API for FocusPaka/SIMD
Statistical Inferences with MeDIP-seq Data (SIMD) to infer the methylation level for each CpG site

Global functions
EM2_H1ESB1_MeDIP_sigleCpG Man page
EM2_H1ESB2_MeDIP_sigleCpG Man page
EM_H1ESB1_MeDIP_sigleCpG Man page
EMalgorithm Man page Source code
EMtest Man page Source code
H1ESB1_MRE_sigleCpG Man page
H1ESB2_MRE_sigleCpG Man page
SIMD-package Man page
all_CpGsite_bin_chr18 Man page
classifypvalue Man page Source code
emalgth Man page Source code
emalgth1 Man page Source code
probBinom Man page Source code
three_mre_cpg Man page
FocusPaka/SIMD documentation built on May 29, 2019, 10:57 a.m.