

check <- function(domain, condition, level=1, message="", call=sys.call(-1L)) {
    if ( isTRUE(condition) ) return(invisible(NULL))
    msg <- sprintf("in %s", domain)
    if ( all(nchar(message) > 0) ) msg <- sprintf("%s\n\t%s", msg, message)

## checks if mac os finds nloptr
debug_select_nloptr_method <- function(x) {
    if ( any(grepl("darwin", Sys.info()["sysname"], ignore.case=TRUE)) ) {
        methods <- getNamespace("ROI")$get_solver_methods( getNamespace("ROI")$OP_signature(x) )
        SOLVE <- methods[[ "nloptr" ]]
        cat("class SOLVE:")
        print( class(SOLVE) )
        print( is.function(SOLVE) )
        if ( !is.function(SOLVE) ) {
    return( TRUE )

## Copyright (C) 2016 Florian Schwendinger
## Copyright (C) 2011 Jelmer Ypma. All Rights Reserved.
## This code is published under the L-GPL.
## File:   test-banana-global.R
## Author: Jelmer Ypma
## Date:   8 August 2011
## Example showing how to solve the Rosenbrock Banana function
## using a global optimization algorithm.
## Changelog:
##   27/10/2013: Changed example to use unit testing framework testthat.
##   08/06/2016: Changed into the ROI format.
test_nlp_01 <- function() {
    ## Rosenbrock Banana objective function
    eval_f <- function(x) {
        return( 100 * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1])^2 + (1 - x[1])^2 )

    eval_grad_f <- function(x) {
        return( c( -400 * x[1] * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1]) - 2 * (1 - x[1]),
                   200 * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1])) )

    ## initial values
    x0 <- c( -1.2, 1 )

    ## lower and upper bounds
    lb <- c( -3, -3 )
    ub <- c(  3,  3 )

    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Test Rosenbrock Banana optimization with global optimizer NLOPT_GD_MLSL.
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Define optimizer options.
    local_opts <- list( algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_LBFGS",
                        xtol_rel  = 1e-4 )
    opts <- list( algorithm  = "NLOPT_GD_MLSL",
                  maxeval    = 10000,
                  population = 4,
                  local_opts = local_opts )
    control <- c(opts, start=list(x0))

    x <- OP( objective = F_objective(eval_f, n=1L, G=eval_grad_f), 
             bounds = V_bound(li=1:2, ui=1:2, lb=lb, ub=ub) )
    # Solve Rosenbrock Banana function.
    if ( !debug_select_nloptr_method(x) ) {
        return( "Skip now and let it fail in the last check to get meaningfull debug messages!" )
    res <- ROI_solve(x, solver="nloptr", control)
    # Check results.
    check("NLP-01@01", equal(res$objval, 0.0))
    check("NLP-01@02", equal(res$solution, c( 1.0, 1.0 )))

    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Test Rosenbrock Banana optimization with global optimizer NLOPT_GN_ISRES.
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Define optimizer options.
    ## For unit testing we want to set the random seed for replicability.
    opts <- list( algorithm  = "NLOPT_GN_ISRES",
                  maxeval    = 10000,
                  population = 100,
                  ranseed    = 2718 )
    control <- c(opts, start=list(x0))

    x <- OP( objective = F_objective(eval_f, n=1L), 
             bounds = V_bound(li=1:2, ui=1:2, lb=lb, ub=ub) )

    # Solve Rosenbrock Banana function.
    res <- ROI_solve(x, solver="nloptr", control)

    # Check results.
    check("NLP-01@03", equal(res$objval, 0.0))
    check("NLP-01@04", equal(res$solution, c(1.0, 1.0), tol=1e-2))

    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Test Rosenbrock Banana optimization with global optimizer NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM 
    ## with random seed defined.
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Define optimizer options.
    ## For unit testing we want to set the random seed for replicability.
    opts <- list( algorithm  = "NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM",
                  maxeval    = 10000,
                  population = 100,
                  ranseed    = 2718 )
    control <- c(opts, start=list(x0))

    x <- OP( objective = F_objective(eval_f, n=1L), 
             bounds = V_bound(li=1:2, ui=1:2, lb=lb, ub=ub) )

    ## Solve Rosenbrock Banana function.
    res1 <- ROI_solve(x, solver="nloptr", control)    

    ## Define optimizer options.
    ## this optimization uses a different seed for the
    ## random number generator and gives a different result
    opts <- list( algorithm  = "NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM",
                  maxeval    = 10000,
                  population = 100,
                  ranseed    = 3141 )
    control <- c(opts, start=list(x0))
    ## Solve Rosenbrock Banana function.
    res2 <- ROI_solve(x, solver="nloptr", control)    

    ## Define optimizer options.
    ## this optimization uses the same seed for the random
    ## number generator and gives the same results as res2
    opts <- list( algorithm  = "NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM",
                  maxeval    = 10000,
                  population = 100,
                  ranseed    = 3141 )
    control <- c(opts, start=list(x0))
    ## Solve Rosenbrock Banana function.
    res3 <- ROI_solve(x, solver="nloptr", control)    
    ## Check results.
    check("NLP-01@05", equal(res1$objval, 0.0, tol=1e-4 ))
    check("NLP-01@06", equal(res1$solution, c( 1.0, 1.0 ), tol=1e-2))
    check("NLP-01@07", equal(res2$objval, 0.0, tol=1e-4 ))
    check("NLP-01@08", equal(res2$solution, c( 1.0, 1.0 ), tol=1e-2 ))
    check("NLP-01@09", equal(res3$objval, 0.0, tol=1e-4 ))
    check("NLP-01@09", equal(res3$solution, c( 1.0, 1.0 ), tol=1e-2 ))

## Copyright (C) 2016 Florian Schwendinger
## Copyright (C) 2010-14 Jelmer Ypma. All Rights Reserved.
## This code is published under the L-GPL.
## File:   test-example.R
## Author: Jelmer Ypma
## Date:   10 June 2010
## Example showing how to solve the problem from the NLopt tutorial.
## min sqrt( x2 )
## s.t. x2 >= 0
##      x2 >= ( a1*x1 + b1 )^3
##      x2 >= ( a2*x1 + b2 )^3
## where
## a1 = 2, b1 = 0, a2 = -1, b2 = 1
## re-formulate constraints to be of form g(x) <= 0
##      ( a1*x1 + b1 )^3 - x2 <= 0
##      ( a2*x1 + b2 )^3 - x2 <= 0
## Optimal solution: ( 1/3, 8/27 )
##   03/05/2014: Changed example to use unit testing framework testthat.
##   08/06/2016: Changed into the ROI format.
test_nlp_02 <- function() {
    # Define parameters.
    a <- c( 2, -1 )
    b <- c( 0,  1 )

    ## objective function
    eval_f0 <- function( x ) { 
        return( sqrt(x[2]) )

    ## constraint function
    eval_g0 <- function( x ) {
        return( (a*x[1] + b)^3 - x[2] )

    ## gradient of objective function
    eval_grad_f0 <- function( x ){ 
        return( c( 0, .5/sqrt(x[2]) ) )

    ## jacobian of constraint
    eval_jac_g0 <- function( x ) {
        return( rbind( c( 3*a[1]*(a[1]*x[1] + b[1])^2, -1.0 ), 
                       c( 3*a[2]*(a[2]*x[1] + b[2])^2, -1.0 ) ) )

    # Define optimal solution.
    solution.opt <- c( 1/3, 8/27 )

    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Test NLopt tutorial example with NLOPT_LD_MMA with gradient information.
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    control <- list( xtol_rel = 1e-4, algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_MMA", x0 = c( 1.234, 5.678 ))

    ## Solve using NLOPT_LD_MMA with gradient information supplied in separate function
    x <- OP(objective = F_objective(F=eval_f0, n=2L, G=eval_grad_f0), 
            constraints = F_constraint(F=eval_g0, dir="<=", rhs=0, J=eval_jac_g0),
            bounds = V_bound(li=1, lb=-Inf))

    if ( !debug_select_nloptr_method(x) ) {
        return( "Skip now and let it fail in the last check to get meaningfull debug messages!" )

    ## Solve Rosenbrock Banana function.
    res0 <- ROI_solve( x, solver="nloptr", control )

    check("NLP-02@01", equal(res0$solution, solution.opt, tol=1e-4))

    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Test NLopt tutorial example with NLOPT_LN_COBYLA with gradient information.
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Solve using NLOPT_LN_COBYLA without gradient information
    ## A tighter convergence tolerance is used here (1e-6), to ensure
    ## that the final solution is equal to the optimal solution (within some tolerance).
    control <- list( xtol_rel = 1e-4, algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_MMA",
                     start = c( 1.234, 5.678 ) )

    control$algorithm <- "NLOPT_LN_COBYLA"
    control$xtol_rel <- 1e-6

    ## Solve using NLOPT_LN_COBYLA with gradient information supplied in separate function
    x <- OP(objective = F_objective(F=eval_f0, n=2L), 
            constraints = F_constraint(F=eval_g0, dir="<=", rhs=0),
            bounds = V_bound(li=1, lb=-Inf))

    ## Solve Rosenbrock Banana function.
    res1 <- ROI_solve( x, solver="nloptr", control )
    check("NLP-02@02", equal(res1$solution, solution.opt, tol=1e-4))

## Copyright (C) 2016 Florian Schwendinger
## Copyright (C) 2010 Jelmer Ypma. All Rights Reserved.
## This code is published under the L-GPL.
## File:   hs023.R
## Author: Jelmer Ypma
## Date:   16 August 2010
## Example problem, number 23 from the Hock-Schittkowsky test suite..
## \min_{x} x1^2 + x2^2
## s.t.
##   x1 + x2 >= 1
##   x1^2 + x2^2 >= 1
##   9*x1^2 + x2^2 >= 9
##   x1^2 - x2 >= 0
##   x2^2 - x1 >= 0
## with bounds on the variables
##   -50 <= x1, x2 <= 50
## we re-write the inequalities as
##   1 - x1 - x2 <= 0
##   1 - x1^2 - x2^2 <= 0
##   9 - 9*x1^2 - x2^2 <= 0
##   x2 - x1^2 <= 0
##   x1 - x2^2 <= 0 
## the initial value is
## x0 = (3, 1)
## Optimal solution = (1, 1)
##   05/05/2014: Changed example to use unit testing framework testthat.
##   08/06/2016: Changed into the ROI format.
test_nlp_03 <- function() {
    ## f(x) = x1^2 + x2^2
    eval_f <- function( x ) { 
        return( list( "objective" = x[1]^2 + x[2]^2,
                      "gradient" = c( 2*x[1],
                                      2*x[2] ) ) ) 

    f_objective <- function(x) x[1]^2 + x[2]^2
    f_gradient <- function(x) c( 2*x[1], 2*x[2] )
    ## Inequality constraints.
    eval_g_ineq <- function( x ) {
        constr <- c( 1 - x[1] - x[2],
                     1 - x[1]^2 - x[2]^2,
                     9 - 9*x[1]^2 - x[2]^2,
                     x[2] - x[1]^2,
                     x[1] - x[2]^2 )
        grad   <- rbind( c( -1, -1 ),
                         c( -2*x[1], -2*x[2] ),
                         c( -18*x[1], -2*x[2] ),
                         c( -2*x[1], 1 ),
                         c( 1, -2*x[2] ) )
        return( list( "constraints"=constr, "jacobian"=grad ) )

    g_constraint <- function(x) {
        c( 1 -   x[1]   - x[2]  ,
           1 -   x[1]^2 - x[2]^2,
           9 - 9*x[1]^2 - x[2]^2,
             -   x[1]^2 + x[2]  ,
                 x[1]   - x[2]^2 )

    g_jacobian <- function(x) {
        rbind( c( -      1,      -1 ),
               c( - 2*x[1], -2*x[2] ),
               c( -18*x[1], -2*x[2] ),
               c( - 2*x[1],       1 ),
               c(        1, -2*x[2] ) )
    ## Optimal solution.
    solution.opt <- c( 1, 1 )
    # Solve with MMA.
    opts <- list( algorithm            = "NLOPT_LD_MMA",
                  xtol_rel             = 1.0e-7, 
                  tol_constraints_ineq = rep( 1.0e-6, 5 ),
                  print_level          = 0 )

    control <- c(opts, list( start = c( 3, 1 ) ))

    ## Solve using NLOPT_LD_MMA with gradient information supplied in separate function
    x <- OP(objective = F_objective(F=f_objective, n=2L, G=f_gradient), 
            constraints = F_constraint(F=g_constraint, dir="<=", rhs=0, J=g_jacobian),
            bounds = V_bound(li=1:2, ui=1:2, lb=c(-50,-50), ub=c(50,50)) )
    if ( !debug_select_nloptr_method(x) ) {
        return( "Skip now and let it fail in the last check to get meaningfull debug messages!" )

    ## Solve Rosenbrock Banana function.
    res <- ROI_solve( x, solver="nloptr", control)
    # Run some checks on the optimal solution.
    check("NLP-03@01", equal(res$solution, solution.opt, tol = 1e-5 ))
    check("NLP-03@02", all( res$solution >= bounds(x)$lower$val ))
    check("NLP-03@03", all( res$solution <= bounds(x)$upper$val ))
    # Check whether constraints are violated (up to specified tolerance).
    check("NLP-03@04", all( g_constraint( res$solution ) <= control$tol_constraints_ineq ))

## Copyright (C) 2016 Florian Schwendinger
## Copyright (C) 2010 Jelmer Ypma. All Rights Reserved.
## This code is published under the L-GPL.
## File:   hs071.R
## Author: Jelmer Ypma
## Date:   10 June 2010
## Example problem, number 71 from the Hock-Schittkowsky test suite.
## \min_{x} x1*x4*(x1 + x2 + x3) + x3
## s.t.
##    x1*x2*x3*x4 >= 25
##    x1^2 + x2^2 + x3^2 + x4^2 = 40
##    1 <= x1,x2,x3,x4 <= 5
## we re-write the inequality as
##   25 - x1*x2*x3*x4 <= 0
## and the equality as
##   x1^2 + x2^2 + x3^2 + x4^2 - 40 = 0
## x0 = (1,5,5,1)
## Optimal solution = (1.00000000, 4.74299963, 3.82114998, 1.37940829)
##   05/05/2014: Changed example to use unit testing framework testthat.
##   08/06/2016: Changed into the ROI format.
test_nlp_04 <- function() {   
    ## f(x) = x1*x4*(x1 + x2 + x3) + x3
    f_objective <- function(x) x[1]*x[4]*(x[1] + x[2] + x[3]) + x[3]
    f_gradient <- function(x) c( x[1] * x[4] + x[4] * (x[1] + x[2] + x[3]),
                                 x[1] * x[4],
                                 x[1] * x[4] + 1.0,
                                 x[1] * (x[1] + x[2] + x[3]) )

    ## Inequality constraints.
    g_leq_constraints <- function(x) c( 25 - x[1] * x[2] * x[3] * x[4] )

    g_leq_jacobian <- function(x) c( -x[2] * x[3] * x[4],
                                     -x[1] * x[3] * x[4],
                                     -x[1] * x[2] * x[4],
                                     -x[1] * x[2] * x[3] )
    ## Equality constraints.
    h_eq_constraints <- function(x) x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 + x[3]^2 + x[4]^2 - 40

    h_eq_jacobian <- function(x) c( 2.0 * x[1],
                                    2.0 * x[2],
                                    2.0 * x[3],
                                    2.0 * x[4] )

    ## Optimal solution.
    solution.opt <- c(1.00000000, 4.74299963, 3.82114998, 1.37940829)
    ## Set optimization options.
    local_opts <- list( "algorithm" = "NLOPT_LD_MMA",
                        "xtol_rel"  = 1.0e-7 )
    opts <- list( "algorithm"   = "NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG",
                  "xtol_rel"    = 1.0e-7,
                  "maxeval"     = 1000,
                  "local_opts"  = local_opts,
                  "print_level" = 0 )

    control <- c( opts, list( start = c( 1, 5, 5, 1 ) ) )

    ## Solve using NLOPT_LD_MMA with gradient information supplied in separate function
    x <- OP(objective = F_objective(F=f_objective, n=4L, G=f_gradient), 
            constraints = F_constraint(F=c(g_leq_constraints, h_eq_constraints), 
                                       dir=c("<=", "=="), rhs=c(0, 0),
                                       J=c(g_leq_jacobian, h_eq_jacobian)),
            bounds = V_bound(li=1:4, ui=1:4, lb=rep.int(1, 4), ub=rep.int(5, 4)) )

    if ( !debug_select_nloptr_method(x) ) {
        return( "Skip now and let it fail in the last check to get meaningfull debug messages!" )

    ## Solve Rosenbrock Banana function.
    res <- ROI_solve( x, solver="nloptr", control)
    # Run some checks on the optimal solution.
    check("NLP-04@01", equal(res$solution, solution.opt, tol = 1e-4 ))
    check("NLP-04@02", all( res$solution >= bounds(x)$lower$val ))
    check("NLP-04@03", all( res$solution <= bounds(x)$upper$val ))
    # Check whether constraints are violated (up to specified tolerance).
    check("NLP-04@04", isTRUE(g_leq_constraints( res$solution ) <= 1e-8))
    check("NLP-04@05", isTRUE(h_eq_constraints( res$solution ) <= 1e-8))

## Copyright (C) 2016 Florian Schwendinger
## Copyright (C) 2010 Jelmer Ypma. All Rights Reserved.
## This code is published under the L-GPL.
## File:   parameters.R
## Author: Jelmer Ypma
## Date:   17 August 2010
## Example shows how we can have an objective function 
## depend on parameters or data. The objective function 
## is a simple polynomial.
##   05/05/2014: Changed example to use unit testing framework testthat.
##   08/06/2016: Changed into the ROI format.
test_nlp_05 <- function() {   
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Test simple polyonmial where parameters are supplied as additional data.
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Objective function and gradient in terms of parameters.
    eval_f <- function(x) { 
        return( params[1]*x^2 + params[2]*x + params[3] ) 
    eval_grad_f <- function(x) { 
        return( 2*params[1]*x + params[2] ) 

    f_objective <- function(x) x^2 + 2 * x + 3
    f_gradient <- function(x) 2 * x + 2
    ## Define parameters that we want to use.
    params <- c(1, 2, 3)
    control <- list( start = 0, algorithm="NLOPT_LD_MMA", xtol_rel = 1e-6 )

    x <- OP( objective = F_objective(F=f_objective, n=1L, G=f_gradient), 
             bounds = V_bound(1, 1, -Inf, Inf) )

    if ( !debug_select_nloptr_method(x) ) {
        return( "Skip now and let it fail in the last check to get meaningfull debug messages!" )

    ## solve using nloptr adding params as an additional parameter
    res <- ROI_solve( x, solver="nloptr", control)
    ## Solve using algebra
    ## Minimize f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c.
    ## Optimal value for control is -b/(2a).
    check("NLP-05@01", equal(res$solution, -params[2]/(2*params[1])))

    ## With value of the objective function f(-b/(2a)).
    check("NLP-05@02", equal(res$objval, eval_f( -params[2]/(2*params[1]))))

## Copyright (C) 2016 Florian Schwendinger
## Copyright (C) 2010 Jelmer Ypma. All Rights Reserved.
## This code is published under the L-GPL.
## File:   simple.R
## Author: Jelmer Ypma
## Date:   20 June 2010
## Example showing how to solve a simple constrained problem.
## min x^2
## s.t. x >= 5
## re-formulate constraint to be of form g(x) <= 0
##      5 - x <= 0
## we could use a bound constraint as well here
##   05/05/2014: Changed example to use unit testing framework testthat.
##   08/06/2016: Changed into the ROI format.
test_nlp_06 <- function() {   
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Test simple constrained optimization problem with gradient information.
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Objective function.
    eval_f <- function(x) { 
        return( x^2 )
    ## Gradient of objective function.
    eval_grad_f <- function(x) { 
        return( 2*x )
    ## Inequality constraint function.
    eval_g_ineq <- function( x ) {
        return( 5 - x )
    ## Jacobian of constraint.
    eval_jac_g_ineq <- function( x ) {
        return( -1 )
    ## Optimal solution.
    solution.opt <- 5

    control <- list( xtol_rel = 1e-4, algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_MMA", start = 1 )

    x <- OP( objective = F_objective(F=eval_f, n=1L, G=eval_grad_f),
             constraints = F_constraint(F=eval_g_ineq, dir="<=", rhs=0, J=eval_jac_g_ineq),
             bounds = V_bound(1, 1, -Inf, Inf) )

    if ( !debug_select_nloptr_method(x) ) {
        return( "Skip now and let it fail in the last check to get meaningfull debug messages!" )

    ## Solve using NLOPT_LD_MMA with gradient information supplied in separate function
    res <- ROI_solve( x, solver="nloptr", control)

    ## Run some checks on the optimal solution.
    check("NLP-06@01", equal(res$solution, solution.opt))
    ## Check whether constraints are violated (up to specified tolerance).
    check("NLP-06@02", isTRUE(eval_g_ineq( res$solution ) <= 1e-8))

    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Test simple constrained optimization problem without gradient information.
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Objective function.
    eval_f <- function(x) { 
        return( x^2 )
    ## Inequality constraint function.
    eval_g_ineq <- function( x ) {
        return( 5 - x )
    ## Optimal solution.
    solution.opt <- 5

    control <- list( algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_COBYLA", xtol_rel = 1e-6, 
                     tol_constraints_ineq = 1e-6, start = 1 )

    x <- OP( objective = F_objective(F=eval_f, n=1L),
             constraints = F_constraint(F=eval_g_ineq, "<=", 0),
             bounds = V_bound(1, 1, -Inf, Inf) )

    ## Solve using NLOPT_LN_COBYLA without gradient information
    res <- ROI_solve( x, solver="nloptr", control)
    ## Run some checks on the optimal solution.
    check("NLP-06@03", equal(res$solution, solution.opt, tol = 1e-6))
    ## Check whether constraints are violated (up to specified tolerance).
    check("NLP-06@04", isTRUE(eval_g_ineq(res$solution) <= control$tol_constraints_ineq))

## Copyright (C) 2016 Florian Schwendinger
## Copyright (C) 2010 Jelmer Ypma. All Rights Reserved.
## This code is published under the L-GPL.
## File:   systemofeq.R
## Author: Jelmer Ypma
## Date:   20 June 2010
## Example showing how to solve a system of equations.
## min 1
## s.t. x^2 + x - 1 = 0
## Optimal solution for x: -1.61803398875
##   16/06/2011: added NLOPT_LD_SLSQP
##   05/05/2014: Changed example to use unit testing framework testthat.
##   08/06/2016: Changed into the ROI format.
test_nlp_07 <- function() {
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Solve system of equations using NLOPT_LD_MMA with local optimizer NLOPT_LD_MMA.
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    # Objective function.
    eval_f0 <- function( x ) { 
        return( 1 )
    # Gradient of objective function.
    eval_grad_f0 <- function( x ) { 
        return( 0 )
    # Equality constraint function.
    eval_g0_eq <- function( x ) {
        return( params[1]*x^2 + params[2]*x + params[3] )
    # Jacobian of constraint.
    eval_jac_g0_eq <- function( x ) {
        return( 2*params[1]*x + params[2] )
    # Define vector with addiitonal data.
    params <- c(1, 1, -1)
    # Define optimal solution.
    solution.opt <- -1.61803398875
    # Solve using NLOPT_LD_MMA with local optimizer NLOPT_LD_MMA.
    local_opts <- list( algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_MMA",
                        xtol_rel  = 1.0e-6 )
    opts <- list( algorithm  = "NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG",
                  xtol_rel   = 1.0e-6,
                  local_opts = local_opts )

    control <- c(opts, start = -5 )

    x <- OP( objective = F_objective(F=eval_f0, n=1L, G=eval_grad_f0),
             constraints = F_constraint(F=eval_g0_eq, dir="==", rhs=0, J=eval_jac_g0_eq),
             bounds = V_bound(1, 1, -Inf, Inf) )

    res <- ROI_solve( x, solver="nloptr", control )
    # Run some checks on the optimal solution.
    check("NLP-07@01", equal(res$solution, solution.opt))
    # Check whether constraints are violated (up to specified tolerance).
    check("NLP-07@02", equal(abs(eval_g0_eq(res$solution)), 0))

    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Solve system of equations using NLOPT_LD_SLSQP.
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Objective function.
    eval_f0 <- function( x ) { 
        return( 1 )
    ## Gradient of objective function.
    eval_grad_f0 <- function( x ) { 
        return( 0 )

    ## Equality constraint function.
    eval_g0_eq <- function( x ) {
        return( params[1]*x^2 + params[2]*x + params[3] )
    ## Jacobian of constraint.
    eval_jac_g0_eq <- function( x ) {
        return( 2*params[1]*x + params[2] )

    ## Define vector with addiitonal data.
    params <- c(1, 1, -1)

    ## Define optimal solution.
    solution.opt <- -1.61803398875

    ## Solve using NLOPT_LD_SLSQP.
    control <- list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_SLSQP", xtol_rel  = 1.0e-6, start = -5)

    x <- OP( objective = F_objective(F=eval_f0, n=1L, G=eval_grad_f0),
             constraints = F_constraint(F=eval_g0_eq, dir="==", rhs=0, J=eval_jac_g0_eq),
             bounds = V_bound(1, 1, -Inf, Inf) )

    res <- ROI_solve( x, solver="nloptr", control)
    ## Run some checks on the optimal solution.
    check("NLP-07@03", equal(res$solution, solution.opt))
    ## Check whether constraints are violated (up to specified tolerance).
    check("NLP-07@04", equal(abs(eval_g0_eq(res$solution)), 0))

## SOURCE: Rglpk manual
## https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Rglpk/Rglpk.pdf
## LP - Example - 1
## max:  2 x_1 + 4 x_2 + 3 x_3
## s.t.
## 3 x_1  +  4 x_2  +  2 x_3  <= 60
## 2 x_1  +    x_2  +  2 x_3  <= 40
##   x_1  +  3 x_2  +  2 x_3  <= 80 
## x_1, x_2, x_3 >= 0
test_nlp_08 <- function() {
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    ## Test transformation from LP to NLP
    ## -----------------------------------------------------
    mat <- matrix(c(3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
    lo <- L_objective(c(2, 4, 3))
    lc <- L_constraint(L = mat, dir = c("<=", "<=", "<="), rhs = c(60, 40, 80))
    lp <- OP(objective = lo, constraints = lc, maximum = TRUE)
    lp_opt <- ROI_solve(lp)

    nlp_opt <- ROI_solve(lp, solver="nloptr", start=c(1, 1, 1), method="NLOPT_LD_MMA")

    check("NLP-08@01", equal(lp_opt$objval, nlp_opt$objval))
    check("NLP-08@02", equal(lp_opt$solution, nlp_opt$solution))


if ( "nloptr" %in% ROI_registered_solvers() ) {

    if ( any(grepl("darwin", Sys.info()["sysname"], ignore.case=TRUE)) ) {

    ## local({test_nlp_08()})

} else {
    print("nloptr is not among the registered solvers tests are apported!")
FlorianSchwendinger/ROI.plugin.nloptr documentation built on May 6, 2019, 5:05 p.m.