#' Write a summary of posterior distribution using marginals
#' Write a summary of posterior distribution using marginals.
#' Write a summary of posterior distributions with a format similar to
#' \code{brms::posterior_summary}.
#' @param .result \code{inla} object.
#' @param ren Rename the variable with \code{rename_brms}.
#' @return Dataframe with summaries.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(
#' x1 = rnorm(50, mean = 1, sd = 0.5),
#' x2 = rnorm(50, mean = 2, sd = 1),
#' sigma = rexp(50, rate = 1))
#' df$mu <- df$x1 + df$x2
#' df$y <- rnorm(nrow(df), mean = df$mu, sd = df$sigma)
#' the_fit <- INLA::inla(formula = y ~ x1 + x2, data = df)
#' posterior_summary_inla(the_fit)
posterior_summary_inla <- function(.result, ren = TRUE) {
checkmate::assert_class(.result, classes = "inla", ordered = TRUE)
# get all marginals
margs <- extract_marginals(.result, ren = ren)
# create the summary line for each marginal
summs <- lapply(X = margs, FUN = function(marg) {
posterior_summary_inla_one(marg, probs = .result$.args$quantiles)
out <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, summs))
out <- tibble::rownames_to_column(out, var = "var")
#' Create one line summary for a given marginal
#' Create one line summary for a given marginal.
#' Create one line summary using the marginal functions from \code{INLA} such
#' as \code{inla.emarginal, inla.qmarginal, inla.mmarginal}.
#' @param marg Marginal from an \code{inla} object.
#' @param probs Percentiles returned by the summary. Default is
#' \code{c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)} which is the \code{inla} default.
#' @return vector of summary data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(
#' x1 = rnorm(50, mean = 1, sd = 0.5),
#' x2 = rnorm(50, mean = 2, sd = 1),
#' sigma = rexp(50, rate = 1))
#' df$mu <- df$x1 + df$x2
#' df$y <- rnorm(nrow(df), mean = df$mu, sd = df$sigma)
#' the_fit <- INLA::inla(formula = y ~ x1 + x2, data = df)
#' posterior_summary_inla_one(the_fit$marginals.fixed[[1]])
posterior_summary_inla_one <- function(marg, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)) {
checkmate::assert_matrix(marg, ncols = 2)
checkmate::assert_numeric(probs, lower = 0, upper = 1, finite = TRUE,
unique = TRUE)
mom <- calc_moments_inla(marg)
quant = as.vector(INLA::inla.qmarginal(marginal = marg, p = probs))
names(quant) <- paste0("Q", probs)
md = as.vector(INLA::inla.mmarginal(marg))
c(mom, quant, "mode" = md)
#' Compute the moments of a marginal
#' Compute the moments of a marginal.
#' Compute the moments of a marginal from \code{inla} using its densities .
#' @param marg Marginal from an \code{inla} object.
#' @return Vector with mean and standard deviation of the marginal.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(
#' x1 = rnorm(50, mean = 1, sd = 0.5),
#' x2 = rnorm(50, mean = 2, sd = 1),
#' sigma = rexp(50, rate = 1))
#' df$mu <- df$x1 + df$x2
#' df$y <- rnorm(nrow(df), mean = df$mu, sd = df$sigma)
#' the_fit <- INLA::inla(formula = y ~ x1 + x2, data = df)
#' calc_moments_inla(the_fit$marginals.fixed[[1]])
calc_moments_inla <- function(marg) {
checkmate::assert_matrix(marg, ncols = 2)
vals <- INLA::inla.emarginal(marginal = marg, fun = function(val) c(val, val^2))
c("mean" = vals[1], "sd" = sqrt(vals[2] - vals[1]^2))
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