Man pages for FocusPaka/SIMD
Statistical Inferences with MeDIP-seq Data (SIMD) to infer the methylation level for each CpG site

all_CpGsite_bin_chr18A simulation dataset of CpG sites.
classifypvaluecalculate P-value in code EMtest.
EM2_H1ESB1_MeDIP_sigleCpGA simulation dataset of MeDIP CpG sites.
EM2_H1ESB2_MeDIP_sigleCpGA simulation dataset of MeDIP CpG sites.
EMalgorithmEM algorithm to infer CpG sites.
emalgthCalculate the probability on condition that the sums equal to...
emalgth1Calculate the probability on condition that the sums more...
EM_H1ESB1_MeDIP_sigleCpGA simulation dataset of MeDIP CpG sites.
EMtestInferring the methylation expression level of single sites.
H1ESB1_MRE_sigleCpGA simulation dataset of MRE CpG sites.
H1ESB2_MRE_sigleCpGA simulation dataset of MRE CpG sites.
probBinomCompute P-values for Medip-seq and MRE-seq data.
SIMD-packageA method to infer the methylation expression level for each...
three_mre_cpgA simulation dataset of MRE CpG sites.
FocusPaka/SIMD documentation built on May 29, 2019, 10:57 a.m.