knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, results='hide')
Assess in detail the differences between DF4 and WT Ikaros binding.
Incorporate ATAC-seq data to verify and IGG cut&run to weed out artifacts.
options(mc.cores = 10) library(seqqc) library(seqsetvis) library(BiocFileCache) bfc = BiocFileCache() bfcif = ssvRecipes::bfcif wd = "/slipstream/home/joeboyd/R/seqqc/PR_selected/cutnrun" wd bam_dirs = wd peak_dirs = file.path(wd, "peaks_deseq2") stopifnot(all(dir.exists(wd))) stopifnot(all(dir.exists(bam_dirs))) stopifnot(all(dir.exists(peak_dirs)))
peak_files = dir(peak_dirs, pattern = "narrowPeak$", full.names = TRUE) peak_files = peak_files[!duplicated(basename(peak_files))]
bam_files = dir(bam_dirs, pattern = "bam$", full.names = TRUE) bam_files = bam_files[!duplicated(basename(bam_files))]
fix_names = function(in_f){ out_name = basename(in_f) out_name = toupper(out_name) out_name = sapply(strsplit(out_name, "[_\\.]"), function(x)paste(x[1:3], collapse = "_")) out_name = sub("MERGE$", "MERGED", out_name) out_name[out_name == "DF4_H3K9AC_REP1"] = c("DF4_H3K9AC_REP1", "DF4_H3K9AC_REP2") toupper(out_name) } names(bam_files) = fix_names(bam_files) names(peak_files) = fix_names(peak_files) if(any(duplicated(names(bam_files)))){ stop() names(bam_files)[duplicated(names(bam_files))] } if(any(duplicated(names(peak_files)))){ stop() names(peak_files)[duplicated(names(peak_files))] }
filter_files = function(f){ f #no filtering in this case } bam_files.f = filter_files(bam_files) peak_files.f = filter_files(peak_files)
#using rep as treatment here becuase that looks more interesting my_make_config_dt = function(files){ config_dt = data.table(file = files, name = names(files)) config_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(name, "_", keep = 1:3)] config_dt[, treatment := mark] config_dt = config_dt[order(rep)][order(treatment)][order(cell)] config_dt$name = factor(config_dt$name, levels = config_dt$name) config_dt$name_split = factor(gsub("_", "\n", config_dt$name), levels = gsub("_", "\n", config_dt$name)) config_dt } peak_config_dt = my_make_config_dt(peak_files.f) bam_config_dt = my_make_config_dt(bam_files.f) stopifnot(file.exists(peak_config_dt$file)) stopifnot(file.exists(bam_config_dt$file))
Read depth is comparable
get_mapped_reads = function(f){ stats = Rsamtools::idxstatsBam(f) stats = subset(stats, grepl("chr[0-9XY]+$", seqnames )) sum(stats[,3]) } bam_config_dt[, cell_simple := sub("X", "", cell)] cell_colors = c("DF4" = "firebrick1", "WT" = "gray20") bam_config_dt[, mapped_reads := get_mapped_reads(file), .(file)] ggplot(bam_config_dt[mark %in% c("IKAROS")], aes(x = name, y = mapped_reads, fill = cell_simple)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + scale_fill_manual(values = cell_colors) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + labs(y = "M mapped reads", fill = "Genotype") + theme(panel.background = element_blank()) ggplot(bam_config_dt[mark %in% c("IGG")], aes(x = name, y = mapped_reads, fill = cell_simple)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + scale_fill_manual(values = cell_colors) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)x/1e6) + labs(y = "M mapped reads", fill = "Genotype") + theme(panel.background = element_blank())
bam_igg_config_dt = bam_config_dt[mark == "IGG"] peak_config_dt = peak_config_dt[mark == "IKAROS"] bam_config_dt = bam_config_dt[mark == "IKAROS"]
m = "IKAROS" message(m) main_title = paste("Overlap of", m, "peaks") olap_title = paste(m, "peaks by frequency") i_peak_config_dt = peak_config_dt[mark == m] i_bam_config_dt = bam_config_dt[mark == m] cell_splits = split(i_peak_config_dt, ifelse(grepl("WT", i_peak_config_dt$cell), "WT", "DF4")) WT_cols = safeBrew(length(cell_splits$WT$name)+2, "Greys")[seq(3, length(cell_splits$WT$name)+2)] names(WT_cols) = cell_splits$WT$name DF_cols = safeBrew(length(cell_splits$DF4$name)+2, "Reds")[seq(3, length(cell_splits$DF4$name)+2)] names(DF_cols) = cell_splits$DF4$name name_cols = c(WT_cols, DF_cols) i_peak_config_dt$name = factor(i_peak_config_dt$name, levels = names(name_cols)) i_bam_config_dt$name = factor(i_bam_config_dt$name, levels = names(name_cols)) peak_grs = easyLoad_narrowPeak(i_peak_config_dt$file, file_names = i_peak_config_dt$name) peak_grs = lapply(peak_grs, function(x)x[order(x$pValue, decreasing = TRUE)]) peak_grs = lapply(peak_grs, function(x){x[nchar(as.character(seqnames(x))) <= 5]}) olaps_gr = ssvOverlapIntervalSets(peak_grs)
WT rep1 has ~30k unique peaks. WT has many more peaks generally that are not called in DF4. 600+ peaks called in all 4.
p_freq_upset = ssvFeatureUpset(olaps_gr) + labs(title = olap_title) p_freq_upset
cons2_gr = ssvConsensusIntervalSets(peak_grs, min_number = 2, min_fraction = 0) p_cons2_upset = ssvFeatureUpset(cons2_gr) + labs(title = paste(m, "consensus in any 2")) p_cons2_upset
I want to cast a wide net so I'll carry forward peaks called in any of the 4 samples.
qgr = sample(resize(olaps_gr, 3e3, fix = "center"), length(olaps_gr)) options(mc.cores = 30) prof_dt = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(i_bam_config_dt, qgr, "signal")), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(i_bam_config_dt, qgr, n_region_splits = 50, return_data.table = TRUE) }) prof_dt.igg = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(bam_igg_config_dt, qgr, "igg")), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(bam_igg_config_dt, qgr, n_region_splits = 50, return_data.table = TRUE) }) set.seed(0) norm_dt = append_ynorm(prof_dt, aggFUN2 = function(x)quantile(x, .99)) sel_id =names(subset(qgr, DF4_IKAROS_REP1 | DF4_IKAROS_REP2))
Keeping in mind that read death is very similar across these 4 samples. We have 1 very strong WT rep.
clust_dt = ssvSignalClustering(norm_dt[!id %in% sel_id], fill_ = "y", max_rows = 2e3) ssvSignalHeatmap(clust_dt, facet_ = "name", fill_ = "y", max_rows = Inf, fill_limits = c(0, 80)) + labs(title = "no normalization", subtitle = "no DF4, only WT peaks")
clust_dt = ssvSignalClustering(norm_dt[id %in% sel_id], fill_ = "y", max_rows = 2e3) ssvSignalHeatmap(clust_dt, facet_ = "name", fill_ = "y", max_rows = Inf, fill_limits = c(0, 80)) + labs(title = "no normalization", subtitle = "DF4 peaks, can be WT")
If we apply normalization, DF4 looks basically like WT.
clust_dt = ssvSignalClustering(norm_dt[!id %in% sel_id], fill_ = "y_norm", max_rows = 2e3) ssvSignalHeatmap(clust_dt, facet_ = "name", fill_ = "y_norm", max_rows = Inf)+ labs(title = "normalized", subtitle = "no DF4, only WT peaks") agg_dt = clust_dt[, .(y = mean(y), y_norm = mean(y_norm)), .(name, x, cluster_id, cell_simple)] ggplot(agg_dt, aes(x = x, y = y_norm, color = cell_simple)) + geom_path() + facet_grid(cluster_id~name) + scale_color_manual(values = cell_colors)+ labs(title = "normalized", subtitle = "no DF4, only WT peaks")
In broad strokes, all 4 samples seem to have the same profile of enrichment, just at varying strengths.
clust_dt = ssvSignalClustering(norm_dt[id %in% sel_id], fill_ = "y_norm", max_rows = 2000) ssvSignalHeatmap(clust_dt, facet_ = "name", fill_ = "y_norm", max_rows = Inf)
Let's investigate this idea of same profiles at varying strengths further.
First, let's compare the WT replicates by plotting the maximum pileup at each peak region in a scatterplot, rep2 vs rep1.
my_scatter = function(x_name, y_name, trim = .002, plot_linear = TRUE){ xy_dt = ssvSignalScatterplot(prof_dt, x_name = x_name, y_name = y_name, xy_variable = "name", return_data = TRUE) xy_dt[, trimmed := xval < quantile(xval, trim) | xval > quantile(xval, 1-trim) | yval < quantile(yval, trim) | yval > quantile(yval, 1-trim)] xy_dt[, lg_xval := log2(xval + 1)] xy_dt[, lg_yval := log2(yval + 1)] lm_coef = coef(lm(yval~0+xval, xy_dt[trimmed == FALSE])) xs = c(1, max(xy_dt[trimmed == FALSE]$xval)) if(length(lm_coef) == 1){ ys = xs*lm_coef[1] slope = lm_coef[1] }else{ ys = lm_coef[1] + lm_coef[2]*xs slope = lm_coef[2] } lg_xs = log2(xs) lg_ys = log2(ys) p_wt_2_vs_1.linear = ggplot(xy_dt[trimmed == FALSE], aes(x = xval, y = yval)) + geom_point(alpha = .2, shape = 19) + labs(x = x_name, y = y_name) + annotate("line", x = xs, y = ys, color = "blue")+ labs(subtitle = paste("slope is", round(slope, 3))) + theme(panel.background = element_blank()) p_wt_2_vs_1 = ggplot(xy_dt, aes(x = lg_xval, y = lg_yval, color = trimmed)) + geom_point(shape = 19) + labs(x = x_name, y = y_name) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x)2^round(x)) + scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x)2^round(x))+ annotate("line", x = lg_xs, y = lg_ys, color = "blue")+ labs(subtitle = paste("slope is", round(slope, 3))) + scale_color_manual(values = c("TRUE" = "gray80", "FALSE" = "black"))+ theme(panel.background = element_blank()) # geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) if(plot_linear){ p_wt_2_vs_1.linear }else{ p_wt_2_vs_1 } }
my_scatter( x_name = "WT_IKAROS_REP1", y_name = "WT_IKAROS_REP2" ) my_scatter( x_name = "WT_IKAROS_REP1", y_name = "DF4_IKAROS_REP1" ) my_scatter( x_name = "WT_IKAROS_REP1", y_name = "DF4_IKAROS_REP2" )
Same plots but in log scale
my_scatter( x_name = "WT_IKAROS_REP1", y_name = "WT_IKAROS_REP2", plot_linear = FALSE ) my_scatter( x_name = "WT_IKAROS_REP1", y_name = "DF4_IKAROS_REP1", plot_linear = FALSE ) my_scatter( x_name = "WT_IKAROS_REP1", y_name = "DF4_IKAROS_REP2", plot_linear = FALSE )
My interpretation of slope here is a that it represents the relative efficiency of these samples. The lower relative efficiency in the DF4 samples probably has a biological basis but there is a high degree of technical variation too.
avg_dt = prof_dt[, .(y = mean(y)), .(cell, mark, id, x)] df_1 = data.frame(id = names(qgr), group = ifelse(qgr$DF4_IKAROS_REP1, "DF4_IKAROS_REP1", "-")) df_2 = data.frame(id = names(qgr), group = ifelse(qgr$DF4_IKAROS_REP2, "DF4_IKAROS_REP2", "-")) df_3 = data.frame(id = names(qgr), group = ifelse(qgr$WT_IKAROS_REP1, "WT_IKAROS_REP1", "-")) df_4 = data.frame(id = names(qgr), group = ifelse(qgr$WT_IKAROS_REP2, "WT_IKAROS_REP2", "-")) df_df4 = data.frame(id = names(qgr), group = ifelse(names(qgr) %in% sel_id, "DF4 peaks", "-")) df_all = ssvFactorizeMembTable(qgr) p_scatter = ssvSignalScatterplot(avg_dt, x_name = "WT", y_name = "DF4", xy_variable = "cell", fixed_coords = FALSE, color_table = df_df4) + labs(title = "Average DF4 vs WT max pileup") p_scatter + #annotate("line", x = c(0, 3e3), y = c(0, 3e3), linetype = 2) coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 2e3), ylim = c(0, 2e3)) + labs(subtitle = "showing outliers") p_scatter + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,150), ylim = c(0, 37.5)) + labs(subtitle = "zoom to main area")
Let's look at that group of peaks that are basically 0 in WT
xy_dt = ssvSignalScatterplot(avg_dt, x_name = "WT", y_name = "DF4", xy_variable = "cell", fixed_coords = FALSE, color_table = df_df4, return_data = TRUE) low_wt_ids = xy_dt[xval < 3]$id ggplot(xy_dt, aes(x = xval, y = yval, color = id %in% low_wt_ids)) + facet_wrap(~group) + geom_point()+ coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,150), ylim = c(0, 37.5)) ssvSignalHeatmap(rbind(prof_dt, prof_dt.igg)[id %in% low_wt_ids], facet_ = "name_split")
Signal only in 1 rep for DF4 Ikaros that matches IGG in WT (but not DF4 oddly. oh it's because peaks were called vs DF4 IGG, duh).
My verdict : artifacts
Next let's look at the really high pileup peaks. Remember, these were ignored in the slope analysis.
high_ids = xy_dt[xval > 350 | yval > 150]$id ggplot(xy_dt, aes(x = xval, y = yval, color = id %in% high_ids)) + facet_wrap(~group) + geom_point() + labs(y = "avg DF4 pileup", x = "avg WT pileup") ssvSignalHeatmap(rbind(prof_dt, prof_dt.igg)[id %in% high_ids], facet_ = "name_split", fill_limits = c(0, 2000))
The peaks consistently have signal in IGG comparable to Ikaros samples.
My verdict : artifacts.
Now we'll look at ATAC-seq after removing these artifact sites.
prof_dt.cleaned = prof_dt[id %in% names(qgr.cleaned)] prof_dt.igg.cleaned = prof_dt.igg[id %in% names(qgr.cleaned)] qgr.cleaned = qgr[setdiff(names(qgr), c(high_ids, low_wt_ids))]
atac_wd = "/slipstream/home/joeboyd/R/seqqc/PR_selected/atac" atac_bam_files = dir(atac_wd, pattern = ".bam$", full.names = TRUE) atac_config_dt = data.table(file = atac_bam_files) atac_config_dt[, c("cell", "time", "treatment", "rep") := tstrsplit(basename(file), "_", keep = 1:4)] atac_config_dt[, name := paste(cell, treatment, rep, sep = "_")] atac_config_dt[, name_split := paste(cell, treatment, rep, sep = "\n")] atac_config_dt$name = factor(atac_config_dt$name, levels = atac_config_dt$name) atac_config_dt$name_split = factor(atac_config_dt$name_split, levels = atac_config_dt$name_split) atac_config_dt$name_split = factor(atac_config_dt$name_split, levels = rev(levels(prof_dt.atac$name_split))) atac_config_dt$name = factor(atac_config_dt$name, levels = rev(levels(prof_dt.atac$name))) atac_config_dt[, mapped_reads := get_mapped_reads(file), .(file)]
sl_tab =table(seqnames(qgr.cleaned)) sl = names(sl_tab[sl_tab>0]) seqlevels(qgr.cleaned) = sl prof_dt.atac = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(atac_config_dt, qgr.cleaned, "igg")), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(atac_config_dt, qgr.cleaned, n_region_splits = 50, return_data.table = TRUE) }) qgr.cleaned.centered = centerGRangesAtMax(prof_dt.atac, qgr.cleaned, width = 3e3) prof_dt.atac = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(atac_config_dt, qgr.cleaned.centered, "igg")), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(atac_config_dt, qgr.cleaned.centered, n_region_splits = 50, return_data.table = TRUE) }) clust_dt.atac = ssvSignalClustering(prof_dt.atac, facet_ = "name_split") ssvSignalHeatmap(clust_dt.atac, facet_ = "name_split", fill_limits = c(0, 500)) cap_dt = atac_config_dt[, .(name, mapped_reads)] cap_dt[, y_cap_value := mapped_reads/1e6] norm_dt.atac = append_ynorm(prof_dt.atac, cap_dt = cap_dt, by2 = "name", do_not_cap = TRUE) ssvSignalHeatmap(norm_dt.atac, facet_ = "name_split", fill_ = "y_norm", fill_limits = c(0, 20)) norm_dt.atac[, y_relative := y_norm / max(y_norm, 1), .(id)] ssvSignalHeatmap(norm_dt.atac, facet_ = "name_split", fill_ = "y_relative", fill_limits = c(0, 1))
Nothing convincing there. Let's look at the diff results.
diff_files = dir(dir(dir(atac_wd, full.names = TRUE), full.names = TRUE), pattern = "sig", full.names = TRUE) names(diff_files) = sub(".res.+", "", basename(diff_files)) dff_dtl = lapply(diff_files, fread) diff_grs = lapply(dff_dtl, GRanges) ssvFeatureUpset(list(IKAROS = qgr.cleaned.centered, ATAC_diff = reduce(unlist(GRangesList(diff_grs))))) memb.atac = ssvOverlapIntervalSets(c(list(IKAROS = qgr.cleaned.centered), diff_grs), use_first = TRUE) any_diff = rowSums([,-1]) > 0 memb.atac.diff = memb.atac[any_diff] any_diff_ids = names(subsetByOverlaps(qgr.cleaned.centered, memb.atac[any_diff])) ssvFeatureUpset(memb.atac) + labs(title = "IKAROS sites with diff ATAC results")
So there are a few hundred Ikaros sites with diff ATAC.
Let's look at them.
set.seed(0) clust_dt.diff = ssvSignalClustering(norm_dt.atac[id %in% any_diff_ids], nclust = 6, facet_ = "name_split", fill_ = "y_relative") agg_dt.diff = clust_dt.diff[, .(y = mean(y), y_norm = mean(y_norm), y_relative = mean(y_relative)), .(x, name, name_split, cluster_id, cell, treatment)] p_cell = ggplot(agg_dt.diff, aes(x = x, y = y_relative, color = cell, group = name_split)) + geom_path() + facet_grid(cluster_id~treatment) + scale_color_manual(values = cell_colors) p_treat = ggplot(agg_dt.diff, aes(x = x, y = y_relative, color = treatment, group = name_split)) + geom_path() + facet_grid(cluster_id~cell) + scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") assign_dt.diff = unique(clust_dt.diff[, .(id, cluster_id)]) diff_dt = ssvFetchGRanges(diff_grs, qgr.cleaned.centered[any_diff_ids], return_data.table = TRUE) diff_dt = merge(diff_dt, assign_dt.diff, by = "id") diff_dt$id = factor(diff_dt$id, levels = levels(assign_dt.diff$id)) p_heat_atac = ssvSignalHeatmap(clust_dt.diff, facet_ = "name_split", fill_ = "y_relative", fill_limits = c(0, 1), show_cluster_bars = TRUE) + labs(title = "ATAC reads at IKAROS sites that have diff ATAC") p_heat_diff = ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(diff_dt, facet_ = "sample", fill_ = "y", fill_limits = c(0, 1))+ labs(title = "diff ATAC call at IKAROS sites that have diff ATAC") pg = cowplot::plot_grid(p_heat_atac, p_heat_diff, p_cell, p_treat) ggsave("tmp.png", pg, width = 14, height = 12)
prof_dt.all = rbind(prof_dt, prof_dt.igg, prof_dt.atac, fill = TRUE) norm_dt.all = append_ynorm(prof_dt.all) norm_dt.all[, y_relative := y_norm / max(y_norm, 1), .(id)] norm_dt.all$name_split = droplevels(norm_dt.all$name_split) # clust_dt.all = ssvSignalClustering(norm_dt.all[id %in% any_diff_ids], facet_ = "name_split", fill_ = "y") clust_dt.all = norm_dt.all[id %in% diff_dt$id] clust_dt.all = merge(clust_dt.all, assign_dt.diff, by = "id") clust_dt.all$id = factor(clust_dt.all$id, levels = levels(assign_dt.diff$id)) ssvSignalHeatmap(clust_dt.all, fill_ = "y", facet_ = "name_split", fill_limits = c(0, 50)) + labs(fill = "read pileup", title = "")
diff_olaps = ssvOverlapIntervalSets(diff_grs) ssvFeatureUpset(diff_olaps) qgr.no_ik = subsetByOverlaps(diff_olaps, qgr, invert = TRUE) prof_dt.atac.no_ik.raw = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(atac_config_dt, qgr.no_ik, "igg")), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(atac_config_dt, qgr.no_ik, n_region_splits = 50, return_data.table = TRUE) }) qgr.no_ik.centered = centerGRangesAtMax(prof_dt.atac.no_ik.raw, qgr.no_ik, width = 3e3) prof_dt.atac.no_ik.raw = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(atac_config_dt, qgr.no_ik.centered, "igg")), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(atac_config_dt, qgr.no_ik.centered, n_region_splits = 50, return_data.table = TRUE) }) prof_dt.no_ik = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(i_bam_config_dt, qgr.no_ik.centered, "signal")), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(i_bam_config_dt, qgr.no_ik.centered, n_region_splits = 50, return_data.table = TRUE) }) prof_dt.igg.no_id = bfcif(bfc, digest::digest(list(bam_igg_config_dt, qgr.no_ik.centered, "igg")), function(){ ssvFetchBamPE(bam_igg_config_dt, qgr.no_ik.centered, n_region_splits = 50, return_data.table = TRUE) })
prof_dt.atac.no_ik = append_ynorm(prof_dt.atac.no_ik.raw) prof_dt.atac.no_ik[,y_relative := y_norm / max(y_norm, 1), .(id)] atac_clust_dt.no_ik = ssvSignalClustering(prof_dt.atac.no_ik, fill_ = "y_relative", nclust = 4) atac_assign_dt.no_ik = unique(atac_clust_dt.no_ik[, .(id, cluster_id)]) ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(prof_dt.atac.no_ik, fill_ = "y_relative", facet_ = "name_split") prof_dt.no_ik = merge(prof_dt.no_ik, atac_assign_dt.no_ik, by = "id") prof_dt.no_ik$id = factor(prof_dt.no_ik$id, levels = levels(atac_assign_dt.no_ik$id)) prof_dt.igg.no_id = merge(prof_dt.igg.no_id, atac_assign_dt.no_ik, by = "id") prof_dt.igg.no_id$id = factor(prof_dt.igg.no_id$id, levels = levels(atac_assign_dt.no_ik$id)) ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(prof_dt.no_ik, fill_ = "y", facet_ = "name_split", fill_limits = c(0, 50)) ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(prof_dt.igg.no_id, fill_ = "y", facet_ = "name_split", fill_limits = c(0, 50)) agg_dt.no_ik = rbind(atac_clust_dt.no_ik, prof_dt.no_ik, prof_dt.igg.no_id, fill = TRUE) agg_dt.no_ik = agg_dt.no_ik[, .(y = mean(y)), .(cluster_id, x, name_split, cell, mark, treatment)] agg_dt.no_ik[, mark := paste("ATAC", treatment)] agg_dt.no_ik[, cell := sub("X", "", cell)] agg_dt.no_ik[, y_plot := y] agg_dt.no_ik[!grepl("ATAC", mark), y_plot := y * 20] ggplot(agg_dt.no_ik, aes(x = x, y = y_plot, color = cell, group = name_split)) + geom_path() + facet_grid(cluster_id~mark, scales = "free_y")
Next steps?
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