knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE)


Demonstrate use of peaksat and generate figures for paper.

Data being used comes from 2 phases of the H4ac ChIPseq. Phase 1 is the initial sequencing run that we applied peaksat to estimate required read depth.
Phase 2 is the result of combining the initial and later sequencing runs.


Load libraries and located files.

options(mc.cores = 20)
#these paths are to outputs from running submit_peaksat_jobs
# these scripts did the submitting
# "run_peaksat.10a_H4ac_phase1_and_2.pooled.R" 
# "run_peaksat.10a_H4ac_phase1_and_2.R"        
# "run_peaksat.10a_H4ac.phase1.pooled.R"       
# "run_peaksat.10a_H4ac.phase1.R"

#I've organized output dirs in list for ease of use later
all_outputs = list(
  seq1_only = "peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_only.matched_inputs",
  all_seq = "peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_2_and_3.matched_inputs"
odir = "paper_figures.07262022.input_matched"
dir.create(odir, showWarnings = FALSE)
res_file = function(f){
  file.path(odir, f)

Load Data

Use our list of output locations we can easily load into a tidy data.table for plotting.

This is a little messier just because we have 2 output locations to better organize the data.

all_psc = lapply(all_outputs, function(out_dir){
#these peaksat_config objects are used to run submit_peaksat_jobs and to load data
all_pc_dt = lapply(all_psc, load_counts, min_signalValue = seq(1, 7))
pc_dt = rbindlist(all_pc_dt, idcol = "sequencing")
pc_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)]
pc_dt$mark = toupper(pc_dt$mark)
pc_dt[, sample := paste(cell, mark, rep, sep = "\n")]
# pc_dt = pc_dt[cell != "MCF10CA1a"]

Meta pool

Start with built-in plotting functions.

labels.1st = "1st sequencing only"
labels.1st_and_2nd = "1st and 2nd sequencing combined"
theme_set(cowplot::theme_cowplot() + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 7), axis.title = element_text(size = 8), title = element_text(size = 10), strip.text = element_text(size = 8)))

fig1_dt = load_counts(peaksat_config("peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_only/"), min_signalValue = 1)
fig1_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)]
fig1_dt$mark = toupper(fig1_dt$mark)

fig1_dt = fig1_dt[signal_cutoff == 1 & cell == "10A-AT1-DCIS"]
fig1_dt[, is_max := peak_count == max(peak_count) , .(sample)]
DT::datatable(fig1_dt[is_max == TRUE])
ggplot(fig1_dt, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, group = sample)) + 
  geom_path() + facet_wrap(~mark) +
  labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
  labs(title = "Meta-pool Saturation Curves")

fwrite(fig1_dt, res_file("fig2a_meta_pool_curve.csv"))
ggsave(res_file("fig2a_meta_pool_curve.pdf"), width = 4, height = 2.5)
#this look at saturation by width suffers due to weak samples included, focus on strong DCIS
all_w_dt = lapply(all_psc, load_widths, min_signalValue = c(1, 5)) %>% rbindlist(idcol = "sequencing")
all_w_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)]
all_w_dt$mark = toupper(all_w_dt$mark)
all_w_dt[, sample := paste(cell, mark, rep, sep = "\n")]
all_w_dt = all_w_dt[cell != "MCF10CA1a"]

min_sig_s1 = 5
# fig1_dt.s1 = all_w_dt[signal_cutoff == 5 & cell == "10A-AT1-DCIS" & sequencing == "seq1_only"]
fig1_dt.s1 = all_w_dt[signal_cutoff == min_sig_s1 & cell == "MCF10DCIS" & sequencing != "seq1_only"]
ggplot(fig1_dt.s1, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_width, group = sample, color = rep)) + 
  geom_path() + facet_wrap(~mark) +
  labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak width (Mb)") +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
  labs(title = "Peak width Saturation Curves", subtitle = paste0("MCF10A-DCIS\n", min_sig_s1)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c(rep1 = "#da0000ff", rep2 = "#0000faff", `pooled` = "black"))
ggsave(res_file("figS1_width_saturation_curve.pdf"), width = 4, height = 2.5)

Target Depth Estimation Calculation

anno_dt = fig1_dt
cells_tp = setdiff(unique(pc_dt$cell), "10A-AT1-DCIS")
anno_dt = lapply(cells_tp, function(x){
  dt = copy(anno_dt)
  dt$cell = x
}) %>% rbindlist
max_dt = anno_dt[, .(max_peaks = max(peak_count)), .(mark)]
min_sig_2 = 1
sel_dt = pc_dt[signal_cutoff == min_sig_2 & cell != "10A-AT1-DCIS" & sequencing == "seq1_only" & rep != "pooled"]
sel_dt2 = pc_dt[signal_cutoff == min_sig_2 & cell != "10A-AT1-DCIS" & sequencing != "seq1_only" & rep != "pooled"]

est_res.k5 = estimate_depth.linear(sel_dt[mark == "H4K5AC"], 
                                   target_peaks = max_dt[mark == "H4K5AC"]$max_peaks, 
                                   max_read_count = Inf, 
                                   min_read_count = 7e6)
est_res.k5$plots + facet_wrap(~sample, ncol = 2)# +
ggsave(res_file("fig2b_h4k5ac_estimate.pdf"), width = 3, height = 6)

# coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 20e6), ylim = c(0, 15e3))

est_res.k8 = estimate_depth.linear(sel_dt[mark == "H4K8AC"], 
                                   target_peaks = max_dt[mark == "H4K8AC"]$max_peaks, 
                                   max_read_count = Inf, 
                                   min_read_count = 7e6)
est_res.k8$plots + facet_wrap(~sample, ncol = 2) #+
# coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 20e6), ylim = c(0, 10e3))

save(pc_dt, sel_dt, est_res.k5, est_res.k8, max_dt, file = res_file(""))

ggsave(res_file("fig2c_h4k8ac_estimate.pdf"), width = 3, height = 6)
est_dt = rbind(
est_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "\n")]
est_dt[, rep_round := paste(rep, "initial")]

sel_dt[, rep_round := paste(rep, "initial")]
sel_dt2[, rep_round := paste(rep, "combined")]

# ggplot(sel_dt, 
#        aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, group = sample, color = rep_round)) + 
#   geom_path(data = anno_dt, color = "gray70") +
#   geom_path(size = 1.3) + 
#   geom_segment(data = est_dt, aes(x = current_read_count, xend = saturation_read_count, y = current_peak_count, yend = saturation_peak_count), linetype = 3) +
#   geom_hline(aes(yintercept = max_peaks), data = max_dt, linetype = 2, color = "#7b7979ff") +
#   facet_grid(cell~mark) +
#   labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") +
#   scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
#   scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
#   # annotate("path", x= anno_dt$read_count, y = anno_dt$peak_count, mark = anno_dt$mark) +
#   labs(title = "Target Depth Estimation", caption = "TODO add observed and extraplotated legend") +
#   scale_color_manual(values = c(`rep1 initial` = "#da0000ff", 
#                                 `rep2 initial` = "#0000faff",
#                                 `meta-pool` = "gray70"))

p_estimate = ggplot(sel_dt, 
                    aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, group = sample, color = rep_round)) + 
  geom_path(data = anno_dt, color = "gray70") +
  geom_path(data = sel_dt2, size = 1, alpha = .7) +
  geom_path(size = 1.3) + 
  geom_segment(data = est_dt, aes(x = current_read_count, xend = saturation_read_count, y = current_peak_count, yend = saturation_peak_count), linetype = 3) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = max_peaks), data = max_dt, linetype = 2, color = "#7b7979ff") +
  facet_grid(cell~mark) +
  labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)", color = "sequencing\ntype") +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
  # annotate("path", x= anno_dt$read_count, y = anno_dt$peak_count, mark = anno_dt$mark) +
  labs(title = "Target Depth Estimation", caption = "TODO add observed and extraplotated legend") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c(`rep1 initial` = "#da0000ff", 
                                `rep1 combined` = "#da8888ff", 
                                `rep2 initial` = "#0000faff",
                                `rep2 combined` = "#8888faff", 
                                `meta-pool` = "gray70"))

p_estimate + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 100e6))
ggsave(res_file("fig2bc_combo_estimate.pdf"), width = 4.5, height = 6.2)

p_estimate + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(5e6, 30e6), y = c(0, 1.5e4))
ggsave(res_file("fig2bc_combo_estimate.zoom.pdf"), width = 4.5, height = 6.2)
est_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "\n")]
est_dt = est_dt[order(rep)][order(cell)][order(mark)]
tab_dt = est_dt[, .(sample = gsub("\n", " ", sample), current_read_count, saturation_read_count, needed_read_count = saturation_read_count - current_read_count)]
fwrite(tab_dt, res_file("fig2_table.csv"))
setnames(tab_dt, c("Name", "Current", "Target", "Needed"))
for(cn in colnames(tab_dt)[-1]){
  tab_dt[[cn]] = round(tab_dt[[cn]]/1e6)
kable(tab_dt, caption = "Target depth estimation results (millions of reads)")
est_tab_dt = melt(tab_dt)
est_tab_dt[, rel_value := value / max(value), .(variable)]
est_tab_dt$Name = factor(est_tab_dt$Name, levels = rev(unique(est_tab_dt$Name)))

est_cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Reds")[-1:-3]

ymax = 16

ggplot(est_tab_dt, aes(x = variable, y = Name, label = value, color = rel_value)) +
  geom_text() +
  scale_x_discrete(position = "top") +
  scale_color_gradientn(colours = c("black", "red"), breaks = c(0, .5, 1), limits = c(0, 1)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = seq(0, ymax)+.5) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = seq(0, 4)+.5) + 
  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
        axis.line = element_blank(), 
        axis.text = element_text(size = 10), 
        legend.position = "right",
        legend.justification = 0,
        legend.key.width = unit(.2, 'in'), 
        plot.title.position = "plot") +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(.5, 3.5), ylim = c(.5, ymax + .5), expand = FALSE) +
  labs(x = "", y = "", title = "Estimated Target and Needed Read Counts", subtitle = "Millions of Reads", color = "relative value\nto column max") 

ggsave(res_file("fig2_table.pdf"), width = 5, height = 7)

Target Depth Estimate Evaluation

peak_max = max_dt$max_peaks
names(peak_max) = max_dt$mark
first_guesses = round(est_dt$saturation_read_count/1e6, 1)
names(first_guesses) = gsub("\n", " ", est_dt$sample)

plot_dt = pc_dt[signal_cutoff == 1]
plot_dt = plot_dt[order(sequencing == "seq1_only")]

cells_toplot = c("MCF10A", "MCF10AT1", "MCF10CA1a", "MCF10DCIS")

all_plots = list()
for(m in c("H4K5AC", "H4K8AC")){
  for(cl in cells_toplot){
    # for(cl in c("MCF10A", "MCF10AT1", "MCF10DCIS")){
    for(r in c("rep1", "rep2")){

      name = paste(cl, m, r)
      guess = first_guesses[name]
      p = ggplot(plot_dt[cell == cl & mark == m & rep == r], 
                 aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, 
                     color = sequencing, 
                     group = sequencing, 
                     size = sequencing)) +
        geom_path(show.legend = FALSE) +
        geom_vline(xintercept = guess*1e6) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = peak_max[m]) +
        labs(title = name) +
        scale_size_manual(values = c("seq1_only" = 1.5, "all_seq" = 2.5)) +
        scale_color_manual(values = c("seq1_only" = "black", "all_seq" = "cornflowerblue")) +
        labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") +
        scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
        scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
        cowplot::theme_cowplot() +
        theme(title = element_text(size = 8))

      all_plots[[name]] = p

pg_left = cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = all_plots[seq(length(cells_toplot)*2)], ncol = 2)
pg_right = cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = all_plots[seq(length(cells_toplot)*2) + 2*length(cells_toplot)], ncol = 2)
pg_top = ggplot() + theme_void() + labs(title = "Evaluation of Depth Estimate") + theme(title = element_text(hjust = .5, vjust = .5))

cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1, 14),
                   cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 2, pg_left, pg_right))
ggsave("fig2_depth_estimate.old.pdf", width = 9, height = 9)

The short black line is the round 1 sequencing results only. Light-blue line is round 1 and 2 combined. The black reference line indicate 20k peaks and the estimated read depth required to get to 20k peaks.

H4K5ac worked really well, something is up with H4K8ac. I'll look into it.

Signal value cutoff

sig_dt = pc_dt[sequencing == "all_seq" & rep == "pooled" & cell != "10A-AT1-DCIS" & signal_cutoff > 1]
ggplot(sig_dt, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, color = factor(signal_cutoff))) +
  geom_path() +
  facet_wrap(cell~mark, ncol = 2, scales = "free") +
  labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)", color = "minimum signalValue") +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
  # scale_color_brewer(palette = "Reds", direction = -1) +
  scale_color_manual(values = rev(seqsetvis::safeBrew(8, "reds"))[1:6])
ggsave(res_file("fig3_signal_cutoff.pdf"), width=4.7, height=6.7)
all_w_dt = lapply(all_psc, load_widths, min_signalValue = seq(1, 7))
w_dt = rbindlist(all_w_dt, idcol = "sequencing")
w_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)]
w_dt$mark = toupper(w_dt$mark)
w_dt[, sample := paste(cell, mark, rep, sep = "\n")]
# w_dt = w_dt[cell != "MCF10CA1a"]

sig_dt2 = w_dt[sequencing == "all_seq" & rep == "pooled" & cell != "10A-AT1-DCIS" & signal_cutoff > 1]
ggplot(sig_dt2, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_width, color = factor(signal_cutoff))) +
  geom_path() +
  facet_wrap(cell~mark, ncol = 2, scales = "free") +
  labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)", color = "minimum signalValue") +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
  scale_color_manual(values = rev(seqsetvis::safeBrew(8, "reds"))[1:6])
ggsave(res_file("fig3_signal_cutoff.width.pdf"), width=4.7, height=6.1)

Input saturation

input_use_pval = FALSE
input_mode = "matched"
       matched = {
         input_results = dir("peaksat_outputs.input_saturation_matched", full.names = TRUE)
         input_depths = sapply(strsplit(basename(input_results), "[\\._]"), function(x)x[6])
         fig_height = 18
       merged = {
         input_results = dir("peaksat_outputs.input_saturation_metapool", pattern = "50M_ChIP", full.names = TRUE)
         input_depths = sapply(strsplit(basename(input_results), "[\\._]"), function(x)x[5])
         fig_height = 10
       stop("bad input_mode"))
input_depths[input_depths == "bam"] = "96M"
# input_results = dir("peaksat_outputs/", 
#                     pattern = "peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_vs_MCF10A-AT1_input_merged", 
#                     full.names = TRUE)

names(input_results) = input_depths
input_res = lapply(input_results, function(res_dir){
  message(res_dir) = peaksat_config(res_dir, stat = ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue"))
  load_counts(, min_signalValue = c(1, 5))
}) = rbindlist(input_res, idcol = "input_depth")[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)]

input_depth_lev = unique($input_depth)
o = order(as.numeric(sub("M", "", input_depth_lev)))
input_depth_lev = input_depth_lev[o]
# =[order(inpu)]$input_depth = factor($input_depth, levels = input_depth_lev) =[order(read_count)]
#[, read_depth := frank(read_count, ties.method = )*10, .(sample, input_depth, signal_cutoff)]$read_depth = paste0(round($read_count/1e6), "M")$read_depth = factor($read_depth, levels = unique($read_depth))
#$read_depth = factor($read_depth)[, peak_str := round(peak_count/1e3, 1)]
# =[cell != "10A-AT1-DCIS"]$cell %>% table
txt_size = 2.6
# color_threshold = quantile([signal_cutoff==1]$peak_count, .7)
sel_cell = unique($cell)[1]$cell = factor($cell, levels = c("MCF10A", "MCF10AT1", "MCF10CA1a", "MCF10DCIS")) =[order(cell)]

todo = expand.grid(
  rep = unique($rep),
  cell = unique($cell)
sel_mark = "H4K5ac"[, facet_x := paste(mark, rep)]$facet_x = factor($facet_x, levels = unique($facet_x))

for(sig_cutoff in c(1, 5)){
  for(sel_mark in c("H4K5ac", "H4K8ac")){
    plots_input_saturation_sig1 = lapply(seq_len(nrow(todo)), function(i){
      plot_dt =[mark == sel_mark & cell == todo$cell[i] & rep == todo$rep[i] & signal_cutoff == sig_cutoff]
      color_threshold = quantile(plot_dt$peak_count, .7)
             aes(x = read_depth, 
                 y = input_depth, 
                 fill = peak_count, 
                 label = peak_str)) + 
        scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x)sub("M", "", x)) +
        scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x)sub("M", "", x)) +
        # coord_fixed() +
        geom_raster(show.legend = FALSE) + 
        geom_text(aes(color = peak_count > color_threshold), show.legend = FALSE, size = txt_size) +
        facet_grid(cell~facet_x, scales = "free") +
        scale_fill_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
        scale_color_manual(values = c("FALSE" = "gray70", "TRUE" = "black")) +
        theme(legend.position = "bottom", 
              panel.background = element_blank(), 
              panel.grid = element_blank(), 
              legend.text = element_text(size = 8)) +
          # title = paste(sel_mark, todo$cell[i], todo$rep[i]), 
          # subtitle = paste(sep = "\n", "Input depth vs ChIP depth", "signalValue > 1", ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue")), 
          fill = "peak count (k)",
          x = "ChIP read depth (M)",
          y = "input read depth (M)")
    pg_input_saturation_sig1 = cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = plots_input_saturation_sig1, ncol = 2)
    pg_input_saturation_sig1.w_title = cowplot::plot_grid(
      ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1, 22),
      ggplot() + theme_void() + 
        labs(title = paste(sep = "\n", "Input depth vs ChIP depth"), 
             subtitle = paste(sep = "\n", "signalValue >", sig_cutoff, ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue"))),
    # ggplot([signal_cutoff==1], 
    #        aes(x = read_depth, y = input_depth, 
    #            fill = peak_count, label = peak_str)) + 
    #   scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x)sub("M", "", x)) +
    #   scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x)sub("M", "", x)) +
    #   geom_raster() + 
    #   geom_text(aes(color = peak_count > color_threshold), show.legend = FALSE, size = txt_size) +
    #   facet_grid(cell~mark) +
    #   scale_fill_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
    #   scale_color_manual(values = c("FALSE" = "gray50", "TRUE" = "black")) +
    #   theme(legend.position = "bottom", 
    #         panel.background = element_blank(), 
    #         panel.grid = element_blank(), 
    #         legend.text = element_text(size = 8)) +
    #   labs(title = "Input depth vs ChIP depth", subtitle = "signalValue > 1", fill = "peak count (k)",
    #        x = "ChIP read depth (%)", y = "input read depth (M)")

                           sel_mark, "_inputs_signalValue_", 
                           sig_cutoff, "_", 
                           ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue"), ".heatmap.pdf")), 
           # width = 9, height = 18)
           width = 9, height = fig_height)
dt.in_sel =[grepl("100.1", name)]
dt.in_sel = dt.in_sel[order(input_depth)]
dt.in_sel[, input_num := as.numeric(sub("M", "", input_depth))]
dt.in_sel = dt.in_sel[input_num <= 70]
# dt.in_sel[, input_num := 1e6*as.numeric(sub("M", "", input_depth))]
# dt.in_sel = dt.in_sel[order(input_num)]
for(sig_value in c(1, 5)){
  plots = lapply(levels(dt.in_sel$cell), function(sel_cell){
    ggplot(dt.in_sel[signal_cutoff==sig_value & cell == sel_cell], 
           aes(x = input_num, y = peak_count, group = sample, color = rep)) + 
      geom_path() +
      facet_grid(cell~mark, scales = "free_x") +
      scale_color_manual(values = c(rep1 = "#da0000ff", rep2 = "#0000faff")) +
      labs(x = "input read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") +
      # scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
      # scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x)sub("M", "", x)) +
      scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
      # geom_vline(xintercept = 60e6, linetype = 2) +
      cowplot::theme_cowplot() + 
      theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6))
  pg_input_lines = cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1, 15),
                                      ggplot() + theme_void() + 
                                        labs(title = paste(sep = "\n",
                                                           paste("signalValue >=", sig_value),
                                                           paste(ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue"), "< .01"))),
                                        plotlist = plots, ncol = 1
                         sig_value, "_", 
                         ifelse(input_use_pval, "pValue", "qValue"), ".lines.pdf")), 
         width = 3.5, height = 8)

Input caps out at 50M in this analysis but I think I need to go up to 70M to show saturation.


Configure ssvQC

sqc_filter_signalValue = function(sqc, min_sig = 3){
  sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc)

  sqc@features_config@loaded_features = lapply(sqc@features_config@loaded_features, function(peak_grs){
    lapply(peak_grs, function(x)subset(x, signalValue > min_sig))

  sqc@features_config@overlap_gr = list()
  sqc@features_config@assessment_gr = list()

  sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc)

sqc_filter_signalValue.1 = function(sqc, min_sig = 1){
  sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc)

  sqc@features_config@loaded_features = lapply(sqc@features_config@loaded_features, function(peak_grs){
    lapply(peak_grs, function(x)subset(x, signalValue > min_sig))

  sqc@features_config@overlap_gr = list()
  sqc@features_config@assessment_gr = list()

  sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc)

sqc_top_signalValue = function(sqc, top_n = 1e4){
  sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc)

  sqc@features_config@loaded_features = lapply(sqc@features_config@loaded_features, function(peak_grs){
    lapply(peak_grs, function(x){
      x[order(x$signalValue, decreasing = TRUE)][seq(1, min(top_n, length(x)))]

  sqc@features_config@overlap_gr = list()
  sqc@features_config@assessment_gr = list()

  sqc = ssvQC.prepFeatures(sqc)

sqc_select_fun = sqc_filter_signalValue.1

qc_bams = dir("/slipstream/home/conggao/ChIP_seq/MCF10_H4Kac/", pattern = "rep.+bam$", full.names = TRUE)
# qc_bams = qc_bams[!grepl("input", basename(qc_bams))]
# qc_bams = c(qc_bams,  "/slipstream/galaxy/uploads/working/qc_framework/output_AF_MCF10_CTCF/MCF10A_input_R1/MCF10A_input_R1.bam")

cells = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams), "_"), function(x)x[1])
marks = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams), "_"), function(x)x[2])
marks = toupper(marks)
reps = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[3])

qc_sig = QcConfigSignal.files(qc_bams)
qc_sig$meta_data$cells = cells
qc_sig$meta_data$marks = marks
qc_sig$meta_data$reps = reps
qc_sig$meta_data$name = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "_")
qc_sig$meta_data$name_split = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "\n")

qc_sig$meta_data$name = sub("_R1", "", qc_sig$meta_data$name)
qc_sig$meta_data$name_split = sub("\nR1", "", qc_sig$meta_data$name_split)

qc_sig$color_by = "cells"

qc_sig$run_by = "marks"
qc_sig$to_run_reference = "INPUT"
# plot(qc_sig)

qc_np = "peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_2_and_3.matched_inputs/results_qValue_010/" %>%
  dir(pattern = "rep", full.names = TRUE) %>%
  dir(pattern = "100.+narrowPeak$", full.names = TRUE)
# qc_np = qc_np[!grepl("CA1", qc_np)]

cells = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[3])
marks = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[4])
marks = toupper(marks)
reps = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[5])

np_meta = data.frame(file = qc_np)
np_meta$cells = cells
np_meta$marks = marks
np_meta$reps = reps
np_meta$name = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "_")
np_meta$name_split = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "\n")

qc_feat = QcConfigFeatures(np_meta, color_by = "cells", run_by = "marks")

sqc = ssvQC(qc_feat, qc_sig)
sqc = sqc_select_fun(sqc)
qc_bams.init = c(
  dir("bam_file_inputs/bam_files_H4_ac_old_seq", pattern = "rep.+bam$", full.names = TRUE),
  dir("bam_file_inputs/bam_files_H4_ac_new_seq/", pattern = "CA1a.+rep.+bam$", full.names = TRUE))

# qc_bams.init = qc_bams.init[!grepl("CA1", qc_bams.init)]
# qc_bams.init = qc_bams.init[!grepl("input", basename(qc_bams.init))]
# qc_bams.init = c(qc_bams.init,  "/slipstream/galaxy/uploads/working/qc_framework/output_AF_MCF10_CTCF/MCF10A_input_R1/MCF10A_input_R1.bam")

cells = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams.init), "_"), function(x)x[1])
marks = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams.init), "_"), function(x)x[2])
marks = toupper(marks)
reps = sapply(strsplit(basename(qc_bams.init), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[3])

qc_sig.init = QcConfigSignal.files(qc_bams.init)
qc_sig.init$meta_data$cells = cells
qc_sig.init$meta_data$marks = marks
qc_sig.init$meta_data$reps = reps
qc_sig.init$meta_data$name = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "_")
qc_sig.init$meta_data$name_split = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "\n")

qc_sig.init$meta_data$name = sub("_R1", "", qc_sig.init$meta_data$name)
qc_sig.init$meta_data$name_split = sub("\nR1", "", qc_sig.init$meta_data$name_split)

qc_sig.init$color_by = "cells"

qc_sig.init$run_by = "marks"
qc_sig.init$to_run_reference = "INPUT"

qc_np.init = c(
  "peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_only/results_qValue_010/" %>%
    dir(pattern = "rep", full.names = TRUE) %>%
    dir(pattern = "100.+narrowPeak$", full.names = TRUE),
  # qc_np.init = qc_np.init[!grepl("CA1", qc_np.init)]

  "peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_and_seq2/results_qValue_010/" %>%
    dir(pattern = "CA1a.+rep", full.names = TRUE) %>%
    dir(pattern = "100.+narrowPeak$", full.names = TRUE)
  # qc_np.init = qc_np.init[!grepl("CA1", qc_np.init)]
cells = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np.init)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[3])
marks = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np.init)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[4])
marks = toupper(marks)
reps = sapply(strsplit(basename(dirname(qc_np.init)), "[_\\.]"), function(x)x[5])

np_meta = data.frame(file = qc_np.init)
np_meta$cells = cells
np_meta$marks = marks
np_meta$reps = reps
np_meta$name = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "_")
np_meta$name_split = paste(cells, marks, reps, sep = "\n")

qc_feat.init = QcConfigFeatures(np_meta, color_by = "cells", run_by = "marks")

# plot(qc_feat)
sqc.init = ssvQC(qc_feat.init, qc_sig.init)
sqc.init = sqc_select_fun(sqc.init)

sqc.init = ssvQC.plotFeatures(sqc.init)

sqc.init$signal_config$heatmap_limit_values = c(0, 3)
sqc.init = ssvQC.plotSignal(sqc.init)
sqc.init = ssvQC.runAll(sqc.init)
mod_x_axis = function(x){
  x + scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x){gsub("\n", " ", x)}) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6, angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = .5))


plot_qc = function(p_sqc, m = c("H4K5AC", "H4K8AC")[1]){
  f_key = paste0(m, "_features")
  s_key = paste0(m, "_signal")
    rel_heights = c(.2, 1, 1, 1),
    ncol = 1,
    cowplot::plot_grid(ggplot()+theme_void() + labs(title = paste("Quality Control for", m))),
    cowplot::plot_grid(nrow = 1, labels = c("A", "B", "C", ""),
                       rel_widths = c(1, 1, 1, .3),
                       {p_sqc$plots$reads[[s_key]] + 
                           guides(fill = "none", color = "none")+ 
                           labs(title = "Mapped reads") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6))} %>%
                       {p_sqc$plots$features$count[[f_key]] + guides(fill = "none", color = "none") + 
                           labs(title = "Peak counts") + 
                           theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6))} %>%
                       {p_sqc$plots$FRIP$per_peak[[f_key]][[s_key]] + 
                           guides(fill = "none", color = "none") + 
                           labs(title = "FRIP per peak")} %>%
    cowplot::plot_grid(labels = c("D", "E"),
                       rel_widths = c(1.6, 1),
                       p_sqc$plots$features$UpSet[[f_key]] + 
                         labs(title = "Peak overlaps") +
                         theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 6, hjust = 1, vjust = .5)),
                       p_sqc$plots$features$euler[[f_key]] + guides(fill = "none", color = "none")
    cowplot::plot_grid(labels = c("F", "G"),
                       rel_widths = c(2.2, 1),
                       p_sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps[[f_key]][[s_key]] + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + labs(title = "RPM pileup at merged peaks"),
                       p_sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps.lines[[f_key]][[s_key]] + theme(legend.position = "bottom")  + guides(fill = "none", color = "none") + labs(title = "Average RPM per cluster")

plot_qc.k5 = function(p_sqc){
  plot_qc(p_sqc, "H4K5AC")
plot_qc.k8 = function(p_sqc){
  plot_qc(p_sqc, "H4K8AC")
ggsave(res_file("fig_qc_k5_initial.pdf"), width = 14, height = 14)

ggsave(res_file("fig_qc_k8_initial.pdf"), width = 14, height = 14)

Run ssvQC

# sqc$features_config$consensus_fraction = 1
options(mc.cores = 20)
sqc$signal_config$heatmap_limit_values = c(0, 3)
sqc = ssvQC.runAll(sqc)
cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, 

We have tons of MCF10A reads, this was mostly intentional. The MCF10A had higher target read counts based on the peak saturation curves from round 1.

Let's look at heatmaps next.

There are some artifact clusters I want to remove first.

# sqc = ssvQC.removeClusters(sqc, cluster_numbers = 2, "H4K5AC_features", "H4K5AC_signal")

# sqc = ssvQC.removeClusters(sqc, cluster_numbers = c(2, 6), "H4K8AC_features", "H4K8AC_signal")

#repeat clustering after artifacts removed.
#this isn't fully supported yet, so we have to hack the ssvQC object
# sqc@signal_data = list()
# sqc = ssvQC.prepSignal(sqc)
# sqc = ssvQC.plotSignal(sqc)

# sqc = ssvQC.removeClusters(sqc, cluster_numbers = 2, "H4K5AC_features", "H4K5AC_signal")
# sqc = ssvQC.removeClusters(sqc, cluster_numbers = c(2), "H4K8AC_features", "H4K8AC_signal")

# sqc@signal_data = list()
# sqc = ssvQC.prepSignal(sqc)
# sqc = ssvQC.plotSignal(sqc)

The cleaned up heatmaps:

cowplot::plot_grid(rel_widths = c(2, 1),
                   sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom"),
                   sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps.lines$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom")

cowplot::plot_grid(rel_widths = c(2, 1),
                   sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom"),
                   sqc$plots$signal$heatmaps.lines$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Global average:

  sqc$plots$signal$lines$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom"),
  sqc$plots$signal$lines$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom")

And finally FRIP.

leg = get_legend(sqc$plots$FRIP$per_peak$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal + theme(legend.position = "bottom"))

sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal[, name_split := gsub("\n", " ", name_split)]
sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal[, name_split := gsub("\n", " ", name_split)]

sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal$name_split = 
  factor(sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal$name_split, levels = gsub("_", " ", levels(sqc$signal_config$meta_data$name)))
sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal$name_split = 
  factor(sqc@other_data$FRIP$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal$name_split, levels = gsub("_", " ", levels(sqc$signal_config$meta_data$name)))

sqc = ssvQC.plotFRIP(sqc)

p_frip_box = 
  cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(8, 1),
                     cowplot::plot_grid(nrow = 1,
                                        sqc$plots$FRIP$per_peak$H4K5AC_features$H4K5AC_signal + 
                                          labs(title = "H4K5ac", subtitle = "FRIP at 1000 randomly selected consensus peaks") + 
                                          guides(color = "none"),
                                        sqc$plots$FRIP$per_peak$H4K8AC_features$H4K8AC_signal +
                                          labs(title = "H4K8ac", subtitle = "FRIP at 1000 randomly selected consensus peaks")  + 
                                          guides(color = "none")

ggsave(res_file("fig_qc_k5_combined.pdf"), width = 14, height = 14)

ggsave(res_file("fig_qc_k8_combined.pdf"), width = 14, height = 14)
qc_dt = pc_dt[sequencing == "all_seq" & rep != "pooled" & signal_cutoff == 1]
qc_dt$cell %>% table
cols = unlist(sqc$signal_config$color_mapping)
p_qc_1 = ggplot(qc_dt, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, color = cell, group = sample, linetype = rep)) +
  geom_path() +
  facet_wrap(~mark) +
  scale_color_manual(values = cols)+
  labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
  labs(title = "Signal cutoff 1") +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 50e6))

qc_dt5 = pc_dt[sequencing == "all_seq" & rep != "pooled" & signal_cutoff == 5]
p_qc_2 = ggplot(qc_dt5, aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, color = cell, group = sample, linetype = rep)) +
  geom_path() +
  facet_wrap(~mark) +
  scale_color_manual(values = cols)+
  labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)", linetype = "replicate") +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
  labs(title = "Signal cutoff 5") +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 50e6))

Pretty cool how the QC lines up with the peak saturation. The global profiles and FRIP show lower enrichment in MCF10A and higher in DCIS (with 1 really good AT1 rep) and that bears through in the peak saturation in 2 ways. 1) a lower read count is required to reach saturation and 2) a higher number of reads pass a more stringent signalValue cutoff of 5.

write_ssvQC.correlation(sqc, out_dir = res_file("QC_complete"))
write_ssvQC.summary(sqc, out_dir = res_file("QC_complete"))

write_ssvQC.correlation(sqc.init, out_dir = res_file("QC_initial"))
write_ssvQC.summary(sqc.init, out_dir = res_file("QC_initial"))


psc_cnr = peaksat_config("peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_cnr2/")

sel_value = 5

cnr_dt = load_counts(psc_cnr, min_signalValue = c(1, sel_value))

bam_files = dir("bam_file_inputs/bam_files_cnr_PR_paper2/", pattern = "bam$", full.names = TRUE)
chip_bams = bam_files[!grepl("IgG", bam_files)]
old2new = basename(chip_bams)
old2new = sub(".bam$", "", old2new)
names(old2new) = sub(".bam$", "", basename(normalizePath(chip_bams)))
cnr_dt$sample = old2new[cnr_dt$sample]
cnr_dt$sample %>% table

cnr_dt[, c("kit", "material", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "_")]

cnr_cols = c(fresh = "gray50", frozen = "dodgerblue", combo = "black")

rep2line = c(pooled = 1, rep1 = 3, rep2 = 5)

cnr_dt[, linetype := rep2line[rep]]

ggplot(cnr_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value], 
       aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, group = sample, color = material)) +
  geom_path(data = cnr_dt[(material == "combo" | material == "fresh" | rep == "pooled") & signal_cutoff == sel_value], 
            size = 1.1) +
  # geom_path(data = cnr_dt[material != "combo" & signal_cutoff == sel_value], aes(linetype = linetype), size = 1.3) +
  facet_wrap(~mark) +
  scale_linetype_identity() +
  scale_color_manual(values = cnr_cols) +
  labs(x = "read count (M)", y = "peak count (k)") +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3) +
  labs(title = "Cut&Run", subtitle = paste("signalValue >", sel_value))
ggsave(res_file("fig4_cnr.pdf"), width = 4, height = 2.3)


atac_stat = "qValue"
psc_atac = peaksat_config("peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_atac", stat = atac_stat, is_PE = TRUE)

sel_value = 3
my_atac_figs_reps = function(sel_value){
  atac_dt = load_counts(psc_atac, min_signalValue = sel_value)
  atac_dt[, c("cell", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "_", keep = 1:2)]
  atac_dt[, read_countM := read_count / 1e6]

  ### reps
  p_dt.atac = atac_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value]
  p_dt.atac = p_dt.atac[!grepl("pooled", rep)]

  p_dt.atac[, is_pooled := ifelse(rep == "pooled", "pooled", "replicate")]

  p_atac = ggplot(p_dt.atac, 
                  aes(x = read_countM, y = peak_count, group = sample))

  ann_dt = split(p_dt.atac, p_dt.atac$sample)
  for(a_dt in ann_dt){
    p_atac = p_atac + annotate("path", x= a_dt$read_countM, y = a_dt$peak_count, color = "gray")
  p_atac = p_atac + 
    geom_path(aes(color = is_pooled), size = 1.3, show.legend = FALSE) +
    facet_wrap(~cell+rep) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("replicate"= "black", "pooled" = "darkorange")) +
    labs(x = "read count (M)", 
         y = "peak count (k)", 
         linetype = "replicate", 
         color = "", 
         title = "ATAC-seq", 
         subtitle = ifelse(sel_value > 1, paste("signalValue >", sel_value), "no signalValue cutoff")) +
    # scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3)
  # p_atac + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 200), ylim = c(0, 150e3))
  ggsave(res_file(paste0("fig4_atac.reps.signalValue_", sel_value, ".", atac_stat, ".pdf")), width = 7, height = 7)

my_atac_figs_pooled = function(sel_value){
  atac_dt = load_counts(psc_atac, min_signalValue = sel_value)
  atac_dt[, c("cell", "rep") := tstrsplit(sample, "_", keep = 1:2)]
  atac_dt[, read_countM := read_count / 1e6]

  ### pooled
  p_dt.atac = atac_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value]
  p_dt.atac = p_dt.atac[grepl("pooled.200M", rep)]

  p_dt.atac[, is_pooled := ifelse(grepl("pooled", rep), "pooled", "replicate")]

  p_atac = ggplot(p_dt.atac, 
                  aes(x = read_countM, y = peak_count, group = sample))

    ann_dt = split(atac_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value & !grepl("pooled", rep)], atac_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value & !grepl("pooled", rep)]$sample)
    for(a_dt in ann_dt){
      p_atac = p_atac + annotate("path", x= a_dt$read_countM, y = a_dt$peak_count, color = "gray")
    ann_dt = atac_dt[signal_cutoff == sel_value & !grepl("pooled", rep)]
    p_atac = p_atac + geom_path(data = ann_dt, color = "gray") +

  grps = unique(p_dt.atac$cell)
  grps = c(grps, "replicate")
  cols = c(seqsetvis::safeBrew(4, "Dark2"), "gray")
  names(cols) = grps

  p_atac = p_atac + 
    geom_path(aes(color = cell), size = 1.3, show.legend = TRUE) +
    # facet_wrap(~cell+rep) +
    # scale_color_brewer(values = c("replicates" = "gray", "")) +
    scale_color_manual(values = cols) +
    labs(x = "read count (M)", 
         y = "peak count (k)", 
         linetype = "replicate", 
         color = "", 
         title = "ATAC-seq", 
         subtitle = ifelse(sel_value > 1, paste("signalValue >", sel_value), "no signalValue cutoff")) +
    # scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e3)
  # p_atac + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 200), ylim = c(0, 150e3))
  # ggsave(res_file("fig4_atac.pdf"), width = 4, height = 3.3)
  ggsave(res_file(paste0("fig4_atac.pooled.signalValue_", sel_value, ".", atac_stat, ".pdf")), width = 4.2, height = 3)

Compared to SPP

SPP is a bunch of nonsense. Very slow nonsense.

MSER interpolation (peak saturation) only completes successfully for 3 of our strongest samples.

mser_files = dir("spp_output/vs_MCF10A_input_R1", full.names = TRUE) %>% 
  dir(pattern = "mser.Rds", full.names = TRUE)
interp_files = dir("spp_output/vs_MCF10A_input_R1", full.names = TRUE) %>% 
  dir(pattern = "mser.interplotated.Rds", full.names = TRUE)
spp_files = dir("spp_output/vs_MCF10A_input_R1", full.names = TRUE) %>% 
  dir(pattern = "binding.positions.Rds", full.names = TRUE)


lapply(mser_files, readRDS)
if(FALSE){#only do once, output is slightly messed up for certain values and needs repair
  spp_np_files = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(spp_files, function(f){
    bp = readRDS(f)
    spp::write.narrowpeak.binding(bp, paste0(sub(".Rds", "", f), ".narrowPeak"))
    paste0(sub(".Rds", "", f), ".narrowPeak")

spp_np_files = dir("spp_output/vs_MCF10A_input_R1", full.names = TRUE) %>% 
  dir(pattern = "binding.positions.narrowPeak", full.names = TRUE)
any(sapply(spp_np_files, class) == "try-error")

spp_np_grs = seqsetvis::easyLoad_narrowPeak(unlist(spp_np_files), file_names = basename(dirname(unlist(spp_np_files))))
is_error = sapply(spp_np_grs, class) == "try-error"
spp_np_files[is_error] #fix these

k = file.size(interp_files) > 200


interp_res = lapply(interp_files[k], readRDS)

names(interp_res) = basename(dirname(interp_files[k]))

spp_saturation = lapply(seq_along(interp_res), function(i){
  nam = names(interp_res)[i]
  msers = interp_res[[i]]
  paste(nam, "predicted sequencing depth =",
        round(unlist(lapply(msers,function(x) x$prediction))/1e6,5)," million tags")
writeLines(unlist(spp_saturation), res_file("spp_saturation_results.txt"))
k = lengths(spp_np_grs) > 0
spp_np_grs.sig = lapply(spp_np_grs[k], function(x)subset(x, signalValue > 10))

ggsave(res_file("spp_upset.pdf"), width = 12, height = 10)
# spp_np_grs
np_np_grs = unlist(sqc$features_config$loaded_features)
names(np_np_grs) = sub(".+features.", "", names(np_np_grs))
names(np_np_grs) = gsub("\n", "_", names(np_np_grs))

common = intersect(names(np_np_grs), names(spp_np_grs))
names(common) = common

paired_grs = lapply(common, function(nam){
  list(macs2 = np_np_grs[[nam]], SPP = spp_np_grs[[nam]])

make_olap = function(a_gr, b_gr){
  table(ssvFactorizeMembTable(ssvOverlapIntervalSets(list(A = a_gr, B = b_gr)))$group)  
all_olap_grs = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(paired_grs, function(x){
  make_olap(x$macs2, x$SPP)  

olap_dt = rbindlist(lapply(all_olap_grs, function(x){
  dt = data.table(x)
  setnames(dt, c("group", "count"))
}), idcol = "name")

olap_dt = olap_dt[group != "none"]

olap_dt[,  center_width := count[group == "A & B"] , .(name)]
olap_dt[, xmin := -center_width / 2]
olap_dt[, xmax := center_width / 2]
olap_dt[group == "A", xmax := xmin]
olap_dt[group == "A", xmin := xmin - count]
olap_dt[group == "B", xmin := xmax]
olap_dt[group == "B", xmax := xmax + count]

olap_dt[, total := sum(count), .(name)]
olap_dt[, count_fraction := count / total]

name_lev = olap_dt[group == "A"][order(count_fraction)]$name
olap_dt$name = factor(olap_dt$name, levels = name_lev)

olap_dt[, ymax := as.numeric(name) + .45]
olap_dt[, ymin := as.numeric(name) - .45]

AB2name = c(A = "macs2", "A & B" = "macs2 & SPP", B = "SPP")
olap_dt$group_name = AB2name[olap_dt$group]

ggplot(olap_dt, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = group_name)) +
  geom_rect() +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq_along(name_lev), labels = name_lev) +
  labs(title = "Peak overlaps between macs2 and SPP", fill = "overlap", x = "peaks")
ggsave(res_file("spp_overlap_to_macs2.pdf"), width = 7, height = 4)
pc_dt$signal_cutoff %>% table
ggplot(pc_dt[sequencing == "all_seq" & rep %in% c("rep1", "rep2")], aes(x = read_count, y = peak_count, group = signal_cutoff)) +
  geom_path() +
# ssvFeatureUpset(sqc$features_config$overlapped_features$H4K5AC_features, keep.order = TRUE, sets = colnames(mcols(sqc$features_config$overlapped_features$H4K5AC_features)))
ssvFeatureUpset(sqc$features_config$overlapped_features$H4K5AC_features, keep.order = TRUE)

FrietzeLabUVM/peaksat documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 11:13 a.m.