ycevo <- function(x) {
  structure(x, class = c("ycevo", class(x)))
FinYang/ycevo documentation built on April 10, 2024, 8:17 a.m.