
Defines functions bigeigen fusedLassoProximalIterationsTaken .genFusedLassoProximal .genFusedLassoProximal.R fusedLassoProximal

Documented in bigeigen fusedLassoProximal fusedLassoProximalIterationsTaken

.pkg.env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
.pkg.env$lastNumIters <- NA

#' Big eigenvalue calculation
#' Calculate maximal eigenvalue of \code{t(X) \%*\% X} for big
#' matrices using singular value decomposition.
#' @param X matrix to be evaluated (can be a Matrix object).
#' @param method One of 'irlba' or 'RSpectra'
#' @return The maximal eigenvalue.
#' @export
#' @import irlba
#' @import RSpectra
bigeigen <- function(X, method = "RSpectra") {
  if (method == "irlba") {
    # Define multiplication function
    matmul <- function(A, B) {
      # Bigalgebra requires matrix/vector arguments
      if (is.null(dim(B)))
        B = cbind(B)
      return(cbind( (A %*% B)[]) )

    max.eigen = (irlba(X, 1, 1, mult = matmul)$d[1]) ^ 2
  } else {
    max.eigen = (svds(X, 1)$d[1]) ^ 2


#' Following a call to fusedLassoProximal, returns the actual number of iterations taken.
#' @export
#' @return Number of iterations performed in the previous call to fusedLassoProximal.
fusedLassoProximalIterationsTaken <- function() {

#' Fused lasso optimisation with the proximal-gradient method (Chen et al. 2010).
#' Internal method
#' @param X matrix of covariates (n by p)
#' @param Y vector of responses (length n)
#' @param groups vector of group indicators (length n)
#' @param group.names group names (length k)
#' @param XX \code{t(X) \%*\% X}
#' @param XY \code{t(X) \%*\% Y}
#' @param p Number of covariates
#' @param k Number of groups
#' @param samp.sizes Sample size for each group
#' @param lambda Sparsity hyperparameter
#' @param gamma Fusion hyperparameter
#' @param C constraints
#' @param G pairwise fusion hyperparameters (tau)
#' @param epsilon step size
#' @param tol tolerance
#' @param num.it number of iterations
#' @param lam.max maximal eigenvalue (pre-calculated)
#' @param intercept whether to include intercept or not
#' @param penalty.factors setting l1 penalty factors for different coefficients
#' @param X.list X as a list (required if lam.max calculated on the fly)
#' @param c.flag C++ subroutines will be used if true.
#' @return
#' @useDynLib fuser, .registration=TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
.genFusedLassoProximal <- function(X, Y, groups, group.names = sort(unique(groups)),
                                         XX = NULL, XY, p, k, samp.sizes, lambda, gamma,
                                         C, G, epsilon = 1e-04 * p * dim(C)[2],
                                         tol = 1e-06, num.it = 1000, lam.max = NULL,
                                         intercept = TRUE, penalty.factors = NULL,
                                         X.list = NULL, c.flag = FALSE) {
  n.c = dim(C)[2]  # Number of constraints, including sparsity

  D = 0.5 * p * n.c

  mu = epsilon / (2 * D)  # smoothness parameter

  if (is.null(lam.max)) {
    if (!is.null(XX)) {
      lam.max = sum(sapply(XX, function(x)
          eigen(x, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
        )))  # maximal eigenvalue
    } else {
      lam.max = sum(sapply(1:length(group.names), function(g)
        bigeigen(X.list[[g]])))  # maximal eigenvalue

    G.temp = G
    G.temp[lower.tri(G)] = 0

    L_U = lam.max + (lambda ^ 2 + 2 * gamma ^ 2 * max(colSums(G.temp))) /
  } else {
    G.temp = G
    G.temp[lower.tri(G)] = 0
    L_U = lam.max + (lambda ^ 2 + 2 * gamma ^ 2 * max(colSums(G.temp))) /


  L_U.inv = 1 / L_U

  if (intercept) {
    W = matrix(0, p + 1, k)
    B.old = matrix(0, p + 1, k)
    weighted.delta.f = matrix(0, p + 1, k)
  } else {
    W = matrix(0, p, k)
    B.old = matrix(0, p, k)
    weighted.delta.f = matrix(0, p, k)

  if (c.flag) {
    # Call native function

    group.ordering = order(groups)
    Y.sorted = Y[group.ordering]

    result = genFusedLassoProximal_loop(
      XX, XY, X.list, Y.sorted, samp.sizes, C, intercept, p, k,
      num.it, penalty.factors, L_U.inv, B.old, mu, W, weighted.delta.f, tol
    .pkg.env$lastNumIters = getNumberNativeIterationsTaken()

    colnames(result) = group.names

  } else {
    # Call R function
    return(.genFusedLassoProximal.R(Y, groups, group.names, XX, XY, p, k, samp.sizes, lambda, gamma,
                                    C, G, epsilon, tol, num.it, intercept, penalty.factors, X.list,
                                    L_U.inv, B.old, mu, W, weighted.delta.f))

.genFusedLassoProximal.R <- function(Y, groups, group.names, XX, XY, p, k, samp.sizes, lambda, gamma,
                                     C, G, epsilon, tol, num.it, intercept, penalty.factors, X.list,
                                     L_U.inv, B.old, mu, W, weighted.delta.f) {

  C.t = t(C)

  i = 1

  for (i in 1:num.it) {
    # Allow for scaling of penalty on non-intercept variables (not applying to fusion)

    if (!is.null(penalty.factors)) {
      B.sparsity = B.old[1:p, ] * matrix(penalty.factors, p, k)
    } else {
      B.sparsity = B.old[1:p, ]

    # Need to exclude the intercept variable from the B matrix to avoid penalization
    if (intercept) {
      B.sparsity = rbind(B.sparsity, 0)
      B.fusion = rbind(B.old[1:p, ], 0)
    } else {
      B.fusion = B.old

    A.star = cbind(B.sparsity %*% C[, 1:k], B.fusion %*% C[, (k + 1):dim(C)[2]]) /

    # A.star = (B.star %*% C) / mu
    A.star[A.star > 1] = 1
    A.star[A.star < -1] = -1

    # Derivative is zero when taken with respect to each beta[,k.i]
    if (!is.null(XX)) {
      delta.lik <-
        lapply(1:k, function(k.i)
          (XX[[k.i]] %*% B.old[, k.i] - XY[[k.i]]) / samp.sizes[k.i])
    } else {
      delta.lik = lapply(1:k, function(k.i) {
        g = group.names[k.i]
        (crossprod(X.list[[k.i]], X.list[[k.i]] %*% B.old[, k.i]) - crossprod(X.list[[k.i]], Y[groups == g])) /

    delta.f = do.call("cbind", delta.lik) + A.star %*% C.t

    B.new = W - L_U.inv * delta.f

    weighted.delta.f = weighted.delta.f + L_U.inv * 0.5 * i * delta.f

    Z = -weighted.delta.f

    W = (i * B.new + 2 * Z) / (i + 2)

    i = i + 1

    improvement = sum(abs(B.old - B.new))

    if (improvement < tol * p)

    B.old = B.new

  # Store the number of iterations
  .pkg.env$lastNumIters = i

  if (i >= num.it)
    warning("Reached max iterations without convergence.")

  colnames(B.new) = group.names


#' Fused lasso optimisation with proximal-gradient method.
#' (Chen et al. 2010)
#' @param X matrix of covariates (n by p)
#' @param Y vector of responses (length n)
#' @param groups vector of group indicators (length n)
#' @param lambda Sparsity hyperparameter (accepts scalar value only)
#' @param gamma Fusion hyperparameter (accepts scalar value only)
#' @param G Matrix of pairwise group information sharing weights (K by K)
#' @param mu Smoothness parameter for proximal optimization
#' @param tol Tolerance for optimization
#' @param num.it Number of iterations
#' @param lam.max Maximal eigenvalue of \code{t(X) \%*\% X} (will be calculate
#' if not provided)
#' @param c.flag Whether to use Rcpp for certain calculations (see Details).
#' @param intercept Whether to include a (group-specific) intercept term.
#' @param penalty.factors Weights for sparsity penalty.
#' @param conserve.memory Whether to calculate XX and XY on the fly, conserving memory
#' at the cost of speed. (True by default iff p >= 10000)
#' @param scaling if TRUE, scale the sum-squared loss for each group by 1/n_k
#' where n_k is the number of samples in group k.
#' @details
#' The proximal algorithm uses \code{t(X) \%*\% X} and \code{t(X) \%*\% Y}. The function will attempt to
#' pre-calculate these values to speed up computation. This may not always be possible due to
#' memory restrictions; at present this is only done for p < 10,000. When p > 10,000,
#' crossproducts are calculated explicitly; calculation can be speeded up by using
#' Rcpp code (setting c.flag=TRUE).
#' @return
#' A matrix with the linear coefficients for each group (p by k).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' # Generate simple heterogeneous dataset
#' k = 4 # number of groups
#' p = 100 # number of covariates
#' n.group = 15 # number of samples per group
#' sigma = 0.05 # observation noise sd
#' groups = rep(1:k, each=n.group) # group indicators
#' # sparse linear coefficients
#' beta = matrix(0, p, k)
#' nonzero.ind = rbinom(p*k, 1, 0.025/k) # Independent coefficients
#' nonzero.shared = rbinom(p, 1, 0.025) # shared coefficients
#' beta[which(nonzero.ind==1)] = rnorm(sum(nonzero.ind), 1, 0.25)
#' beta[which(nonzero.shared==1),] = rnorm(sum(nonzero.shared), -1, 0.25)
#' X = lapply(1:k,
#'            function(k.i) matrix(rnorm(n.group*p),
#'                                 n.group, p)) # covariates
#' y = sapply(1:k,
#'            function(k.i) X[[k.i]] %*% beta[,k.i] +
#'                            rnorm(n.group, 0, sigma)) # response
#' X = do.call('rbind', X)
#' # Pairwise Fusion strength hyperparameters (tau(k,k'))
#' # Same for all pairs in this example
#' G = matrix(1, k, k)
#' # Use L1 fusion to estimate betas (with near-optimal sparsity and
#' # information sharing among groups)
#' beta.estimate = fusedLassoProximal(X, y, groups, lambda=0.01, tol=3e-3,
#'                                    gamma=0.01, G, intercept=FALSE,
#'                                    num.it=500)
fusedLassoProximal <-
  function(X, Y, groups, lambda, gamma, G, mu = 1e-04, tol = 1e-06,
           num.it = 1000, lam.max = NULL, c.flag = FALSE, intercept = TRUE,
           penalty.factors = NULL, conserve.memory = p >= 10000, scaling=TRUE) {
    group.names = sort(unique(groups))

    # Only used if we are scaling the objective
    # function by 1/n_k for each group.
    samp.sizes = table(groups)[group.names]
    if(!scaling) samp.sizes[] = 1

    k = length(group.names)
    p = dim(X)[2]

    if (is.null(penalty.factors))
      penalty.factors = rep(1, dim(X)[2])

    if (intercept) {
      X = cbind(X, 1)

    if (!conserve.memory) {
      # p < 10000 is a rough limit for keeping everything in memory
      XX.list = lapply(group.names, function(x) {
        indices = groups == x
        crossprod(X[indices, ])

      XY.list = lapply(group.names, function(x) {
        indices = groups == x
        crossprod(X[indices, ], Y[indices])
      X.list = NULL
    } else {
      # Otherwise calculate on the fly (takes longer, but saves memory)
      XX.list = NULL
      XY.list = NULL

      # Avoid indexing over large matrix
      X.list = list()

      for (k.i in 1:k) {
        X.list[[k.i]] = X[groups == group.names[k.i], ]

      X = NULL # No longer need full matrix, delete to save memory

    C.fusion = matrix(0, k, choose(k, 2))

    edge.i = 1

    for (i in 1:(k - 1)) {
      for (j in (i + 1):k) {
        C.fusion[i, edge.i] = G[i, j]
        C.fusion[j, edge.i] = -G[i, j]
        edge.i = edge.i + 1

    C.sparsity = lambda * diag(k)

    C = cbind(C.sparsity, gamma * C.fusion)

        X, Y, groups, group.names, XX.list, XY.list,
        p, k, samp.sizes, lambda, gamma, C, G, epsilon = mu * p * dim(C)[2],
        tol, num.it, lam.max, intercept = intercept, penalty.factors = penalty.factors,
        X.list = X.list, c.flag = c.flag
FrankD/fuser documentation built on May 6, 2019, 5:06 p.m.